Raw milk news, articles and information:
 | 8/26/2016 - In an ironic example of how insane our United States legal system has become regarding food safety, a Berkeley-based food tech firm is preparing to launch a perfectly legal GMO-derived "animal-free dairy milk" product, while in many states the sale of raw, unpasteurized milk is banned.
The food tech...
 | 7/23/2016 - Buying milk about as close to nature as it gets – directly from the cow – is still a punishable offense in many areas of the U.S., and residents of the Houston, Texas, suburb of Katy were reminded of this recently, after being paid a visit by police officers for the "crime" of buying and...
 | 11/12/2015 - Let's face it: The world is waking up to the dangers associated with pasteurized milk. But, as conventionally-produced milk demands are declining, we see a growing interest in locally-grown, farm products – including raw milk. So, the question remains: Is milk a health problem or not?
 | 10/20/2015 8:40:17 AM - Representative Thomas Massie, Kentucky, 4th District, posted on his Facebook page: "I am the primary sponsor of HR 3563 and HR 3564, two bills to make the sale of raw milk easier with less government intervention, so I found this article from 'across the pond' very interesting!"
He referenced The...
 | 10/3/2015 - Michael Schmidt is a Canadian dairy farmer and raw milk advocate who was raided October 2 by Canadian bureaucrats and police. Michael has been a huge proponent for raw milk for over 30 years and he has been instrumental in changing policy on raw milk.
Michael currently operates a shareholder agreement...
 | 7/17/2015 - It's not exactly a complete scrapping of the country's antiquated prohibition laws governing the production and sale of raw milk, but the government of New Zealand has responded to consumer demand and made it at least somewhat easier for individuals and families to access this highly sought-after food...
 | 2/27/2015 4:20:12 PM - Government bans on the sale and distribution of raw milk and raw milk products are enforced in the name of public safety. But many people enjoy the health benefits of milk that has not been pasteurized, and some farms want to sell it. Are the health threats from raw milk significant enough to warrant...
 | 1/6/2015 - A nationwide outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes has been traced back to at least three brands of caramel apples sold throughout the U.S. According to reports, five people have died and at least 30 others from 10 states made ill after consuming the tainted apples, which appear to have come from a California-based...
 | 11/29/2014 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that it's basically a death sentence for you and your children. But raw milk consumption, according to a new study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, can actually help prevent colds, viruses and respiratory tract infections...
 | 9/25/2014 12:14:35 PM - Rawesome Foods defendant James Stewart, who was prosecuted in California for daring to sell raw milk, talked recently about his treatment while in custody, saying he was "tortured in jail" and generally treated like he was some kind of hardened felon.
In this video interview, Stewart also said he...
 | 7/30/2014 - Responding to calls from the public for wider access to raw milk, the UK's Food Standards Agency (FSA) has taken a surprising and immediate course of action in the public interest. According to reports, the FSA will soon vote on approving the installation of raw milk vending machines all across England,...
 | 5/5/2014 - Buying and selling raw dairy products across state lines has been outlawed in the U.S. since the late 1980s, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided that Americans were no longer free to make their own food decisions without government approval. But this senseless and unconstitutional...
 | 2/10/2014 - The next time somebody tries to tell you that drinking raw milk is unsafe because the "statistics" show that it sickens so-many thousands of people every year, ask that person to show you the raw data and explain how it was gathered and compiled to arrive at this conclusion. Chances are that none of...
 | 2/5/2014 - There is a raw milk renaissance sweeping America that is marked by swelling disregard for all the government fear-mongering over this all-natural, living "superfood." Writing for The Washington Post (WP), freelance journalist Whitney Pipkin highlights just a few of the many families throughout the Northeast...
 | 1/30/2014 - Clean, unprocessed and full of beneficial probiotics, raw milk is hard to come by in the state of West Virginia, where burdensome prohibition laws bar the living food from being sold, traded and even shared with friends and neighbors due to misconceived perceptions about its safety. But a coalition...
 | 12/13/2013 - Despite its relentless attempts, the corrupt Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has once again failed to maliciously destroy the business of dairy farmer Mike Hartmann, who freely exercises his right to sell raw milk and raw milk products directly from his farm in Gibbon. The Farm-to-Consumer...
 | 10/24/2013 - The corporate food police are back at it again, trying to eliminate consumer access to farm-fresh fare, this time in South Dakota, where the state's agriculture department is pushing hard to pass burdensome new raw milk regulations. The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund reports that the South Dakota...
 | 10/5/2013 - Until the early 20th century, raw milk - natural milk sourced straight from the cow - was considered both a safe, nutritious drink and a medicine. Doctors would routinely prescribe it for a plethora of chronic ailments ranging from indigestion to constipation, and many native cultures regarded it as...
 | 10/4/2013 - The American system of justice is indeed in major need of overhaul when, in one place, you can get a month in jail for raping a child, but in another, you can get several months in jail for daring to sell milk that wasn't government approved.
Ex-Montana teacher Stacey Rambold, 54, recently walked...
 | 9/13/2013 - Steadfast efforts to end the senseless prohibition of raw milk sales in Arkansas have finally been successful, at least in a somewhat limited sense. Residents living in the Natural State will now be able to purchase raw milk directly from the farms where it is produced, thanks to the recent passage...
 | 9/3/2013 - Can you hear the jackboots marching in the distance? Some Pennsylvania farmers sure can, as they struggle to maintain their businesses and livelihoods in the face of relentless tyranny being waged against them by the state's Department of Agriculture. A recent newsletter alert explains that Chambersburg,...
 | 8/24/2013 - While their neighbors in Australia are still unable to legally buy raw milk for human consumption, New Zealand has followed in the footsteps of Europe, embracing a brand new industry which supplies Kiwis with raw milk that's now available twenty four hours a day from vending machines.
Since the 1950's,...
 | 7/31/2013 - Raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger has been unjustly maligned by a tyrannical system of bad government. His family and farm were subjected to an armed raid by government goons who trampled all over his private property and accused him of committing "dairy crimes" by distributing raw milk to a small...
 | 7/2/2013 - All of those antiquated government talking points about the alleged dangers of drinking raw milk have once again been debunked, this time by a series of scientific risk assessments recently published in the Journal of Food Protection. A press release published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) explains...
 | 6/13/2013 - Raw milk continues to be restricted and controlled in what was once a free marketplace. It's not that consumer demand is diminishing: No. It's more so because lawmakers are legislating against raw milk, at the state and federal level, protecting corporate interests. In 1948, Michigan became the first...
 | 5/17/2013 - Just a few days remain before Amish raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger of Wisconsin faces a corrupt legal system with an ingrown vendetta against the production and distribution of real food. Beginning on May 20, 2013, at 8 a.m., Vernon, who has been falsely accused of committing numerous food distribution...
 | 3/4/2013 - Raw, whole milk has been consumed for centuries and has long been acknowledged for its health benefits. Several research studies show superior growth and health for those children drinking raw milk compared to pasteurized milk.
Raw milk has...
 | 3/1/2013 - Iowa is on the verge of legalizing raw milk sales from dairy farms, and legislation has been introduced for that purpose. Raw milk is currently illegal to sell across most of the United States of America, the "land of the free" where freedom has been systematically crushed by oppressive government....
 | 2/24/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 2/14/2013 - Raiding small dairy farms for selling raw milk has become an active form of state terrorism throughout North America. The farms are usually small and the farmers are not well off.
Yet they're often shut down with short or no notice and forced to destroy or give up their raw dairy products for the...
 | 2/11/2013 - We are excited to report that food freedom has won out in South Carolina, where a factory farm front group recently tried, but failed, to stamp out longstanding state laws that recognize the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk throughout the Palmetto State. And all of you, our valued readers,...
 | 1/24/2013 10:17:05 PM - It has come to our attention that the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), a national non-governmental organization that claims to represent the interests of American farmers, is right now attempting to covertly eliminate the freedom of South Carolina farmers to sell raw milk at the retail level....
 | 9/27/2012 - A Minnesota farmer who has been repeatedly targeted by his state's agriculture department for facilitating the transport and delivery of raw milk to private cooperative members has been ruled innocent of the ridiculous charges filed against him in Hennepin County. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports...
 | 9/13/2012 - Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are specific, detailed reports that track the environmental footprint of a product. They provide a standardized way of assessing a product's life cycle to track its complete impact on the environment, from cradle to grave (or resource extraction to disposal,...
 | 9/6/2012 - As if raw milk wasn't being targeted enough; upon receiving a Food Handlers Card you will be "taught" how horrendous raw milk products are for your health and how it is supposedly making people sick across the country.
It is of course typical for the FDA to leave out statistics saying otherwise and...
 | 7/29/2012 - California "raw milk man" James Stewart, who has been persecuted by California officials for his "crime" of distributing unpasteurized milk, is currently held in Ventura county jails. Yesterday, he met with his new legal team, led by Matt Bromund of the Bromund Law Group in Ventura (www.BromundLaw.com)....
 | 7/27/2012 - James Stewart, the 65-year-old raw "milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods, was assaulted near his home today by three armed men driving unmarked luxury vehicles with no license plates. Carrying firearms on their hips and dressed in gangster-style street clothes, Satanic T-shirt imagery and tattoos,...
 | 7/27/2012 - This is the transcript of an interview with health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord. See the original video on TV.NaturalNews.com
Health Ranger: Welcome, everyone. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger with NaturalNews talking about food freedom today, and we have a very special guest: a health freedom...
 | 7/19/2012 - Documents and testimony obtained by NaturalNews allege the following: The Rawesome Foods armed "raw milk raids" and prosecution of James Stewart and Sharon Palmer were carried out in part by law-breaking private citizens pretending to be lawful government authorities. Those individuals -- who have been...
 | 7/18/2012 - Delegates from the Texas Republican Party recently gathered in Fort Worth to iron out their party's official 2012 platform. And in the official platform document, it is spelled out that the Texas Republican Party is in full support of mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), legalized...
 | 7/1/2012 - A Minnesota mother has decided that her state's health department is completely out of line in demanding that she stop distributing raw milk to members of her buying club, and has chosen instead to continue helping these families in her area access this highly medicinal food even if it means going to...
 | 6/6/2012 - Food freedom is under attack in the state of Oregon, where powerful industry lobbying groups are pushing for more restrictions, and maybe even a complete ban, on all raw milk sales. OregonLive.com reports that an isolated E. coli O157:H7 outbreak potentially linked to raw milk has spurred the Oregon...
 | 5/25/2012 - Here's some news for those who still somehow believe the political left in Washington cares about the People. After U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment that would have ended armed FDA raids on raw milk farmers (https://www.naturalnews.com/035966_Rand_Paul_FDA_censorship.html) and legalized...
 | 5/17/2012 - In a bombshell revelation of the depth of the food police state that now exists in LA County, California, NaturalNews has learned that the LA County health department has unleashed door-to-door raw milk confiscation teams to threaten and intimidate raw dairy customers into surrendering raw milk products...
 | 5/15/2012 - In Minnesota, a mother's struggle to raise her children, and to provide them with a complete and healthy diet has come under scrutiny from local civil courts. Local authorities are trying to shut down a ring of raw foodies. The community, like many other across North America (and about 1% of American...
 | 5/9/2012 - Growing up on a family-scale farm and drinking raw cow's milk are two important elements that promote robust childhood immune development. These are the findings of a recent study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, which found that farm-raised children generally tend to have...
 | 4/15/2012 - The drama of FDA tyranny versus raw milk freedom continues from one state or province to another, almost like episodes from a dystopian TV series.
First, the Amish farmer Dan Allgyer and his wife Rachel were forced to shut down their Pennsylvania farm after two years of harassment from federal agents...
 | 4/6/2012 - Pasteurized, homogenized, conventional milk is not getting any safer, thanks to a National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) committee that last year voted against proposed new measures that would have reduced the maximum allowable pus cell count in conventional milk from 750,000 cells...
 | 3/29/2012 - Late last night a raw milk news website posted a showstopper article containing two extraordinary revelations about raw milk:
• In Wisconsin, the primary dairy insurance provider has ditched raw milk dairies, sending them a letter that essentially declares they will have no insurance coverage...
 | 3/23/2012 10:42:28 AM - More and more health conscious consumers are becoming aware of the value of raw milk and raw milk products in lieu of pasteurized milk and milk products. As a matter of fact, pasteurized milk products lack nutrition and are dangerous, while raw milk handled with care is a very healthy food (https://www.naturalnews.com/033242_CDC_unpasteurized_milk.html).
 | 3/18/2012 - Did you know that the average conventional dairy farmer today earns only about $1.50 for each gallon of milk he sells to the general pasteurized market, while the average raw milk dairy farmer typically fetches between $4 and $8, or more, per gallon on the health-conscious market? A new report published...
 | 3/13/2012 - Incensed by the idea that Iowans might soon be able to make their own food choices when it comes to fresh dairy products, Daniel H. Gervich, M.D., a board-certified infectious diseases and critical care medicine doctor from Des Moines, Iowa, recently declared that feeding raw milk to babies is "child...
 | 3/11/2012 - Thanks to the extraordinarily cruel and vindictive actions of the LA County and Ventura County District Attorneys' offices, California is rapidly losing its reputation as a state that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Instead, the state is becoming increasingly known as "the torture state" where senior...
 | 3/6/2012 - A woman reports that she has reversed Lyme disease by fasting with raw milk. This is not a suggestion for Lyme disease suffers, but a confirmation that raw milk from grass fed cows does have health-promoting properties.
Most Lyme disease sufferers clamor for antibiotics forever, which the medical...
 | 3/2/2012 - Note: This story has been corrected from an earlier error which indicated Jackie Owens was a Wisconsin Judge. She is actually a Wisconsin Food Inspector from DATCP (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection). Corrections have been made to update the text below. See a video of...
 | 3/1/2012 - Wisconsin raw dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger has had it tough, as government tyrants in the Dairy State have repeatedly targeted him for legally supplying raw milk and other farm-fresh foods to members of a private buying club, for which he now faces a potential three-year prison term and more than...
 | 2/29/2012 - Though the explicit sale of raw milk is prohibited in Colorado, state law specifically provisions that individuals can purchase shares in cows, goats, and other milk-producing animals for the purpose of obtaining milk from them, an arrangement that is growing in popularity all across the country. And...
 | 2/27/2012 - After successfully organizing its inaugural ride to the front steps of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., back in November, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) are once again holding a massive food freedom rally, this time in Wisconsin. From March 1 - 2, 2012,...
 | 2/25/2012 - Demand for raw milk is off the charts all across the country, which is presumably why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conveniently decided to release a new raw milk hit-piece recently, which was carefully designed to scare people away from drinking it. Filled with lies, distortions,...
 | 2/17/2012 - It is with much sadness that we report the two-year war waged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) against Pennsylvania Amish farmer Dan Allgyer has been a success. The Washington Times and others are now reporting that, following a ruling last month by Judge Lawrence F. Stengel that Allgyer...
 | 2/13/2012 11:53:12 PM - Today's regulatory climate of cruel intolerance towards raw milk, home-grown foods, and various other fruits of one's labor that exist outside the corporate food structure is eerily similar to the climate Native Americans faced when the Spanish Conquistadors first arrived on the shores of the "New World."...
 | 2/13/2012 - Demand for raw milk in the U.S. is soaring, and federal and state regulators are having an increasingly difficult time trying to fend off scrutiny of their outmoded, disproven propaganda about the so-called benefits of pasteurization. So in order to facilitate a dialogue about this popular and important...
 | 2/12/2012 - In a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul spoke on Health Freedom and the Constitutional rights of Americans to buy and sell natural food, like raw milk, which hasn't been tainted with chemicals, hormones, or cooked until completely void of nutrients.
 | 2/6/2012 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is getting increasingly bold these days with openly admitting that it works directly for big industry interests rather than public health interests. In a recent report on why the agency did not disclose Taco Bell as being the "Mexican-style" restaurant chain...
 | 1/26/2012 6:01:02 PM - While American health authorities continue to peddle unfounded superstition about the so-called dangers of raw milk, which has spawned authoritarian policies that prevent millions of Americans from freely accessing it, unpasteurized dairy is all the rage throughout Europe. And one Polish manufacturer...
 | 1/23/2012 9:44:54 PM - For 15 years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been overstepping its regulatory bounds by restricting individuals from buying and selling -- or even just transporting -- raw milk across state lines. But legislation authored by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) will undo this form of food tyranny,...
 | 1/21/2012 - Even though the federal government does not actually have the right or authority to dictate what free individuals can and cannot eat, the Obama administration has officially rejected a WhiteHouse.gov petition signed by more than 6,000 Americans seeking freedom from federal tyranny against raw milk.
| 12/20/2011 12:24:13 AM - More than a month after the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) forced a recall and indefinite quarantine on all raw milk products produced by Organic Pastures Dairy (OPD), one of the nation's largest raw dairy producers, the agency has finally relented in this particular battle against...
 | 12/16/2011 - It has been nearly a month since the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) swooped in like vultures on Organic Pastures Dairy in Fresno, Calif., and demanded that the farm recall and stop selling all of its raw milk products immediately and indefinitely. Five children in four nearby counties...
 | 12/7/2011 4:34:47 PM - After successfully rallying hundreds of parents and food freedom advocates for its inaugural raw milk rally at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, just a few weeks ago, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) are riding once again! On December 8, 2011, a caravan...
 | 11/25/2011 - Maine is one of ten US states that currently recognizes the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk at the farm and retail level (http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/raw_milk_map.htm). But raw milk sold at farmers markets technically does not fall under the banner of either "farm" or "retail" sales,...
| 11/18/2011 - In response to the escalating food tyranny against American farmers by state and federal officials, the town of Blue Hill, Maine, passed a local ordinance back in April that asserted the right of its citizens to grow, sell, buy, and consume the food of their choice (http://naturalnews.com/032142_food_freedom_Maine.html)....
 | 11/16/2011 - The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) refuses to acknowledge that, based on all available statistics, raw milk produced on clean, small-scale farms is actually far safer than pasteurized milk from factory farms. But the agency did admit earlier this year, after being pressed and warned...
| 11/4/2011 11:24:49 PM - Canadian dairy farmer Michael Schmidt's 37 day lemon water fast achieved his goal of a personal meeting with the Premier of Ontario Province, Dalton McGuinty. The raw milk caravan of Raw Milk Freedom Riders achieved a small legal victory. The fact that these food freedom activists are alive and not...
 | 11/1/2011 - The much-awaited Raw Milk Freedom Riders event is here! It's happening today, November 1, and it's being covered with a live broadcast by Robert Scott Bell on the NaturalNews Radio Network. You can listen in to the live broadcast at www.NaturalNewsRadio.com
Check out the breaking news and videos...
 | 10/24/2011 - A caravan of Raw Milk Freedom Riders (RMFR) will be making its way to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in just a few days on Nov. 1 to protest against the agency's irrational ban on the sale and distribution of raw milk across state lines.
Max Kane, executive producer of FarmFoodFreedom.org...
 | 10/21/2011 - In less than two weeks, a caravan of raw milk lovers headed by a group of mothers will transport the taboo food from Pennsylvania into Maryland, and stage a "drink-in" in front of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters in Silver Spring. And some of the biggest names in the health freedom...
 | 10/10/2011 4:33:19 PM - Tired of having their health freedom oppressed by an overbearing US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), mothers from across the US are joining together for a "freedom ride" and protest on November 1, 2011, in defense of the right to transport raw milk across state lines. These mothers and their supporters...
 | 9/26/2011 - At least ten million Americans now consume raw milk according to CDC statistics. The explosive increase in demand for raw milk does not please our public health officials. Despite their dire warnings, the quest for a purer, healthier white beverage forges ahead.
Consumers now find it necessary to...
 | 8/25/2011 - After weeks of investigation, NaturalNews can now reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies who are coached on infiltration and social engineering techniques. Resembling the Stasi East German police or...
| 8/20/2011 - It seems that the benefits of a mother's raw milk for a newborn baby are being observed by scientists faster than synthetic baby formula companies can keep up. New research adds to the body of evidence that maternal raw milk is a super-potent nutrient cocktail that should be a part of every newborn's...
| 8/19/2011 - The raw milk raids have been peaking, and so has internet media coverage of the FDA's food tyranny. Much of Health Ranger Mike Adam's intense days long coverage of the outrageous Rawsome Food Club raid has gone viral, bringing attention to the war on healthy dairy. Here's even more information proving...
| 8/19/2011 - Thanks to a survey performed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) we now have sufficient data to evaluate raw milk's safety, and it turns out it's safer than most any other food!
In a talk given at the International Raw Milk Symposium, Dr. Ted Beals outlined the history of the pasteurization scam....
 | 8/17/2011 - Among all the raw milk madness happening right now, NaturalNews recently covered the biased information coming from government sources and how it makes dispelling the myths and regulations surrounding raw milk difficult.
The government's continual condemnation of raw milk's safety and presentation...
 | 8/16/2011 - An astonishing two-thirds of all fresh chicken meat sold in grocery stores today is contaminated with salmonella (https://www.naturalnews.com/028661_chickens_salmonella.html). Diet soda is laced with aspartame, a chemical sweetener made from the feces of genetically engineered bacteria (https://www.naturalnews.com/030918_aspartame_GM_bacteria.html)....
 | 8/15/2011 - Mark McAfee is the celebrated founder and operator of Organic Pastures (www.OrganicPastures.com), one of the largest and most successful raw milk producers in America. After the FDA's armed raid on Rawesome Foods, I spoke with Mark by phone for a recorded interview.
You can hear the full interview...
 | 8/12/2011 - A new animation created by Mike Adams and released by NaturalNews depicts a happy dog achieving a unique victory over FDA tyrants who conduct armed raids on raw milk farmers and merchants. Scripted and voiced by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, this animation tells the (short) story of a dog entering...
 | 8/10/2011 - The US Food and Drug Administration has a long history of conducting armed, SWAT-style raids on farmers, cancer treatment pioneers and dietary supplement manufacturers. This list, compiled by the editors of NaturalNews, reveals only some of the hundreds of armed FDA raids that have been conducted in...
 | 8/10/2011 - The FDA raids on raw milk farmers have outraged the U.S. public, and an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the overreaching regulatory tyranny of this rogue government agency. But not enough members of the public are yet taking action to stand up against government abuses of power.
 | 8/8/2011 - It is perhaps the biggest story of the year in terms of fundamental food rights, and yet with very few exceptions, old media (traditional newspapers and news outlets) has outright refused to even cover the story. In fact, NaturalNews has learned from an inside source at the NY Times that the newspaper...
 | 8/5/2011 - Raw milk is inherently dangerous, and the only way to make it safe for human consumption is to pasteurize it -- this popular mantra, in one form or another, is one that you may have heard someone say in response to the idea of drinking unpasteurized milk. And while many people still cling to this belief...
 | 8/3/2011 - This is a NaturalNews exclusive breaking new report. Please credit NaturalNews.com. A multi-agency SWAT-style armed raid was conducted this morning by helmet-wearing, gun-carrying enforcement agents from the LA County Sheriff's Office, the FDA, the Dept. of Agriculture and the CDC (Centers for Disease...
 | 8/3/2011 - From the SWAT-style armed raid on the raw milk buying club known as Rawesome Foods, clandestine video footage is starting to emerge. Although the footage is shaky and low quality (from a cell phone), it shows law enforcement thugs stealing raw milk, cheese, vegetables and even mangos from the Rawesome...
| 7/25/2011 - A single glass of pasteurized milk can contain a toxic chemical cocktail of 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones, new research has shown. Using a highly sensitive test, scientists found drug-related chemicals used to treat human illness not only in cow milk, but in goat and human breast...
| 7/11/2011 - In what is perhaps the first major demonstration of courageous opposition to government tyranny, members of a Louisville, Ky.-based food cooperative recently put local and state regulatory officials in their place.
After an official from the Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness (LMDHW)...
 | 5/17/2011 - No matter what one's personal position is on the issue of consuming dairy products, the freedom to buy and sell raw milk is a fundamental right afforded to every American under the US Constitution. On May 11, 2011, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) introduced House Resolution (HR) 1830, the Unpasteurized Milk...
 | 3/28/2011 - Iowa is one of only 11 states that prohibits any form of raw milk sales to the public. In fact, Iowa has one of the most oppressive anti-raw milk political climates in the US. But a new bill being spearheaded by former candidate for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Francis Thicke could change all that....
 | 2/25/2011 - As the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluates ways to further restrict Americans' access to raw milk and raw milk products, several US states are considering legislation to loosen the regulatory noose that limits freedom of food choice. Texas, Oregon, Minnesota, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and...
| 2/23/2011 - A recent raw cheese study put out by product liability firm Marler Clark has generated a stir in the mainstream media. According to the report, documented cases of foodborne illness due to raw cheese consumption have risen in recent years, which has prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
| 1/18/2011 - Humboldt County, Calif., is largely recognized as the marijuana capital of the U.S. Its lax attitude towards both the legal and illegal growth and sale of the controversial plant is unmatched, and has earned the county quite a reputation. But in a state where raw milk sales are legal, Humboldt County...
 | 1/11/2011 - A small victory has been won on the raw milk battle front. Greene County, Mo., Circuit Judge Daniel Imhoff recently threw out a lawsuit against Armand Bechard, a farmer who sells raw milk to customers in the Springfield area. According to the judge, Bechard was not the proper subject of the lawsuit,...
 | 10/22/2010 - On June 30, 2010, a group of armed government agents from local, state, federal and even the Canadian government illegally trespassed on private property and raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, California. With guns drawn, these agents tore through the property stealing computers,...
| 10/20/2010 - The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Milk - The RAW Truth - with our special guest Mark McAfee, Founder of Organic Pastures. Mark is internationally recognized as an expert in raw milk production, and has spoken in over fifteen states and three countries on the subject. This program will expose the...
| 7/30/2010 - The U.S. government gestapo is at it again in its crusade against raw milk. Recently, the jackboots swarmed a Pennsylvania Amish man's private dairy farm for the second time, falsely accusing him of violating the ridiculous prohibition on selling raw milk across state lines.
Farmer Dan Allgyer's...
 | 7/10/2010 - As a rule of thumb, I don't drink anything that comes out of a cow. But for the last several thousand years, a large percentage of the human population has consumed cow's milk -- a substance that admittedly contains quite an impressive collection of nutrients. The problem today is that those nutrients...
| 5/15/2010 - Part I of "Deadly Milk Issues" focused on the deadliness of pasteurized milk. Part II looks at the liveliness of raw organic milk, which is natural and very healthy if handled correctly. Despite this, the FDA and USDA protect the pasteurizing dairy cartel by harassing small raw milk dairies. It's the...
| 5/14/2010 - Part I covered the deadliness of pasteurization and Part II covered the liveliness of raw milk. Part III will cover a bit about the war on raw milk consumption. Until recently, the FDA and the USDA sent their goons in to directly confiscate raw milk and arrest small dairy farmers. Irate public responses...
| 5/13/2010 - Recently the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization devoted to protecting family farms and their customers from unconstitutional government intrusion, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration over its unconstitutional ban on the interstate sale of raw...
 | 5/10/2010 - The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes "defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods", recently filed a lawsuit against the FDA for its ban on interstate sales of...
| 4/21/2010 - Growing awareness among the American populace about the health benefits of wholesome, raw milk has been steadily increasing over the past decade, putting many state and federal officials into a frenzy. The harsh crackdown tactics used in the past to deter farmers from selling, and consumers from buying,...
 | 12/7/2009 - Imagine being watched by two undercover cops as you engage in an illicit deal in a deserted parking lot. The buyer hesitantly hands you some cash. You flash a look over your shoulder, just to make sure the coast is clear, then you hand over the contraband. Neither of you says a word. You just nod, acknowledging...
| 10/26/2009 - Dairy has come under attack in recent years, and it's no wonder why. Milk has been linked to all sorts of health problems such as allergies, sinus infections and even cancer. But the commercial dairy industry touts milk as a health food that is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. So, what is fact...
| 9/28/2009 - Many state and federal food regulators are notorious for employing selective, biased enforcement of food safety protocols within the food industry. In order to appease big industry's lobbyists and other political lapdogs, the nation's food safety experts repeat, ad nauseum, unscientific and illegitimate...
| 5/15/2009 - Raw milk is gaining in popularity among people who are looking to eat a more natural and less processed diet. Although there is a large amount of variation in raw milk, true raw milk is milk from organic grass-fed cows that is cooled to 36-38 degrees Fahrenheit and then bottled for consumption. No homogenization,...
| 1/29/2009 - Michael Schmidt, a raw milk farmer, owner and operator of Glencolton Farms in Durham, Ontario, Canada is facing over 20 charges from the Canadian government for the distribution of raw milk under his cowshare program which serves over 150 families. The charges have been laid by the Ministry of Natural...
 | 10/24/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at http://www.RenegadeRoundtable.com. In this excerpt, Sally Fallon shares on her crusade to fight nutrition misinformation and junk science.
Renegade Roundtable with Sally Fallon, nutrition researcher, chef,...
 | 9/29/2008 - In these times, it can be very difficult to know what is good to eat and what is not good. As knowledge continues to expand concerning health and nutrition, more and more is being discovered about the effects of certain foods on the human body. This article will deal with four natural foods and how...
 | 9/19/2008 - If you read what the FDA says about raw milk, you would believe that you are jeopardizing your life by drinking it. They say (this is taken from their website):
"Raw milk can harbor dangerous microorganisms that can pose serious health risks to you and your family. According to the Centers for Disease...
 | 9/10/2008 - Moooooved by the right to choose what kind of milk is served at your dinner table? If you're one of the growing number of people choosing raw (unpasteurized) milk to feed yourself and your family, you might want to pay attention here.
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the CDC (Center for...
 | 4/23/2008 - Most people are unaware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine in the early part of the 20th century. Raw milk - straight from the cow - has been called the "stem cell" of foods. It was used as medicine to treat, and many times cure, some serious diseases. From the...
 | 4/3/2008 - California raw milk producers warn that a new law to impose strict requirements on raw milk, will outlaw and require the disposal of perfectly safe milk. AB 1735 requires that all raw milk sold in California be tested for 10 coliform bacteria per milliliter or less. But raw milk producers and activists...
 | 11/28/2007 - Many people’s lives and good health depend on their access to certified, raw grass-fed milk from happy cows. California used to have one of the most liberal raw milk laws in the country, allowing raw milk to be purchased in grocery stores. However, on January 1, 2008, California raw milk producers...
 | 8/21/2007 - One of the most common questions I'm asked concerns my recommendations for milk or milk alternatives. My answer on this question has evolved over the years, so today, I'll share my latest preferences for milk and milk-like beverages.
Thumbs down: Soy milkA few years ago, I recommended soy milk as...
 | 12/13/2006 - For the second time in 12 years, a Toronto, Ontario farm supplying raw milk was raided on Nov. 21 by officers with the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources, the West Grey Police Department, public health inspectors and officials from the Canadian Ministry of Finance, spurring the farmer to begin a...
| See all 163 raw milk feature articles.Concept-related articles:The FDA:FDA:Cheeses:Consumers:Milk:Risk:Women:Cheese:People:Raw:Statement:Outbreak:Bacteria:Dairy:Health:Children:
Concepts related to Raw milk
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
NutrientReference.com is
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.