Poverty news, articles and information:
 | 12/19/2015 - Saturday, Dec. 12, could go down as the Day of the Globalists, for it was a day when 195 nations surrendered much of their sovereignty to the United Nations, and sentenced literally billions of people to longer lives of poverty, misery and a lack of opportunity.
Dec. 12 was the day the Globalists...
 | 8/14/2015 - President Obama loves to tout his "successful" economic record as one of his most crowning achievements, and indeed, supporters of his administration regularly post memes to social media pointing out how the unemployment rate has fallen, the stock market has risen and how the housing market has recovered...
 | 8/4/2015 - A noted author and freelance economist has made a frightening, yet eminently logical conclusion: America's pensioners - those who receive Social Security or other government entitlement - are about to enter an era of "pension poverty" similar to that being experienced by the broke countries of Europe.
 | 3/31/2015 6:41:34 PM - In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson, in his State of the Union Address, declared a "war on poverty" that he said would eliminate endless cycles of limited opportunity and economic despair for all Americans.
He said on January 8 of that year:
Unfortunately, many Americans live on the outskirts...
 | 3/9/2015 - The homeless population in the nation's largest city has exploded to an all-time high, forcing officials to provide shelter to desperate families in dilapidated tenements that have been identified by housing authorities as dangerous.
New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio arrived at City Hall following...
 | 12/12/2014 - Although the greatest concerns regarding GMO-based agriculture are the long-term implications for human health and the environment in general -- which are not yet fully known or understood -- there are also serious consequences for small farmers and others who are already being negatively impacted by...
 | 10/4/2014 - The U.S. has fought a number of wars throughout history and, fortunately for democracy and freedom, America has always prevailed when national survival was on the line.
But a number of other "wars" have not been waged very successfully -- those that deal with political and social issues. The War...
 | 7/19/2014 - Believe it or not, I know what it's like to live in poverty. I've been there myself, and in this article I'm going to share an intimate part of my history that most Natural News may find unexpected.
I'm sharing it because as the reach of Natural News has rapidly expanded across the globe, more and...
 | 8/1/2013 - It is a sad, shocking statistic that demands answers, though you shouldn't expect any soon from a government whose power-mad leaders are preoccupied with issues the vast majority of us care nothing about.
However bad you thought the U.S. economy to be, a new survey performed exclusively for The Associated...
 | 4/6/2013 - In the mid-1960s, President Lyndon B. Johnson, that era's left-winger, was not content to merely fight a needless, pointless, misguided war in Vietnam. Ever the progressive, Johnson also wanted to fight a similar kind of aimless and unwinnable war in the United States, so he concocted a so-called "War...
 | 6/7/2011 - Droves of farmers in the African country of Kenya are pushing hard to stop efforts by government officials to implement genetically-modified (GM) crops in the nation. Contradicting the lies and propaganda continually dispensed by the biotechnology industry, these farmers claim that organic crops --...
| 1/13/2011 - Those who insist the "recession" is over might want to tell that to the nearly 50 million people, and growing, in the U.S. that are now considered to be "food insecure," or unable to provide food for themselves and their families. According to Chaz Valenza, a New Jersey-based writer and small business...
| 11/14/2010 - Multinational biotechnology giants like Monsanto continue to spread their genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) around the world in the name of ending world hunger and reducing poverty, but a new report out of Sweden has found the exact opposite to be true. According to a recent piece in SvD, a Swedish...
 | 9/20/2010 - They say you can best determine the character of a celebrity by the character of their fans. By that measure, you'd be shocked to learn about Lady Gaga's fans. After a recent article I posted criticizing the superstar musician for wearing a dress made out of raw, dead animal flesh and stating that she...
| 4/10/2010 - Almost half of all children living in the United States will receive food stamp assistance at some point before they turn 18, according to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell and Washington Universities and published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
Although food stamps...
 | 3/30/2008 - There is a new reason to feel ashamed about America's failure to fight poverty. Neuroscientists have recently discovered that children who grow up in poor families with a low social status are prone to experiencing unhealthy stress levels, which in turn may impair their neural development. This effects...
| 5/31/2006 - Rolling through virtually any reasonably populous city or town in America, one encounters a surreal landscape blighted by grotesque temples to America's twin gods of Capitalism and Consumerism. As an increasing number of individual proprietors are driven to extinction, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, and hundreds...
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HealingFoodReference.com offers
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