Remedies news, articles and information:
 | 11/1/2016 - Stay well during the colder months with these simple, time-tested home remedies to prevent a common cold, help shorten the duration and get you feeling better in no time. A common cold is caused by a virus, so there is no point in taking antibiotics which only kill bacteria. While there is a host of...
 | 9/21/2016 - You might think that preparing for radiation exposure is only for preppers (even if you identify with that label), or for pessimistic people living near nuclear power plants.
But according to natural healing expert Edward F. Group III, it's not just massive nuclear disasters like the Fukushima meltdown...
 | 7/7/2016 - Tooth aches can be an enormous pain in the "mouth". From sitting at your desk constantly massaging your mouth to laying on the couch at night throbbing in pain, toothaches can really put a dent in your daily routine.
The causes behind toothaches are many: cavities, enamel erosion, periodontis, teeth...
 | 3/17/2016 - The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women explores the increasingly high preference for female physicians, as well as offering tips specific to women's health. Written by Sharon Faelten, the book is based on advice given exclusively by women doctors, with the help of the American Medical Women's Association.
 | 3/12/2016 - Antibiotics should really be a last resort when you are feeling unwell, and the misuse of them is leading to more and more bugs becoming resistant to antibiotics. These "superbugs", such as MRSA, are very difficult to treat, and according to Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, "the rise of antibiotic...
 | 11/26/2015 - A small voice inside your head may be telling you that natural remedies are not effective for your current health crisis. And, that's understandable, when you consider the amount of people that believe pharmaceutical drugs are the 'only way' to treat chronic health problems like allergies, arthritis...
 | 6/24/2015 - Varicose veins are swollen or enlarged veins that occur when our valves become weak or damaged, causing blood to accumulate in them. Though varicose veins can occur in any part of our body, they are most common in the legs and thighs of aging or obese women, as well as in adults who stand up for long...
 | 6/16/2015 - Acne is a skin condition can be caused by a variety of nutritional deficiencies, as well as food allergies food intolerances and fungal infections. Natural remedies for acne include vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C and herbs like tea tree oil. Acne occurs when the skin becomes inflamed. Oil glands...
 | 3/27/2015 - As we age, many of us will develop skin tags. Yes, they are more prevalent in people who are overweight or obese, in those who are pre-diabetic or diabetic, and in the elderly. But the truth is, nearly half of us will have one or more by middle age. Pregnancy, steroid use, genetics, and the HPV virus...
 | 3/24/2015 5:09:09 PM - At the root of any serious disease lies chronic inflammation. Normally a beneficial response by the body to heal itself, it becomes problematic when this process is initiated 24-7. Symptoms are expressed in a wide variety of ways, most notably through pain.
This has resulted in massive amount of...
 | 2/5/2015 - From air pollution that acts as an irritant to allergies and the frustrating common cold, the causes for developing a sore throat are plenty. While the Mayo Clinic notes that more serious issues may be at hand such as cancerous throat tumors or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a sore throat is...
 | 11/26/2014 - Cranberries are well known for treating urinary tract infections, but they do much more - from cardiovascular protection to cancer prevention.
The phytonutrients in cranberries include phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids and they are high in fiber, vitamin...
 | 11/26/2014 - A sore throat, or inflammation of the pharynx and fauces, is a common medical condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection, such as the common cold, though some cases can be caused by a swollen tonsil or enlarged glands in...
 | 11/19/2014 - There is s strong belief in the natural health community of one disease, one cause. In other words, the body, if cleansed of toxins and given proper nutrition, will heal itself. All disease begins at a cellular level. There is also a consensus that health starts in the gut. Four things are known about...
 | 11/13/2014 - Skin tags are small growths of skin that appear on the surface of the skin, usually on the face, neck, underarms, chest or groin. These small skin growths are benign tumors. They look like excess skin, but they are complete with nerve cells, fat cells, and a core of fibers and ducts. Skin tags can be...
 | 10/30/2014 - We are all aware of adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone that kicks in whenever we find ourselves facing a threat. But did you know adrenaline is only one of the many hormones produced by the adrenal glands?
About the Adrenal GlandsThe adrenal glands (also known as the suprarenal glands) sit atop...
 | 10/24/2014 - The first step in eliminating an overgrowth of candida is to stop feeding it. Sugar is your worst enemy. This means eliminating all forms of sugar including simple carbohydrates that the body turns into sugar as well as yeast and moldy foods. Also, avoid all allergens. You need your immune system focused...
 | 9/28/2014 - When asked what cayenne can be used for to improve the body's health, the most common answer I've gotten is that it is great for the metabolism. For the most part, if you know about cayenne, you know that cayenne boosts metabolism. It also suppresses the appetite. While it can be taken in capsule form,...
 | 9/27/2014 - More than 12% of men and about 7% of women will have to deal with kidney stones at some point in their lives. Once you have suffered through them, statistics say you're more likely to have them again. Statistics say they've got an 80% chance of recurrence.
Kidney stones have a tendency to open people's...
 | 9/3/2014 - Acid reflux can go from mild to chronic in a very short period of time. There are medications than can help manage the symptoms of acid reflux, such as antacids. However, they aren't necessary, because there are many natural remedies that are simple and easy to use. The following remedies can be used...
 | 7/30/2014 - Allergic reactions occur when your immune system decides that a particular substance that enters your body, be it pollen, mold spores, cat dander or just dust, is an "enemy" and tries to "attack" it. Such substances are commonly referred to as allergens and, in the process of neutralizing them, your...
 | 7/2/2014 - Bugged by ringing in your ears? After doctors have ruled out possible serious causes, for example the presence of a tumor, there is really very little else that they can do for you. Whether the sound in your ear is ringing, whistling, clicking or hissing; loud or soft; intermittent or incessant; mildly...
 | 6/21/2014 - Few things in life are as frustrating, uncomfortable and socially awkward as bad breath, also known as halitosis. If you suffer from this embarrassing problem, there's no reason to run and hide, or attempt to disguise the odor with artificial, potentially toxic chemical products. Instead, consider these...
 | 5/12/2014 2:34:11 AM - Almost 85 percent of people experience acne within the course of a lifetime, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, (1) so it's a very common problem. Many people turn to over-the-counter acne products or prescription drugs for this condition. But many of these products have ingredients that...
 | 5/6/2014 - Varicose veins are swollen, raised veins which could be tender and painful and cause the legs to feel tired, achy, tight and heavy. In general, they do not pose any significant health risks, although they could be uncomfortable and unsightly. Some supplements can help provide relief.
How they happen
 | 1/2/2014 - Do you know what over-the-counter pharmaceuticals Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu and prescription painkillers Vicoden and Percocet have in common? They all contain an ingredient that has forced almost 80,000 ER (emergency room) visits, 26,000 hospitalizations and around 500 deaths annually.
 | 11/16/2013 - Many people experiencing chest pains, tight or swollen chest muscles, a dull chest ache or even stabbing pains when pressing on the sternum may be feeling the effects of a condition known as costochondritis. While a health care professional should be consulted when it comes to any severe chest or lung...
 | 10/26/2013 - Winter cold and herbal therapeutics are seemingly synonymous and rightly so. When the cold winter months threaten, cold weather has a way of lowering the body's immunities. When this condition develops, the body is more vulnerable to such things as congested sinus's and sinus infections and variants...
 | 10/6/2013 - Blackheads are bumps (or 'plugs') on the skin that are caused by a buildup of excess oils and sebum in the skin glands. As these oils oxidize, they darken, giving blackheads their trademark color.
Blackheads are extremely common, especially among adolescents. Though not a health concern, they are...
 | 10/4/2013 - A lot of women these days put up with dark circles under their eyes or puffy eyes. Underlying factors that cause this condition include inherited traits, cigarette smoking, inadequate hours of sleep, improper diet, excessive alcohol drinking, pollution and allergies.
Having to live day to day with...
 | 10/1/2013 - Dry and chapped lips occur all the time without warning. This is not life threatening, but it can cause inconvenience and affect the way people live their lives. There are different manifestations that can be observed, including the presence of one or several of these symptoms: sores, tenderness, flaking,...
 | 9/27/2013 - Linked with cancer, seizures, asthma and more, parasites are an invisible, yet very real, threat to health. Difficult to diagnose, physicians and medical personnel often miss the connection between a parasitic infection and serious disease. It is estimated that a majority of Americans harbor parasites...
 | 9/26/2013 - Persistent coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses, headaches -- these are among the many symptoms that can drag you down and leave you feeling helpless to make it through your day and fulfill your responsibilities when you catch a cold virus. But rather than reach for those chemical-laden cough syrups...
 | 9/20/2013 - Psoriasis is a complex disease of the skin. What makes it complex is the fact that it is incurable, because the problem is directly related to some malfunction of the immune system. There is a need to first correct the disorder happening inside the body before the reddening and flaking of the skin can...
 | 9/9/2013 - Arthritis is actually inflammation of one or more joints, where flexible physical points of bone meeting bone through cartilage occur. There are various forms and causes of arthritis, but the inflammation aspect holds true for all of them.
For most, the solution is "managing the pain" with either...
 | 8/29/2013 - Dandruff is a dermatological condition whereby dead skin cells shed from the scalp. While everyone suffers from flaking from time to time, dandruff can become so prevalent and irritable for some people that it can often affect their social lives and personal well-being. This leads many people to seek...
 | 8/12/2013 - More than 10 million Americans suffer from allergy and hay fever symptoms. Spring, summer and fall produce a wide variety of tree, flower and grass pollens. These pollens in turn create a wide variety of symptoms ranging from nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches, insomnia and depression....
 | 7/30/2013 - Headaches. They are day-killers. You can't concentrate at work and you can't get anything done at home. All you can do is suffer until it goes away.
More than 30 million Americans suffer from migraines - or one person in some 25 percent of U.S. households - and three out of four of them are women....
 | 7/27/2013 - Experienced campers and hikers will be familiar with the unpleasant itching caused by contact with poison ivy, the innocent-looking North American plant with a truly venomous bite. Indeed, many summer camping or hiking trips have been cut short because a team member was afflicted with contact dermatitis...
 | 7/9/2013 - Virtually all cultures in the world view thick, lustrous hair as a symbol of vitality, youthfulness, and healthfulness. Consequently, hair improvement products in all forms (shampoos, conditioners, hair loss creams, etc.) are international, billion-dollar industries. Some of these products receive good...
 | 7/1/2013 - Keep your dog cool as summer sizzles its way back into season. Summer signals the time when dogs are ready for hiking, fetching, and other outdoor play. Hot summer days can be deadly to our pets unless we protect them from overheating from heat stroke. Early signs are excess panting, weakness, confusion,...
 | 6/27/2013 - A Sore throat is one of the most common conditions affecting people from all walks of life. Making basic activities such as talking and swallowing difficult, it is a major annoyance to say the least. This involves the swelling of the pharynx caused by factors such as bacterial infection, allergies,...
 | 6/11/2013 - It used to be called alternative medicine, but herbal and homeopathic remedies have gone mainstream as new research by Mintel indicates approximately a third of Americans are swapping OTC medicines for natural products to overcome common ailments. Wider availability and a more holistic, proactive approach...
 | 6/10/2013 - The usual skin creams, lotions, or salves promoted on TV or on slick magazine ads are not effective for wrinkles, stretch marks, acne, and other skin problems. They often make matters worse, they're expensive, and some even contain carcinogenic components.
Pharmaceutical applications prescribed by...
 | 5/17/2013 - An excess of abdominal gas leaves the body in three main ways: abdominal bloating, belching, and flatus. The average person passes gas around 12 to 25 times each day, but it is generally not noticeable. Large, frequent expulsions of gas are not typical. When air instead gets trapped in the colon or...
 | 4/21/2013 3:27:27 PM - To protect against a bioterrorism attack such as anthrax, plague or smallpox, perform a bioterrorism risk assessment to put in place an effective disaster plan for survival. Emergency response and preparedness is best achieved by preparing a kit beforehand, including natural remedies known for their...
 | 4/15/2013 10:53:28 AM - Avian, or bird flu virus, was confined primarily to birds, mostly chickens, up to the 1990s. Until then it was not considered a health threat to humans. Early cases in humans emerged in Hong Kong in 1997. Although the original bird flu was a rare strain, individuals may still be susceptible to another...
 | 4/5/2013 - Spring allergy is commonly used to refer to hay fever, a seasonal allergic rhinitis attack experienced by more than 35 million Americans every year as the season changes and many allergens start to blossom - during springtime. As pollens scatter and travel through air, people as far as hundreds of miles...
 | 3/25/2013 - Tinnitus is an annoying condition affecting the ears, which can seriously diminish a person's hearing. A multitude of distracting sounds such as ringing, hissing and buzzing can be heard which are often maddening and interfere with daily life. Tinnitus often develops after exposure to loud noise, ear...
 | 3/20/2013 - Obesity and weight loss have become major issues again. This time, the focus is more on health than appearance. The weight loss era of fad diets encouraging artificial sweeteners and margarine while discouraging healthy fats is dwindling.
The more visceral fat you have surrounding your abdominal...
 | 3/4/2013 - Insomnia is caused by a wide range of ailments, such as joint and muscle pain, restless legs, anxiety, fear, acid reflux, and pain from chronic disease. Something as common as drinking too much coffee late in the day, or staying up too late and getting a second wind can contribute to sleeplessness....
 | 2/22/2013 - Your liver is your body's primary organ of detoxification; when it's not well, neither are you. The human liver filters drugs, nutrients and toxins from the body, produces bile to help digest fats, and removes toxic bilirubin from the blood. Home remedies, foods and alternative treatments keep your...
 | 2/20/2013 - The government's "health" agencies are at it again, this time pushing more flu vaccines on an unsuspecting population by threatening makers of natural remedies.
Regulators at the Food and Drug Administration have sent letters to nine Internet distributors of dietary supplements with a warning to...
 | 2/14/2013 - Treating chronic pain is a complex issue because there are numerous factors that contribute to its development and persistence. Contrary to popular belief, most instances of chronic pain do not actually originate in the muscles, bones, and tissues, but rather in the nerves, which means eating foods...
 | 2/14/2013 - Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric condition that often arises after an individual witnesses or is involved in a life-threatening event such as a disaster, rape or violent assault. Children and adults experiencing PTSD can relive the terrifying experience through nightmares, flashbacks...
 | 2/8/2013 1:55:21 PM - If you've had chicken pox as a child, then you're still carrying the herpes zoster virus in your body, which can become reactivated after many years causing a very painful, burning rash known as shingles. The virus lives in the nerve cells and produces a rash along the nerve pathways, most often on...
 | 2/1/2013 - Coughing always involves some type of irritation in the upper respiratory tract. It may be associated with a case of the flu, sinusitis, congestion, post nasal drip, or pneumonia. Additionally, coughing may be the result of chronic bronchitis, emphysema or COPD. Aside from over-the-counter cough suppressants...
 | 1/31/2013 - The Food and Drug Administration approved a new flu shot in January 2013 called Flublok. With the CDC calling claiming the flu is "at an epidemic level, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises American to get the a flu shot." Flublok, made by Protein Sciences Corp., of Meriden,...
 | 1/23/2013 - A fever is your body's way of fighting an infection during a flu or infection. Suppressing a fever is not advised, as the fever will kill the bacteria and virus. However, high fevers can be dangerous, especially for small children. Natural medicine has numerous treatments to reduce a high fever.
 | 1/15/2013 - It's a "flu pandemic," says the CDC. Americans who are gullible enough to believe that flu shots actually prevent the flu can proceed to any corner pharmacy and get themselves injected with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and MSG -- all ingredients which are admittedly added to vaccines, says the CDC.
 | 1/15/2013 - Even during a flu epidemic, there's no reason to fear becoming sick if you have the following home remedies on hand. Some act to protect you ahead of time before even getting sick, while others help you to recover after contracting the illness.
Remedies for preventing the flu
· Colloidal Silver...
 | 1/5/2013 - High blood pressure is no longer just an affliction of the elderly, as more than one-third of young people between the ages of 16 and 34 are now said to suffer from some form of hypertension. And a recent study out of California revealed that, if left unchecked, this cardiovascular malady, even in its...
 | 12/16/2012 3:00:00 PM - In light of various, recent, violent events worldwide, many people are suffering from mixed reactions of shock, unbearable grief, fear and terror. Sudden, unexpected acts of violence, especially against innocents like children and animals produce immense sorrow and outrage along with feelings of helplessness...
 | 11/22/2012 - Homeopathy offers a selection of remedies for the treatment of heartburn and painful acid reflux symptoms. Homeopathy works by giving a tiny dose of a remedy whose characteristics are similar to those of the person who needs that remedy. The remedy stimulates the individual's own vital force, or immune...
 | 11/22/2012 - It is almost inevitable that as soon as the weather turns cold, noses start running and people start coughing. Both bacterial infections such as strep throat and viral infections like the flu can cause sore throats. Thankfully, viral infections do not respond to antibiotics so people have to turn to...
 | 11/15/2012 - Let's face it, some natural remedies just don't work. Unfortunately, still more can have serious side effects, and others haven't been studied enough for the scientific or medical community to embrace them as effective or safe.
If you favor a natural approach to treating (and preventing) seasonal...
 | 10/29/2012 - Restless leg syndrome (RLS) affects approximately 10 percent of the populace, with onset commonly occurring among woman in their 50s. RLS involves moving the legs constantly -- seeking relief from pains, twitching, burning, crawling, tingling and unease -- all made worse when you're lying still in bed.
 | 10/24/2012 - According to researchers at the Voice Institute of New York, alkaline water may just be a heartburn sufferer's new best friend. Apparently, the alkalinity in artesian well water with natural bicarbonate (pH 8.8) can permanently inactivate pepsin in vitro. Pepsin is activated by contact with acid and...
 | 10/22/2012 - Pathogenic bacteria already exist in even a healthy gut. But the healthy gut maintains a balance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria of usually 80 to 85 percent beneficial to 20 or 15 percent pathogenic.
This ratio is normal for a human body that houses an estimated 100,000 billion (one trillion...
 | 8/27/2012 - West Nile virus and other infectious, flu-like illnesses produce symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, upper respiratory effects, fatigue, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes. In rare cases, a severe form of West Nile may develop producing neuroinvasive symptoms affecting the nervous system.
 | 8/2/2012 - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and dozens of other foods and home remedies from this versatile fruit. Lemon's health benefits are due to the high concentration of vitamins B and C, antioxidants, protein, flavonoids, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates and volatile oils. Whether you're using...
 | 7/26/2012 - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Attention deficit disorder, (ADHD and ADD) are conditions producing difficult behavior in children and some adults, where their impulse control and other actions interfere with daily life. Homeopathy offers relief in some instances, making it easier for kids...
 | 7/26/2012 - Around 17 million people in the United States alone have asthma. It is the number one cause of chronic illness in children. Despite the wide range of medications made as treatment for asthma, the number of people affected by asthma increased by 2.5 million in the US over the past five years. Alternative...
 | 7/25/2012 - Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used in nearly all foods as a preservative or flavor enhancer. A toxic food additive, MSG creates a wide constellation of symptoms forcing victims to seek relief from side effects and allergic reactions. Minute amounts of MSG are found in everything that's processed, even...
 | 7/17/2012 - For everyone who has had a migraine, you know how extremely painful they are. You know what the first symptoms are, such as vision loss or pins and needle feeling, and you dread what is to come.
There are many that depend on over-the-counter or prescription medication to relieve migraines, in particular...
 | 7/8/2012 - When the dog days of summer arrive, it's important to protect not only against sunburn, but heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Overexposure to the sun and excessive heat causes loss of fluids leading to dehydration, low electrolytes and an increase in body temperature. This is caused not only by high...
 | 6/26/2012 - Eczema is an irritating skin disease that ranges from chronic, itchy minor rashes to raging acute eczema flare-ups with open, oozing sores that require bandaging.
Eczema is often attributed to some sort of food or airborne allergy and can be minimized by determining the allergens and adjusting accordingly....
 | 6/19/2012 - Instead of opting for potentially harmful mainstream acne medications, try safe and effective natural remedies for acne problems. You may find your acne and associated problems such as redness and light scarring completely gone or greatly improved in as little as two weeks or less.
Natural Acne RemediesLemon...
 | 6/12/2012 - There have been various reports on NaturalNews and in the mainstream media concerning the side effects of consuming food that has been genetically modified. Symptoms ranging from digestive and reproductive disorders to liver failure, internal bleeding and immune system dysfunction are being reported....
 | 6/6/2012 - It may be a brash statement to say that one prickly green herb is the panacea for almost everything that ails you; but, in the case of stinging nettles, it's mostly true. If there's one plant to have on hand at all times that provides a cure for arthritis, an herbal treatment for allergies, relieves...
 | 6/4/2012 - In a world awash with pharmaceutical drugs for everything from dandruff to toenail fungus, it's refreshing to have do-it-yourself home remedies and trusted old wives cures to heal a wide range of ailments. Baking soda is a staple in most homes and is useful for cooking, cleaning and in many home remedies....
 | 6/3/2012 - The latest health horror known as Chagas disease, or the AIDS of the Americas has appeared in both Latin and Central America, infecting over 8 million individuals. Those individuals affected seem to have certain traits in common with early AIDS patients in that many live in poverty with little access...
 | 5/31/2012 10:19:19 AM - In my article The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else, I discuss some of the best natural substances for treating MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
 | 5/22/2012 - As summer approaches, most people spend more time outdoors; and with that comes the chance of developing a poison ivy allergy. Oils from these devilish weeds are highly noxious, causing a long list of poison ivy allergy symptoms. Contact with a poison ivy plant can produce a red, swollen rash, blisters,...
 | 5/6/2012 - More than thirty million people in the U.S. suffer from migraine headaches. That means that there is a migraine sufferer in twenty five percent of households, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Traditionally, sufferers use prescription drugs - 2.5 times more than the amount...
 | 5/6/2012 - Nearly half of the meat sold in the United States has been found to contain methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA), a strain that causes a staph infection but is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic resistance caused by overusing antibiotics in people and animals creates superbugs,...
 | 4/26/2012 11:42:24 AM - Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn, is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus. The esophagus, located in the heart region of the chest, becomes irritated with a burning sensation.
There are lesser known symptoms other than heartburn for acid reflux as well:...
 | 4/24/2012 - If you're wondering how do you get headaches, look no further than your diet. Although migraine headache causes may be varied, treatment for symptoms in people with headaches can be easily accomplished merely by changing your diet and including medicinal foods, spices, and a few home remedies.
 | 4/23/2012 - Cholesterol is a natural byproduct of the liver and a necessary component of good health. Normal cholesterol is essential for cellular repair and development. It plays a critical role in the improvement of memory and learning, is the precursor to vitamin D production, and synthesizes sex hormones and...
 | 4/4/2012 2:44:09 PM - Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract, primarily effecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. It's highly contagious, and adult whooping cough is not uncommon. It starts as a common cold and develops into a spasmodic, persistent, suffocative cough accompanied...
 | 3/27/2012 - Homemade remedies for hay fever can quickly reduce seasonal allergy reactions, providing relief from symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itching, congestion and coughing. Hay fever affects the mucous membranes of the sinuses, nose, throat, eyes and palate. Grasses and plant pollens are the cause...
 | 3/22/2012 - From the pantry to the bedside, home remedies you can make in a snap help prevent seasonal colds or cure a stubborn case of the flu.
Garlic tea immune enhancerA well-known immune system strengthener, garlic shines as an antibacterial and antiviral herb for fighting colds, coughs and the flu. One...
 | 3/22/2012 - Though typically referred to as a single condition characterized by chronic joint pain, arthritis is actually a collective grouping of more than 100 different diseases involving joint inflammation for which many conventional doctors simply prescribe pain drugs as a one-size-fits-all solution. But rather...
 | 3/15/2012 - Homemade remedies for arthritis, gout and other joint pain are never farther away than the kitchen cupboard or the refrigerator. Joint disease is the result of various causes ranging from aging, to over-use and autoimmune diseases that attack joints and surrounding tissue. Pharmaceutical companies have...
 | 3/14/2012 - Not all women experience symptoms of menopause; however, for those that do, natural menopause treatment can help reduce a wide range of symptoms that may bring misery to a woman's senior years. Menopause is the result of changing hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. The Mayo Clinic reports...
 | 3/4/2012 - There has been a resurgence of asthma and other lung issues, especially among children, over the past few decades. Whether from chemtrails, outrageously increased vaccination schedules, or both - and more - is undetermined.
But the suffering is the same, and the mainstream medical solutions of inhaled...
 | 2/29/2012 12:26:22 AM - The pharmaceutical industry thought they were on to something really big when they developed drugs like Viagra to overcome erectile dysfunction. However,the truth is that holistic healthcare practitioners like homeopaths, herbalists and acupuncturists have been successfully treating impotence in men...
 | 2/2/2012 - There are no known cures for the common flu but there are many natural flu remedies that are highly effective at easing flu symptoms and reducing the duration of the illness ( Certain herbs have been used as natural flu remedies for generations and can provide...
 | 1/17/2012 - Radioactive waste from Fukushima is approaching the west coast of North America at a frightening rate. Hundreds of seals off the coast of Alaska are dead and dying from symptoms that look ominously like radiation disease; and most people wonder what and who is next. Alternative medicine offers a wide...
 | 1/2/2012 - Most dogs and cats dislike unexpected, loud noises from thunder or fireworks. What may be a festive time for humans, turns into a night of horrors for many pets, making them run for cover or cower in fear at our ankles. Calm and protect pets from feeling vulnerable and anxious during fireworks and thunderstorms...
 | 12/29/2011 - Most people hate going to the dentist. Even the for the most minor reason, dental appointments can cause a grown man, or woman, to quake with fear. Regular dental hygiene at home is a big step toward preventing dental problems; and, basic home care can be enhanced with a variety of herbal and homeopathic...
| 12/9/2011 - A phobia is an irrational fear; the symptoms of which may be manageable or be so debilitating that everyday life may be disrupted. An estimated ten percent of people in the UK and slightly more in the USA suffer from phobias of some kind. Sufferers can be helped with alternative health remedies such...
| 11/25/2011 - Dr. Edward Bach noticed that people with similar attitudes often had similar complaints. He concluded that mood and a negative outlook on life predisposed people toward ill-health and that illness is a manifestation of a deeper mental or emotional health imbalance. Flower essences are said to contain...
| 11/6/2011 - The condition known as lymphedema is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body's interstitial tissues which surround the lymph glands. It occurs when lymph nodes are missing, removed or damaged - making it impossible for the lymphatic system to remove excess lymphatic fluid through the lymph vessels....
 | 10/13/2011 - Homeopathy is a specific form of alternative (holistic) medicine which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., a German physician, in the late eighteenth century. At that time, people were being treated with poisonous substances to get the "bad humours" out of them by making them vomit, have diarrhea,...
| 8/25/2011 - A study in a 2004 edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology revealed that the combined five-year survival rate for all types of cancer using full-dose chemotherapy and radiation is only 2.5 percent, but pharmaceutical interests have prevented other treatments from being prescribed in conventional...
| 7/23/2011 - A hiatal hernia is a common condition found mostly in older adults which can result in very uncomfortable physical symptoms. It is estimated that approximately 60% of individuals over the age of 50 have it. Fortunately, there are effective natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can be made to control...
 | 5/31/2011 - As the radioactive fallout from Japan has officially reached the level of Chernobyl's catastrophe and encroached onto the U.S. and Canada, the EPA, for the lack of a drug to recommend, has been playing the role of psychotherapist - "you are OK, we are OK, don't worry." Even better, the psychotherapeutic...
| 5/24/2011 - Home treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI) is often enough to resolve the problem if the right methods are used consistently. In fact, using natural methods to treat a urinary tract infection at the first sign of symptoms may help prevent a more serious infection from setting in.
 | 5/13/2011 - Live in Europe? Get your herbs while they last. New rules put forth by the European Union (EU) will ban the sale of certain herbal remedies that have been used for centuries.
Traditional herbs such a St. John's Wort or Echinacea must now meet strict licensing guidelines in order to be sold, while...
| 5/12/2011 - In the previous installments of this series we looked at how healthy diet, habits, eye exercises, foods, vitamins, minerals, other compounds and herbs could help maintain healthy eyes and restore lost vision. In this final segment we will look at some of the other remedies used for eye problems, especially...
| 5/6/2011 - Dandruff is a common ailment that many people deal with on a daily basis. It is characterised by white flakes, along with an itchy and often irritated scalp. It is thought to be caused by a yeast-like fungus known as malassezia or pityrosporum. This fungus normally exists on the scalp without causing...
| 4/30/2011 - Menstrual cramps are something that almost every woman has experienced. While some may only experience them in the form of mild discomfort, others may experience severe and often debilitating pain during their menstrual cycle. The good news is that there are several natural remedies which can be used...
| 4/22/2011 - Intestinal gas and bloating are annoying and sometimes embarrassing conditions which plague much of the western world. Poor dietary habits and improper digestion prevalent in western society are major contributors, and some estimates report that people with poor diets expel gas 14 or more times daily....
| 3/17/2011 - Age Spots are flat brownish skin discolorations found on skin throughout the body which usually occurs in people over the age of 40. Age spots take years to develop and are not likely to go away overnight. However, with time and consistent effort they often can be treated naturally.
Though age spots...
| 3/8/2011 - For many people, vanilla may be the key for eliminating headaches. Vanilla extract contains eugenol, an essential oil that has antiseptic and analgesic properties and that helps unclog blood vessels.
The ancient Egyptians discovered that vanilla beans would cure a headache almost every time regardless...
| 3/6/2011 - Every year, millions of people suffer from outbreaks of shingles, a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus (the same virus that causes chickenpox). Mainstream medical science tells us that there are no cures for shingles and that only mainstream drugs can effectively manage symptoms. In...
| 2/17/2011 - Many people resort to using over-the-counter, chemical stress relievers, but these are neither a safe nor healthy solution to dealing with or eliminating stress. These tend to cause a lot more problems than those that they are used to treat. Thankfully, there are many natural alternatives that will...
 | 2/11/2011 - It's really quite hilarious to see this unfold: Homeopathy skeptics and vicious Big Pharma attack dogs are running around the globe in ludicrous demonstrations where they consume huge doses of homeopathic remedies in public and then claim that because they don't die of an "overdose," these medicines...
| 1/28/2011 - Wrinkles are a bane of the natural aging process. They are thin creases or lines that form in the skin, primarily on the face and neck. Wrinkles result from a gradual decrease in the skin's collagen levels as you age, which causes it to lose its elasticity. Wrinkles may also form pre-maturely, as a...
| 1/5/2011 - Pharmaceutical medications are toxic and always cause harm; an unborn fetus is especially susceptible to the toxic effects of pharmaceuticals. It is especially important for pregnant women to avoid all pharmaceuticals during pregnancy. Numerous times a drug manufacturer has claimed that a drug is safe,...
| 12/30/2010 - Herbal remedies are a centuries-old gout treatment that remains widely used even today. Gout arthritis, or simply gout, is a one of the most painful forms of rheumatism. It is an arthritic condition resulting from an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, particularly the large joint of the...
| 12/25/2010 - Baby`s first tooth usually appears around five or six months and the last appears around two and a half years. Teething doesn't bother some babies; whereas, others become very unsettled, clingy and unable to sleep. If teething is uncomfortable for your baby, here are ten natural ways to relieve teething...
| 11/16/2010 - In today`s world of expensive chemical peels and laser treatments, natural scar and stretch mark remedies are more relevant than ever. Treating our skin as nature intended is the best way to prevent and heal tissue damage like scars and stretch marks. Using natural remedies to treat scars can restore...
| 11/12/2010 - Home remedies can help build immunity, reduce symptoms and prevent the onset of colds and the flu. Many of these folk medicines can even be found in your kitchen cabinet. Natural remedies are inexpensive, compared to over-the-counter cold remedies, and they do not suppress symptoms but rather allow...
| 10/22/2010 - Acute cases of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting due to a viral or bacterial infection can be effectively treated at home using single homeopathic remedies. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting caused by overindulgence in food or drink can also be treated homeopathically. Most of the remedies mentioned in this...
| 9/19/2010 - Insomnia plagues over a third of Americans, and is the most common sleep complaint. Insomnia means "no sleep" in Latin, and the condition is characterized by the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake refreshed. Homeopathy has numerous remedies that can be used to treat acute insomnia.
| 8/24/2010 - Acne can have a short-term but potentially long lasting psychological effect. Decreased self-confidence can lead to social withdrawal and even depression. Left untreated, severe acne can lead to disfiguring scarring, which can be difficult to treat. Typical acne appears in the oil-producing areas of...
| 8/5/2010 - When hemorrhoids are mild and in their early stages, they are easy to treat at home. Today many people are looking for more natural treatments for various conditions in place of synthetic chemicals and harsh over-the-counter medications. Fortunately, natural treatments are available for hemorrhoids.
| 7/5/2010 - There are many homeopathic remedies and allergy treatments for the effects of insect stings and snakebites preventing insect allergies and long-term lingering conditions. With the arrival of warm weather, most people notice the increase in the number of critters who enjoy nothing better than snacking...
| 7/1/2010 - Genital herpes is a chronic and contagious viral infection but there are several home remedies you can use to help relieve the pain, itching and discomfort of a herpes outbreak.
-Aloe Vera is a soothing home remedy. This common plant will grow easily in your garden or you can buy 99.9% pure Aloe...
| 6/29/2010 - There are three levels of burns, two of which can usually be handled in your home or apartment.
First degree burns affect the outer part of your skin only. Sunburn and scalding from hot water or steam are a couple of examples of first degree burns.
Second degree burns are more painful and produce...
| 6/26/2010 - Viruses that cause winter colds also cause summer colds. Though summer colds are less common, warm weather factors increase the risk of infection. Even though there are no known cures, natural remedies treat summer colds by reducing the severity and even the duration of cold symptoms.
Causes of Summer...
| 6/18/2010 - As springtime heads into summer, our thoughts often turn to fun in the sun. Sometimes though, we overdo it and end up with a painful sunburn. While some daily sunshine is extremely healthy, the best idea is to avoid too much sun exposure at one time. When you do get too much sun, promptly take steps...
| 6/17/2010 - Warts are caused by viruses that infect the top layer of the skin, and herbs and homeopathic remedies can be used to treat them. Most warts do not cause any pain, but they can become sore or itchy. They can appear on most areas of the body, including the feet, hands, lips, or genitals. The types of...
| 6/8/2010 - Troublesome ear aches and ear infections can usually be relieved in short order with home remedies which include garlic. Garlic has a natural antibiotic called allicin and it is an essential ingredient in some of the most effective home remedies for ear infections and ear aches. Garlic can also be used...
| 6/5/2010 - Shock is a medical condition defined by a low level of blood pressure and homeopathic remedies have been shown to treat shock effectively. Shock can cause a loss of blood flow to the brain that is life threatening. Homeopathic remedies have a 200-year clinical record of cure in treating shock. The remedies...
| 6/4/2010 - Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet caused by a fungus. The affected area is usually red and itchy and the most common symptom is cracked, flaking, peeling skin between the toes. Left untreated, the condition may last for a short or long time and may return again and again. However, there are...
| 6/3/2010 - Allergies affect one in four American and can be treated with homeopathy simply and inexpensively. Using homeopathic remedies to treat allergies and hay fever prevents the side effects of suppressive treatments like allergy medicines. Decongestants and expectorants only remove the symptoms; whereas,...
| 6/2/2010 - Bad breath (or halitosis) can have many causes, including bacteria in the mouth, stomach and intestine problems, sluggish bowels, sinus or throat infections, certain foods, and tobacco and alcohol. Fortunately there are many safe and natural ways to help eliminate the causes of bad breath and freshen...
| 5/31/2010 - The concept of the balance of nature is very old and once ruled ecological research as well as governed the management of natural resources. When we talk about the natural balance of nature's remedies and treatments, we mean the interaction between the two. For every condition, there is a natural remedy....
| 5/15/2010 - Poison oak is a shrub that grows across the United States. Its three-leaf structure is similar to that of its cousin, Poison Ivy. The toxic oils from the plant cause rashes and itches. The plant's oil contains urushiol, which causes the rash. Absorption is immediate, but the rash can take up to 24 hours...
| 5/5/2010 - Roll back father time and keep your skin younger, smoother and healthier with these foods, remedies and other tips:
Healthy Fruits for the Skin:
* The pomegranate's power comes from ellagic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant found in red wine and green tea. Ellagic acid has been shown in some studies...
| 5/2/2010 - Studies indicate that home care and common remedies available from grocery and health food stores are effective for Fibromyalgia pain treatment. The term fibromyalgia is used as a generic clinical nomenclature to describe a collection of symptoms including wide-spread, chronic muscle and joint pain,...
| 4/29/2010 - Each spring, many cannot seem to escape sneezing, wheezing, a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes. These are some of the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Allergies can be aggravated by the pollen in the air from trees, grass, flowers and plants. Antihistamines are generally prescribed for sufferers, but...
| 4/24/2010 - Stomach ulcers are small holes or sores in the gastrointestinal tract which affect millions of Americans every year. The most common major symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts from half an hour up to three hours. Usually, the pain occurs in the upper abdomen,...
| 4/3/2010 - Folk medicine is the age old wisdom passed down from generation to generation that would traditionally provide cures for minor ailments. Simple remedies dealt with the recurrent minor hazards of life - coughs, colds, sore throats, cuts, bruises and minor burns. Many these days are turning away from...
| 2/26/2010 - Canada's pharmacy regulation organization, The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA), issued a directive in late January telling druggists to stop selling unlicensed natural remedies. This comes from a 5-year old program to regulate natural health goods. Meanwhile, in the United...
| 2/26/2010 - When the basic function of life - the ability to take breathe properly - is compromised, it can make you feel quite desperate. Recurrent sinus infections or allergic rhinitis are very common. It is estimated that at least 37 million Americans are affected by this every year. Sometimes allergic sinusitis...
| 2/2/2010 - Televisions and other electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Because of the subtle energy of homeopathic remedies, it is possible for them to be damaged by exposure to EMR. Electromagnetic radiation is damaging to human cells and to all living organisms because it causes atoms to alter....
| 1/18/2010 - Bronchitis is a relatively common illness that often follows a cold or flu and can affect anybody young or old. Whether you have acute bronchitis after a cold or chronic bronchitis brought on by recurring illnesses or smoking, there are natural remedies you can use to cure it and make sure it doesn`t...
| See all 450 remedies feature articles.Concept-related articles:Modern medicine:Technology:Western medicine:Cancer:Bone density:Prescription drugs:Vitamin D:Prostate cancer:Evolution:Surgeons:Surgery:Breast cancer:Homeopathy:Homeopathic remedies:Acupuncture:Clinical trials:
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fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.