Salad news, articles and information:
 | 10/21/2016 - Most of us who make a conscious effort to eat healthy food have been on the receiving end of a fair amount of ridicule over our choices, whether it's our father-in-law insisting that one piece of bacon won't kill us, or our well-meaning friend telling us to "live a little" and join her for a 1,000-calorie...
 | 9/25/2016 - An unknown number of residents living in Missoula, Montana, may have been exposed to Hepatitis A, a viral liver disease that may result in mild to severe illness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The possible transmission may have occurred due to an infected employee who was tending...
 | 9/21/2016 - There are many reasons that a person might want to avoid eating pre-packaged food, and now you can add another to the list as a number of ready-to-eat salads have been recalled due to a potential Listeria risk.
SM Fish Corp., which is based in Rockaway, New York, has recalled the food products, which...
 | 7/19/2016 - The organic food industry in America is about a $30 billion dollar business right now, but as a fair estimate, a fourth of that money is spent by Americans who assume everything organic is healthy, and the price for that assumption could be cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Go ahead, pile it on. Make...
 | 2/12/2016 - McDonald's has jumped onto the superfood bandwagon, and has added healthy and popular vegetable kale into some of its menu items. The move comes as part of an attempt to reinvent the McDonald's image – but some health experts are saying that the new nutrient-enhanced meals are actually on the...
 | 9/30/2015 - A very thorough detox can be expensive and challenging to complete. Some people who are very sick, or otherwise very toxic, need this kind of detoxification protocol, but most don't, and most cannot afford to spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars on supplements. The good news is that with the...
 | 7/7/2015 - Eggs, which seem to have an off-again, on-again romance in the world of health (some saying they contribute to high cholesterol levels, others saying they're beneficial and perfectly fine to enjoy), have recently been touted as having incredible health benefits. One key to enjoying their benefits, according...
 | 12/21/2014 - We are quickly approaching the New Year, the time when we all take stock of the year before and vow to change or improve. For the vast majority of us, New Year's resolutions include some version of eating healthier or eating less. For a week or two, we just might give it a try. But old habits die hard,...
 | 4/6/2014 - It's not uncommon for salad eaters to face odd or even belittling comments about their preference for leafy greens and veggies. From declarations that they "eat like birds" to friends who frown and say such a way of eating is harmful, salad eaters have heard it all. However, one study has shown that...
 | 2/17/2014 - Step right up to your favorite food bar, whether at Whole Foods, Harris Teeter or Farm Fresh, and "get you some" potato salad, coleslaw, egg salad, pasta salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, baked goods, or just make your own salad with lots of salad "dressing" and you are most likely getting a few heaping...
 | 9/10/2012 - The standard dismissal by addicts of the western style diet is that salads are made up of rabbit food, and just as bird food is inadequate for the sustenance of a lion, salads are unsuitable for meeting the nutrient needs of humans.
But salad is decorative, for the color, right?A study conducted...
 | 9/6/2012 - Salads are a great way to load up on your daily servings of fresh vegetables. If you are topping them with store-bought dressings; however, you may be doing more harm than good. Most commercial brands contain soybean or canola oil, sugar or corn syrup, preservatives, thickening agents and stabilizers...
 | 11/29/2011 - Dining at fast food restaurants is a bit like voting in the American political system -- it's rare that you find a truly positive option, more often you have to choose the lesser of the available evils. Just as with politics, it's best if you educate yourself before making your selection. Wendy's serves...
 | 10/26/2011 - After you wash and chop your fresh vegetables to prepare a delicious and healthy salad, would you pour a bottle of corn syrup over your dish or sprinkle the greens with sugar? You probably think that this sounds like a disgusting idea. Yet that is exactly what many people do by using prepared salad...
| 3/22/2011 - Whole grains have been lauded for their many health benefits; however, many people who are gluten-intolerant have found their whole grain choices limited. Quinoa (keen-wah) is an increasingly popular gluten-free grain-like vegetable that may offer the same benefits as whole grains and then some.
| 9/7/2009 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Rawkathon, which can be found at In this excerpt, Cherie Soria shares a fantastic raw food recipe called the Great Greek Salad.
Rawkathon with Cherie Soria . Cherie Soria teaches raw food "cooking" classes and is the author...
| 2/25/2009 - It looks like food prices will continue to creep steadily higher throughout 2009, even in the face of an economic crisis that has reduced the purchasing power of most Americans. This makes it more important that ever to get the best nutritional value for every food dollar spent. When it is time for...
| 2/19/2009 - This is part one of a three-part interview with Myra Goodman, co-founder, along with her husband Drew, of Earthbound Farm, which is perhaps the most well-known name in organic produce in America. With this article, we kick off an exciting, ongoing "Know the Growers" series, in which we will be interviewing...
| 1/3/2009 - Now that you've decided to eat a primarily raw-vegan food based diet, you may wonder how you can dine out at regular food restaurants. Of course you want to maintain and even grow your social life, right? Right. Well you have good reason to be thinking ahead about this because dining out at restaurants...
 | 10/26/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at In this excerpt, Phillip McClusky shares on starting a raw food diet.
Renegade Water Secrets with Phillip McClusky, who lost 200 lbs. and found health and happiness in a...
 | 6/26/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Nomi Shannon shares on salads, dressings, spices and desserts in a raw lifestyle.
The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Nomi Shannon,...
 | 5/15/2008 - Eating just one salad a day provides even greater health benefits than previously thought, according to a study that examined salad consumption by more than 17,000 adults. The study, conducted by the UCLA School of Public Health and Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, supported by The...
 | 11/3/2007 - The movie Supersize Me has probably had more of an effect than the producers anticipated. Since then, in the fast food industry, there has been a market trend promoting menu items that appear to be healthy. But most of these menu items have ingredients that health conscious consumers would prefer to...
| 11/16/2006 - Eating just one salad a day provides even greater health benefits than previously thought, according to a study that examined salad consumption by more than 17,000 adults. The study, conducted by the UCLA School of Public Health and Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, supported by The...
| 10/23/2006 - Go ahead and indulge at the salad bar. "Rabbit food" is nutritious for people, too.
A new UCLA/Louisiana State University study of dietary data on more than 17,500 men and women finds consumption of salad and raw vegetables correlates with higher concentrations of folic acid, vitamins C and E, lycopene...
| 9/27/2006 - Salad eaters receive more nutrients daily than those with poorer diets, say Louisiana State University researchers. In this study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, salad consumption was assessed based on study participants' intake of salad, raw vegetables and salad dressing.
 | 1/20/2005 - There is a reality about weight loss that people need to be aware of. Losing weight requires you to feel hungry from time to time. There is no way to lose weight without feeling some degree of hunger. Believe me, I have exhaustively explored this issue. I have tried appetite suppressants. I have tried...
| 7/28/2004 - A fascinating new study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that dietary fat is necessary for the absorption of nutrients from fruits and vegetables. In the study, people who consumed salads with fat-free salad dressing absorbed far less of the helpful phytonutrients and vitamins...
| See all 69 salad feature articles.Concept-related articles:Nutrition:Nutritionist:Diet:Calories:Eating:WHO:People:Nutritional supplements:Healing foods:Phytochemicals:Phytonutrients:Grocery healing:Vitamins:Healthy fats:Good fats:Olive oil:
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CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
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alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
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