Sugar news, articles and information:
 | 12/1/2016 - The threat of being subjected to a government sugar tax is prompting British beverage manufacturers to reduce sugar content by more than 50 percent in their products.
British supermarket chain Tesco recently announced it will cut sugar levels in all 251 of its soft drink products to less than 5 grams...
 | 11/2/2016 - Just in case you needed another reason to stay away from artificial sweeteners, a new study has revealed that diet colas can actually interfere with your chances of becoming pregnant during IVF, or in vitro fertilization.
IVF is not cheap, and the process of preparing for it can be quite lengthy....
 | 11/2/2016 - Diet soda is the health-conscious choice for those watching their weight, right? It has no sugar, and saves on calories, while still satisfying the sugary urge through artificial sweeteners like aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), saccharin (SugarTwin, Sweet'N Low), acesulfame potassium (Sunett, Sweet One)...
 | 10/26/2016 - Many people have been persuaded to ditch their conventional, sugar-laden sodas for diet versions, due to the mainstream belief that diet products are healthier. After all, they don't contain real sugar, so they must be better for you, right? Not so much. Research continues to find evidence that these...
 | 10/24/2016 - For some people, losing weight is a no-brainer – eat less and move more, right? If it's so simple, why can't everyone do it? It turns out that if you've been eating a diet full of refined sugar and fat, you could actually be suffering from brain damage that stunts your ability to determine how...
 | 10/16/2016 - Sugar is an addiction similar to alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. It feels and tastes good while we are consuming it, but it can destroy your body and mind on the long-term. By now, we all know that soda is addictive and wreaking havoc on our system. Therefore we often opt for what we think is a healthier...
 | 10/14/2016 - You can prevent and cure gestational diabetes, and lower your child's risk of autism!
• Xanthurenic acid (XA)—a tryptophan metabolite—is high in serum in gestational diabetes
• Xanthurenic acid binds insulin, impeding it's action
• Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid levels...
 | 10/14/2016 - Over the last several years, sugar has been cast as one of the primary causes of our ever-declining health. Given that the amount of sugar we consume each year has been on the rise for decades, it's really no surprise.
According to a 2014 press release from the Obesity Society, average added sugar...
 | 10/4/2016 - Sugar and red meat are two food products that have had a stranglehold on the processed food industry. They are both very enjoyable (to the majority of the people, save the vegans and diabetics), and to some extent, addictive.
Both have been subject to studies that exposed their respective underbellies:...
 | 9/26/2016 - Gatorade has recently launched a new line of products for the sole purpose of deceiving health-minded individuals. "G Organic" is Gatorade's attempt at remaining en vogue, as consumers become less interested in artificial colorants, and more concerned about what they are actually putting into their...
 | 9/22/2016 - A study from the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EGW) has found that the average American kid is consuming 10 pounds of sugar each year - from breakfast cereal alone.
The comprehensive analysis included an examination of 1,556 cereals, including 181 that were specifically marketed to children,...
 | 9/19/2016 - The sugar industry launched a campaign in the 1960s to downplay evidence linking sugar consumption to America's rising cardiovascular disease rates, and blame saturated fats instead, according to a new report released earlier this month.
A researcher at the University of California, San Francisco,...
 | 9/2/2016 - A new report from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, has determined that anything more than six teaspoons (not tablespoons) of sugar per day is "dangerous" for children's health, according to the Daily Mail.
The revelations are alarming considering the fact that most kids today...
 | 8/29/2016 - Sugar is everywhere. In addition to naturally occurring in your favorite fruits and vegetables, sugar is also added to most commercially prepared and prepacked foods. Sugar's increasing prevalence in our world may be making our food sweeter, but it is also having a hugely negative impact on the health...
 | 8/26/2016 - With over 29 million Americans currently suffering from diabetes - and a staggering 86 million with blood sugar high enough to be classed as "pre-diabetes" – this health issue has reached epidemic proportions. Even the slow-to-respond CDC states that 15 to 30 percent of those with pre-diabetes...
 | 8/7/2016 - Iced drinks served by fast food chains may be refreshing on a hot summer day, but they also contain a staggering amount of sugar. To give you an idea, one Starbucks Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino contains 13 teaspoons of sugar.
Helen Bond, State registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British...
 | 8/1/2016 - America's "health" authorities have again been caught conspiring with Big Food to ensure their products remain on the market and lucrative, despite mounting evidence of causing widespread, chronic illness among millions of people.
The latest example of collusion between the food industry and the...
 | 7/30/2016 - All it takes is one trip to the local mall to learn why nearly 20 percent of American children between the ages of 6 and 11 are obese. While the healthy food movement has sparked a revolution, encouraging food makers to churn out healthier products, junk food and its aggressive marketing remains largely...
 | 7/20/2016 - We all know that sugar is very bad for our health, but it can still be extremely difficult to break free of the habit. Sugar can cause diabetes and inflammation, it can feed cancer cells, and it's responsible for much of the global obesity epidemic. Nevertheless, it is still being consumed in shocking...
 | 6/22/2016 - HFCS is ubiquitous in the modern processed food supply. It's added to pizza sauce, salad dressings, ketchup and "whole wheat" breads. Did you know it's often contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury?
The following excerpt is from my new book Food Forensics, available now for preorder on
 | 6/12/2016 - In 2016, approximately 1,685,210 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S., and more than 595,690 Americans will die from the disease, according to the National Cancer Institute. It is thought that the most common cancers to be diagnosed this year will be:
Breast cancerLung and bronchus cancerProstate...
 | 6/8/2016 - With so much reputable research having been done, not only on the negative health impacts of sugar on humans, but also on sugar's addictive effects, it is strange to many that the sweet substance isn't more heavily regulated (or even banned) as marijuana is in many states and on the federal level.
 | 6/3/2016 - With obesity on the rise in America, the incidence of diabetes has also climbed dramatically, and this is especially true, unfortunately, among our youth.
According to the American Diabetes Association, in 2012 – the latest year for which data is available – 29.1 million Americans, or...
 | 5/22/2016 - Naturopathic medicine and alternative health treatments are much more than just a fad; they are legitimately becoming the go-to form of healthcare for millions of people all over the world. And why not? Many of "today's" natural treatments and remedies have been around for centuries and were well known...
 | 4/1/2016 - Although more and more people are jumping on board the natural foods bandwagon, the bulk of the American diet still consists of ultra-processed foods. That is at least according to the insights of a recent study published in the online journal BMJ Open, which found that ultra-processed foods account...
 | 3/20/2016 - New research indicates that smoking isn't the only high-risk activity when it comes to developing lung cancer. It would seem that a diet high in sugar and starches could be a major cause as well, NBC News reports, even for non-smokers.
Researchers have discovered that people who remember eating more...
 | 3/14/2016 - A study conducted by Dr. Nicole Avena of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, has found that sugar consumption and addictive behaviors are closely linked. Just how bad could a sugar addiction be, you ask? Sadly, the study suggests that it's eight times more addictive than cocaine.
If that...
 | 3/4/2016 - A growing body of research suggests that a Western diet high in sugar and fat may cause brain damage, which in turn reduces your ability to decide how much you should eat, according to an article published in The Conversation by American University neuroscientists Terry Davidson and Camille Sample.
 | 2/29/2016 - Imagine constantly being yelled at, physically harmed, and witnessing traumatic events on a daily basis. Obviously, such abuse and stress isn't healthy or enjoyable, so you'd do your best to try to avoid such situations, right?
Well, according to a recent study published in Frontiers in Molecular...
 | 2/21/2016 - Most of us wake up every morning with a commitment to getting healthy and losing some extra pounds. We all promise ourselves that we'll have a salad instead of a pizza, some fruit instead of chocolate, and a nice piece of salmon for dinner. Our resolve is normally fine for the morning – but by...
 | 2/18/2016 - For a generation of people who weren't used to take-out for their dinners, McMuffins for their breakfast and a lot of sugary snacks in between, obesity doesn't seem like a legitimate concern. After all, when most of what you eat is home-cooked, the chances of developing health issues due to your diet...
 | 2/11/2016 - Citing consumer discomfort with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Hershey has begun to transition its sugar sourcing away from GMO sugar beets, and toward non-GMO sugarcane.
"More than three-quarters of the sugar we are using today is cane sugar – and as we get into 2016, our expectation...
 | 2/6/2016 - In a new campaign, Public Health England (PHE) is now urging parents to pay more attention to the amount of sugar in food and drink after studies have found young children consume more than three times the Recommended Dietary Allowance.(1)
The alarming statistics from health officials...
 | 1/30/2016 - Major soft drink and cereal manufacturers in Britain have pledged to reduce sugar content in their products, but only to avoid a new 'sugar tax' being considered by Prime Minister David Cameron.
Cereal giant Kellogg's has promised to use 723 tons less sugar in all its cereals starting in 2016, including...
 | 11/12/2015 - Sugar causes even more health damage than has been previously believed, suggests a study conducted by researchers from Touro University and the University of California-San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital that was published in the journal Obesity.
The researchers found that when they replaced...
 | 10/18/2015 - Sugary drinks such as Coke and Pepsi kill nearly 200,000 people per year worldwide, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University and published in the journal Circulation.
The numbers are based on prior studies showing that sugar consumption can lead to heart disease, diabetes...
 | 10/7/2015 11:26:31 AM - While deep down we all know that too much sugar and alcohol can be unhealthy, many of us just don't seem to care or realize how much we actually consume and how our consumption impacts our overall health.
A Dutch filmmaker, Sacha Harland from The Hague, took up the challenge to go without added sugar,...
 | 9/28/2015 - Did you ever see the movie Little Shop of Horrors? If you did, you'll remember that cute, little, alien plant pleading, "Feed me, Seymour!" If you live with an overgrowth of Candida, you have a billion little monsters crying, "Feed me, Seymour!" all day, every day. Their addiction and food of choice?...
 | 8/30/2015 - A diet high in processed grains such as white bread, white flour and sugar could increase the risk of depression in older women, according to a study conducted by researchers from Columbia University that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In contrast, a diet high in whole...
 | 8/28/2015 - At least one butterfly species has evolved the ability to drug ants into defending its larvae, according to a study conducted by researchers from Kobe University that was published in the journal Current Biology. This drugging takes place by means of a sugary liquid that the caterpillars secrete and...
 | 8/21/2015 - Cancer remains one of the most-researched diseases all around the world, as international scientists work on research to broaden the understanding of every aspect of this disease – why and how it develops, grows and spreads within the human body. This knowledge hopefully then translates into medical...
 | 8/13/2015 - Cinnamon conjures memories of hot teas, gingerbread cookies and spiced foods that are so closely tied to the long and cold winter months. But even in the heat of summer, "warming" cinnamon can be used for a multitude of health benefits.
Historically, cinnamon has been used in perfume, as a holy anointing...
 | 8/9/2015 - Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as sodas can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes even in people of healthy weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cambridge University and published in the British Medical Journal.
The study also found an increased (though smaller) risk...
 | 7/12/2015 - Candida is a more common problem than most people realize. The right supplements can certainly help, but unfortunately, Candida albicans and other species of Candida (there are over 20 of them) will bounce back if you do not follow the most effective and necessary change – radically changing your...
 | 6/27/2015 - When it comes to our diet, taste and health should go hand in hand, with each of them being considered equally before consumption. Sure, sugary and salty concoctions taste really good, but is it really worth sacrificing your health for something tasty?
Big Food thinks so. In fact, all they're interested...
 | 6/15/2015 - Newsflash: In case you haven't heard the news, sugar is bad for you. Well, of course you know this - there is hardly a soul on the planet who hasn't heard of the evils of sugar. After all, just about every magazine, health blog, website and health guru is shouting it from the rooftops.
So, if you...
 | 6/11/2015 - When someone downs a Starbucks venti frappuccino, it's probably not the caffeine keeping them addicted, antsy, and wide-eyed. Instead, they are hyper and jumping all over the place because they just downed about 30 cubes of sugar! That's how much sugar is in the new Starbucks Cinnamon Roll venti frappucccino.
 | 5/23/2015 - How is it that a product that can make people gain weight is allowed to be labeled as "diet"? Doesn't that word imply that it aids in shedding pounds and is something that those hoping to lose or maintain weight should gravitate towards?
Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc.'s advertising and overall branding...
 | 5/17/2015 - "The $1 trillion industrial food system is the biggest drug dealer around, responsible for contributing to tens of millions of deaths every year and siphoning trillions of dollars from our global economy through the loss of human and natural capital," asserted Dr. Mark Hyman in the article "Sweet poison:...
 | 5/13/2015 - Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have discovered that middle-aged people who did not properly manage their blood sugar levels were almost 20 percent more likely to have cognitive issues later in their life than middle-aged people with normal blood sugar levels.(1)
 | 5/10/2015 - A new experiment from the University of California, Davis, brings new understanding to how comfort foods work and how sugar functions like "brain crack," ultimately addicting comfort eaters. In the study, sugar was found to be a stress suppressant, limiting the stress hormone cortisol. Like a drug,...
 | 4/22/2015 - While onion is often thought of as a food that brings tears to eyes upon cutting or something that temporarily makes breath unpleasant, a recent finding presented by the Endocrine Society revealed that it's a health food superstar with the potential to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
 | 4/11/2015 - As word continues to spread about the damaging health effects of refined sugar, the number of commercially available sugar alternatives has also increased. Unfortunately, many sugar alternatives can be just as undesirable as sugar itself. Saccharin and acesulfame K, for example, are unnatural products...
 | 4/8/2015 - The sugar industry and the federal government have been colluding since the 1960s to boost consumption of the commodity as it knowingly hid the detrimental effects of its product, choosing instead to foist another harmful substance on society.
According to Vocativ, the collusion was laid bare in...
 | 3/20/2015 - Around 20 years ago, food labels were introduced to help Americans consume a healthier and more nutritious diet. Recently, the FDA looked at these labels and came up with a list of possible changes, which they felt were necessary to meet the needs of the American public and create more transparency...
 | 3/18/2015 - Historical evidence credits ancient Babylonians (5,000 B.C.) with creating vinegar or "sour wine" stemming from the French origin "vin airgre." The benefits were not overlooked by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, who historically used apple cider vinegar (ACV), or cider vinegar, to treat wounds...
 | 3/11/2015 - Obviously, there's sugars. Most everyone who has studied Candida knows that any and all sugars feed yeast. On the other hand, all whole foods contain sugars, and every creature needs sugar to survive, including us. The trick is to eat the unrefined sugars in whole foods that have other nutrients bound...
 | 3/10/2015 - The Corn Refiners Association is now labeling high fructose corn syrup as fructose. Packing on products such as General Mills Vanilla Chex cereal now states the product contains no high fructose corn syrup, while the ingredients list contains the simple word, "fructose." This fructose is actually a...
 | 3/7/2015 - It's odd how scientific studies have come to corroborate what is seen and known by many, yet long-term comprehensive dots are not connected in the overall scheme of things in the "scientific community." The studies don't lead to any remedial action from the FDA, such as curbing sugar content in high-sugar...
 | 2/25/2015 - To enhance your coffee drinking pleasure and avoid the toxic flavored creamers on the market, here are 25 ways to do that. First the basic instructions.
Choose the milk and cream or half-and-half that's as healthy as possible, usually organic grass-fed cows will give you that. If you prefer non-dairy...
 | 2/20/2015 - Young girls who frequently consume sugary drinks such as soda and other drinks with added sugar tend to start their menstrual cycles earlier than those who don't, according to new research that was published in late January in Human Reproduction, one of the world's leading reproductive medicine journals.
 | 2/17/2015 - The best kind of sugar for the body is either contained in fruits as pectin or organic honey and organic maple syrup. Pectin is the natural fiber found primarily in citrus fruits and apples, and it binds to cholesterol, helping flush it from the blood. You could lower your bad cholesterol by as much...
 | 2/2/2015 8:12:54 AM - It's been consumed for decades in Japan to help manage diabetes. Primal enthusiasts embrace it as a near perfect alternative to sugar. And health advocates love that it adds sweetness to food without the drawbacks of excess calories or the downfalls of artificial sweeteners. Stevia -- it's the darling...
 | 1/19/2015 - When fructose is discussed, it's usually not just about normal natural sugars in fruits like apples, pears and watermelons. It's usually about high-fructose corns syrup (HFCS).
It is ubiquitous in processed foods, especially sodas, because it packs more sweetness per gram than sugar and it's cheaper....
 | 1/14/2015 - One of the worst things you can do to your body is feed it sugar -- not necessarily natural sugar like the kind found in fruit, but refined sugar. A team of scientists from the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) recently pored through more than 8,000 scientific papers on how sugar affects...
 | 12/1/2014 - Story by Daisy Luther, republished from Eat Local Grown with additional editing by Natural News.
What's the most controversial topic at the grocery store these days?
It's GMOs.
Should you consume them? Are they okay in moderation? Should you strictly avoid them at all times? And if so, how...
 | 11/26/2014 - This Thanksgiving, I want you to stay healthy while enjoying the celebration of abundance the holiday represents. That means knowing which Thanksgiving foods to enjoy vs. avoid, and that's what this article is all about.
To eat in a healthy way on Thanksgiving, you don't have to be a food snob and...
 | 11/3/2014 - Soda, pop, soda pop, coke, whatever you might call it depending on which part of the country you're from, this sugary drink is still by far one of the worst things that you can put into your body, and the research continues to substantiate this claim.
Published in the American Journal of Public Health,...
 | 11/3/2014 - Millions of prohibitionist-minded Americans have been exposed as complete hypocrites by research proving that refined sugar is more addictive than even hard drugs like cocaine. A compilation of scientific evaluations looking at both sugar and synthetic sweeteners reveals that these omnipresent substances...
 | 10/20/2014 8:19:50 PM - You make a resolution. You are going to eat plenty of organic produce every day. No more junk food. And then it hits--those cravings. You have to have chocolate. You'll die without a chocolate!
Chocolate's my thing. So is pasta. For many it's breads, cookies, white rice, yogurt, sugary smoothies,...
 | 9/17/2014 - When we eat sugar or carbohydrates our digestive system converts these larger molecules into glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream and taken to cells throughout the body. Blood sugar fuels cells, keeping them healthy, making it critical to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Key antioxidant...
 | 9/9/2014 - Agrimony is a plant that is closely related to the rose family and grows in the temperate regions of Asia, Europe and North America. Starting with the early Greek civilization, agrimony has accumulated a long history of being used to treat a wide array of illnesses. The Greeks recommended using it in...
 | 9/6/2014 - Engrossed in yet another legal battle, Whole Foods is being accused of falsely labeling the ingredients in the grocer's 365 Everyday Value Plain Greek Yogurt, according to a report by Courthouse News Service.
The same lawyers who sued Subway over the lengths of their foot-long sandwiches have filed...
 | 9/4/2014 - Sugar is now considered the "devil's food" thanks to a brilliant physician and prolific author exposing the hidden truth about it in his new book. Dr. Robert Lustig studies what sugars do to entire populations around the world, so this is no "end the cravings" novel or "sugar for dummies" information...
 | 8/26/2014 - The dangers of sugar on oral health are heavily documented. Its adverse effects on weight and obesity, issues that are becoming increasingly common, have been emphasized a great deal in the past few decades as well. Now, new hazards when it comes to consuming too much sugar can be added to the roster:...
 | 8/21/2014 - There are phases we typically go through while learning to eat right and take control of our health. We tend to replace our bad habits with less harmful, but still bad habits.
Relying on supplements
On the road to health, we often turn to supplements and tinctures for a quick fix. They usually work...
 | 8/21/2014 - According to News Daily, a CDC study has determined that two out five people born between 2000 and 2011 are expected to develop diabetes type 2.
This rate is double what it was two decades ago for men, and it's a 50 percent increase for women. Currently, 29 million people suffer from mostly diabetes...
 | 8/13/2014 - Most of us love sugar. Even us health-nuts. People with the strictest diets are still so often unwilling to give up their sugar. Agave nectar, raw honey, brown rice syrup, sugar cane juice, apple juice, and sugar in the raw are just a few of the many examples of sugars being considered healthy. But...
 | 7/16/2014 - Consuming large amounts of sweets can wreak all sorts of havoc on a body. Of course, there is the obesity issue, in which sweets can contribute to a weight problem. The effects of sugar can also cause health problems, such as throwing the body's system for sugar regulation out of whack or making a person...
 | 7/14/2014 - Weight loss resistance is characterized by the inability to maintain an appropriate weight despite exercise and dieting. This is due to hormones and inflammation. Weight gain and particularly abdominal fat is a classic sign of insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. There are natural compounds...
 | 7/13/2014 - High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is used to sweeten many food products, like popular ketchup brands, pancake syrups and barbecue sauces. The grocery store is loaded with HFCS food concoctions, but the greatest concern regarding health is probably sodas, since these beverages are easily consumed en masse.
 | 7/5/2014 - North Americans are catching on to the benefits of yacon syrup, a traditional South American food that may help prevent or even treat a myriad of digestive and metabolic health conditions.
Yacon syrup is derived from the tuberous roots of the yacon plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius), a sunflower relative...
 | 7/2/2014 - Junk food manufacturers are constantly developing new tactics to capture the public's dollar. The low-fat, sugar-free craze, for instance, has generated a profusion of "diet" junk foods laced with artificial sweetener chemicals like sucralose (Splenda) and aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), both of which...
 | 6/28/2014 - Two yogurt producers typically heralded in the health world as having healthy foods, Chobani and Fage, are facing a lawsuit by individuals claiming that customers are being misled by the products. (1) In two separate class action suits, Barry Stoltz of Westchester, New York, and Allan Chang of Queens,...
 | 6/24/2014 - The conventional wisdom recommending individuals decrease calories, increase exercise and then wait for the pounds to fall off is incorrect. A calorie is not a calorie. When one eats sugar or carbohydrates that quickly convert to sugar, fat is produced in the body. In contrast, if one eats healthy fats,...
 | 6/22/2014 - Over the past 25 years, the prevalence of diabetes has risen substantially in the U.S. (1) Today, nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, including 7 million people who have not been diagnosed. Almost 2 million men and women are diagnosed with diabetes each year -- that's more than 5,200 each day....
 | 6/20/2014 12:05:25 AM - All 12 studies in a May, 2014, meta-analysis found that sugar elevates blood pressure. The study called "Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages on Blood Pressure" was published in the American Journal of Cardiology.
Soft drinks easily earn the name "liquid candy," because they contain an average of...
 | 6/9/2014 - If you are a fan of the 1990s hit comedy series Seinfeld, perhaps you remember the episode in which Jerry and his friends began to suspect that the frozen yogurt sold in a store that Kramer has invested money in was responsible for the comedian's and Elaine's sudden weight gain. Jerry and Elaine have...
 | 6/6/2014 - Diabetes mellitus, according to the Mayo Clinic's disease definition page (1) is a group of diseases that all affect how your body processes the sugars that come from you diet. Commonly referred to as glucose, the sugar in your blood literally feeds all of your cells. Blood sugar is your body's energy...
 | 6/1/2014 - Your immune system works hard every day to keep you healthy. Here are six simple ways to give your immunity an immediate and effective boost.
Nature walks
Winding down and relaxing after a long, hard and stressful day does one's physical and mental health a world of good. Taking a walk is one...
 | 6/1/2014 - Just in case you needed yet another reason to stay away from added dietary sugar sources, nutritional scientists now confirm that our obsession with consuming sweets is killing us by dramatically increasing risk of death from cardiovascular disease and heart attack. A host of known risk factors including...
 | 5/31/2014 - This generation binges on and is addicted to refined sugars. Fructose, glucose, dextrose, sucrose (table/white sugar) and high-fructose corn syrup are some very common food components today. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of just how harmful to health the various types of sugar can be, particularly...
 | 5/29/2014 - The word Twinkie is clearly synonymous with unhealthy. As such, health-minded people consider yogurt to be a significantly better choice than the aforementioned processed snack. However, many experts have put this notion to rest, demonstrating that certain yogurts actually have more sugar than a Twinkie...
 | 5/28/2014 2:48:30 AM - Hearing your doctor say that you have diabetes is a life-altering moment. You know instinctively that everything about your life has changed. What you eat, how and when you exercise, whether you can travel and even the type of work you do will now be seen through the filter of this diagnosis. Nothing...
 | 5/27/2014 2:43:44 AM - There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 usually appears in childhood, and its symptoms can be quite abrupt and severe. Type 2 diabetes is more common, and its symtoms present more gradually. It can develop at any age and is considered preventable. Early symptoms of the disease can include fatigue, unexplained...
 | 5/27/2014 - For years, we've been told that dietary fat is bad for our health. Food marketers have made millions selling the fat-free myth, which clearly hasn't worked since more than one-third of America is now obese. In the new documentary film Fed Up, television journalist Katie Couric unveils sugar -- not fat...
 | 5/23/2014 - There are usually four choices of drink sweeteners at every convenient store, restaurant and coffee shop, and you're lucky if they are carrying a package that's brown and comes from Hawaii. Otherwise, if you're ripping the top off some "no calorie sweetener" whose name starts with an "S," an "N" or...
 | 5/15/2014 - It's no secret that added or unhealthy sugars can wreak havoc on the body. For example, the large quantities of sugar in sodas contribute to the obesity epidemic and throw blood sugar levels out of whack. Plus, the dangerous ingredients in artificial sweeteners are toxic to the body and can negatively...
 | 4/25/2014 - People who prefer to sweeten their foods do not have to rely solely on refined sugar or artificial sweeteners to accomplish the task. There are several sources that produce the sweet taste many people crave without adding the calories most people are constantly trying to avoid. The important thing when...
 | 4/20/2014 - When Eve O. Schaub could hardly get through one day before running out of energy, she chalked it up as normal, nodding her head in agreement over all the television commercials that constantly sell energy-boosting products. But after looking beyond the so-called promises of energy drinks, Schaub discovered...
 | 3/27/2014 - Despite all that is known regarding the nightmarish health problems associated with excessive sugar intake, the British government is refusing to act on or back new recommendations for lower daily sugar levels.
The reason? Most likely, we can chalk it up to conflict of interest.
According to Britain's...
 | 3/25/2014 1:13:16 PM - According to the American Diabetes Association 23.6 million Americans (7.8 percent of the population) have diabetes and another 57 million people (18.8 percent) have insulin-resistant pre-diabetes. The vast majority of diabetes is the type II variety known as degenerative diabetes.
The fasting blood...
 | 3/23/2014 - If you thought you were doing a pretty good job at controlling your sugar intake, you might not being doing as well as you think.
Or, more precisely, you might not be limiting sugar enough, at least according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
New guidelines issued recently by WHO say that...
 | 3/21/2014 - If politicians and law enforcement are so eager to protect Americans from themselves, then they should break in and raid people's homes, taking their boxes of sugar cookies, sugar cereals and sugar jars instead, because, frankly, sugar is way more dangerous and addictive than pot. The American majority...
 | 2/13/2014 - What if you discovered that a food you were consuming had the same effects on your body as a highly illegal drug and could lead to addiction, cravings, bingeing, chronic degeneration, and even death? In depth studies show that consuming sugar has the same effects on the body as taking heroin and cocaine.
 | 2/12/2014 - Many Americans were already aware that excessive sugar in their diets could cause a number of health problems, but a new study has found that too much of the sweet stuff can actually lead to premature death.
According to researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), too much...
 | 2/11/2014 - While sugarcane remains one of the world's leading crops, its refined version has become the subject of escalating scrutiny. The white crystals are devoid of nutrients and have a slew of negative effects on health, including diseases such as metabolic syndrome (Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol),...
 | 2/11/2014 - Many of us who have jumped on the lower-carb bandwagon have embraced xylitol as the darling of natural sugar substitutes. And yet, questionable manufacturing processes and the end product can be problematic - that is, a chemically extracted sugar alcohol the body is unable to fully digest which causes...
 | 1/27/2014 - It forms a big part of most modern-day diets, but research suggests that sugar consumption can impair immune function for a significant period of time, by as much as 50%.
Indeed, sugar has been described as "one of the food components most damaging to our immune system." [1]
What research suggests...
 | 1/18/2014 - It has been admitted by nutritional experts, even those who are paid by the sugar industry, that high levels of sugar in food is not only causing obesity, tooth decay and disease, but it is also addictive.
Sugar is an ingredient we are all familiar with. Many of us will add it to drinks and baking...
 | 11/23/2013 - White sugar has been found to increase the risk of developing different health problems, like interfering with normal insulin action, raising blood sugar levels and a lot more. Eating this or any foods that are rich in white sugar can even aggravate one's health problems. The most effective method of...
 | 11/21/2013 - Cinnamon is a frequent addition to holiday meals such as pumpkin pie and mulled cider. Cinnamon can also be used to lower blood sugar, treat the common cold and thin blood. In fact, the drug Coumadin is derived from a synthetic form of cinnamon. Used in Chinese medicine, cinnamon is derived from the...
 | 11/21/2013 - Sugar has definitely become the poster child of all things wrong with our health. Our overconsumption of the sweet white stuff has shouldered the blame for a rise in diabetes, obesity, attention problems, arthritis, cancer and several other diseases. So is ALL sugar bad, and what 'sweet' alternatives...
 | 11/20/2013 - Soda pop consumption is on the rise. Before 1950, the standard soft drink was 6.5 ounces. By 1960, the average serving size jumped to a 12 oz can, and today, 20 oz bottles have become the norm. It's easy to fill up a 44 oz foam cup of soda from any American gas station, and free refills are encouraged...
 | 11/19/2013 - For quite some time now we have been fed a steady diet of negative news about one thing or another when it comes to what we should and should not be eating (e.g., saturated fat). We have also been told steadily what constituents in our bodies we should fear (e.g., cholesterol) and offered various pharmaceutical...
 | 11/16/2013 9:21:41 AM - Spices have always been admired for their ability to improve the flavors of rudimentary dishes, and perhaps this will always remain their most loved feature. Despite their largely pragmatic uses in the kitchen, however, emerging studies continue to prove that many popular spices are nutritional powerhouses...
 | 11/11/2013 - The prevalent use of refined white cane sugar as a sweetener in foods and drinks is a serious contributing factor for a wide range of diseases, including cancer. Many alternatives, including aspartame and high-fructose - often GMO - corn syrup, are often even more dangerous to health than sugar. An...
 | 11/10/2013 - Growing consumer demand for a healthy, natural sweetener alternative that does not contain sugar or artificial chemicals has created a booming market for stevia extract and stevia-derived sweetener components, both of which are now added to thousands of consumer products and are even available in single-serving...
 | 11/10/2013 - Authorities in the U.K. are considering the implementation of a new tax that they claim will help curb obesity and promote healthier living. BBC News reports that a new study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that a 20 percent tax on sugary beverages like soda pop and processed...
 | 10/11/2013 - Most tomato products are high in sugar content. Ketchup is a food that few people realize has a large amount of sugar. The truth is that sugar is in most processed foods, meaning you never know when it will land on your table.
Doing your best to avoid unwanted sugar is always a good idea, but you...
 | 10/6/2013 - Alternative nutrition researchers and practitioners have postulated that a large breakfast, moderate lunch and small-portion dinner is an important key to weight loss and optimal health maintenance. Excess calories, especially in the form of processed and refined junk carbohydrates, consumed later in...
 | 10/5/2013 5:46:03 PM - Coconut sugar, also called coconut sap sugar, is a sugar derived from the sap of coconut tree flowers. It has been used as a traditional sweetener for centuries in regions where coconut trees flourish, such as Southeast Asia. Coconut sugar is mostly comprised of sucrose, which gives it a sweet, caramel-like...
 | 9/27/2013 - Eating a mostly healthy diet but still consuming what the government says are "safe" levels of processed sugar -- that is, a few sugar-added beverages here and there and an occasional dessert in "moderation" -- is still a recipe for early death, or at the very least some serious chronic health problems,...
 | 9/25/2013 - While the rest of the world is busy obsessing over the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol, the head of Amsterdam's health service in the Netherlands is trying to raise awareness about a much bigger and more pervasive health threat: sugar. According to Paul Van der Velpen, sugar is the most dangerous...
 | 9/21/2013 - Practically everyone knows just how tough concrete is, but scientists in Denmark say that they have found a way to make it even stronger.
Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen have discovered that cement made with waste ash from sugar production is stronger than cement made in the...
 | 8/21/2013 - The results of research findings over the past 20 years have scientists urging governments to tax sugar in the same way as other harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol are. These addictive substances have high abuse potential, and any amount of their consumption is associated with an increase in...
 | 8/19/2013 - Refined sugar is a drug that is similar to opiates in its power to become addicted to it. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs stated in a study published in 2010 that sugar releases euphoric endorphins in some people's brains in a manner very similar to that of certain drugs which are commonly abused....
 | 8/14/2013 - In what is arguably the most shocking food study conducted since the Seralini "GMO rats" study released last year, researchers at the University of Utah have found that even a small amount of refined sugar consumption resulted in a doubling of the death rate of female mice.
Fed merely the equivalent...
 | 8/10/2013 - Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, "If GMOs aren't labeled, how can I know whether...
 | 8/2/2013 - Sugar cravings and eating too many foods that contain sugar may cause health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. If one gives in to his sugar cravings, the sugary foods that he ate will cause his blood sugar to increase quickly and then crash. The blood sugar crash then makes him...
 | 8/2/2013 - Researchers are beginning to compile an impressive wealth of scientific evidence to explain how the nutritional status, and specifically the diet of a mother during gestation, plays a critical role in setting the initial gene set or expression for the newborn child that will determine susceptibility...
 | 7/17/2013 - Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, your dietary habits could be significantly adding to your risk of developing cancer. New research published in the journal Nature Medicine has confirmed that processed sugar is one of the primary driving forces behind the growth and spread of cancer tumors, so much...
 | 7/12/2013 - Common sense dictates that excess consumption of sugary drinks and foods, along with a regular diet of refined carbohydrates that convert to glucose when broken down by pre-digestive enzymes in the mouth is not only bad for the waistline, but also triggers the initial stages of many chronic diseases....
 | 7/2/2013 - It appears as though some Americans may finally be waking up to the grim reality that calling their politicians and signing petitions is simply not enough to stem the tide of evil that has overtaken this once free country. For perhaps the first time since genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were introduced...
 | 6/24/2013 - Hypoglycemia may increase the risk of dementia and vice versa, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-San Francisco and published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.
The study was conducted on people with diabetes, who are who are paradoxically among those...
 | 6/14/2013 - Many studies link consumption of sugary soft drinks (including non-carbonated beverages) to serious health consequences. One of these is heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and one of the most costly. Unfortunately, according to a recent Gallup survey nearly half of all Americans...
 | 6/6/2013 - It doesn't matter whether it's sugary or diet: High consumption of carbonated soft drinks significantly increases your risk of stroke, research shows.
Although many studies have shown that a high consumption of sugary soft drinks increases the risk of everything from diabetes and gout to obesity...
 | 5/20/2013 - Sugar is everywhere. And if you have a sweet tooth, it can be quite difficult to avoid it in one of its many refined forms, as it is added to all sorts of processed foods. But not all sugar is bad, and there are many ways to sweeten food without going over the edge, and sometimes without even having...
 | 5/10/2013 - Administering vaccinations to babies is often a source of never-ending frustration for the common quack. Babies dislike having their skin pierced with metal needles, it seems, and their ensuing screaming and thrashing often hinder the procedure. This insolent non-compliance to Big Pharma's will has...
 | 5/8/2013 - Nearly one-third of all Americans today are either diabetic or pre-diabetic, which basically means their bodies have lost the ability to properly process sugar. As a result, excess sugar molecules, typically from junk foods, accumulate in the blood and vital organs leading to chronic illness and eventually...
 | 4/29/2013 - Sugar lurks in many places within our food system today. From certain breads and juices, to children's cereal, it has been discretely introduced into the food supply on a catastrophic level. Over the years, much research has been conducted regarding the toxic effects of sugar, and the conclusions have...
 | 4/12/2013 - Sugar addiction is a difficult habit to break for many people, especially when the body and digestive tract become so overrun with yeast, candida, parasites and other sugar-loving bacteria that not eating sugar triggers intense withdrawal symptoms. But if you are tired of your sweet tooth calling all...
 | 3/29/2013 - Blood sugar causes degenerative disease. Not only diabetes is a concern, but also high blood sugar affects the eyes, kidneys, brain, the heart, and also speeds the aging process. Sugar creates inflammation in the body, and burns the cells by inflammatory oxidation. This inflammatory process is called...
 | 3/23/2013 - The latter part of the 20th Century has seen an exponential increase in sugar consumption provided by the processed food industry's introduction of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and increased sucrose content in common foods and beverages.
Sucrose (refined sugar) and HFCS are ubiquitous in all fast...
 | 3/21/2013 - Sugar in itself is not at all bad. As a matter of fact, the body can benefit from it in some way. However, the horror comes from too much ingestion of foods that contain processed sugar. Too much consumption can lead to many health dangers including obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and cancer. And...
 | 3/18/2013 - Sugar in its natural and unrefined form does have a lot of benefits. It is responsible for giving young kids the kind of energy they have. However, too much sugary food can affect a young teenager's development. Some of the bad effects of sugar include increasing the risk to obesity, diabetes, tooth...
 | 3/13/2013 - The precise connection between sugar intake, obesity, and Type II diabetes has been a hotly-debated point of contention in the scientific community for many years. But new research published in the open-access journal PLoS One appears to have made a significant breakthrough on the subject, as it pinpoints...
 | 3/4/2013 - High levels of sugar in the blood spark a biochemical cascade that can lead directly to cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid and published in the journal Molecular Cell.
The research may help explain the long-known connection between...
 | 3/1/2013 - The latest in a series of recalls that spans several years, corporate food giant Kellogg's has voluntarily summoned back 36,000 boxes of Special K Red Berries cereal that it says might be contaminated with potentially dangerous fragments of glass. Though a company spokesman insists that no injuries...
 | 2/23/2013 - A new breakfast drink came on the market this year to meet a demand of people who want caffeine in the morning, but not from coffee or tea. Created by a major soft drink manufacturer; it contains caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners a few vitamins and a little (five percent) juice. At 16 ounces, it...
 | 2/19/2013 - Sodas have a reputation for being among the worst drinks available health-wise. For one, these drinks contain loads of sugar, which makes frequent consumption of these drinks a potential trigger for diabetes mellitus, one of the most dreaded diseases of our time. Because of this, people are making a...
| See all 906 sugar feature articles.Concept-related articles:Cancer:Phytochemicals:Anti-cancer foods:Cocoa:Chocolate:Amazon herbs:Rainforest herbs:Herb:Chocolate bars:Cacao:America:Sugars:Benefits:Anti-cancer:Diabetes:Buckwheat:
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