Scientists news, articles and information:
 | 11/22/2016 - In the current ridiculous battle over "real news" vs. "fake news," the establishment media liars all claim that climate change is the perfect example of how "fake news" keeps interfering with their truthful facts. They repeatedly claim that 97% of scientists agree on man-made climate change, and therefore...
 | 10/26/2016 - The entire leftist media is not merely dishonest and corrupt, their science writers are unbelievably stupid and ill-informed about nearly everything in the natural world. Today, after months of printing fear-inducing "Zika terrorism" stories that scared America half to death while convincing the government...
 | 10/20/2016 - There should never be a situation where a pharmaceutical company that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars – and sometimes billions – developing a new drug is allowed to conduct its own self-controlled clinical trials, because the financial incentives to skew the outcomes of those trials...
 | 10/7/2016 - There's a point where we all just have to break out in laughter at the complete idiocy of Hillary Clinton, the leftist media and democrats in general. Every single assertion they make is rooted in fiction or delusion. Whether they're talking about economics, taxes, debt, medicine, science, history,...
 | 10/7/2016 - Corn rootworms cost the corn industry about $1 billion per year, and for the past 30 years, biotechnology companies have bragged about killing them by inserting toxic bacterial genes in the corn plant that dissolve the worms' insides.
The Bt genes (Bacillus thuringiensis) make the genetically modified...
 | 10/6/2016 - Scores of scientists and consumers of an herbal remedy used to produce mild, opioid-like painkilling effects, are incensed that the Obama administration is set to add it to a list of Schedule I drugs that are considered by the government to be the most dangerous.
As reported by the Seattle Times,...
 | 9/29/2016 - In a move that is casting some serious doubt on assumptions about reproduction that have been held for centuries, scientists have just managed to breed mice without the need for fertilized eggs.
The team of embryologists at the UK's University of Bath injected sperm into embryos and successfully...
 | 9/23/2016 - When humans are exposed to sunlight, their skin produces vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin that offers many health benefits. These benefits include helping maintain a healthy immune system, and the growth and development of bones and teeth.
The following excerpt from the book, Solar Power for Optimal...
 | 9/19/2016 - The sugar industry launched a campaign in the 1960s to downplay evidence linking sugar consumption to America's rising cardiovascular disease rates, and blame saturated fats instead, according to a new report released earlier this month.
A researcher at the University of California, San Francisco,...
 | 9/15/2016 - For years we have been warning of an impending medical catastrophe due to the over-prescribing and overuse of antibiotics. In fact, as we reported last year, hospitals are some of the most prolific breeding grounds for drug-resistant superbugs, killing more patients a year than measles.
Now, scientists...
 | 8/31/2016 - The highly-politicized climate change debate rages on as we approach the crucial 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite an ever-growing body of evidence revealing the fact that "catastrophic man-made global warming" is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.
And the November election may prove to...
 | 8/4/2016 - From the very first day Zika hysteria was catapulted into mass awareness, I have correctly called it a massive hoax. My most recently article spells out the real agenda behind the obvious quackery of Zika hysteria. It's entitled Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify...
 | 7/25/2016 - One of the world's leading geneticists wants to bring back an extinct human species by cloning it from reconstructed DNA, then implanting the resulting embryo into the womb of a human woman.
"Now I need an adventurous female human," said George Church of Harvard Medical School. "It depends on a hell...
 | 7/11/2016 - Dozens of Nobel laureates have sent a letter to environmental activist group Greenpeace, pressing the organization to stop its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMO), claiming that the altered crops and foods are actually good for humans and the environment.
As reported by the Washington...
 | 7/8/2016 - The National Academy of Sciences is being exposed as being of a singular mindset when it comes to the spread of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which is to say that the institution is wholeheartedly in favor of them, according to dozens of concerned scientists, who say that they are a menace...
 | 7/5/2016 - A new study has found "transmissible cancers" among shellfish, disproving previous beliefs that such occurrences are rare in nature, and raising questions regarding the implications for humans.
Cases of transmissible cancer had until recently only been observed in two mammal species, but researchers...
 | 6/21/2016 - The "Great Glyphosate Rebellion" – a term first coined by Sustainable Pulse – continues to intensify, not only in Europe, where application of the widely used weed killer is about to expire, but also in the U.S., where Monsanto has long held regulatory authorities in a choke-hold, allowing...
 | 6/15/2016 - The absolutely horrific war crimes that took place during World War II against prisoners both young and old in the Nazi death camps are often relegated to the dustbin of history, with the implication that such inhumane experimentation on human beings could never possibly happen again in today's modern,...
 | 6/11/2016 - Researchers in the UK who have dedicated their careers to fighting cancer were shocked to learn that their pension funds have invested hundreds of millions in Big Tobacco.
Scientists who receive their funding from Cancer Research UK (CRUK) are also participants in the Universities Superannuation...
 | 6/6/2016 - A study published in 2004 received an award from the British Food Journal (BFJ) as the "most outstanding paper" of the year has been exposed as a total fraud. Authored by biotech hack Shane Morris, the study, entitled Agronomic and consumer considerations for Bt and conventional sweet-corn, used deceptive...
 | 6/4/2016 - Using their long, hairy roots, trees absorb water and nutrients from the soil, feeling down into the Earth for what they need. Standing tall, soaking in the sun's rays, trees are an image of tremendous strength and beauty – icons of natural intelligence.
As they cast shadows and provide shade...
 | 6/2/2016 - A shocking discovery by scientists shows that the Earth's mantle is moving ten times faster than originally thought, as reported by the Daily Mail. The revelation, which has taken researchers by complete surprise, came after the first comprehensive survey of the Earth's mantle. In fact, it seems that...
 | 5/22/2016 - Today I'm tipping my hat to John Horgan, a blogger who writes for Scientific American, for his extraordinary article entitled Dear "Skeptics," Bash Homeopathy and Bigfoot Less, Mammograms and War More.
In his article, Horgan rightly points out that today's so-called "science skeptics" are little...
 | 4/30/2016 - A shocking new science study funded by the Alberta Ministry of Health and published in the VACCINE science journal has found that nearly 10 percent of Canadian females end up in emergency rooms (the "Emergency Department" in Canadian vernacular) following HPV vaccine injections.
The study is entitled...
 | 4/14/2016 - Popular science journal PLOS ONE recently published a comprehensive study led by Chinese researchers. The study mapped out and detailed the intricate design and inner workings of the human hand.
That study has now been retracted, all because of one word.
The authors of the study used the word...
 | 3/31/2016 - Many people use their table scraps for compost, to grow lusher, thicker, more productive gardens or to feed chickens, but now you may soon be able to cut your power bill with food scraps.
As reported by the UK's Daily Mail, American scientists have discovered a way to generate electricity using rotting...
 | 3/29/2016 - A new book by a former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientist asserts that the federal government primarily only hires and retains scientists whose "work" supports preconceived conclusions, especially on politically polarized topics such as climate change/global warming.
Dr. David Lewis...
 | 3/17/2016 - You don't have to be an academic to be a scientist. Citizen science is growing globally. Communities with an amateur interest in science have helped classify galaxies, detect signs of disease, and unearth toxic metals in our food. But why is citizen science on the rise? To answer that question, no single...
 | 3/10/2016 - Imagine one day charging a laptop by simply chewing a piece of gum while you're using it. What about having the ability to charge a cell phone by simply talking on that very phone? Or, think about what it would be like to eat while simultaneously producing free energy from your jaw to charge a handheld...
 | 3/3/2016 - Around 95 percent of corn and 70 percent of soy grown in the US and Canada is cloaked in either clothianidin or thiamethoxan. Both chemicals are from a class of insecticides called neonicotinoids. Similar to nicotine, neonicotinoids bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the cells of the central...
 | 2/29/2016 - The findings of a new study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine and published late last month suggest that pregnant women's immune systems are more active than previously thought, particularly when exposed to the flu virus.
Immune responses were believed to be weakened during...
 | 2/16/2016 - Two citizen scientists who lead a non-profit food and water laboratory in central Texas have teamed up to prevent children across America from being poisoned with lead in municipal water supplies. Forensic food scientist Mike Adams has teamed with a former NASA contract scientist to conduct nationwide...
 | 2/2/2016 - One of the most compelling pieces of work demonstrating the twisted collusion between highly respected scientists and top tobacco execs, Merchants of Doubt, reveals that the science was in on cigarettes long before Americans were privy to it. In fact, German scientists understood smoking caused cancer...
 | 2/2/2016 - What happens when a private company with a long history of producing some of the most toxic chemicals[1] on the planet and now produces our food starts facing public pressure from a growing national grassroots movement to label their products to conform with basic principles of democracy...
 | 1/30/2016 - In a controversial study that has been slammed by animal rights groups, scientists in China have engineered autistic macaques using a human "autism gene" that has been linked to autistic symptoms. The study hopes to find a treatment for the poorly understood disorder that can be severely debilitating...
 | 1/29/2016 - Some clues about the origins of the latest Ebola outbreak may be found in the contents of a speech given at the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science back in 2006. Professor Erik Pianka reportedly told his audience that the best way to kill off 90 percent of the human population would be to...
 | 1/21/2016 - Due to recent breakthroughs in genetic engineering (GE) technology, scientists are now talking openly about deliberately attempting to modify the genomes of entire wild species to suit human ends – embracing "genetic pollution" as a goal, not a risk.
Although these far-reaching plans, known...
 | 1/12/2016 - Soon, doctors and scientists expect to begin controversial genome sequencing of healthy newborn babies, part of a research program funded by the federal government on behalf of genetic science.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the research will be conducted at major hospitals and health institutions...
 | 12/14/2015 - The brain-dead leftist media isn't really in the news business anymore. It's actually in the business of zombie control... with the zombies being, of course, the leftist libtard obedient propaganda swallowers who are easily fooled by sleight-of-hand trickery being paraded as science. (Then again, there...
 | 11/9/2015 - Not only are climate scientists jumping to conclusions about Earth's temperature changes, but they are also resorting to mass-scale climate interventions that can cause nasty environmental repercussions. Climate engineering has been used to combat changes in the biosphere for decades, but the more scientists...
 | 10/18/2015 - Supporters are touting it as a victory against hunger, but in reality it is just another "frankenfood" product that lacks the natural wholesomeness we all need for a healthy diet.
Israeli scientists are attempting to grow chicken in a laboratory, a follow-up to a procedure scientists discovered two...
 | 10/16/2015 - A growing movement embodying independent, crowd-sourced science that isn't pushing a corporate agenda is making significant strides in the discovery of powerful, inexpensive, and oftentimes natural ways to treat disease without dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.
One U.S.-based "citizen scientists"...
 | 10/14/2015 - In a stunning development with horrific implications, scientists whose work was published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience were able to achieve "magnetic lobotomies" that deactivate higher brain function without using surgery, radiation, fluoridated water or mercury-laced vaccines.
 | 10/8/2015 - "The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession...
 | 9/17/2015 - A critically endangered species of antelope has been driven further to the brink of extinction following a mysterious and substantial die-off of its herd over the summer.
The herd of saigas, which are native to regions of Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, began dying during their calving period in...
 | 9/16/2015 - An unflattering media storm continues to engulf University of Florida professor Kevin Folta after he was exposed for colluding with the biotech industry, namely Monsanto, despite his repeated denials of any financial ties to the GM seed conglomerate.
The revelations, blown open by The New York Times...
 | 9/10/2015 - There's nothing quite as much fun to watch as a discredited Monsanto puppet self-destructing across social media. After being exposed as an academic whore who lied about receiving money from Monsanto, Univ. of Florida scientist Kevin Folta has now gone "full retard" and unleashed a bizarre series of...
 | 9/9/2015 - The list of "Monsanto Mafia" scientists just keeps getting larger. Day by day, we're coming to learn that Monsanto has infiltrated dozens of universities across America, offering bribes (grants, gifts, donations, etc.) in exchange for the "intellectual protection" services of university scientists who...
 | 9/8/2015 - The convergence of real life with controlled virtual reality has moved one step closer to fruition. Scientists from North Carolina have figured out a way to network the brains of multiple animals to form what they call "living computers" capable of performing advanced tasks and solving complex problems,...
 | 9/8/2015 - File this under the category of "journalism we never thought we'd see." In a New York Times article published over the weekend, writer Eric Lipton covers the outrageous academic fraud taking place across America as university "scientists" prostitute themselves out to the biotech industry.
It's important...
 | 9/6/2015 - In a triumphant recent press release, Washington State University (WSU) researcher Michelle (Shelley) McGuire celebrates the findings of her research team, allegedly demonstrating that the blockbuster herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) does not accumulate in human breast milk. According to the press release,...
 | 8/13/2015 - It's long been known (or at least theorized) that, under certain conditions, the metal in tooth fillings or braces can act as as antennae - there have been many reports of people claiming (over the years since radios and dental work have been around) that they are able to hear AM frequency broadcasts...
 | 8/11/2015 - With very few exceptions, almost no medical issue in recent times has been more controversial in the United States than that of medical marijuana. Proponents of this issue believe that the bioactive ingredients in marijuana should be used as or in medications due to its many health benefits - and indeed,...
 | 8/10/2015 10:31:14 PM - Biotechnology has long tried to paint the critics of genetic engineering as anti-science. A great effort has been made to convince the public that the majority of world's scientists support genetic engineering. In reality, GMOs are heavily criticized in the scientific community. Here are the professional...
 | 8/10/2015 - Whales have been dropping like flies in the Gulf of Alaska. Approximately nine whale carcasses were sighted in late May and early June. Now, fisherman have spotted five more decomposing whales, a fin whale and four humpbacks to add to the death toll.
The first two whale deaths reported in May sparked...
 | 8/6/2015 - Seventeen dolphins found mysteriously beached near the site of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have died from radiation-induced heart damage, a scientific analysis has suggested.
In March 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered meltdowns at three of the Fukushima reactors....
 | 8/5/2015 - Over the last few weeks, America has experienced shock at the revelation that human babies are being harvested for their organs during live abortion procedures. This is all being carried out by Planned Parenthood in the name of "science."
But what kind of science underlies such seemingly evil activities?...
 | 7/30/2015 - For a government that lies about everything -- fudging economic numbers, using the IRS as a political weapon and even manufacturing staged domestic terrorism events so the FBI can "catch terrorists" in the act -- it's no surprise to now learn that the CDC deliberately destroyed evidence linking vaccines...
 | 7/22/2015 - Scientists are celebrating the "successful" genetic engineering of cows -- spliced with genes from nematode worms -- that make beef with a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids, in a study conducted by researchers from Northwest A&F University and the National Beef Cattle Improvement Centre (both in...
 | 7/21/2015 - For the first time, scientists have announced the genetic modification of human embryos (germline modification), in a study conducted by researchers from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, and published in the journal Protein & Cell.
Previously, scientists have limited themselves to modifying...
 | 7/19/2015 - There has been a debate raging about GMOs for a long time now. On one side of the debate is the idea that genetic engineering is progress for humanity, and it is a natural extension of more traditional breeding techniques. The other side believes genetically modified foods are unsafe for human consumption...
 | 7/17/2015 - Most people in the medical profession agree that the current approach towards diabetes treatment is simply not working. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of type 2 diabetics in the United States - and around the world - has been steadily growing in recent years. It is estimated that there...
 | 7/9/2015 12:45:03 PM - If a group of Chinese scientists gets their way, the future genome of the human race will be designed and mapped out by their genetic standards. Human genetics might one day have to pass strict genetic tests and go through genetic modification to meet the demands of developing a more perfect human race....
 | 6/20/2015 - What do you do if you're an ardent believer in manmade "global warming" but the data don't prove your case? Easy -- just change the data in a way that "proves" your case.
And that's just what scientists at President Obama's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have done in recent days....
 | 5/19/2015 - Widespread industrial chemicals found in pizza boxes and household dust are dangerous to human and environmental health, a group of environmental scientists has warned in an editorial published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives on May 1.
The editorial, known as "The Madrid Statement,"...
 | 5/15/2015 - In what might be a first, scientists have filmed a species of catfish climbing the nearly vertical walls of a cave far from the stream below, according to a paper published in the journal Subterranean Biology.
"As part of a mapping and preliminary flora and fauna inventory of hypogean life in caves,...
 | 5/9/2015 - Fast food companies use tactics reminiscent of Big Tobacco in their efforts to convince people that exercise can make up for the effects of a terrible diet, according to a scorching editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine authored by scientists from the University of California-Davis, University...
 | 4/25/2015 - A massive investigation into an alleged cheating ring operating within the Atlanta Public Schools system has led to the felony conviction of 11 educators -- a principal, teachers and other administrators. But the case, which is receiving national attention as the largest ever scandal of its kind in...
 | 4/24/2015 - Scientists have discovered that an already unusual plant known as the carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia gibba) is even more mysterious than they had previously realized. According to a new study conducted by researchers from the University at Buffalo and published in the journal Molecular Biology...
 | 4/19/2015 - Experts with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Virginia say we could be wasting millions of dollars by failing to extract and utilize precious heavy metals that are excreted through human poo. Speaking at the 249th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), scientists...
 | 4/13/2015 - GMO is anti-science. Who knew? The biotech industry in general is wrought with fraud, hucksters, shills and lobbyists. The following is a list of hucksters and shills who "sell their souls" for money to represent whoever cuts the biggest check. It all started with Big Tobacco and thousands of doctors...
 | 4/5/2015 - Bill Nye, the "Science Guy," is a favorite childhood icon to many people, often touting the wonders of the universe with ease and simple explanation. He's a trusted source, a man with a passion for science, someone who places value in understanding and preserving all of life's intricacies.
 | 4/4/2015 - In the search for a safe and effective treatment for the Ebola virus, researchers from Texas have discovered a novel compound found in a natural Chinese herb that they say works better than any experimental pharmaceutical or vaccine at blocking the virus from interacting with cells, thus preventing...
 | 4/3/2015 - Scientists have successfully used ultrasound waves to break up the amyloid plaques in the brains of mice with a form of Alzheimer's disease, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia and published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
The intervention...
 | 4/1/2015 - The general consensus on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is that there really is no consensus at all, at least not among independent scientists looking honestly and unbiasedly at the issue. A peer-reviewed evaluation of the cohort of published literature on GMOs reveals that nearly...
 | 3/30/2015 12:25:08 PM - An anti-corruption public watchdog group has sent letters to the chairmen and ranking members of House and Senate agriculture committees in Washington, as well as the Department of Agriculture's inspector general, requesting an investigation regarding an alleged cover-up by agri- and biotech giant Monsanto.
 | 3/29/2015 - In a stunning breakthrough that's sure to result in dozens of Nobel Prizes being awarded to somebody, scientists at the CERN Large Hadron Collider have discovered the elusive "Obama particle" by slamming the U.S. economy into a brick wall at 99.999% of the speed of a derivatives flash crash.
 | 3/5/2015 - The bizarre sights, pungent smells and largely invisible but ever-present germs that mark the unique New York City subway-riding experience are among the many details cataloged in a new bacterial study that, perhaps not shockingly, made some unsettling discoveries about the types of critters that lurk...
 | 3/3/2015 - So-called "chemtrail" technology, or the deliberate spraying of our skies with tiny particulate matter, is outlined in a new scientific study as a possible way to help reflect sunlight back into space and stop "global warming."
Researchers from the University of Manchester claim they've come up with...
 | 3/2/2015 9:22:03 AM - Tufts University's Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute (Timothy Wise) points out[1]:
There is no ... consensus on the safety of GM food. A peer-reviewed study[2] of the research, from peer-reviewed journals, found...
 | 2/15/2015 - When I saw the news about a new report from Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Challenges Foundation, it all seemed strangely familiar. The report, covered in the Financial Times and also the Daily Mail, offers a scientific assessment of the twelve most likely risks of a...
 | 2/12/2015 - The end of the world has not yet arrived -- an obvious statement driven home by the fact that you're currently alive and well and reading this article (for which I and Natural News are eternally grateful).
But we're getting close to that moment. Dangerously close. Two minutes closer, to be precise.
 | 2/2/2015 4:44:02 PM - As the corporate media desperately attempts to dupe as many people as possible into getting MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines for the protection of "the children," uncovered court documents revealing major vaccine fraud at Merck & Co., the multinational drug company that produces MMR vaccines...
 | 1/26/2015 - A number of experienced scientists have died, often under mysterious conditions, over the past couple of years, the latest being a NASA expert in robotics who worked on space missions.
As reported by Britain's Daily Mail, the latest scientist casualty is Alberto Behar, 47, of Scottsdale, Arizona,...
 | 1/21/2015 3:51:47 PM - As genetic scientists venture deeper down the murky rabbit hole of life re-engineered, they're having to take a step back and acknowledge that many of their reckless modifications could, and likely will, have permanent ramifications. Taking a page from the famous Jurassic Park story, the industry is...
 | 1/13/2015 - A new "cancer study" could be the most significant study on the disease ever done, but not for any groundbreaking findings. Rather, its significance rests in how completely bizarre its conclusions are: Researchers have now said that getting cancer -- or not -- has nothing to do with outside factors...
 | 12/17/2014 - Another mass extinction event may be on the way if humans don't stop killing off all the animals and destroying the environment. Several top experts in the field of evolutionary biology warn that most living species could soon meet their end unless immediate changes are made to avoid triggering a fallout...
 | 12/16/2014 - Despite a recent downpour of rain in parts of Southern California, the state continues to suffer through its worst drought in centuries, according to the most recent research data.
Scientists who are currently examining the collective effects of temperature, low amounts of precipitation and other...
 | 11/18/2014 12:21:54 PM - Scientists from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, are shocked to discover the level of sexual coercion in the animal kingdom, particularly in the seal population. It turns out that, when seals aren't getting any, they turn violent, coercing penguins to have sex with them. If the seals don't...
 | 9/19/2014 11:15:09 AM - Flowing through the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia River Basin is known for its magnitude, as it empties more water into the Pacific Ocean than any other river in North and South America. Known for its plentiful salmon population, which has declined dramatically since the early 1900s, the river supplies...
 | 9/10/2014 - A plant that is still banned in most of the U.S. offers amazing energy-storage potential that far exceeds anything currently on the market. Researchers presenting at the recent 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society revealed that fibers from the hemp plant, a variety of...
 | 8/23/2014 - Earlier this month, scientists presented groundbreaking research at the American Chemical Society's (ACS) 248th National Meeting and Exposition regarding the potential dangers of hydraulic fracking.
The meeting featured nearly 12,000 presentations on a range of scientific topics. A team of researchers...
 | 8/20/2014 - When independent scientists and farmers start protesting GMOs to their governments without success, to whom can they turn? Well, the GMO resisters in the predominately Catholic country Brazil have decided to go papal. They intend to get the Pope on board to help ban GMOs and all the affiliated toxins...
 | 8/20/2014 - A collection of science and journalism organizations is pressing the Environmental Protection Agency to stop its policy of restricting independent scientists who advise the agency against talking to media outlets without first getting permission.
In a letter addressed to the agency in early April,...
 | 8/14/2014 - Good news on the honeybee front -- a team of scientists in the UK have created a biopesticide made from spider venom and plant protein that may provide hope for the endangered pollinators.
A study published in the research journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B [PDF] states that the experimental,...
 | 8/13/2014 - Planet Earth is on the verge of another mass extinction event, say scientists, and this time the cause is humans. A new study by researchers from Stanford University claims that losses to animal and plant life are reaching a tipping point that could signal an approaching mass die-off event, the sixth...
 | 8/8/2014 - A group of scientists and medical experts is calling on the Obama Administration to reject an application by Dow AgroSciences seeking approval for a new herbicide known as Enlist Duo, which contains the glyphosate component of Roundup and the 2,4-D component of the Vietnam War weapon Agent Orange in...
 | 8/4/2014 - Genetic hackers eager to open the floodgates to genetic engineering 2.0 are being met with resistance by level-headed scientists who recognize that new efforts to push genome editing, or the recreation of entire species at the genetic level, represent an irreversible threat to life on this planet. In...
 | 7/27/2014 - Why are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a serious threat to humanity and the environment? The reasons span the realms of science, social justice, economics and the environment, and once you understand this, you'll readily understand why so many environmentalists, humanitarians, responsible scientists...
 | 7/26/2014 - A recent discovery has scientists talking about the possibility of vaccinating frogs against a killer fungus and touting vaccination as a possible way to stem the ongoing, catastrophic decline of amphibian populations wide. Yet media reports about this breakthrough are mostly ignoring the fact that...
 | 7/12/2014 - Pending approval from the appropriate regulatory authorities, biotech scientists are gearing up to start manufacturing genetically modified (GM) human babies within the next two years, according to BBC News. A novel form of in vitro fertilization (IVF) that involves combining the eggs of two different...
 | 7/4/2014 - In the rush to save the climate from impending global warming doom, US government-funded scientists are studying farts and burps of livestock. That's right -- tax money in America is being funneled into research on animal flatulence! The study, from the US Energy Department's Joint Genome Institute...
 | 7/3/2014 - A full 88 percent of the ocean's surface is polluted with plastic trash residue -- but this only accounts for just 1 percent of the trash that scientists currently believe to be in the ocean, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Cadiz, Spain, and the University of Western...
 | 6/16/2014 - With the exception of people who toss a pinch of salt over their shoulder for luck, sodium is typically associated with anything but good fortune. Individuals are often warned to cut back on it, if not avoid it altogether. Not only is voluntarily adding salt to meals frowned upon, but so too is eating...
 | 6/11/2014 - For Los Angeles, California, May 2014 was a month of heightened seismic activity, boasting five earthquakes that measured greater than 4.0 on the Richter scale. The sudden increase in seismic activity on the West Coast hasn't been witnessed since 1994 -- the year that 53 quakes rumbled through the area...
 | 6/8/2014 - In a laboratory environment, scientists have learned how to create, delete and restore memories. The subjects are currently rats. Researchers are considering the following results to be a major breakthrough.
In a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California's San Diego School...
 | 6/6/2014 - Climate-change scientists are facing a conundrum of sorts, and they're not really sure what to do about it.
On the one hand, when negative stories surface discounting claims that the earth is "warming" or that climate is "changing" the planet (for the worse), they have only a passing effect -- good...
 | 5/1/2014 - Due to a rash of conflict-of-interest scandals at the European Food Safety Authority, the European Parliament voted recently on a resolution that would ban scientists who have ties to the agriculture and food industries from being employed by the agency.
The resolution urges the EFSA to implement...
 | 4/4/2014 - You've probably seen them floating around the 'net recently -- "crowdsourcing" projects that are raising money to implement new ideas or technologies that otherwise would not have significant enough financial backing through traditional investment channels. Well, now a group of concerned scientists...
 | 4/2/2014 - Scores of scientists have condemned a journal editor's retraction of a study that reported a number of serious side effects in lab rats that consumed Monsanto's genetically modified maize and Roundup herbicide.
In all, according to a press release by a group called End Science Censorship, the number...
 | 3/31/2014 - Following a bid to place tougher EU regulations on chemicals that act as hormone-altering endocrine disruptors, 18 scientists have published an editorial in 14 scientific journals ludicrously criticizing the move to protect consumers from these potentially harmful ingredients.
The comments came in...
 | 3/27/2014 - The world's first "robotic" plants have been created by US scientists and can effectively absorb greater amounts of energy from the sun. These bionic plants are advanced at the cellular level, with new biochemical detection functions and improved photosynthesis capabilities. The MIT biochemists and...
 | 3/25/2014 - The future of pain management in humans could eventually center less around what people take for their aches and pains and more around what they shine at them. Experimental new research at Stanford University's Bio-X laboratory has found that unconventional light therapy can be used to mitigate chronic...
 | 3/23/2014 - Health experts have often discussed sex and its effects on human health. In their attempt to understand the effects of mating on health and lifespan in females, a study was carried out in an animal model. A general practice in science is to use animal models as study organisms and rats, monkeys and...
 | 3/11/2014 - A top scientist and "risk engineering" expert is now publicly warning that GMOs pose a dire, genuine threat to the continuation of life on Earth. Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness, says that GMOs have the potential to cause "an irreversible termination of life at some scale,...
 | 2/25/2014 - Imagine a world where one person's brain could be used to control the hand movements of another through electrode stimulation... Imagine machines that could be triggered and told what to do just by one man's thought...
Remote control of living organisms becoming a realityScientists are on their way...
 | 2/24/2014 - If the peanut allergy epidemic is man-made, can it be undone? What if the vaccine industry took peanut oil out of all vaccines, would the allergy statistics plummet? How is it that so many people want to justify a high chance of getting a serious food allergy, which has deadly risk factors in and of...
 | 2/19/2014 - American scientists have made a giant leap forward in the realm of energy-efficient nuclear fusion, overcoming a key obstacle to making such reactors a reality.
Researchers have managed to demonstrate that they can now produce more energy than what is put into igniting fuel on an experimental scale,...
 | 2/10/2014 - One of the most ethically sensitive issues in American society, save abortion, has been the issue of stem cells and, in particular, the harvesting of them from human embryos, a process which results in the embryo's destruction.
Now, however, scientists believe that they have discovered a "game-changer"...
 | 2/10/2014 - Natural News does not support the widespread use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture because of the harm that they can do to soil and because of the toxins that they can deposit in nearby streams and water tables. That said, when there is a new technology that seeks to remove chemical toxicity caused...
 | 1/27/2014 - Fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in northern Japan in March 2011 continues to mount, as scientists now estimate that radioactive materials from the contaminated site are likely to reach North American shores later this year.
"Following the March 2011 Fukushima disaster, large...
 | 1/25/2014 - Although scientists and their conservation efforts (let's forget their destructive efforts for this article) have done some amazing things to save numerous plants and animals, like determining that DDT was one factor affecting the birth rates of the American bald eagle (leading to its eventual recovery),...
 | 1/18/2014 - Honey bees are tireless workers, committed to sustaining life for all through pollination of various plants and crops. Honey bees are effective natural chemists as well. By collecting resins from leaf buds and vegetables, they are able to produce propolis.
Bees create propolis from their environment...
 | 12/5/2013 - What would happen if someday medical science could essentially erase your real memories and replace them with phony ones? There's no way this technology could be misused, right?
Well, according to published reports, Mankind may be on the verge of just that very thing. According to the magazine Popular...
 | 11/27/2013 - The advancement of science has taken yet another groundbreaking cue from nature, this time in the development of state-of-the-art waterproof materials. A team of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has reportedly come up with an amazing new waterproof surface that mimics...
 | 11/23/2013 - In a bizarre new twist on the term "stinky cheese," a pair of scientists from the U.K. recently unveiled a line of cheese products made from bacteria that they gathered from some of the smelliest parts of the human body. The main subjects of an unusual art and science project dubbed "Selfmade," the...
 | 11/14/2013 - Scientists have discovered that a humble species of bacteria may play a major role in producing planetary climates by "seeding" clouds with ice-producing proteins.
Scientists have known for decades that bacterial species such as Pseudomonas syringae produce proteins on their outer membranes that...
 | 11/12/2013 - Some scientists are globalist thinkers, and they believe that their knowledge puts them in charge of the entire world, including the planet's temperature and the amount of gases that should be in the atmosphere. They think, at any given moment, that they have the right to spray the skies with bouts...
 | 10/31/2013 - The farcical concept of man-made "global warming" is still not dead, and apparently neither are the deranged methods of dealing with this made-up crisis that some members of the scientific community are still coming up with. New reports out of the U.K. highlight some of the drastic measures being suggested...
 | 10/23/2013 - If you think legitimate science, and not special interests, is what dictates the regulatory process for new chemicals, you might want to think again. A recent investigation by Environmental Health News (EHN) into a controversial, yet highly cited, journal editorial that decries increased regulations...
 | 10/22/2013 - Ask any scientist where life on our planet came from, and they'll usually give you a one-word answer: "Evolution." Immediately thereafter, they will usually give you a condescending look that also implies you're an idiot for not knowing this "scientific fact" that everyone else has accepted as true.
 | 10/15/2013 - Now that the truth about the toxicity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like bisphenol-A (BPA) is finally gaining real traction in mainstream scientific circles, scientists partial to the chemical industry are starting to lash out more aggressively against proposals to better regulate these ubiquitous...
 | 10/5/2013 - The Health Ranger's forensic food investigation of Chicken McNuggets two months ago is making new waves across the industry. A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine appears to have been inspired by the Natural News publishing of photos revealing "strange fibers" in Chicken McNuggets,...
 | 9/21/2013 - Four Brazilian scientific journals and ten others from around the world have been barred from the influential Thomson Reuters Impact Factor rating system for one year following the discovery that a cohort of editors published a series of papers designed to artificially boost the rankings of their respective...
 | 9/18/2013 - Allow me to be the first to announce that TED is dead. Why? Because the group that organizes so-called "TED talks" has been thoroughly hijacked by corporate junk science and now openly rejects any talks about GMOs, food as medicine, or even the subject of how food can help prevent behavioral disorders...
 | 9/17/2013 - Okay, so maybe Hollywood is really where the cutting edge of technology takes place. What moviemakers and scriptwriters dream up eventually becomes reality.
That would certainly seem to be the case in this instance: Scientists in Spain are boasting about creating the first self-healing thermoset...
 | 9/10/2013 - Just when you thought that "man's best friend" couldn't get any better or any more loyal, here comes "science" with a better idea.
Scientists at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Auburn University in Alabama think that maybe you, as a dog owner, are tired of having your pet roll over, shake,...
 | 9/10/2013 - For years, we've all heard that global warming is threatening our planet. But now, in a stunning turnaround, world scientists are warning that an era of global cooling seems to be upon us, complete with extraordinary expansions of ocean ice being recorded in just the past year.
Even the latest UN...
 | 9/5/2013 - The "TED talks" organization, once founded on the idea of spreading good ideas, has become the new priesthood of status quo dogma. The TED organization doesn't want you to hear the really important, breakthrough advancements in scientific thinking, and to enforce that intellectual ignorance, it has...
 | 8/25/2013 - There has been quite a bit of media coverage recently about the environmental threats of continued overuse of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, a glyphosate-based chemical solution that continues to be liberally sprayed on tens of millions of acres of genetically-modified (GM) soybeans, corn, cotton, and...
 | 8/24/2013 - If you choose to imbibe a few beers or cocktails every now and then to take the edge off, staying hydrated and avoiding the ever-dreaded hangover the next day is often as simple as just following up with plenty of clean water and electrolyte-rich coconut water. Or you may eventually be able to try a...
 | 8/22/2013 - Much of modern science remains stuck in an endless inward spiral of false paradigms. That's why "scientific" medicine, for example, offers no real answers to the really big diseases: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and so on.
More importantly, modern medicine will never solve these...
 | 8/20/2013 - With the world-changing technology of 3D printing, scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, have focused their efforts on potentially life saving strategies, having recently had success 3D printing embryonic stem cells. This breakthrough could end the need for animal drug testing for organ...
 | 8/19/2013 - Although the idea that spiders come indoors when it gets cold is a myth, many people believe they see more spiders in their homes in the late fall and winter time and become concerned about spider bites. There are several species of poisonous spiders in the U.S. and Canada, such as the black widow,...
 | 8/7/2013 - Could you imagine going to the dentist's office and handing them a urine sample so they could grow you a new tooth? Within weeks, stem cells from your urine could be birthing a tooth right in your own mouth.
This is exactly what Chinese researchers are onto. Using cells generated from urine, researchers...
 | 8/6/2013 - Scientists have been mounting evidence to support the cancer-fighting abilities associated with consuming broccoli and other members of the crucifer family for more than a decade. Past studies have shown that this super-food family directly influences the expression of more than 400 genes immediately...
 | 7/22/2013 - Agriculture scientists in Brazil have spent the past decade developing so-called "superfoods" that will soon become a natural alternative to genetically modified frankenfoods grown in many countries including the United States and will alleviate malnutrition for nearly one-third of the world's population.
 | 7/18/2013 - It's bad enough that Americans are being constitutionally squeezed at just about every level of government, now scientists want to get into the act.
In the name of conducting "research," bioethicists are now arguing that blood samples left over from newborns are a wealth of potential information...
 | 7/2/2013 - Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a loss of short-term memory, cognition and thought processes that define a person's personality, and new cases are exploding exponentially. Though allopathic physicians and researchers maintain there is no known cause or treatment for the ultimately fatal illness,...
 | 5/24/2013 - The age of 3D printing is here - and not only for common household products. Scientists have discovered a way to print a tissue-like material as well as an artificial ear, potentially revolutionizing how physicians approach the replacement of damaged areas of the body. Still in its infancy, 3D printing...
 | 5/22/2013 - You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand why genetically modified foods are dangerous, but if you look closely, you may just find the name of one listed among the names of more than 800 scientists from around the globe who have joined forces in an open letter to all world governments, outlining...
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