Stores news, articles and information:
 | 11/14/2016 - founder Jeff Bezos literally wants to dominate every commercial transaction you make, which is one of the driving principles behind his gigantic online retail empire, where you can find and buy almost anything on earth.
Now, Bezos wants to dominate your food purchases as well. Should one...
 | 10/26/2016 - When it comes to vegan eats, CVS Pharmacy probably isn't the first place that comes to mind. But the ubiquitous drugstore chain is stepping up its snack game. Its Miami locations (and hundreds of others nationwide) now offer a plethora of plant-based treats.
(Artical by Hannah Sentenac, republished...
 | 5/9/2016 - Fish consumption is on the rise in the US, particularly as an increasing number of Americans look to bolster their diets with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients found in many varieties of fish. But a recent Consumer Reports investigation has found that 22 percent of all fish...
 | 9/19/2015 - What do the Walgreen Co., Wal-Mart and CVS have in common? They all sell stale GMO food that's boxed and bagged; they all sell toxic personal care items; they all sell lab-made drugs, and they all sell cough syrup and headache medicines that contain aspartame and toxic food colorings. What don't they...
 | 9/17/2015 - American drugstore chains are trying really hard to re-brand themselves as corner-store healthcare providers rather than basic convenience marts that dispense pharmaceuticals. CVS made the first move recently by axing all cigarette sales in an effort to prod its customers toward healthier lifestyles....
 | 7/12/2015 - There is chatter across the web about dozens of major retail chains that are expected to permanently shutter a large number of their store locations this year. Popular names like Abercrombie & Fitch, Barnes & Noble, Chico's, Children's Place, Coach, Fresh & Easy, Gymboree, JCPenney, Macy's, Office Depot,...
 | 6/18/2015 - It's no secret that, compared to many parts of Europe, the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to protecting people from encountering harmful chemicals on a daily basis. For example, the synthetic chemical known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO) continues to show up in citrusy soft drinks...
 | 4/15/2015 - Wal-Mart has suddenly announced it is shuttering five stores from Florida to California for a six-month period due to what the company claims are "plumbing problems." Nobody except the ultra-gullible really believes the Wal-Mart cover story, however.
"The retail chain announced Monday that five stores...
 | 2/20/2015 - Everyone wants to get more than they paid for. Who doesn't like a bargain? Unfortunately, recent testing of 164 dollar store products found that the little extras they're offering are toxic chemicals like toxic metals, pthlates, BPAs, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic.
Healthystuff, an organization...
 | 1/6/2015 11:24:34 AM - After years of reports that certain China-made pet treats were sickening and killing dogs, Petco has finally decided to pull the items in question from all of their stores nationwide.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has remained fairly quiet about the matter, urging consumers to visit their...
 | 4/24/2014 - A combination of factors is causing a rash of store closings for many of the nation's retailers, moves which will affect scores of Americans who rely on them for employment.
According to the site, a "retail tsunami" is sweeping the country, as one major retailer after another announces...
 | 1/10/2014 - As if anyone even needs yet another reason to be wary of the food coming out of China, Reuters is reporting that Wal-Mart customers there are outraged to learn that their donkey meat was recently found to contain "the DNA of other animals," including fox.
Wal-Mart issued an apology and has announced...
 | 10/30/2013 - By now, millions of Americans have heard the story about how scores of people on food stamps attempted to rob a local Walmart blind when yet another government computer "glitch" wiped out the balances on their Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, effectively giving them limitless purchasing ability.
 | 10/14/2013 - When the federal EBT food stamp system suffered a critical failure on Saturday, local retailers were disconnected from the federal food stamp database that keeps track of how much credit is left on each individual EBT card. Seizing the opportunity provided by the glitch, EBT card holders in Louisiana...
 | 8/16/2013 - There is a well established cause and effect relationship between overweight and obesity, specifically abdominal fat stores and the development of cardiovascular disease and many types of cancer. Recent research studies have shown that belly fat is not metabolically inert, but actively promotes the...
 | 10/24/2012 - Sneaky importers and foreign manufacturers really do not care if they poison your child. Federal inspectors in September diverted a load of Halloween costumes from China for testing and found 11 times the acceptable level of lead, according to Mike Milne, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection...
 | 10/8/2012 - A bombshell investigative video just released by has exposed what can only be called false and misleading advertising by Whole Foods. It all began when InfoWars reporters Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton visited Whole Foods last week to try to find out what customers thought about Whole Foods...
 | 3/6/2012 - An investigation by Colorado officials has found that welfare recipients are using their assistance debit cards to withdraw funds at ATMs located in casinos, strip clubs, bingo halls and amusement parks.
According to a 9News investigation, the details of which were published by The Denver Post online,...
 | 2/24/2012 9:59:17 PM - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention produce a publication called Preventing Chronic Disease, and a couple of months ago, they published a study that looked at the availability of fruits and vegetables among low income communities in various racial concentrations in an effort to determine...
 | 12/13/2011 - Every year, the federal government and its pawns in state and local governments get a little bit more aggressive in their push for full compliance with the flu vaccine agenda. And this year, they are targeting faith-based groups and the leaders of such groups, which include pastors, priests, rabbis,...
 | 11/8/2011 3:51:48 PM - Just because those cute little bear-shaped bottles at the grocery store say "honey" on them does not necessarily mean that they actually contain honey. A comprehensive investigation conducted by Food Safety News (FSN) has found that the vast majority of so-called honey products sold at grocery stores,...
 | 10/15/2011 - Have you read the NaturalNews report just published about Walgreens customers feeling verbally harassed by Walgreens employees at the checkout counter over flu shots? Multiple accounts from NaturalNews readers have continued to describe aggressive verbal harassment by Walgreens employees who appear...
 | 6/21/2011 - If you have ever wondered what happens to the countless barrels of personal items that the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confiscates (steals) from air travelers every single day, you might be surprised to know that state governments are now reselling these supposedly "dangerous" items...
| 3/21/2011 - Dear Grocery Store Manager, As an organic consumer and as one of your regular retail customers, I would like to thank you for providing me with a selection of healthy, sustainable, climate-friendly, fairly-traded, organically certified products in your store. This is the primary reason why I shop at...
| 2/9/2011 - My expose last week, The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now? ( has ignited a long-overdue debate on how to stop Monsanto's earth killing, market-monopolizing, climate-destabilizing rampage.
Should we basically resign ourselves...
| 12/25/2010 - Grocery stores across the country have begun appropriating the term "farmer's market" as a way to appeal to more environmentally and socially conscious consumers.
At farmer's markets, local farmers gather to sell their fresh produce directly to consumers. The popularity of these markets has surged...
 | 10/26/2010 - After a recent visit to Austin, Texas to appear live on the Alex Jones show, I had the opportunity to visit the flagship store of Whole Foods. I've been to a lot of Whole Foods stores throughout the country, so I've seen the typical layouts and offerings, but this Austin store takes it all to a whole...
 | 10/2/2006 - Organic products are making their way into the mainstream shopping experience. Target and SuperTarget stores have started introducing organic products recently in an attempt to grow sales to customers looking for healthier, organic products to purchase.
The produce sections of SuperTarget stores...
| 7/19/2006 - A new study found that residents in large cities who live farther from grocery stores than fast-food restaurants are more likely to die prematurely of diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Researchers conducting the study for LaSalle Bank examined Chicago's south and west sides, where "food deserts"...
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
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