By Mike Adams
Here are answers to some of the most common questions people are asking about this opportunity, covering the products, the compensation plan and the involvement of NaturalNews.

Mike Adams meets with the founders Noel and Johnny Turner (Sep. 2008)
Enrollment Questions
Can I join if I'm not a U.S. citizen?
Currently, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents can join (anyone over 18 with a social security number, basically). However, a workaround is that someone outside the U.S. can form a U.S. LLC or corporation, and then sign up under that business entity. Because you are a non-U.S. citizens, that LLC will likely be subjected to an IRS-mandated 30% withholding, which is about the same as paying corporate taxes anyway. Once you form an LLC or corporation, simply use that tax ID to sign up.
What are the requirements to join?
To become a distributor, you must have a valid social security number or a tax ID. This means all the following can join: A corporation, LLC or non-profit organization.
The minimum age for individual enrollment is 18 years of age.
Can I enroll my spouse?
Yes, you can enroll your spouse. You're required to enroll them directly beneath you. They will need to meet their own monthly minimum volume ($100) and purchase their own starter pak if they want to fast-track their Binary Tree Commissions to the 15% level.
Can I enroll once personally, and then a second time as an LLC?
No. An individual may only be part of ONE distributorship.
Can I start enrolling people right now?
Yes, absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to enroll at least two people right now so that you qualify for team commissions. Just remember: You should give out YOUR OWN enrollment URL (your MyMoxx... web page). Don't give out the NaturalNewsTeam URL, give out your own URL so that people sign up directly under you. This will build your personal enrollment tree.
What if I enroll and then change my mind, will the company buy back the product?
Yes, the company offers a 90-day satisfaction guarantee and will buy back (refund) the product if returned within 90 days.
Compensation Questions
Click here to find the official compensation plan.
How much does it cost to be involved?
It costs $100 / month to be an active distributor. For that $100 per month, you get two bottles of the green-lipped mussel supplements. This is all that's required to be "active" in the organization. To get paid, however, you need one more thing... (see next question)
What do I have to do to get paid?
To quality for team commissions, which are based on a binary tree structure, you simply have to personally enroll two people, and that's it! From there, you will quality for anywhere from 5% to 15% of your "pay leg," which is based on the Group Volume (GV) of all the people beneath you in your Binary Tree.
Here's some really good news: NaturalNews will help build your Binary Tree, placing new distributors underneath existing distributors to fill out each row of the Binary Tree. While I can't guarantee exactly how many distributors will be placed beneath you, it will be a steady recruitment effort on NaturalNews once we're given permission to announce it on the website (late November). See more below...
How often do I get paid?
Payment are made weekly to a debit card that's issued to you by the company. Each week, an electronic deposit is made to your debit card (assuming you qualify for commissions). You may then transfer from that debit card to any bank account, or you may spend money from the debit card just like using a credit card. You can even use the debit card to take out cash at an ATM, just like any debit card!
How do I quality for the 15% commission on my Pay Leg?
It's easy: You can buy the "Pro Pak" up front (about $850 plus shipping), and instantly qualify for 15% Team Commissions on your Pay Leg. The Pro Pak (which is entirely optional) gets you 18 bottles of the product and allows you to "fast track" your earnings. This makes a lot of sense if you're joining early in the growth of the company. If you don't buy the Pro Pak, you can buy a Starter Pak for $295 (qualifies you for 5% commissions) or a Biz Pak for $575 (qualifies you for 10% commissions). You can also skip all the packs and earn your way to those qualification levels by building up your Group Volume (see the official compensation plan for details).
What's a Pay Leg?
This is a binary structure, meaning that each person has exactly two positions beneath them: a LEFT leg and a RIGHT leg. The Group Volume of your LEFT leg includes the total volume of your left leg distributor and ALL the group volume underneath them. The Group Volume of your RIGHT leg is the total volume of your right leg distributor and ALL the group volume beneath them, too! Whichever of your legs is LOWER in Group Volume is your Pay Leg.
For example, if your Left leg achieves 5000 Group Volume in one week, and your Right leg achieves 3000 Group Volume in the same week, your Pay Leg is the RIGHT leg, and you would receive 15% of 3000, which is $450 for that week.
Both your Left leg and your Right leg may continue to grow as people above you (your upline) sponsor new distributors who get placed in YOUR Binary Tree downline. When NaturalNews is allowed to announce this product line, we anticipate placing many thousands of distributors in the Binary Tree. If you are already in the Binary Tree, you stand to benefit from those distributors or customers being placed beneath you in the Binary Tree.
Is there a limit to how much I can earn?
Yes, the weekly commissions on your Binary Tree are capped at $1,500 unless you achieve higher ranks. At higher ranks, your weekly earnings can go up to $20,000. This is a theoretical maximum, and it requires a very large organization underneath you (thousands of other distributors in your Binary Tree) in order to achieve this level of earnings.
Are there other ways to earn money?
Yes, in addition to the Binary Tree Commissions, there are Enrollment Tree Commissions. To understand this, you must first realize there is a second tree that coexists with the Binary Tree. The second tree has a different structure from the Binary Tree, but it contains all the same people. It is your Enrollment Tree, and it consists solely of those distributors you have personally enrolled and the distributors they have personally enrolled, and so on, down through unlimited levels.
When the Group Volume of your Enrollment Tree reaches 2500, you achieve the distinction of "Bronze" level. (Note: At this level, you must have at least two legs in the first level of your Enrollment Tree, and no more than 1500 in Group Volume can be counted towards this 2500 goal from any one leg in your Enrollment Tree.) At the Bronze level, you are paid 10% of what other Bronze distributors beneath you earn on their Binary Tree Commissions, as long as they are the first Bronze distributors beneath you, regardless of depth. (This is called 10% for one level.)
Additional levels may be reached (Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond and beyond), each with its own Group Volume requirements and pay leg requirements. A Silver, for example, gets paid 10% on each of the TWO levels of other Executives below them. Incentives grow when Patinum, Emerald and Diamond levels are reached. See the official company compensation plan for details.
There are yet other ways to get paid at higher levels, but their explanation is beyond the scope of this FAQ document. Check the company's official compensation plan for details.
How, exactly, do I earn my way up to the 15% commission if I don't buy a Pro Pak?
(Answer coming soon)
Do I need to sign up other people?
You only need to directly enroll TWO people to qualify for your entire Binary Tree Commissions. Simply by enrolling two people, you will position yourself to benefit from all those placed in your Binary Tree by distributors above you (or by NaturalNews).
How much money can I make?
While I can't promise any specific level of earnings, I can say that those who directly enroll at least TWO distributors are positioning themselves to benefit from the fast-growing Binary Tree in which new distributors can be automatically placed beneath you.
How much time will it take to do this business?
That depends on how much time you wish to invest in your distributorship. If you put no time in it beyond personally enrolling two people, you may still find yourself enjoying considerable benefits, but the best way to ensure long-term earnings is to personally enroll more distributors (up to 12), which allows you to meet the personal enrollment qualifications for Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald and Diamond levels.
Remember, your Binary Tree earnings are capped at $1,500 per week as a distributor. To go beyond that, you will need to personally enroll more members so that your Personal Enrollment Tree begins to grow, qualifying you for Bronze through Diamond executive levels.
How quickly will I see earnings?
You qualify to receive earnings within one week after personally enrolling two distributors and achieving both "active" and "qualified" status yourself.
Enroll now in the NaturalNews team:
Click here to enroll with the team member nearest you.
(Click on the "Enroll Now" link in the top right menu bar.)
Product Questions
Is this product appropriate for vegetarians or vegans?
No. The product is made from green-lipped mussels (a simple life form), deep marine fish oil (an ocean fish), and grape seed extract. The capsule is made from bovine gelatin (from New Zealand cows). The company is already working in a plant-based capsule to replace the gelatin capsule, although no specific timeline is yet known for that transition.
Notably, the green-lipped mussel oil is RAW, having been cold-pressed and never heated. This has very important implications for the molecular structure (and health implications) of the oil.
Can people take this even if they are allergic to shellfish?
There are no shellfish proteins remaining in the oil. This product is completely safe for consumption by those typically allergic to shellfish. However, all supplements should be taken with caution to observe physiological effects, especially when first consumed.
Where does the product come from?
It is grown in open water aquaculture farms off the coast of New Zealand. These are mineral-rich waters. The green-lipped mussles are suspended from long ropes that float in the ocean waters, where they filter out nutrient-rich marine phytoplankton, concentrating their nutrients into these magnificent oils!
No green-lipped mussels are removed from the ocean floor. These are seeded, farmed and then harvested in the open water. No coral reef is damaged and no food is removed from marine mammals (such as with krill oil, where krill is taken away from the whales who need it as food).
How is Moxxor different from other, cheaper marine oils on the market?
Moxxor green-lipped mussel oil is truly unique. The FIVE main differences are:
1) Cold processed: Many competing oils are processed with heat, which breaks down their molecular structure, rendering them ineffective in the human body, so they don't fight inflammation or provide other notable benefits. Moxxor green-lipped mussel oil is COLD processed, so it's raw, uncooked, and unheated.
2) No chemical solvents: Moxxor green-lipped mussel oil is extracted without using any toxic chemical solvents such as hexane (a dangerous solvent used in many cheaper extraction processes). With Moxxor, the extraction process is done using a process that's much like "supercritical extraction" used in high-quality herbs.
3) No "carrier" fillers: Many fish oil products sold on the market today contain HIDDEN "carrier" oils that are not required to be listed in the ingredients list. These are often soy oil, olive oil or canola oil. They make the pills look bigger, but they add nothing of nutritional value to the capsules. Moxxor, on the other hand, adds absolutely NO fillers, which is why their capsule size is much smaller, even while delivering a noticeably effective amount of high-potency green-lipped mussel oil.
4) No rancidity: Many fish oils sold on the market today suffer from rapid rancidity. That's because they aren't formulated with antioxidants that prevent spoilage and rancidity (such as Vitamin E tocopherols). Moxxor is formulated with high-potency grape seed extract, harvested from grapes grown in New Zealand. This GSE prevents the rancidity of the omega-3 oils, providing extended shelf life and extended nutritional stability to the formula. (I've personally gotten sick from taking spoiled krill oil capsules, and I'll never take fish oils again unless they're preserved with natural antioxidants.)
5) No dilution with plant oils: Most omega-3 oil supplements on the market are "cut" with cheaper, plant-based oils such as borage oil, rice bran oil and flaxseed oil. These are not the "carrier" described above, but rather ingredients that are listed right on the label. While flax oil and borage oil do provide beneficial omega-3 oils, they are nowhere near as potent as green-lipped mussel oil in terms of supportive health effects on the human body. If you bite into these pills, you can even TASTE the difference: Many taste like cheap cooking oils, which is often 50% of what they're made of! Moxxor, on the other hand, uses only green-lipped mussel oil and deep marine fish oil.
In all, YES, there are cheaper green-lipped mussel oils on the market. You can even find some made in China that likely contain alarming levels of heavy metals. Moxxor is not attempting to be the cheapest product on the market; it is simply the BEST marine omega-3 oil supplement on the market. In my opinion, this combination of cold processing, potency and the use of natural antioxidants is why Moxxor delivers results when other fish oil products seem to be inert.
Are the green-lipped mussels fed anything?
There is no feed used in the growing of the mussels. They naturally feed off the marine phytoplankton (simple, single-celled organisms in the ocean waters) that are swept Northward from the Antarctica. These are pristine waters that are rich in marine nutrients.
What's in the product?
The product contains three ingredients (and only three): Green-lipped mussel oil, deep marine fish oil, and grape seed extract. There are no colors, no fillers, no excipients, no "carriers" and no chemical solvents.
Many so called "fish oil capsules" actually contain as much as 90% olive oil or other carriers. These are not required to be listed on the ingredients label, because the FDA considers them "carriers" (liquid carriers of the actual ingredients) rather than ingredients. Using this loophole, many manufacturers of fish oil products are actually selling olive oil capsules that only contain a small amount of fish oil.
These capsules, on the other hand, are 100% mussel oil, marine fish oil and grape seed extract. There are no other ingredients, period!
Is the Grape Seed Extract used in the product treated with pesticides?
No. In fact, as you will see, this certificate of analysis of the Grape Seed Extract used in Moxxor shows phenomenal purity, virtually no heavy metals and zero levels of 180 pesticides.
Is there any science supporting the properties of green-lipped mussel oil?
Yes. This scientific study on the anti-inflammatory properties of green-lipped mussels reveals many fascinating details about the effects of GLM oil on the human body. Published in the journal Inflammopharmacology.
Where does the omega-3 fish oil ingredient come from?
The second ingredient in the product is deep marine omega-3 oil from the Hoki fish. This is from a small fish caught near New Zealand and used by other industries as a food source. This company doesn't actually catch these fish. Rather, it buys the fish oil from other companies that catch the fish, putting the oil to a good use for nutrition. It's one of the cleanest fish-based oils in the world, due to the pristine waters surrounding New Zealand. It's still a fish, though, which is why this product is not suitable for vegans.
Is the Hoki oil free from heavy metals?
Yes! This certificate of analysis of the Hoki oil shows undetectable levels of PCBs, heavy metals, etc. Remember, these fish live in pristine waters near New Zealand. This is some of the cleanest ocean you'll find anywhere on the planet.
Are the hoki fish caught in a sustainable, eco-friendly way?
Yes. The New Zealand hoki fishery from which these fish come is one of only 25 fisheries to receive MSC certification. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an independent, global, non-profit organisation which has developed a certification standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries. It was set up by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Unilever in 1997, but is now run as an independent charitable trust based in London. The MSC eco-label gives consumers the assurance that the fish are harvested in a sustainable, eco-friendly way.
What health claims can be made about the product?
No claims can be made that state the product can be used to treat or cure any disease. The product may only be described in terms of supporting healthy body function, "supporting a healthy inflammation response" and other similar toned-down language. Regardless of whether the product actually does treat or prevent known health conditions, the current regulatory environment prevents anyone financially involved with the product from making such statements.
Does the company offer any other products?
Currently, the one product offered by this company is the green-lipped mussel oil. Additional products from New Zealand are planned in 2009 and are already being explored. In the long term, the company plans to offer a wide selection of 100% natural, marine-based products made with no filler and zero synthetic chemicals.
What's the shelf life of the product?
Two years. We recommend the product be refrigerated once opened, to extend shelf life.
Why is sales tax charged on my order?
By law, the company must collect and report sales tax based on the sales tax rates in your state. You may avoid these sales taxes by submitting a Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (STEC), in which case YOU would be responsible to collect and remit sales taxes when you sell the product in your state.
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(Click on the "Enroll Now" link in the top right menu bar.)
NaturalNews Questions
Why is NaturalNews involved?
We see this company and its product as being poised to grow to a billion-dollar organization. By involving ourselves and our readers in the early growth phase of this company, we are positioning the NaturalNews group to benefit greatly from the long-term growth of the company and the widespread recognition of its products.
Unlike other network marketing companies that sell products made with 95% filler (such as "junk juice"), this company's products are honest, extremely potent, and contain absolutely no filler. They are easily worth the cost paid by distributors to purchase them, and they have remarkable benefits in supporting the health of those who consume them.
NaturalNews has earmarked funds produced by this venture to building the legal defense funds of natural health companies being targeted by the FTC and FDA. This includes herbal companies selling "anti-cancer" herbs, cherry companies and many others that need help in defending their health freedoms. Through our involvement with this opportunity, we can openly and honestly raise the funds that are desperately needed to help fight important legal battles that protect our health freedoms.
What advantages does the NaturalNews team offer over other teams?
Each Tuesday evening, Mike Adams hosts a free, LIVE audio seminar for NaturalNews team members. There, he will share tips and strategies for maximizing your success with the product.
Additionally, Mike Adams is producing articles, PDF documents, audio files and video files that you may use to help educate and attract new members. Essentially, with the NaturalNews team, you are getting FREE business-building tools created by one of the best writers, speakers and communicators in the natural health industry today.
You will also be able to say to others who are considering this opportunity that you are on the NaturalNews / Mike Adams team, and that the NaturalNews websites can potentially help build their businesses, too (see below).
Finally, Mike Adams has been given exclusive permission to run the official company News website, where articles about the company will be available for others to read. While there are no recruitment efforts allowed on that website, it does establish Adams as the exclusive independent journalist writing the company's news.
How will NaturalNews help me build my Binary Tree?
While we cannot guarantee specific results, when NaturalNews is given permission to announce this opportunity on its website, we anticipate several thousand people joining our team and becoming active distributors. We plan to pursue our website enrollment efforts on a continuing basis, using part of the ad space on NaturalNews.com to promote this product and this opportunity. As new distributors join from the NaturalNews website, they will be placed within the Binary Tree organization, potentially benefiting YOU and the people you enroll.
Why can't NaturalNews print the company name or product name?
The company prohibits websites from using its name. This is a good rule, as it avoids the runaway hype and exaggeration that characterizes so many other network marketing companies.
Does NaturalNews still recommend the Amazon Herb Company?
Absolutely! I openly endorse the Amazon Herb Company, it's products and its leadership vision. However, because I'm not a distributor for the Amazon Herb Company, I don't host meetings for it, or write materials for it, so there is no NaturalNews involvement with the Amazon Herb Co.
Why is Mike Adams advocating this if it's not a plant-based oil?
Green-lipped mussels are a far simpler life form than fish, and with most people currently getting their fish oils from fish, switching to mussel oil is a step in the right direction for them. Also, plant-based omega-3s simply cannot compare to the extremely high anti-inflammation properties of green-lipped mussel oil. It would take literally thousands of capsules of flax oil to equal the anti-inflammation properties of a single capsule of green-lipped mussel oil.
While I do strongly advocate a plant-based diet, and I personally eat no meat (except when traveling, when I eat some fish), I do take dozens of nutritional supplements every day, and I strongly believe in the health-supporting properties of certain supplements. I've consistently said that my the top three most important nutrients you can take are Vitamin D, astaxanthin and cod liver oil. Green-lipped mussel oil is now a far superior replacement for cod liver oil, and it's more ethical because cod don't have to be harvested for it.

Checking out the product fulfillment center (Sep. 2008)