Risks news, articles and information:
 | 9/9/2016 - Judging by the number of horror stories circulating in the mainstream media regarding the so-called Zika virus "epidemic," one might get the idea that Americans are facing a health threat as dangerous as HIV/AIDS or even the Black Plague.
Every day, a batch of fresh fear-mongering stories are published...
 | 8/19/2016 - Neighborhoods where kids face the highest risk of lead poisoning exist all across America.
The trouble is that exposure risk is surprisingly difficult estimate, due to a variety of state-by-state differences in reporting standards. So we worked with epidemiologists in Washington state to estimate...
 | 4/18/2016 - Fast-food franchise Burger King has introduced a massive sandwich it is calling "The Angriest Whopper."
The sandwich features all the normal burger fixings – lettuce, cheese, sauces, pickles, onions, etc. – but its marketing focuses on its brilliant red-dyed bun, which, according to published...
 | 4/12/2016 - Not that our sycophantic government will care, but a new warning has been issued about the invasive X-ray scanners in use by the Transportation Security Administration at airports around the country.
As reported by CBS Philadelphia, Dr. David B. Agus, author of the new book The Lucky Years: How to...
 | 3/13/2016 - Jill Hennessy, the health minister of Victoria, Australia, shocked and outraged parents of vaccine-injured children recently, when she stated to Channel 10 Melbourne that, "There are no risks in vaccinating your children."
But even the heavily pro-vaccine health establishment admits that there are...
 | 3/10/2016 - An Australian Health Minister named Jill Hennessy has just uttered the most insanely stupid, anti-science quackery ever recorded on the subject of vaccines. As part of her imperial push to poison and cripple as many Australian children (including Aborigine children) as possible, she has publicly insisted...
 | 4/21/2015 - Field trials in Bentong, a town in the state of Pahang, Malaysia, were conducted to determine if GM mosquitoes could help keep dengue at bay, with a final determination that such an attempt does not yield any benefits. In fact, the risks were found to be so great that the plan was halted altogether;...
 | 8/27/2014 - BREAKING: CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See the full statement reprinted below.)
The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:
My name is William...
 | 5/30/2014 - Most people in industrialized society consider a real tattoo to be an ink-based, permanent etch. The art of modern day tattooing has evolved into full body displays and personally meaningful symbols, intricately displayed almost anywhere on the body. As this body art becomes more popular, it carries...
 | 9/29/2013 - Wading through all the information out there about vaccines and vaccine safety can be tiresome, as getting the honest truth from non-industry-backed sources is sometimes hard to come by and takes considerable and dedicated effort. But if you know where to look, the truth is out there just waiting for...
 | 9/15/2013 - CVS Pharmacies is accused of bribing, then killing senior citizens with high-dose flu vaccines that have an established track record of preceding shockingly high death rates among seniors receiving them, according to a new video by ExperimentalVaccines.org.
The video, shown below, is also available...
 | 8/29/2013 - A Senate Finance Committee investigation has revealed that Medtronic Inc., the world's largest medical device manufacturer, actively engaged in deception and fraud concerning the marketing of its bone graft device InFuse. According to reports, Medtronic secretly hired private consultants to write and...
 | 1/8/2013 - A shocking new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health from wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation) and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has substantially increased since 2007. Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are...
 | 11/5/2012 - Do you take ibuprofen on a regular basis for acute or chronic aches and pains? Do you know that ingesting these medications consistently over short or long periods of time can cause life-threatening injuries? Most medications only mask symptoms and never "fix" the source of pain. Chronic NSAID use creates...
 | 10/25/2012 - Health-conscious individuals are well aware that moderate levels of physical activity are essential to promote health, especially when combined with proper diet, supplementation when necessary and lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation and avoiding chemical and household carcinogens. Recent research...
 | 8/22/2012 - Obesity is a leading health problem in the U.S. with nearly two thirds of all adults either being obese or overweight. In an effort to profit from this crisis, two new weight loss therapies "Qysmia" (formerly known as Qnexa) produced by Vivus Pharmaceuticals and "Belviq" (Lorcaserin) manufactured by...
 | 3/3/2012 - On February 28, federal health officials added new safety alerts to the prescribing information for statin drugs, citing increased risks of memory loss, diabetes and muscle pain. It is the first time the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially linked statins to cognitive problems...
 | 2/23/2011 - All drugs are associated with some risks of adverse reactions and vaccines are no exception. In weighing risks versus benefits, one has to keep in mind that vaccines represent a special category of drugs since they are generally given to healthy individuals. If there are uncertain benefits from a vaccine,...
| 1/25/2011 - In the face of increasing reports of adverse events and death rates that are 400% higher than other vaccines, Merck continues to maintain that its controversial Gardasil vaccine is safe and continues to push for wider use. One group Merck would especially like to gain approval for is older women (currently,...
| 9/23/2010 - Anti-anxiety medications intended for short-term use only are still being prescribed for the long-term, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia and published in the journal Health Policy.
The drugs in question, known as benzodiazepines, include the popular...
 | 7/30/2010 - At a biotech industry conference in January 1999, a representative from Arthur Anderson, LLP explained how they had helped Monsanto design their strategic plan. First, his team asked Monsanto executives what their ideal future looked like in 15 to 20 years. The executives described a world with 100...
| 3/4/2010 - Assisted reproductive technology has its place and sometimes it`s the only viable option for infertile couples. Having said that, even if one chooses that option without trying natural methods it is possible to combine both. For example in vitro fertilization - IVF (the fertilization of an egg in an...
| 1/15/2010 - A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has revealed that information about heart risks from pharmaceutical giant Merck's Vioxx drug was available in 2000, four years before the Merck pulled the drug from the market. Because the information was not published and made public, Merck...
| 10/15/2009 - Regular readers of NaturalNews know that recent studies have found little if any benefit to prostate cancer screening tests (https://www.naturalnews.com/026787_cancer_Prostate_prostate_cancer.html). What's more, although about one in six men will be diagnosed with the disease during their lifetime, only...
| 7/9/2009 - The top six preventable risks in the average American lifestyle alone kill more than one million people each year, with omega-3 deficiency now the sixth most significant factor, according to new research published by Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and colleagues examined...
| 2/11/2009 - The nonprofit environmental law firm Earthjustice has sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for failing to properly take into account the health and ecological risks of approved pesticides.
"There are several pesticides on the market that pose extreme risks to human health - through the...
| 1/20/2009 - A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that having an elective repeat c-section before 39 weeks of pregnancy puts a newborn at risk for serious illnesses and even death. Just about 40 percent of all cesarean sections are repeat procedures, so this study is quite relevant...
 | 9/28/2007 - A frighteningly growing number of teens and young adults around the world are injecting dangerous chemicals under their skin in the name of art and self-expression. A trend that started growing in America and Europe in the early '90s, tattooing soon became so popular that 36% of Americans aged 25-29...
 | 2/8/2007 - Researchers from two branches of the University of California as well as a former FDA commissioner assert that direct-to-consumer television ads for prescription drugs often fail to identify risk factors or alternative, drug-free treatments for the conditions the drugs are designed to treat.
In the...
| 10/30/2006 - Two new review studies evaluating the safety of the pain-relieving medications selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) find increased cardiovascular and kidney risks. The studies and an accompanying editorial were posted online today by JAMA because...
 | 10/18/2006 - Independent reports based on analysis of seafood studies were released Tuesday from both the Institute of Medicine and Harvard, stating that the health benefits of seafood outweigh the risks of exposure to environmental contaminants such as mercury.
The reports agreed that increasing media attention...
| 8/29/2006 - Following is commentary by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., professor emeritus of environmental and occupational medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. Epstein is author of the new book, "What's in Your Milk?"
 | 7/18/2005 - I am both shocked and appalled at the recent decision by the FDA advisory panel to re-approve Vioxx and put the stamp of safety on all Cox-2 inhibitors, including Bextra and Celebrex. This vote came immediately after another vote in which the panel nearly unanimously agreed that all of these Cox-2 inhibitors...
 | 11/6/2004 - The truth has finally come out about Vioxx: insider emails published by the Wall Street Journal reveal that Merck, the maker of Vioxx, was fully aware of the health risks of its COX-2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory drug as early as March, 2000. As is apparent from the published emails, there was a concerted...
| See all 148 risks feature articles.Concept-related articles:Technology:Biotechnology:Risk:Research:Insurance:Companies:Green:Threat:Profit:Regulation:Mind:Report:Hazard:Bad medicine:Prescription drugs:Dangerous drugs:
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