Organ news, articles and information:
 | 11/11/2016 - As your body's biggest organ, your skin is covered with thousands of pores, all of which should be thought of as entry points to your body. When you consider the fact that your skin is like a sponge that absorbs everything you put on it, you will quickly realize that being cognizant of everything you...
 | 11/1/2016 - In the U.S. these days, supporting GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump will earn you an assault from Left-wing cowards and bullies who support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. But in China, being a political dissident and opposing the ruling Communist government could earn you a trip to a hospital...
 | 10/20/2016 - The tragic increase in overdose deaths associated with the nation's opioid epidemic is providing an unexpected benefit: a spike in the number of organs available for transplant.
The percentage of organs coming from donors who have overdosed has been rising steadily over the past few years. Nationwide,...
 | 9/1/2016 - In recent weeks scientists examining the positive therapeutic effects of cannabis have made a number of remarkable findings, including a potential solution for the rejection of transplanted organs.
Researchers at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine found that, when given to mice,...
 | 7/19/2016 - The organic food industry in America is about a $30 billion dollar business right now, but as a fair estimate, a fourth of that money is spent by Americans who assume everything organic is healthy, and the price for that assumption could be cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Go ahead, pile it on. Make...
 | 7/15/2016 - By now we're all sadly aware of the terror atrocity in Nice, France that took the lives of at least 80 people. The attack was insane and horrific, and my prayers go out to all those affected by the senseless violence. Yet it isn't just ISIS terrorists who are destroying lives in our world, and it's...
 | 5/30/2016 - It looks as though the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is taking a page out of the Planned Parenthood playbook when it comes to violating the sanctity of life.
As reported by Israel National News, documents seized from ISIS in eastern Syria by U.S. forces last year, include fatwa Islamic religious...
 | 5/25/2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) deemed glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans last year, but the adverse impact of the herbicide extends beyond a heightened risk for cancer. A study conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and Egypt found that pigs fed glyphosate spawned "mutant" offspring,...
 | 5/3/2016 - According to biotech industry and its army of mercenary trolls and science shills, glyphosate is perfectly safe to eat and doesn't cause cancer.
Of course, that claim holds about as much scientific credibility as Big Tobacco's claim that "smoking cigarettes doesn't cause lung cancer or heart disease"...
 | 4/17/2016 - In medical systems around the world, the hunt for viable, transplantable organs is on. The knowledgeable Jan Bollen of the Maastricht University Medical Centre points this out in two separate papers published this year in the American Journal of Transplantation and in the Journal of Medical Ethics....
 | 2/21/2016 - It's tough being a political prisoner in China, and in more ways than one. You can be beaten, tortured, starved, neglected – and have your organs removed, even against your will.
As noted by the The Anti-Media and Newsweek, the government in Beijing is facing increased global scrutiny and outcry...
 | 2/20/2016 - Three years after the U.S. Senate passed the HIV Organ Policy Equity (HOPE) Act, Johns Hopkins has finally been given the green light to perform organ transplants on HIV positive patients. The hospital will go down in history as the first American institution to perform an HIV-positive kidney transplant,...
 | 2/3/2016 - There are at least 125,000 people waiting for an organ transplant right now in the US. Their names are filed on the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network transplant list. An overwhelming majority of those waiting -- more than 100,000 -- are in need of a kidney transplant. Right now, they must...
 | 1/14/2016 - Health freedom is a sacred right that strikingly few people in America today seem to recognize as vitally important to a free society. This is evidenced by the largely manufactured measles crisis, which has sent some into a tailspin of draconian fervor as they call on the government to literally force...
 | 1/13/2016 - The next time a vaccine worshiper tries to tell you that getting your children jabbed is necessary to support "the greater good," you might want to remind him or her that forced medical interventions of any kind are akin to the same types of human rights abuses that take place in communist dictatorships...
 | 1/6/2016 - People have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on all kinds of detoxification programs and "super" supplements trying to get toxins out of their bodies, especially after a long binge of bad eating, bad drinking, bad medicine or even bad supplements. Some folks have spent a small fortune trying...
 | 11/9/2015 - A new undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress reveals the horrors and illegal practices occurring at Planned Parenthood, the top feticide foundation in the US. In the video, a 2nd trimester abortion provider from Austin, Texas openly admits to the strategies used to extract intact...
 | 11/5/2015 - A Camino Public Relations document, speaking on behalf of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, defends the organization's recently exposed practice of harvesting and selling fetal body parts. As revealed in this video, Planned Parenthood is engaged in meticulously removing and preserving fetal...
 | 10/14/2015 - If you're starting a detoxification protocol there's a lot you can do to improve the results. Many of these tips can also be used indefinitely to help your body detoxify all day, every day, without being on a detox protocol.
First and foremost, if you're not consuming enough water, you're increasing...
 | 10/5/2015 6:18:58 PM - The man responsible for the passage of SB 277 — an egregious new law in California eliminating personal and philosophical vaccine exemptions for school-age children — has publicly admitted that his fanatical support for forced vaccinations is about promoting "the greater good", rather than...
 | 9/22/2015 - The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released yet another stomach-churning video exposing Planned Parenthood for working with for-profit biotech firms like StemExpress, LLC, to illegally procure murdered baby body parts for "research" purposes. In its seventh installment of an extensive undercover...
 | 8/14/2015 - Now that the truth has finally come out about what Planned Parenthood does with the remains of all those babies it murders in the womb every year, many people are beginning to ask a question that abortion proponents will never be able to answer honestly: If aborted fetuses aren't actually people as...
 | 8/6/2015 - The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood's alleged for-profit fetal organ harvesting scheme continues to mount, as new videos have been released containing further evidence that the program indeed exists and is being carried out on a widespread basis.
The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life...
 | 8/5/2015 - Over the last few weeks, America has experienced shock at the revelation that human babies are being harvested for their organs during live abortion procedures. This is all being carried out by Planned Parenthood in the name of "science."
But what kind of science underlies such seemingly evil activities?...
 | 8/4/2015 - The evidence is mounting – GMOs are a danger to health. Long-term studies have revealed organ damage, cancer, and reproductive damage in second and third generation animal studies. There are doctors who are willing to publicly take a stand against genetic engineering. Here are a few of them.
 | 7/28/2015 - Two major media outlets have been caught scrubbing the details of the recent Planned Parenthood scandal involving aborted human babies being "harvested" for their vital organs. Undercover video footage exposes Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical research, sipping wine and...
 | 7/25/2015 - When I first read the news about Planned Parenthood harvesting organs from babies during abortions, I wasn't surprised. As the editor of Natural News, I've spent years documenting horrific crimes against children and humanity carried out by various industries (vaccines, pharmaceuticals, factory foods,...
 | 7/15/2015 2:05:01 PM - The Washington Post, a legacy newspaper of the mainstream media Left, has long been a shill for the world's biggest biotechnology company, Monsanto, which is king of the GMO industry.
As Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has pointed out, the entire editorial board at the Post consists...
 | 7/14/2015 6:17:56 PM - Even pro-choice advocates were shocked at the news of Planned Parenthood's alleged collusion with a for-profit biotech firm called StemExpress to sell body parts harvested from aborted fetuses.
Although the practice is technically illegal, loopholes in the law appear to have been exploited by Planned...
 | 5/21/2015 - It's a gruesome business, but a thriving one nonetheless: the sale and purchase of human organs on the black market. What's more, it is a "growing industry" that preys on the neediest among us.
The trade was revealed again recently when authorities nabbed a Serbian gangster in Spain after he attempted...
 | 4/20/2015 8:47:17 PM - Candida is not inherently bad, but when left unchecked, when it takes over the gut and is allowed to flourish, it will damage the intestinal wall. Then Candida, along with other microbes, will migrate outside of the intestinal tract and into the body, flourishing everywhere, fed by all the sugars and...
 | 3/31/2015 - The paleo diet has been around for more than forty years, but recently, it has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. At present, it is one of the most popular diet trends in America.
This comeback in popularity is due in part to its new supporters, including the Crossfit movement and Hollywood celebrities...
 | 3/4/2015 - Look around these days and you will find that 90% of all food is processed and dead, void of all nutrition. You will also find that at least half of that food contains at least some genetically modified ingredients, and this means you're eating organisms grown and mutated in laboratories, including...
 | 3/3/2015 - Babies murdered while still inside their mothers' wombs, a medical procedure known in "politically correct" terminology as abortion, are being investigated as a possible source of vital organ harvesting for patients in need. Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina, who started their own biotechnology...
 | 2/1/2015 9:02:35 PM - In its natural, healthy state, the body is detoxifying at all times. Breathing, digesting healthy, clean vegetables, using our muscles, or just being alive creates toxins in the body that need to be expelled.
With today's typical modern lifestyle, toxins are accumulating in the body at a greater...
 | 1/26/2015 - Human fetal kidneys harvested from aborted babies are being surgically implanted into adult rats to grow new kidneys to be transplanted into awaiting human adults.
This procedure, which is under rapid development, is being framed as a medical breakthrough by scientists who appear to be completely...
 | 12/30/2014 - (Story by Daisy Luther, republished from, with additional editing by Natural News.) Well, our good friends at the FDA are looking out for us again. Thank goodness we have them to fine us, charge us fees, regulate perfectly natural things, and keep us safe. Heck, who knew that women...
 | 11/26/2014 - Put it this way, January 1, 2015, is too late. You should have started before then. If you want to make some grand self-improvement, it will be more attainable and the results and rewards will begin sooner, if you start conditioning yourself six to seven weeks in advance. Then you can easily take it...
 | 11/10/2014 - Brian was an honor student at age fourteen. Within a month after his trip to the dentist, his world changed. Suddenly he experienced ongoing fatigue and a "brain fog" so severe he could not concentrate for more than ten minutes at a time. Honors classes became a thing of the past, while Brian, who had...
 | 9/9/2014 - Tissue engineering and organ growing operations are leaving the realm of science fiction and entering human reality. The future of life-saving organ transplants hinges on organ farming technology which uses a patient's preexisting tissue as "seed" to develop fully functioning organs.
 | 8/25/2014 - Organ meats were a staple part of our ancestors diets and provided a tremendous nutritional benefit to groups of people who had limited access to other nutrient dense foods. Our current society has no emphasis on organ meats and they are mostly avoided. Consuming organ meats on a regular basis can provide...
 | 7/28/2014 - Fruits and vegetables often take the spotlight when it comes to nutrition and health, with meat products typically being relegated to the unhealthy category. But meat from pasture-raised animals, and particularly organ meat derived from animals fed a diet of grass, water and sunshine, is one of the...
 | 7/8/2014 - Scientists and researchers have made huge strides towards the goal of "bio-printing" tissues and organs for transplant into people affected by major trauma or diseases, according to a new study report.
Scientists have managed to bio-print artificial vascular networks that are capable of mimicking...
 | 4/12/2014 - The liver is one of the most important of all our vital organs. The liver is responsible for filtering and detoxifying environmental toxins and pathogenic organisms. Unlike many organs a failing liver is unable to be surgically fixed or replaced.
The liver is a vital digestive organ that converts...
 | 3/29/2014 - You hear it all the time from skin care companies and the slogans for their products: "Lock in the moisture!" Did you know that you are actually locking in toxins with toxins? Yes, your body is trying to perspire and sweat out the toxins, and breathe. And just what toxins are we talking about that are...
 | 3/11/2014 - Westernized society has traditionally focused on the lean, muscular portions of meat and low-fat dairy and poultry. Traditional cultures always favored the fatty regions, the organ meats and the bones as sources of valuable nutrition. Could one develop health problems from an imbalance of lean meat...
 | 3/6/2014 - Beginning with the moment you wake up, what personal care products, foods, beverages, cleaning products and supplements are you using and consuming? Your skin is your largest organ, and you only have one body in this life. Let's examine two ways of going about a typical day and see the MAJOR differences...
 | 3/3/2014 - Imagine being arrested, imprisoned and tortured simply for holding religious beliefs that run contrary to what the government considers acceptable. And every day having to worry that you might be murdered at a moment's notice for your vital organs. This is what countless thousands of practitioners of...
 | 2/20/2014 - How many people don't read Natural News or research organic food and are falling for scams, right and left, thinking they are eating somewhat healthy food and avoiding cancer? We're not talking thousands or hundreds of thousands or even a million people; instead, we are talking about hundreds of millions...
 | 1/28/2014 - A new study by Egyptian researchers has found that Bt corn is not substantially equal to non-genetically modified parent corn and is actually toxic to rats after barely three months.
Meanwhile, a second study, which examined the effects on rats on a diet containing the GM corn, found that it caused...
 | 11/21/2013 - Commercial body care products, especially shampoos, are usually loaded with chemical perfumes, surfactants, coloring agents and preservatives. These mainstream synthetic shampoos are easier to mass produce and boast a longer shelf life, but how are these chemicals affecting people's skin cells as toxin...
 | 11/13/2013 - The USDA has announced its intention to allow China-grown chicken meat to be imported into the USA. "The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that China is eligible to export processed, cooked chicken to the United States," says an official announcement...
 | 10/14/2013 - Since chemotherapy was invented by Nazi scientists 70 years ago, and mammograms expose patients to radiation which causes cancer itself, let us forget everything we know for a few minutes about cancer prevention and cancer treatment, and take a common sense approach to this monster that's killing over...
 | 8/23/2013 - With reduced enforcement of the nation's immigration laws, on the order of President Obama, the illegal alien population in America is becoming more open by the day. And why not? When you no longer fear discovery and deportation, might as well "come out of the shadows," as open-border advocates are...
 | 8/22/2013 - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are plants and other living organisms derived from modern molecular biotechnology techniques that alter the genetics of the organism. A large portion of the food supply in America is now produced with this technology. So far, GMO companies have been able to create...
 | 8/20/2013 - With the world-changing technology of 3D printing, scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, have focused their efforts on potentially life saving strategies, having recently had success 3D printing embryonic stem cells. This breakthrough could end the need for animal drug testing for organ...
 | 8/15/2013 - The human body is naturally equipped with the ability to detoxify with the help of the different vital organs including the liver and the kidney. The problem is individuals are exposed to a rather unhealthy lifestyle coupled with an equally unhealthy diet. Nutritionists and alternative healthcare proponents...
 | 8/5/2013 - As Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said often, the organ donor "business" in America is just that - a business - and it continues to endanger the living because of its profit-margin existence. Here is another example of how the system can fail those it was intended to serve.
 | 7/11/2013 - I've warned Natural News readers about this several times over the last decade: Do NOT become an organ donor! Although you may wish to help others out of the goodness of your (literal) heart, the sinister truth is that doctors routinely harvest organs from LIVING patients right here in the USA.
 | 6/27/2013 - It is no secret that there simply are not enough donor organs to go around for every patient in the world that needs one. But the medical industry's latest solution this problem, manufacturing genetically-engineered (GE) organs and organ tissue in a laboratory may prove to cause more harm than good...
 | 5/20/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 5/15/2013 - Metabolic syndrome refers to a related group of conditions including increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels that dramatically increase the risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes, among a host of other serious chronic...
 | 4/25/2013 - Research just presented at the Experimental Biology conference held in Boston this week reveals that grapes contain powerful health promoting properties. Specifically, natural components known as polyphenols appear to protect against organ damage associated with the progression of metabolic syndrome...
 | 1/29/2013 - It has been more than four months now since the most comprehensive study evaluating the health risks associated with a lifetime of consuming genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) was published in a credible, peer-reviewed scientific journal. And to this day, the mainstream scientific community is still...
 | 11/18/2012 - The future of chemotherapy treatment for cancer appears to be moving towards a more targeted poisoning approach rather than a systemic one, which may actually be shown in time to cause the same amount of harm as existing chemotherapy treatments. For the very first time, doctors in the U.K. have administered...
 | 11/3/2012 - China has promised to phase out its organ harvesting operations and move to a volunteer organ donation system over the next few years, reports the Associated Press. As you read this, keep in mind that if Natural News had published an article just two days ago with the headline, "China harvesting organs...
 | 10/16/2012 - The battle against genetically modified organisms being secretly engineered into our foods now has only one possible outcome: Victory for the People... and defeat of the corporate quack scientists and the outrageously dishonest and sinister biotech industry that has shoved GMO down our throats for a...
 | 6/3/2012 - In this age of instant, mass communication, it's hard to cover up virtually anything, and yet there's one story that has yet to be told on a wide scale - how organ trafficking has ballooned into a global business and that the practice is so widespread, one organ is sold every hour.
That's according...
| 12/11/2011 - The demand for healthy, functioning body organs is high, as the number of organ patients far exceeds the number of willing and available organ donors. The result of this imbalance is an ever-growing black market for organs where international organ brokers, many of which are based in Israel, prey on...
 | 11/4/2011 - Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, an Israeli citizen living in Brooklyn, NY, has pleaded guilty to illegally purchasing kidneys from desperate Israelis, and trafficking them back to the US for transplant in patients at prestigious, but unnamed, American hospitals. Rosenbaum has also reportedly pleaded guilty to...
 | 10/5/2011 - A new paper reviewing data from 19 animal studies shows that consuming genetically modified (GM) corn or soybeans leads to significant organ disruptions in rats and mice, particularly in livers and kidneys ( "Other organs may be affected too, such as the heart...
| 9/8/2011 - Organ printing, or the process of engineering tissue via 3D printing, possesses revolutionary potential for organ transplants. But do sociological consequences follow? Organ printing offers help to those in need of immediate organ transplants and other emergency situations, but it also pushes the medical...
 | 8/23/2011 - There are too many heavily funded, highly praised scientists who think they can outwit nature and play God. A recent medical science development in Japan is leading the way to using animals for creating organs to be transplanted into humans. Though hailed as a solution for many who await organ transplants,...
| 3/9/2011 - Researchers have long known that the "good" bacteria in the human gut help digest food and keep "bad" pathogens, including an overgrowth of yeast, in check. But could beneficial bacteria be doing even more to build good health? The surprising answer is, most likely, yes.
According to findings just...
| 2/24/2011 - Traditional cultures knew that eating liver was good for the body, especially raw liver. That same claim as been made over the centuries regarding other organs and glands, particularly from cows, pigs, and sheep. But few modern people can stomach the thought of eating such meats, especially when they...
 | 7/27/2010 - Johnny Concepcion is 42 years old. After divorcing his wife, she was found stabbed to death in their home, suffering at least 15 stab wounds. Concepcion reportedly confessed to his friends that he killed his wife, and he soon found himself the subject of a city-wide manhunt in New York City. On the...
| 7/25/2010 - Popular social networking site Facebook is apparently good for a lot more than just chatting with friends and posting pictures. A recent Fox News article explains that many people in desperate need of transplant organs are finding quick matches through their connections on Facebook.
As far-fetched...
| 7/3/2010 - According to a recent report, as many as 800,000 Britons may have had their organ donation wishes improperly recorded in the U.K. donor register. Some who expressed that they didn't want to be donors may have been registered as donors, while others may have been registered as being donors of the wrong...
| 6/15/2010 - Many hospitals in the United States are tacitly participating in the illegal organ transplant industry by not scrutinizing potential donors too closely, experts worry.
The purchase or sale of organs is illegal in most countries, including the United States, but a chronic shortage of organs for transplant...
| 4/1/2010 - The recent arrests of 44 people on charges of organ trafficking have exposed a major criminal market in illegal organ transplants, where wealthy patients purchase organs from poor Third World residents through brokers residing in the United States.
"In India, China, Africa and Latin America the poor...
 | 2/24/2010 - It's rare that I discover a new superfood product that truly impresses me. SunWarrior ( has a new green superfood product that I still plan to review shortly, and I'm always a fan of LivingFuel (, Boku Superfood (, Delicious Greens (,...
| 1/13/2010 - Genetically Modified crops (or GM) are genetically modified organisms (GMO) that have been altered to meet a specific profile. They have also been the subject of controversy almost since their introduction two decades ago. A new study pinpoints three variations of GM corn (maize) as being linked to...
| 11/10/2009 - (Natural News) In both the UK and the USA, organ donor numbers are declining while more who await organ transplants are dying. In the USA 6,000 died in 2001 while waiting for organ transplants, while in the UK 1,000 die annually waiting for organs.
This urgency creates mishaps, such as patients...
| 10/29/2009 - Matthew Millington, 31, was an Iraq war veteran who served in the British army. Suffering from an unspecified "serious long condition", doctors told him he would be dead in two years unless he underwent a lung transplant. With tens of thousands of people world-wide awaiting organ transplants, the young...
| 9/23/2009 - It's no secret mercury is a dangerous toxin that accumulates in the human body and can produce disastrous health problems involving multiple organ systems. It's known to be a risk to unborn babies, too. Unfortunately, as NaturalNews has reported, mercury contamination of our environment and food sources...
| 7/14/2009 - The legislature of Singapore has passed a law to allow, for the first time, payments to organ donors. The measure has drawn harsh criticism from many legislators, who fear it will lead to an organ trading market that exploits the poor.
"To a desperate foreign worker, even a reimbursement of 10,000...
| 3/21/2009 - Detoxification is a natural healing process needed more than ever in today`s toxic world. With the onslaught of chemicals in our food, air and water, we can all do with undergoing a specific program of periodic cleansing. An approach that is designed to lower the toxic burden accumulated in our tissues,...
| 2/20/2009 - In this continuing series on "The Six Healing Sounds", we are going to go cover the fourth of these sounds and one that is very important in this modern age, the heart sound.
Many of us know that sounds can have a powerful effect on our minds and emotions. Listening to relaxing music has been shown...
| 12/24/2008 - All of us love to hear beautiful sounds. Whether it's a majestic song or a pleasant voice, the sounds of nature or a child's laughter, sounds can have a very positive or negative effect not only on our moods, but even on our body's right down to the atomic level.
This is because all matter vibrates...
| 12/18/2008 - According to the New York Times on 12/4/08, the National Christmas Tree Association reported $l.3 billion in Christmas tree sales last year. This amounted to 3l million trees sold. Real Christmas trees bring an appeal that artificial trees just cannot provide, the pleasing scent of a pine forest. When...
| 12/15/2008 - Sounds can have a powerful effect on our minds, emotions and moods and as we'll see in this article, sound can be used to directly cleanse, purge and heal the body. Many people are already familiar with the fact that sounds such as music, a pleasant voice or sounds of nature can have a soothing effect...
| 12/9/2008 - Organ transplants give many people a new shot at life, a second chance which they might not have had if not for this medical procedure. Life, though, is never quite the same again, and organ recipients have to take immunosuppressant drugs to keep their bodies from rejecting their new organs. By having...
| 12/7/2008 - To anyone who studies science or physics, you're probably familiar with the concept of Brownian motion. What is Brownian motion? Brownian motion is the random movement of particles suspended in a liquid or gas or the mathematical model used to describe such random movements, often called a particle...
 | 11/27/2008 - Baby care products such as shampoos, lotions and powders fall under cosmetics` regulations and the FDA is not required to test their safety. The only way to be assured a product will not contain harmful compounds is that it be certified organic, and better yet, certified organic to food standards. Infants...
 | 11/21/2008 - Our aim should be to understand all of the most pertinent laws of nature and the fascinating forces that are working together to make life possible. Then we should desire to facilitate the forces that work to maintain life as we know it in accordance with those same laws of nature. When we attempt to...
 | 10/21/2008 - With the cold weather coming upon us in the northern hemisphere everyone naturally becomes concerned about catching a cold or flu and staying healthy. Of course mainstream medicine and news talks a lot about getting flu shots as if that's the only possible thing that you can do to prevent the flu. That...
 | 10/15/2008 - With all the heart problems, heart disease and other health issues that are ever getting worse in today's modern society, learning that you can actually do something to create a second heart within your body sounds like a miracle or simply too good to be true. Of course science is always trying to create...
 | 9/23/2008 - All aspects of body care are important as the skin tends to soak up anything you apply to it. This can also be true for the scalp. Many people may be concerned with what they put into their bodies through the food and drinks they consume, but don't consider the skin as an absorbing medium. Aside from...
 | 8/18/2008 - Two recipients of organs from 15-year-old Alex Koehne also received a rare and fatal cancer along with the transplant.
When Koehne died, his parents agreed to donate his organs for transplant, but requested an autopsy to determine his cause of death. Doctors believed that the boy had died from bacterial...
 | 8/11/2008 - Starting from some time well before man was placed on earth, or evolved to his present species, the earth was covered with all manner of plant life. These plants had to deal with microorganisms, climate variations and all manner of variety.
When man entered this phase of existence, he found himself...
 | 7/25/2008 - Medical science has discovered how sensitive the insulin receptor sites are to chemical poisoning. Metals such as cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead, fluoride and possibly aluminum may play a role in the actual destruction of beta cells through stimulating an auto-immune reaction to them after they have...
 | 5/29/2008 - Given the fact that just about everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream, it is interesting that there is a complete lack of regulation of cancer-causing ingredients in skin care products. There are over 150 toxic cancer-causing ingredients currently used in cosmetic products...
 | 5/24/2008 - Greetings everyone, this is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, here reporting for I am currently in the rainforest of Southern Ecuador, high in the Andes Mountains. I am not joking. I am actually in a bamboo rainforest here. It is raining so I am under some shelter right now. Unfortunately,...
 | 3/28/2008 - If a child eats conventionally grown produce, will it affect his or her health? Recent research revealed that pesticides do show up in the urine of children after consuming non-organic foods. Though the study did not look at whether or not some of the chemicals stay in the tissues and cause damage,...
 | 3/23/2008 - With the aging population of the United States, the incidence of so-called age-related diseases should be expected to rise. In fact the incidence of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a host of other diseases have been steadily rising for all age groups until it has reached epidemic proportions. That...
 | 3/10/2008 - Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequaled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease - fixing or repairing the parts where...
 | 2/20/2008 - In this article, we will take a closer look at biological and chemical warfare from a global perspective as well as the use of pesticides and insecticides and how they helped pioneer these deadly toxins used in modern warfare and bio-terrorism as we know it today. I want to discuss the different types...
 | 2/11/2008 - Today we know more about vitamins, minerals and nutrition in general then ever before, but at the same time there are various elements of the media and medical community that want to keep everyone in the dark about the true role and power that vitamins play in our health and life.
As many who study...
 | 2/1/2008 - What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, health and healing. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book will serve as a life-altering revelation for those who...
 | 1/18/2008 - Wrapping up the important health news stories this week, the FDA announced that cloned meat and milk could now be sold to consumers without any labeling indicating its cloned status. Now factory cattle farms -- which already operate with a disturbing lack of ethical behavior or compassion for animals...
 | 1/14/2008 - In my continued search for healthful skin care products, I'm usually disappointed by products that claim to be "natural" or "herbal." Nearly everything on the market today -- including the skin care products sold at "natural" retailers like Whole Foods and Wild Oats -- is loaded with chemical additives...
 | 12/19/2007 - Enzymes may not share the superstar status of certain vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and other miracle nutrients in the world of conventional health and nutrition, yet a growing number of studies suggest that enzymes very much deserve a standing ovation when it comes to improving overall health...
 | 11/27/2007 - We're all too familiar with organic food labels. Most of the ones found here in the U.S. display the USDA Organic seal or sticker, others show other organic certifiers such as QAI (Quality Assurance International) or CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) and many more. The food items displaying...
 | 9/19/2007 - The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern over a dramatic rise in the incidence of "transplant tourism," in which wealthier medical patients -- usually from First World countries -- travel to poor countries for transplants from people who have been persuaded to trade...
 | 6/25/2007 - Did you know that the health of your large intestine is reflected in the health of your skin? Your large intestine and skin are organs that interact with the environment. They both absorb and emit chemicals, water, and other metabolic products. The large intestine is the body's largest internal organ;...
 | 6/11/2007 - The World Health Organization (WHO) held its second Global Consultation on Transplantation recently in Rotterdam. The WHO addressed the global shortage of human organs available for transplantation as well as a trend toward "transplant tourism" -- the buying and selling of body parts in the global marketplace...
 | 4/11/2007 - Top health freedom consumer advocacy groups in the United States are being clandestinely targeted by organized disruption campaigns and "black PR" efforts. The apparent purpose of these campaigns is to discredit, disrupt and censor their natural health and health freedom political and educational efforts....
 | 11/21/2006 - A Chinese military surgeon allegedly had eight Chinese citizens killed to supply a single foreign patient with a new kidney.
Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour indicated that this had happened while speaking as a special guest at the Asian Human Rights Week forum in...
| 7/10/2006 - The Australian Health Ethics Committee is currently lobbying for legislation that will allow bodies to be prepared for organ transplantation before death; specifically those who are certain to die when their heart stops beating. The result is that Australia may become the first nation to specifically...
 | 5/22/2006 - "The Island" is one of the best science fiction movies I've seen in a long time. Aside from its obvious strengths, which include stunning action sequences thanks to director Michael Bay, "The Island" also explores important science fiction themes that are reflected in today's culture of corporate ethics,...
 | 3/24/2006 - Further demonstrating that U.S. doctors are, indeed, mad, two doctors are now publicly promoting the idea that it should be legal for people to sell their own kidneys (and other organs) to patients needing transplants. Such a move would, of course, transform the poorest members of society into easily...
 | 1/4/2006 - One of the most effective naturally occurring weapons against cancer is, like most healthy things, something many of us are not getting enough of. The mineral selenium has been shown in multiple studies to be an effective tool in warding off various types of cancer, including breast, esophageal, stomach,...
 | 11/29/2005 - Mike: Thank you, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, for taking the time to participate in this interview. You have a tremendous amount of valuable information on health and life transformation to share with people. In addition to being the founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona and author of Conscious...
 | 9/28/2005 - You have the power in your hands to change the world. This change ripples out from you in concentric circles, and it all starts with decisions you make at the grocery store because what you choose to buy and consume impacts the world in many powerful ways that you may have never been aware of. Every...
 | 7/26/2005 - It has now been widely reported that bariatric surgery (an aggressive form of weight loss surgery where patients' digestive organs are lobotomized) has an unintended side effect: low blood sugar. According to reports in USA Today, the New York Times, and dozens of other papers, some bariatric surgery...
 | 5/22/2005 - A reader asks, "After having gall bladder surgery three weeks ago, I am having a lot of discomfort, bloating, nausea, and in general, not feeling well. My doctor says it will pass, but it seems to be getting worse. I am a 65-year-old woman. Do you have any advice?"
The first piece of advice I have...
| See all 321 organ feature articles.Concept-related articles:Disease:Research:WHO:Body:Heart:People:Human:Modern medicine:Technology:Western medicine:Cancer:Prescription drugs:Vitamin D:Prostate cancer:Natural sunlight:Evolution:
Concepts related to Organ
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The Honest Food Guide is
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