Spice news, articles and information:
 | 6/27/2016 - Pesticides are causing serious problems all over the world. Most pesticides and herbicides, once taken up by the body, go to war with the endocrine system, blocking the body's ability to regulate its own hormones. In India, these dangerous pesticides are beginning to contaminate the country's most healthy,...
 | 12/13/2015 - In many parts of the world, including India, spices are considered sacred and used both as a food and for medicine. Due to their effectiveness, this ideology has now spread into Western medicine. Written by Bharat B. Aggarwal, Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health...
 | 2/4/2015 - When the SHTF, you'll need to have an adequate food stockpile to sustain you through an indefinite period. If you've been able to store enough food to last several months or years, chances are that much of it will be rather bland in taste or, at the very least, will become somewhat monotonous after...
 | 1/26/2015 - India is a country with over 1 billion people spread over five large regions. This population is incredibly diverse. Indians speak more than122 different languages and their cuisines vary greatly among the regions. Despite these differences, there is still something Indians have in common - their love...
 | 12/11/2014 - When we enter that time of year where it cools down and friends and families start gathering together to celebrate the holidays, one can't help but smile with anticipation of the sights and smells of various holiday spices. These aromatic and delicious additions to beverages, baking, and other holiday...
 | 11/26/2014 - Herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years by ancient civilizations inhabiting all corners of the earth, offering various benefits for both physical and spiritual health. With the development of new technology, Western medicine has strayed further and further from the planet's natural resources.
 | 8/11/2014 - Herbs and spices have long been used to enhance the taste of foods. It is only within the past few years that researchers have discovered that these popular components of everyday life can also aid in the weight loss battle that so many people wage. Below are six of the most potent herbs and spices...
 | 7/16/2014 - Consuming large amounts of sweets can wreak all sorts of havoc on a body. Of course, there is the obesity issue, in which sweets can contribute to a weight problem. The effects of sugar can also cause health problems, such as throwing the body's system for sugar regulation out of whack or making a person...
 | 7/1/2014 - Spices are widely used for increased health and well-being. Young adults, the elderly and anyone who is looking to find a healthier way of living can benefit from using spices when they cook meals. Just adding a few tasty spices to a meal is all that it takes. For those who are not likely to cook, or...
 | 2/8/2014 - The bell pepper family brings a lot of positive things to the table without a doubt. One of its most recognized members is paprika and it happens to be quite appreciated for the particular taste that it provides to various dishes. Paprika, as with other members of its family, is filled with capsaicin,...
 | 11/13/2013 - Cloves are often associated with Christmas recipes such as mulled wine and Christmas cake and not widely used in western culture or cuisine outside of the Christmas period. However, cloves have health benefits which could be enjoyed the whole year round.
Cloves are native to Indonesia but the region...
 | 11/12/2013 - Hiding inside your pepper grinder and cumin shaker could be things like rodent hairs, bug parts and even salmonella, claims a new report recently put out by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Entitled "Pathogens and Filth in Spices," the report alleges that up to 12 percent of all U.S. spice...
 | 10/27/2013 - It might be a hard pill for many people to swallow, but a significant segment of the food industry is built on a foundation of lies and deception. Grocery store and supermarket shelves everywhere are literally filled to the brim with products that claim to be one thing, but are really something else,...
 | 10/22/2013 - If you're seeking a way to prevent cancer, solve periodontal issues or add more zest to your sex life, clove may be the answer. Used throughout history and a significant herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, clove is a common, but often overlooked, spice.
With an exceptionally high oxygen radical...
 | 8/8/2013 - A team of scientists elevated the prized spice, cinnamon, from its culinary applications to a loftier stratum as a promising molecular weapon for combating chronic diseases. Researchers from various fields, including Kiram Panickar, Heping Cao, Bolin Qin and Richard A. Anderson, collaborated in making...
 | 3/29/2013 - Spices can turn mundane bland foods into culinary delights, and that's there primary use in our modern world. Some "foodies" recognize how they support health as well, sometimes as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, or a combination of any or all of those attributes.
 | 12/12/2012 - Next time you are savoring a creamy cup of Indian chai tea, here's something to ponder: The characteristic spicy flavor is also what makes chai outrageously healthy. Cinnamon, ginger, clove, anise and black tea are superfoods in their own right and should be enjoyed often. What better way than in a...
 | 11/18/2012 - If you have one, chances are you are unaware of it, or at least largely unsure about its precise cause. But believe it or not, allergies to common spices such as garlic, cinnamon, or onion powder afflict millions of Americans, many of whom recognize that certain foods upset their digestive tracts or...
 | 10/10/2012 - Bachelors view them as unnecessary complications. Beginning chefs view them as mysterious and intimidating ingredients only to be used by those with more experience. But herbs and spices should be a tool in every cook's arsenal, because in addition to adding delicious flavors to all types of dishes,...
 | 8/22/2012 4:34:47 PM - Cultivated and used medicinally for thousands of years all around the world, ginger root is a powerful medicinal herb that offers a variety of unique health benefits. When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively cure nausea; promote healthy digestion; boost immunity; treat...
 | 5/31/2012 - The ancient curry spice known as turmeric and its bioactive component, curcumin have been revered in the world of Ayurvedic medicine for more than 2500 years. The flavorful, orange-yellow spice has been theorized to help prevent digestive cancers and improve measures of cognition and brain health as...
| 11/25/2011 - Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for gathering with friends and family and reflecting upon all of the good things in life. Unfortunately, the holiday meal usually involves indulging in unhealthy fat-filled and carbohydrate-loaded foods that leave dinner guests feeling bloated, run-down and guilty. Avoid...
 | 10/27/2011 - Though it has the highest mortality rate of all forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer is largely preventable and treatable through simple dietary and lifestyle changes, says Dr. Robert Wascher, MD, a surgical oncologist from California. In a recent interview with Newsmax Health Wascher explained how the...
 | 9/21/2011 - Adding enough of the right kind of spices to your food can partially offset the negative health impact of a high-fat meal, according to a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition. Sheila West, PhD, associate professor of bio-behavioral health at Penn State University and lead researcher for...
| 8/31/2011 - Many spices such as turmeric and cinnamon are powerful antioxidants that continue to gain acceptance as natural nutrients able to assist human health and prevent chronic disease. Researchers from Penn State publishing in The Journal of Nutrition provide strong evidence that these potent spices provide...
 | 6/25/2011 3:51:59 PM - A new study conducted by researchers from both Applied Science and Nutrition, an Australia-based scientific and consulting company, and the University of Queensland's medical school have found that the curry spice fenugreek livens up a lot more than just food. Based in their findings, men who consume...
| 4/9/2011 - Drugs for pumping up sex lives come with a long list of potentially bothersome and even dangerous side effects. But scientists from the University of Guelph have come up with evidence natural aphrodisiacs exist. In fact, if you want to spice up your sex life, try doing it literally -- with spices.
| 3/11/2011 - Known as a staple in the Indian diet, turmeric and its powerful derivative compound curcumin have rapidly gained attention as a potent antioxidant compound that is used to prevent and treat many forms of cancer. Curcumin is taking its rightful place among a small handful of agents that fight cancer...
| 12/18/2010 - Saffron is a reddish-golden colored spice derived from the styles and stigmas of the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus). Used primarily as a seasoning agent for cooking and a coloring agent, Saffron also has numerous health benefits that make it one of nature's most powerful herbs.
| 10/24/2010 - A new product is being sold in convenience stores, smoke shops, and other places around the country called "Spice" or "K2." It`s sold as an incense, but is considered a marijuana alternative to many - who smoke it as if it were cannabis. While it claims to be natural and made of only herbs, the concoction...
| 10/3/2010 - Ginger is a warming spice and its strong taste and stimulating effect on the body makes it an effective medicinal spice. It has been used to treat yellow-fever and malaria, and Chinese sailors chewed ginger root for seasickness thousands of years ago. Vertigo and motion sickness responded better to...
 | 9/28/2010 - For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric...
| 9/17/2010 - Nature is full of various herbs and spices that protect against disease and even treat and cure it. And according to Chris Kilham, an ethnobotanist and Fox News' "Medicine Hunter", turmeric root -- also known in its extract form as curcumin -- is one such powerful spice that appears to both prevent...
| 10/5/2009 - When it comes to health care reform in America, if we hope to make real progress, we've got to consider safe, affordable solutions that really work to prevent disease. There's hardly a better example of this than cinnamon and its ability to help regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
Here, you'll...
| 10/3/2009 - When people talk about getting "food poisoning", they usually mean they became ill because of bacteria that contaminated something they ate. Some who comes down with this kind of foodborne disease simply has an upset stomach. But in far too many cases serious health problems and even death can occur,...
| 6/16/2009 - Spices do a whole lot more than liven up food. New research has found that the active ingredients in several common spices prevent platelet aggregation and blood clot formation up to 29 times better than aspirin, and without the side effects.
Scientists in India have done extensive testing to determine...
| 6/12/2009 - Cinnamon is well known as the world's oldest spice. It has a beautiful warm aroma that makes it an inviting ingredient to add to food. In the past Cinnamon was seen as an expensive luxury that was used as an aphrodisiac, and as it was more expensive to buy than silver, many people simply used it as...
| 5/24/2009 - While some Indian spices are commonly found on the home spice rack, few understand just how potent these spices are in their freshest form. Understanding the health benefits of each ingredient is key to optimizing home cooked meals for the particular needs of the family. This article will summarize...
| 5/20/2009 - In centuries past, spices traded for gold. Voyagers searched the world over for the culinary and medicinal values provided by certain plants. In the days before the Industrial Revolution and the burning of fossil fuels, a person's sense of smell was said to be much greater than today. The scent of herbs...
 | 11/20/2008 - The national Neuroscience 2008 conference is underway in Washington, D.C., presenting cutting edge research on the whole spectrum of diseases impacting the brain and nervous system. Breaking news from Johns Hopkins scientists presented at the meeting suggests several natural substances could be effective...
 | 10/23/2008 - Spices do more than make food taste great. Recent research is showing that spices can promote health and well being through a series of actions that are anti-aging and inhibiting of degenerative disease. The vegetarian diet so often associated with good health and lack of disease relies heavily on the...
 | 6/26/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at (http://thehealthiestyearofyourlife.com) . In this excerpt, Nomi Shannon shares on salads, dressings, spices and desserts in a raw lifestyle.
The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Nomi Shannon,...
 | 11/3/2007 - The movie Supersize Me has probably had more of an effect than the producers anticipated. Since then, in the fast food industry, there has been a market trend promoting menu items that appear to be healthy. But most of these menu items have ingredients that health conscious consumers would prefer to...
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.