Rickets news, articles and information:
 | 9/23/2016 - When humans are exposed to sunlight, their skin produces vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin that offers many health benefits. These benefits include helping maintain a healthy immune system, and the growth and development of bones and teeth.
The following excerpt from the book, Solar Power for Optimal...
| 8/2/2011 - Thought to have been eradicated at least 80 years ago, the bone disease rickets is once again making a big comeback, particularly in the UK where cases of it are popping up all over place. A recent report from BBC News explains that rickets is on the rise in Cardiff, Wales, the country's capital, and...
| 3/23/2011 - The bone disease rickets, thought to be all but vanquished in the 1940s, is making a comeback in the United Kingdom, doctors have warned.
Rickets is a bone-softening disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. In severe cases, it can lead to deformities that can only be corrected with surgery, such as...
 | 3/13/2011 - A 12-year-old girl living on the Isle of Wright in southern Britain developed a severe vitamin D deficiency verging on rickets because her mother never let her go outside without sunscreen on.
Rickets is a painful and potentially deformity-causing bone softening disease caused by vitamin D deficiency....
| 2/24/2011 - Vitamin D deficiency has become a widespread problem, as false media and government reports over the years have scared the public into thinking that the sun will kill them and that they have to lather up in sunscreen and wear several layers of clothing just to stay healthy. But all this hiding from...
| 2/13/2011 - Overprotective parents who cover their children with sunscreen even in far northern latitudes have helped bring the disease rickets back from the grave across the United Kingdom, orthopedic surgeon Nicholas Clark has warned.
Ricketts is a childhood bone-softening disease produced by deficiency of...
| 11/1/2010 - Rickets, a disease formerly considered vanquished in most of the world, is now undergoing a resurgence, doctors are warning.
Rickets is a childhood disease caused by deficiency in vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bone growth and maintenance. In children, deficiency can produce stunted growth,...
| 3/9/2010 - A clinical review paper published in the British Medical Journal is warning the public that widespread vitamin D deficiency is resurrecting the once-obsolete disease called rickets. According to Professor Simon Pearce and Dr. Time Cheetham, authors of the paper, people are getting far too little sunlight...
| 4/23/2009 - Kids get so little Vitamin D these days, that Rickets- a disease that was thought to be virtually eradicated over 50 years ago in developed countries- is back again. With it's characteristic bowed legs from improper bone hardening, rickets is caused by a simple nutritional deficiency, yet children right...
 | 7/3/2008 - The United Kingdom's Department of Health has warned that the health condition known as rickets is making a comeback due to more widespread vitamin D deficiency among the British population.
Caused primarily by vitamin D deficiency, rickets is a childhood bone disease that can lead to skeletal deformities,...
 | 11/11/2007 - Despite government recommendations, parents in the United Kingdom are not aware of the importance of children and pregnant women supplementing with vitamin D, according to a warning published by two Scottish doctors in the British Medical Journal.
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, normally produced...
| 6/26/2006 - Primary Care Trust (PCT) -- England's national health service -- is giving free vitamin D supplements to young children in Bradford to help cure rickets.
A study conducted by Shirley Brierley, a special registrar with PCT, found that more than 300 Bradford children were vitamin D deficient, which...
 | 2/7/2006 - Doctor Price was right, as usual. Cod liver oil is very good for you, more than you ever knew. Research studies ranging from 1918-2001 give cod liver oil an A+ rating. This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential...
 | 1/1/2005 - The following is part five of an eight-part interview with Dr. Michael Holick, author of "The UV advantage" and one of the world's most respected authorities on vitamin D and the health benefits of natural sunlight. His work can be found at www.UVadvantage.com. Be sure to print out the vitamin D myths,...
Concept-related articles:Vitamin D:Breastfeeding:Vitamin D deficiency:Diet:Calcium:Sunlight:Health:Disease:Infants:Babies:Deficiency:WHO:Child:Supplement:Study:Increase:
Concepts related to Rickets
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