Potassium news, articles and information:
 | 6/8/2016 - Before you make that next sandwich, you may want to read the list of ingredients on your bread bag label – because there's a very good chance that it may contain carcinogens.
A food additive used in bread called potassium bromate has been in the international news lately. Indian health officials...
 | 9/25/2014 - Strokes, which occur when there's an interruption in blood flow, are the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind heart disease and cancer, according to the Siteman Cancer Center.
More than 600,000 strokes plague Americans each year, taking the lives of more than 150,000 people,...
 | 7/25/2014 - Potassium is an essential mineral whose ions are vital for the functioning of all living cells. It accumulates in plant cells, meaning that many fresh vegetables and fruits -- most famously bananas -- are rich in it. Dissolved potassium is also found in sea vegetables such as kelp, bladderwrack and...
 | 7/8/2014 - High blood pressure can have potentially serious, even fatal, consequences. The good news is that there are scientifically proven changes to one's diet which can be made to help deal with this condition. While serious cases (e.g. 160+/115+) may require the attention of a doctor and immediate pharmaceutical...
 | 4/21/2014 - Much of the flour sold in the United States has been treated with potassium bromate, which causes the flour to bulk up, strengthens the dough and makes the bread rise more. This decreases the time needed for baking (thereby reducing costs) and also allows the use of low-quality flour that might otherwise...
 | 3/18/2014 - Due to the poor monoculture farming practices of Big Ag, most of the topsoil for plant based foods has been depleted of key minerals over the past 100 years. This recorded fact and junk or processed foods diets has left most modern culture individuals mineral deficient.
Ed McCabe, author of Flood...
 | 1/2/2014 - Though it might not be as well-known as calcium or iron, potassium is an essential nutrient that plays numerous roles in the human body. For example, it regulates water balance, thus controlling the amount of fluids that we retain or excrete. It also contributes to metabolism and other biochemical reactions,...
 | 8/6/2013 - Is Acesulfame Potassium in your protein shake? Is this synthetic funk, also known as "Acesulfame-K," in your chewing gum? What is this stuff really made from and what does it do to your body? Is it just like Aspartame, a known cancer causing and genetically modified sweetener? Does it mess with your...
 | 1/3/2013 - While mainstream medicine continues to push a host of side-effect laden drugs to supposedly keep bones strong, there may be a much safer solution to help ward off osteoporosis -- making sure you consume supplements and/or foods containing potassium citrate, vitamin D and calcium.
A team of researchers...
 | 11/14/2012 - No emergency preparedness kit is complete without potassium iodide (KI) to protect every family member from radiation. In a world where a Fukushima-style disaster could happen any day, potassium iodide is an FDA-approved supplement that's scientifically proven to help protect your body from radiation.
 | 4/12/2012 - Much of the flour sold in the United States has been treated with potassium bromate, which causes the flour to bulk up, strengthens the dough, and makes bread rise more rapidly. This decreases the time needed for baking (thereby reducing costs) and also allows the use of low quality flour that might...
| 8/12/2011 - Recent studies have determined that higher potassium levels lower stroke risks. But this isn't all what potassium is about. It's not an often mentioned mineral. But potassium deficiencies can kill you. That's why it's important to ensure adequate potassium intake.
Strokes and Blood Pressure
 | 5/19/2011 - High blood pressure, which afflicts roughly one-third of Americans, and heart disease, the leading cause of death in the US, are both often attributed to bad habits like excess sodium intake and poor overall diet. However, a new report released by the US Institute of Medicine suggests that potassium...
| 5/18/2011 - Increasing incidence of high blood pressure continues to be the most significant factor in death from a heart attack and advancing cardiovascular disease. Elevated blood pressure readings cause thickening of the coronary arteries as micro-cracks develop that the body attempts to correct with deposits...
 | 3/21/2011 - A Japanese nuclear safety official has now publicly admitted the Japanese government improperly withheld potassium iodide from the public for three days following the Fukushima power plant explosion. Kazuma Yokota says the Japanese government was "caught off guard" by the nuclear catastrophe and didn't...
 | 3/18/2011 - Even in the midst of global shortages of potassium iodide, the "radiation pills" that protect the thyroid gland from radiation poisoning, we have just managed to acquire a new supply of pharmaceutical-grade potassium iodide supplements. They are manufactured in the USA (in California) in a high-end...
| 3/17/2011 - The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has led to fears of nuclear destruction and an increasing talk about iodine. It is important to understand that not all forms of iodine are the same, and different types of iodine will concentrate in different tissues and glands within the body.
 | 3/16/2011 - Those looking for potassium iodide to help offset the health-devastating effects of a potentially widespread nuclear fallout may be shocked to discover that many vendors of the product have significantly raised their prices since March 11, the day of the massive 9.0+ Japanese earthquake and tsunami....
| 4/25/2010 - High blood pressure afflicts over 74 million Americans. The cause of high blood pressure, or HBP, is not known in many cases, but diet and exercise have been shown to help reduce blood pressure and improve quality of life. Raw fruits and vegetables can help alleviate many of the symptoms of high blood...
| 11/6/2009 - High blood pressure isn't a disease, it's just a noticeable symptom of a physiological imbalance with a biological cause. One of the most common biological causes of this symptom is a mineral deficiency.
Specifically: Potassium.
Potassium is a crucial mineral for restoring healthy blood pressure...
| 3/11/2009 - Excessive sodium intake can be damaging for heart health. On the other hand, eating more potassium gives cardiovascular wellbeing a boost. A recent groundbreaking study has revealed that it is not just about the quantities of these two nutrients which are important; instead, it is the ratio of their...
 | 10/20/2008 - Nature is all about balance. The human body, being naturally created, reflects this principle in every small aspect as well as in its main orchestration, the constant search for homeostasis. Yet mainstream doctors tend to overlook the primal theme of balance. They like to view each body part or system...
 | 2/5/2008 - If you suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney stones, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, obesity, headaches, pain in the eyes, muscle spasms, "restless leg syndrome," fatigue, or muscle tension, to name a few, you may be deficient in potassium.
 | 10/13/2006 - Older women who take potassium citrate supplements can increase their bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, according to new research appearing in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Reto Krapf of the University of Basel in Switzerland and colleagues conducted a study...
| 8/24/2006 - Replacing regular salt with a potassium-fortified alternative may help lower older adults' risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, new research suggests.
In a study of nearly 2,000 elderly Taiwanese men, researchers found that those given a potassium-enriched salt substitute were 40 percent less...
 | 12/14/2005 - In popular thought, disputing sodium's link to high blood pressure is equivalent to questioning whether the earth is round. However, some experts now believe that salt will not raise blood pressure in everyone, just in people who are "salt sensitive." Only 10 percent of the population is salt sensitive,...
 | 10/12/2005 - Like September 11, 2001, the 2005 terrorist attacks in London once again reminded the Western hemisphere that even the countries that wield tremendous military power are not immune to terrorism. Though the London attacks did not involve nuclear weapons, there is always the chance that future terrorist...
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