Processed meats news, articles and information:
 | 11/14/2016 - A common food chemical that is added to processed meats stimulates the growth of a bacteria that triggers migraine headaches, according to a recent study.
Nitrates, commonly found in lunch meat, sausage and bacon, are responsible for changes in the microbiomes of humans, and these bacterial changes...
 | 5/7/2016 - The latest research on health problems caused by processed meats indicates that they are responsible for dramatic increases in cancer rates among men and women who consume larger quantities.
Last year, the World Health Organization issued new guidelines that warned about the dangers of processed...
 | 10/30/2015 - Not too long ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently came forward and announced that glyphosate, Monsanto's main herbicide ingredient, is "probably carcinogenic to humans." After constant debate between the greedy agrochemical giant who maintained (and still does) that the ingredient is safe...
 | 7/19/2014 - Heart failure incidence is escalating at an alarming rate and now affects more than six million men and women in the US, a number that is expected to double over the next ten years. It is a problem caused by years of elevated blood pressure levels that put excess strain on the heart, often enlarging...
 | 11/8/2013 - Colon cancer is a particularly deadly form of the disease that is rapidly increasing among those who consume a traditional Western-style diet, which has previously been shown to dramatically raise disease incidence due to a lack of fiber and high intake of sugary, processed carbohydrates. Prior studies...
 | 6/24/2013 - Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood caused by a resistance to the effects of insulin to usher sugar into cells and muscles to be used as fuel. As such, diabetes is commonly believed to be caused by excess consumption of sugary foods and processed, fast-releasing...
 | 2/24/2013 - Unless you eat organic foods and prepare them at home, you've probably purchased packaged, processed meats at some time. Non-organic versions contain added preservatives, chemicals and GMOs; and, many harbor bacterial toxins that harm the body. Even their organic counterparts may be similarly contaminated...
 | 9/28/2012 - Over consumption of any particular food group does not provide a firm pathway to optimal health. In prior bodies of research, excess dietary red and processed meats have been shown to significantly increase the risk of many cancer lines while contributing to cardiovascular disease and diabetes, largely...
 | 9/26/2012 - Health conscious individuals know that processed meats in the form of sausage, bologna and pepperoni contain chemical preservatives called nitrites that have been shown to promote cancer growth, and avoid these manufactured foods entirely. Unfortunately, millions of unsuspecting children and adults...
 | 11/25/2007 - World cancer experts have finally declared what NaturalNews readers learned nearly four years ago: That processed meats cause cancer, and anyone seeking to avoid cancer should avoid eating all processed meats for life.
Hundreds of cancer researchers took part in a five-year project spanning more than...
| 8/2/2006 - New research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows that eating processed meats such as sausage, bacon and smoked ham significantly increase the risk of stomach cancer.
Swedish researchers from the Karolinska Institute reviewed 15 previous studies, and found that the risk...
 | 8/21/2005 - Have you ever wondered why the consumption of processed meats is so strongly linked to cancers of the colon, breast, prostate and pancreas? The evidence continues to mount, as demonstrated by a recent study showing a 67% increase in pancreatic cancer for people consuming moderate amounts of processed...
 | 4/22/2005 - A chemical added to processed meat products is responsible for a 67% increased risk in pancreatic cancer, says author and nutritionist Mike Adams. The conclusions are based in part on research conducted at the University of Hawaii that reveals a 67% increased risk of pancreatic cancer in people who...
 | 4/20/2005 - Consuming processed meats increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, says new research conducted at the University of Hawaii that followed nearly 200,000 men and women for seven years. According to lead study author Ute Nothlings, people who consumed the most processed meats (hot dogs and sausage) showed...
Concept-related articles:Cancer:Red meat:Colon cancer:Breast cancer:Vegetables:Fish:Fruits and vegetables:Cancer risk:Fruits:Consumers:Colorectal cancer:Processed meat:Poultry:Meat:Risk:Colon:
Concepts related to Processed meats
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The Honest Food Guide is
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