Pregnant news, articles and information:
| 10/29/2016 - It's been nearly nine months since the word "Zika" flashed like a lightning bolt in the headlines of mainstream news. Before January 1, 2016, Zika was just one of many viruses that public health officials monitored. But suddenly in January of this year everything changed, as a nearly harmless virus...
| 9/27/2016 - There may be a connection between depression and gestational diabetes in pregnant women, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institutes of Health and published in the journal Diabetologia.
The researchers found that women who were depressed during the earlier part of pregnancy...
| 8/4/2016 - Researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have developed a brand new vaccine – in just seven days, believe it or not – that they claim is capable of treating everything from Ebola and H1N1 influenza, to the newest villain on the block: the Zika virus that's on everyone's...
| 8/2/2016 - Ferocious vaccine manufacturers are constantly on the move, looking for new "demographics" to shoot with vaccines. If they could stick a needle into a rock and get paid for it, they would find a reason to do it.
(Article by Jon Rappoport, republished from
But in this case,...
| 7/13/2016 - Vaccine industries have their sights set on a new market that they hope will someday be as massive as that created by the just-shy-of-obligatory childhood vaccine schedule: pregnant women.
The industry is working with the FDA to create new rules to test and develop vaccines designed to be given to...
| 6/5/2016 - It's every expectant mother's worst nightmare: successfully getting through nine months of pregnancy only to suffer a stillbirth at the end. Most pregnant women do everything possible to avoid putting their baby in harm's way, from making dietary changes to avoiding risky activities. However, few women...
| 5/3/2016 - You've probably heard of the toxic chemical bisphenol A, and may already try to avoid it as much as you can. But if you are pregnant, you should especially up your efforts to stay clear of this hormone-disrupting chemical.
BPA is a nearly ubiquitous industrial chemical used in everything from clear...
| 5/1/2016 - Zika might be dominating the headlines as the media and scientists publicize a possible link to birth defects, but a common acne drug can also cause severe birth defects and miscarriages, and many women are ignoring the warnings. The problem is so dramatic that countries like Canada have launched official...
| 3/30/2016 - Despite mounting pressure from many activist groups, Japan continues to slaughter hundreds of whales every year – some of which are endangered – in the name of "science." The nation hides behind the claim that the slaughter is legal according to the 1946 whaling convention, which allows...
| 2/29/2016 - The findings of a new study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine and published late last month suggest that pregnant women's immune systems are more active than previously thought, particularly when exposed to the flu virus.
Immune responses were believed to be weakened during...
| 2/10/2016 - The official vaccination schedule issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises all pregnant women to get the Tdap vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough), warning them that, if they don't, their children could get sick. But it is a fact that this...
| 1/29/2016 5:03:49 PM - Although wonderful for many women, pregnancy comes with a great responsibility. Especially in an age when scientific research is often manipulated for the sake of profit, a mother-to-be is faced with a set of very difficult choices in order to keep herself and her baby healthy. One of these choices...
| 8/19/2015 - It recently went public that the Obama administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), shut down a proposal that would have protected pregnant women and young children from mercury poisoning when going to the dentist.
Top officials within the regime reportedly shut down...
| 8/15/2015 - A team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center has found that pregnant women who have been on opioid painkillers during pregnancy stand a higher chance of having small babies with birth complications or neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) -- better known as postnatal withdrawal syndrome.
NAS is...
| 8/13/2015 - What's the cure for an unending, unrelenting season of hotter than average summer weather, especially if you're pregnant? Some of the best foods for a much-needed break from the heat also provide other pregnancy-related benefits. Here are some of the best two-for-one deals that you can nibble on through...
| 5/24/2015 - Did a Facebook "un-friending" lead to the abduction of ten homeschooled Kentucky children by the local sheriff's department? No one knows for sure at this point, but given the fact that the family has yet to be told what prompted the Breckinridge County Sheriff's Department to remove the children --...
| 4/10/2015 - Seventy-three percent of pregnant women are failing to meet the daily recommended intake of long-chain omega-3s, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary and published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. This...
| 1/27/2015 - The flu shot is a fraud. But it's a fraud that's so deeply embedded in the delusional pro-vaccine culture of the pharma-controlled medical industry that even well-meaning doctors and pharmacists (who are otherwise very intelligent) fail to realize flu shots don't work. In fact, flu shot vaccine inserts...
| 1/11/2015 - On a recent Friday morning, Samuel Taylor hopped into his car and sped home to his pregnant wife after she called to say that the baby was on the way. But before he could get to her, a Cleveland Heights police officer stopped him for speeding -- then pulled his weapon on the panicking father-to-be.
| 12/10/2014 - As one of the very few independent voices willing to stand up against the scientific dogma of our modern medical regime, I've long felt a need to communicate the dangers of flu shots to the public so that people can have better information to prevent vaccine injuries and save lives.
This doesn't...
| 11/12/2014 - Award-winning Dr. David Brownstein, a board-certified family physician and medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI, has a warning for pregnant women and those considering becoming pregnant. In a nutshell, he says that if you're thinking about getting a flu vaccine,...
| 10/21/2014 - When public servants rudely go out of their way to pry into other people's business and interrogate them over the most trivial things, then they set themselves up for an unnecessary confrontation. When a public servant preys on people they think look suspicious, they have crossed the line and are no...
| 10/6/2014 - The same whistleblower who recently went public about his involvement in producing a fraudulent study on vaccine safety now says that he would never even inject his own wife with the shots that he once promoted.
During a conversation with Dr. Brian Hooker from the Focus Autism Foundation, Dr. William...
| 10/5/2014 - US President Barack Obama sent 3,000 troops to West Africa in September to stay on the offensive against Ebola, but the actual National Security of the US and its border control is now coming into question. With Ebola now popping up in the US, Americans can only shake their heads and wonder why entire...
| 9/28/2014 - A widely used fungicide linked to birth defects may accumulate in the bodies of pregnant women living near agricultural fields, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National University of Costa Rica and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives on September 8.
| 9/15/2014 - Lead contamination and various other types of pollution have plagued Philadelphia for decades. Dating back to the 1800s, the densely populated city served as a home to a booming industrial district, ripe with a variety of manufacturers including textile mills, chemical factories, ironworks and lead-producing...
| 9/8/2014 - If you believe what the government says, vaccines for influenza have been thoroughly tested and shown to help prevent the flu, as well as complications from the flu, in pregnant women and their unborn babies. But if you look at the actual science behind these specious claims, including the package inserts...
| 9/4/2014 5:20:54 PM - Have you ever stopped and wondered if many of your toiletries and body care products are necessary at all? Do you ever look at the ingredient labels of these products and wonder if these synthetic compounds were even meant to be put on human skin? Have you ever considered making your own body care products...
| 9/2/2014 - Nearly every pregnancy and health advocacy group in the nation, including Consumer Reports, (1) advises pregnant women to avoid consuming products like canned tuna fish that contain high levels of neurotoxic mercury. But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has released new...
| 8/29/2014 - The fight taking place doesn't always involve guns on the battlefield. Sometimes the battlefield is something quiet and innocent like a field of crops. The gun is sometimes the chemical pesticides and herbicides soaking into the plants, loading up in the soil. The pesticides and herbacides fire back...
| 8/5/2014 - Since the 1990s, under the advice of their physicians, one in 10 pregnant women have been painfully injecting themselves in the stomach with a needle containing anticoagulant medicine that has now been found to be completely ineffective.
For the treatment of thrombophilia, abnormal blood clotting...
| 7/5/2014 - New research from McMaster University in Canada has uncovered a correlation between fluoxetine, a chemical in popular antidepressants like Prozac, and pregnant woman.
Researchers recently discovered that pregnant women on antidepressants could be unknowingly jeopardizing the health of their unborn...
| 6/17/2014 - Exposure to lead while in the womb can have disastrous effects on a child's IQ, suggests a new study out of China. Researchers from Sun Yat-sen University, after evaluating several hundred pregnant women with varying levels of lead in their blood, discovered that prenatal exposure to the toxic substance...
| 6/7/2014 - Vitamin C supplements may offset some of the damage done to the lung function of babies born to women who smoke while pregnant, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, and published in the journal JAMA.
The study was released online to...
| 6/6/2014 - Pregnant women have always been advised to get sufficient good quality sleep. Sleep is not only important for the well-being of the mother-to-be, it is also important for the development of the fetus in her tummy.
While this knowledge is very much common wisdom, unfortunately, not all pregnant ladies...
| 6/4/2014 - Believe it or not, there are still millions of people, doctors, pharmacists and even journalists who do not yet realize there is a very high concentration of mercury in influenza vaccines given to pregnant women. Most people, you see, have been lied to by the media which has stated over and over again...
| 6/4/2014 - It could be the mood I'm in after watching Enemy of the State last night...
But it's more than obvious that surveillance of private citizens is still on the rise and "mental health" is becoming a more and more prominent means for the governments of the world to invade privacy.
Even though there...
| 5/26/2014 - The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health has just announced something that seems totally out of character for conventional doctors: they've said that pregnant women are deficient in iodine and have urged widespread iodine supplementation to protect the development of their...
| 5/6/2014 - Babies born to mothers who consume low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are more likely to have cavities, according to the latest research conducted by the University of Manitoba's dental school in Winnipeg, Canada.
Published in the journal Pediatrics, the study assessed expectant mothers, all...
| 4/29/2014 11:03:15 AM - A young pregnant woman was working out on a treadmill at a Planet Fitness gym in Charlotte, N.C., when one of the staff approached her and explained that she couldn't bare her bulging midriff. She had to change tops or leave. So she was given a choice.
Melissa Mantor explained that she's 18 weeks...
| 4/20/2014 - Children born to mothers with high vitamin D levels during pregnancy are significantly stronger at four years of age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Southampton and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in January.
"These associations...
| 3/11/2014 - Blocked out of our modern lives with chemical lotions and chemtrail aerosols, sunlight is often disregarded and disrespected. Sedentary lifestyles keep people indoors, out of touch with the sun's living energy. As the main source of vitamin D, sunlight is often taken for granted and misunderstood for...
| 1/23/2014 - The CDC is engaged in infanticide by colluding with vaccine makers to hide the number of deaths caused by vaccines, explains a new investigation by the Vaccine Information Network. Even though the CDC's own science proves that vaccines are causing stark increases in fetal deaths, the vaccine-pushing...
| 1/23/2014 - Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released statistics indicating that almost half of all hospitalized adults in the United States are obese. Obese adults account for 46% of all adults hospitalized with influenza. While this is attributed to the relationship between the immune...
| 1/20/2014 - While on Wednesday the "do-not-use" ban was lifted for nearly half a million W. Va. residents following the leak of 7,500 gallons of a foaming agent used to clean coal, a separate warning has been issued specifically for pregnant women.
Residents were told to begin flushing their pips Monday evening...
| 1/8/2014 - Horizon Healthcare Services in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is the latest U.S.-based medical facility to enter the "hall of shame" for its audacious trashing of the Hippocratic Oath. This is after it was reported that hospital administrators there recently fired a pregnant nurse for refusing to get a flu...
| 12/10/2013 - A growing number of pregnant women are beginning to develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy, usually around the 24th week. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 18 percent of hospital pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. This means that a woman is unable to make and...
| 12/1/2013 - As many as 65 percent of women are said to take it during pregnancy. But Tylenol, the active ingredient of which is acetaminophen, has been linked in a new study out of Norway to causing autism in children. Expectant mothers who took the drug while pregnant to deal with headaches or mild fevers were...
| 10/26/2013 - When a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins to produce extra blood for a developing fetus. Pregnant women are advised to supplement with iron, folate and vitamin B12 during pregnancy to help with red blood cell count and nutrition levels. Low levels of these vitamins and minerals are what make pregnant...
| 6/25/2013 - According to a report released on June 18, 2013, special accommodations for pregnant women are often met with firm opposition from employers.
It happened back in 2007 when a then 18-year old pregnant woman named Heather Myers was fired from her Walmart job for drinking water from a bottle. Even though...
| 6/24/2013 - There seems to be great reasons why pregnant women should treat themselves with chocolate. This is because these luscious treats are found to improve a pregnant woman's condition by preventing certain complications including pre-eclampsia. According to studies, chocolate can not only relieve a pregnant...
| 5/9/2013 - An American divorcee living abroad in the U.K. has been sentenced to five years in prison for child cruelty after she reportedly forced her oldest daughter, who was a minor at the time, to get pregnant from donor sperm in order to provide her mother with the fourth child she always wanted. As reported...
| See all 84 pregnant feature articles.
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