Pet food news, articles and information:
 | 10/27/2013 - In the wake of yet another wave of animals deaths caused by tainted pet treats, the FDA has just announced new "Preventive Controls for Food for Animals" rules that would, for the first time, establish basis manufacturing standards for pet food.
Click here to read the proposed regulations.
 | 6/28/2011 - The global commercial pet food industry is astonishingly profitable and continues to grow (sadly) by leaps and bounds. Let's define commercial pet food, for our purposes, as anything that is packaged in cans or bags, even if labeled holistic or natural. Hundreds of generations of pet guardians have...
| 6/1/2010 - A stroll down the pet food aisle at the local pet store can be overwhelming. The shelves are full of countless brands all claiming to have the best formulations for your furry friend. Many brands are now selling "natural" and organic lines in order to attract discerning shoppers who are concerned about...
| 1/1/2010 - A study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found high levels of fluoride contamination in eight major national brands of dog food, raising concerns that pets may be at risk of bone cancers and other consequences of fluoride exposure.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that...
| 1/22/2009 - A Christmas Day post on 'A China Blog' tells a sad story of a pet owner in China whose dog is dying. The dog is suspected to have been poisoned from aflatoxin contaminated U.S. made pet food imported into China.
The blog 'A China Blog on Suzhou Expat Life' posted information on December 25, 2008...
| 1/7/2009 - Similar to Hollywood's Worst Dressed List or (if you're old enough to remember) Laugh In's Fickle Finger of Fate Award, Truth about Pet Food announces the first annual Biggest Stupid Act in Pet food Award. The Award will be given to the organization or manufacturer that during the year showed the most...
| 1/6/2009 - Packaged Facts, a market research firm, says that sales of natural pet food in the United States reached $1 billion in 2007; a 50 percent growth since 2003. The dilemma for pet owners is that 'Natural' doesn't always mean natural.
The 2007 pet food recall started a domino effect. Pet owners began...
| 1/5/2009 - Recently in a Dear Heloise article, a pet owner wrote she buys treats at a Dollar store for $1 that are "almost the same as $5 treats from the pet store." Unfortunately for this pet owner, discounted dog treats might cost her far more in the long run.
The old adage 'you get what you pay for' usually...
 | 12/22/2008 - If you think it's challenging sorting through slick marketing to find a nutritious dog food or cat food, it's even worse with dog and cat treats. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the FDA considers a pet treat as 'supplemental' to the pet's diet so even fewer regulations...
| 12/19/2008 - No paragraph should begin with 'Renderers convert dead animals into…' and end with 'crayons.' Yet this is exactly how the Introduction Paragraph started and ended in a report provided to the 108th Congress in 2004. The report provided to Congress discusses dead animals rendered into various products...
| 12/18/2008 - The first news involved cats in Australia, the only connection was a cat food to six cats dying of a mysterious disease. Shortly after came news that dogs were becoming ill and dying. Although many feared the dog and cat deaths were related, further information tells otherwise.
Orijen Cat Food, a...
| 12/17/2008 - A recent article provided by a Montana Veterinarian, published on Montana News, warned pet owners not to feed table scraps. This same warning has been surfacing for years, originally started as a marketing tactic developed to sell more dog and cat foods. The warning however, is not completely...
 | 12/13/2008 - The FDA Amendments Act (FDAAA) was signed into law last year requiring the FDA to make improvements on food safety for people and pets. The first deadline required by the Amendments Act law, requiring an Early Warning and Notification System during a pet food recall, has come and gone seemingly ignored...
 | 12/12/2008 - Millions of laboratory animals are yet used each year to test new drugs to be approved by the FDA for safety. While some labs have been discovered to provide horrific conditions for test animals, most follow the 'Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals' protocol. But have you ever thought about...
 | 12/10/2008 - A report from the Royal Veterinary College in London, Professor D.L. Chan, points out that veterinarians should begin to look at nutrition to play a larger role in the health of pets. Similar to human doctors, most veterinarians don't write 'prescriptions' of nutritional supplements for their pet patients....
| 12/9/2008 - Orijen Cat Food was the only common link in the mysterious illness and subsequent death of five cats in Australia. Orijen Pet Foods, a Canadian company, is well known and trusted to provide high quality dog and cat foods, thus the Australian pet deaths is a mystery to many. The suspected cause is the...
 | 12/9/2008 - Celebrities are often asked to endorse a product; the result for the endorsed product is typically soaring sales. Celebrity Veterinarians have joined in the endorsement game. The question that hangs in the background of endorsements is: Just because a product is endorsed by a Celebrity, does it mean...
 | 11/16/2008 - Almost every Veterinarian Clinic across the country offers dog and cat food for sale. Some only offer prescription foods specifically for pets needing a diet to address a disease; however, many others offer for sale maintenance dog and cat foods to their clients. Do veterinarians know enough about pet...
 | 11/14/2008 - If the worst would happen, and the pet food you provide your pet is recalled, do you have a back up pet food? Getting prepared for a recall isn't being paranoid; it might prove to be the safest move you can make for the health of your pet.
No one wants to consider the possibility of another pet food...
 | 11/12/2008 - A recent survey from the GoodLife Recipe Pet Food company provided by ( website states that two-thirds of pet owners don't consider cost when selecting a dog food or cat food. Their survey states that nearly 60% of pet owners said that "natural ingredients" are the most important issue...
 | 11/11/2008 - Genetically Engineered grains have been in existence for several years, amidst many concerns from various organizations and individuals. Now, the FDA is set to approve Genetically Engineered Animals to be introduced into the food chain.
Ever since the beginning of Genetically Engineered grains, controversy...
 | 11/11/2008 - If you haven't seen it yet with your brand of dog food or cat food, you probably will soon. Prices of pet food ingredients are rising just like the prices of your groceries in recent months. Many pet food manufacturers are scrambling to stay competitive; some changing the formulation or recipe of their...
 | 11/7/2008 - I have discovered a possible means for the inferior garbage that gets dumped into pet food to be turned into valuable energy. Something that seems to be a far better method to discard of left over animal waste materials than becoming dog food or cat food ingredients.
As a result of processing human...
 | 11/1/2008 - Recently the AMVA (American Veterinary Medical Association) held its annual meeting; reports of the topics discussed are discouraging. Per an article reported in several veterinary speakers clearly continue to support major pet food manufacturers. Dr. Sally C. Perea a veterinarian...
 | 10/30/2008 - The FDA website, on a page regarding pet foods, proudly cites the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). With reading just a few of the FD&C Act laws, and a little reading on the FDA website, there is absolute proof that the FDA ignores Federal Law. It's time for pet owners to take this proof to the...
 | 10/17/2008 - The most recent pet food recall from Mars Pet Care - due to salmonella contamination - appears to be becoming habit. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Mars Pet Care products have been having Salmonella problems for several years. Two years in a row, the same pet food plant has been known...
 | 10/7/2008 - The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) is a set of laws passed by Congress in 1938 giving authority to the FDA to oversee and take legal action to protect the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics –- there have been many revisions over the years. According to FFDCA the definition of 'food'...
 | 10/2/2008 - Bisphenol A or BPA is an ingredient used to make hard, clear plastics and is also found in the lining of many canned products including pet foods. BPA is known to seep into food or liquids. The FDA, in typical fashion has waffled on its stance regarding the safety of BPA but recently the National Toxicology...
 | 9/27/2008 - It's almost overwhelming when you visit a pet store and wander down the mile long aisles of pet food. Thousands of pet food brands all seem to say the very same thing -- 100% Complete Nutrition and 'Premium' and 'Choice'. The brand your vet sells costs around $30.00 for a 20 pound bag, the brand your...
 | 9/26/2008 - As if it isn't difficult enough for pet parents to decide on which brand or variety of dog food or cat food to choose, you also have to decide if you should be feeding dry or canned pet food. Walk into any pet store and you are staring at aisles and aisles of possible choices, and then you get to multiply...
 | 9/20/2008 - You come home from work and notice your dog or cat peeping at you from around the corner, you immediately know something's up. Regardless whether you discover a 'present' left on the living room rug or a broken vase from the cabinet they aren't supposed to be up on, pets can't lie -- they tell us the...
 | 9/20/2008 - Melamine is raising its ugly head again, this time reports are saying traces of melamine were found in a Chinese brand of baby formula. The Canadian Broadcasting Company is reporting (September 11, 2008)that 14 babies developed kidney stones and were all from the northwestern Gansu province of China....
 | 9/18/2008 - While it's a little noticed pet food ingredient, Menadione Sodium Bisulfate (and its many named variations) is one ingredient to look out for and avoid. This ingredient is commonly found in many dog foods, cat foods, and treats. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the best reputation for being a safe or...
 | 9/17/2008 - Mars Pet Food announced a voluntary recall of many brands of dog food and cat food on September 12th, 2008 due to "potential contamination with Salmonella". The recall only affects products sold in the United States.
Products affected include Old Roy Dog Food, Pedigree Dog Food, Special Kitty Cat...
 | 9/16/2008 - It's difficult to imagine that cigarettes and lies have any connection with pet food -- but when you look closely at the advertising tactics of some pet foods, look closely at the ingredients in those pet foods -- you'll find cigarettes, lies, and pet food fits perfectly together.
To give you an...
 | 9/13/2008 - The U.S. Health and Human Services announced, on June 18, 2008, progress between China and the U.S. stating, "strong and sustained cooperation by both nations to strengthen the safety of food products exported to the United States from China." The news release mentions a 'cooperative mechanism' between...
 | 9/12/2008 - The FDA is supposed to protect our pet's food. Congress took note of the deadly pet food recall last year and mandated the FDA to clean up its act. Human food and pet food regulations are supposed to be updated and in working order by September 2009 according to the Amendments Act. I have my doubts....
 | 9/10/2008 - Not to sound too 'out there' but I'm a big believer that pet food manufacturers and our pets show us 'signs'. The point being to urge you to always be aware of the signs presented to you with your pets and the products they consume.
Earlier in the year there were reports of pets becoming sick from...
 | 9/9/2008 - When I officially began reviewing pet foods, companies I contacted shared without hesitation if their foods used human grade or pet grade meat ingredients. Now I am seeing a shift in that. These days many are telling me they use human grade/quality ingredients even though their pet food ingredient listing...
 | 9/3/2008 - A recent study performed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) proves our pets are exposed to chemicals and toxins in far greater amounts than people. In a ground breaking study, EWG found dogs and cats to be contaminated with 48 different chemicals –- 43 of which were at higher levels typically found...
 | 8/29/2008 - Warehousing and storage of pet foods is out of the manufacturer's control once it leaves their facilities. Pet owners must rely on conscientious distributors to warehouse the food properly. Unfortunately, not every distributor is conscientious. This is the press release put out by the FDA (June 19,...
 | 8/27/2008 - You are well aware of the pet food recall of 2007. You are well aware that due to that recall thousands of pets died, and thousands more became ill. You are probably aware that the FDA held a public meeting on May 13, 2008 to seek input from stakeholder groups –- including consumers –- for the future...
 | 8/21/2008 - Mars Petcare issued a limited recall of Pedigree dog food. The recall is limited to Southern California and Las Vegas, NV. A "component" of the food that tested positive for Salmonella contamination "was inadvertently shipped to our Tracy, California facility and used in the production of 100 bags of...
 | 8/16/2008 - A recent article in the Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN newspaper has got the fur flying. The Leaf Chronicle reported on euthanizing procedures for the county Animal Control. Horrendous standard procedures flatly euthanize particular breeds regardless of the dog's history or circumstances. Simply because...
 | 8/6/2008 - The recent batch of warning letters issued by the FDA once again causes me to worry about eating anything. One in particular –- FDA warning letter dated July, 2 2008 to Chief Operating Officer at Full Circle Dairy in Lee, FL proves the FDA is so 'after the fact' it is a wonder we all aren't sick.
 | 7/28/2008 - Just when you think you've seen it all and nothing would be too shocking to learn or read about the pet food industry, you stumble across something that causes your jaw to drop. I stumbled across something that proves once again –- you can't be too careful about the food and treats you give to your...
 | 7/25/2008 - I recently received an email asking my opinion about a couple of different types of pet foods –- what I thought about the quality of the foods. Both of the pet foods he asked about (which he was feeding his 'family') were what I considered to be very inferior foods. I informed him of this and his response...
 | 7/23/2008 - A recent article posted on The Consumerist website brings up a very good point (and lesson) that pet owners should take note of. The article comes from a pet owner whose Yorkie became ill, and after a couple of days in the vet's office, the owner looked at her Eukanuba canned food and realized it had...
 | 7/15/2008 - I took a little field trip yesterday to Walmart and paid a visit to the pet food aisle. It was one of the most discouraging field trips I've ever taken. I'm not going to mention any product names but do I have some interesting pet food sales tricks to share with you.
The number one interesting marketing...
 | 6/27/2008 - A common ingredient found in dog food and cat food is by-products. When you look at your pet food or pet treat label, you might see by-product, chicken by-product, turkey by-product meal, or a few more variations. Most pet owners have never been told exactly what by-products are. If you don't know,...
 | 6/25/2008 - If you heard a thud last week it was the ball dropping... the $26 Billion dollar a year pet food industry ball being dropped by the FDA and every major pet organization in the U.S. Finally, fourteen months after the world's largest pet food recall –- on May 13, 2008 the FDA held its Pet Food Safety...
 | 6/15/2008 - There is a lot to know in order to properly care for the four legged love of your life. But there is one question that every dog and cat owner needs to ask –- and deserves to know the answer to. It's simple and it should take less than 3 minutes of your time.
This question doesn't go to your vet...
 | 7/26/2007 - A nationwide recall of pet foods earlier this year by processor Menu Foods has made consumers aware that many premium and brand-name pet foods are processed at the same plants and made with the same ingredients as low-end brands.
Menu Foods has recalled 60 million wet dog- and cat-food products sold...
 | 6/27/2007 - The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center today posted a detailed nutritional review of 570 pet food ingredients commonly found in pet food products (both canned and dry). The list, created by a joint effort between pet food formulator Dr. Lisa Newman, N.D., Ph.D. (, consumer health advocate...
 | 12/22/2005 - Mike: Whenever I talk to pet owners, whose pets have joint problems, pain or disease, I hear a distorted line of reasoning -- the same in human medicine -- which is that it's just genetic. I hear that all the time.
Newman: Oh, I know.
Mike: What's your take on that?
Newman: My take on it is...
 | 12/21/2005 - Mike: Let's talk about what's in your pet food, the Azmira Holistic Animal Care products. I found this product in the local health food store, and I was buying it before I even met you or invited you to do this interview.
Newman: Or before you knew I was right in your back yard.
Mike: Exactly....
 | 12/20/2005 - Mike: Hello, this is Mike Adams. I'm here with Dr. Lisa Newman. Thanks for joining me today.
Newman: Well, thanks for having me today, Mike.
Mike: You are the founder of the Azmira Holistic Animal Care product line. You also run a pet care clinic, correct?
Newman: Well, it's not a veterinary...
 | 10/21/2005 - If you check the labels on grocery store foods, you've probably already begun to see that the list of ingredients doesn't always tell the whole truth about what's in your food. The same goes for your pets' food. Behind innocent-sounding words like "meat byproducts" and "meat meal" are horrific manufacturing...
 | 9/14/2005 - Welcome to Mad Cow Madness! If you've ever wondered what's really going on with mad cow disease in the United States, here's the real story. Let's talk about this downer cow that was recently confirmed as having mad cow disease. It only took... let's see... seven months for the USDA to confirm that...
| See all 79 pet food feature articles.Concept-related articles:Canada:Cattle:BSE:Animal feed:Food:Risk:Ingredients:Government:Dangerous:Banned:Federal:California:Health:Natural:Organic:Products:
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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