Meditation news, articles and information:

Get better quality sleep with daily yoga and meditation

11/4/2016 - Do you have trouble sleeping, or do you sleep poorly? You might go a long way to fixing these problems simply by implementing a daily yoga and meditation practice. Trouble sleeping or poor sleep can be caused by many lifestyle factors, which are the first thing that should be addressed. For example,...

Meditating for just a few minutes each day reduces stress while boosting feelings of happiness

7/21/2016 - We are constantly taking information in through our corporeal senses. Technology and social media are constantly streaming noise, beliefs, news and chatter into our hearts and minds. When we stop to meditate, all the noise dissipates. In this moment, we can now take a deep breath and listen. In the...

New research backs holistic health for chronic back pain: mindful meditation is indeed effective

4/2/2016 - Tens of millions of people have long relied on meditation as a way to calm the mind and perhaps even achieve enlightenment, though traditional medical practitioners and others who simply did not buy into the concept have often condemned the practice. Now, however, new research conducted by the Group...

AB blood types have 82 percent higher risk of dementia - learn how to improve brain health naturally

3/16/2016 - The mystic periodic table of elements is at play in the environment around us and within us. We don't recognize these elements on the surface; it's almost as if they represent different spiritual energies in a realm that we cannot quite see. They have different energetic actions in the human body, using...

Meditation may slow brain matter loss due to aging

2/28/2015 - As this author has stated before, science likes to intervene in just about all human activities to give an "authoritative" perspective on whatever all of us do or don't do. Wrong, right or indecisive, most folks need "scientific authority" to grant a stamp of approval or disapproval on almost anything...

Meditation builds brain cells, Harvard study shows proof

2/4/2015 - Research has now demonstrated that meditation builds brain cells and increases gray matter in the brain. Using magnetic imaging (MRI), Harvard researchers found that meditation produced physiological changes in the brain's gray matter. Some areas in the brains of the study participants thickened after...

Study finds meditation effective in providing migraine relief

12/12/2014 - According to researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, meditation has been found to be beneficial for those dealing with the bothersome effects of migraines. Nineteen adults were divided into two groups where 10 of them received mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which...

Meditation and relaxation techniques are important for overall health

8/2/2014 - Meditation, perhaps once thought of as a questionable way to achieve inner peace or even considered pseudoscience, has quickly gained popularity by many seeking to give their overall health a boost. In addition to it being a calming practice, it's heralded for its several health benefits ranging...

Meditation: proven to lower pain, improve memory and focus

7/18/2014 - Meditation is a powerful tool, but not until recent years has its wide array of benefits been studied so extensively. Once neurologists discovered how meditation creates changes in the brain, research of this alternative tool rose exponentially. Many recent studies have proven that meditation can diminish...

Just a few moments of meditation a day found to have profound, near-instant benefits on stress reduction

7/11/2014 - So-called "mindfulness meditation" has become increasingly popular as a method of improving your mental and physical health, but most of the research that supports or substantiates its benefits has primarily focused on lengthy, weeks-long training programs. However, new research from Carnegie Mellon...

Regular meditation can improve your cognitive function in just four days

3/18/2014 - Study after study has confirmed the benefits of regular meditation for mood, stress levels and overall health -- but did you know that it can boost your brain power as well? Indeed, numerous studies have shown that just a few minutes of meditation daily can produce significant cognitive benefits....

Mindfulness meditation improves decision-making skills

3/14/2014 - A recent series of studies suggest that mindfulness meditation can improved decision making, by reducing the tendency to allow unrecoverable prior losses to influence current choices. Mindfulness meditation is a practice typically aimed at clearing one's mind, usually achieved by sitting quietly...

Meditation once again shown to reduce depression better than antidepressant drugs

1/22/2014 - Meditation is just as effective as antidepressant drugs in treating anxiety or depression, but without the side effects, according to a study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University and published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. The study was funded by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare...

Meditation can fight inflammatory disease on the genetic level

12/18/2013 - Recent scientific research regarding the effects of meditation on human psychology and physiology has revealed that the popular practice holds tremendous potential for natural well-being. Initially, it was believed that meditation can only change behavioral patterns and enhance emotional stability,...

Status quo health care finally begins to embrace meditation

10/20/2013 - Recent scientific research has revealed an ever increasing amount of evidence of the wonderfully beneficial effects of meditation. Research has shown that meditation reduces stress, blood pressure and pain, improves attention span and the ability to focus and may even stimulate new brain cell growth....

Mapping meditation: Mind's anxiety-fighting power explained

8/30/2013 - It's a fact that anxiety and depression affect millions worldwide. It's also true that many still pick medication over meditation for one simple reason - the latter works in a way that (seemingly) can't be explained by science. Well, that should no longer be a valid reason to avoid meditation. Scientific...

Meditation: How an ancient practice has come to be known as a panacea for modern ills

7/26/2013 - Meditation has long been considered an esoteric practice, far removed from the realities of the world. Yet modern science is telling us just how good it is for health, a fact always known to the ancient yogis of India and Tibet. Meditation affects brain functioning long after the practice, according...

Your body on meditation - the benefits are undeniable and endless

6/16/2013 - More than just a modern cultural fad, mindfulness meditation is increasingly proving to be a powerful healer both emotionally and physically. As evidenced by an accumulation of scientific research on the subject, mindfulness meditation has been shown to help repair damaged neurons in the brain and form...

Meditation cuts death risk in half for people with heart problems

5/18/2013 - Perhaps the biggest impediment regarding the acceptance of alternative medicine in the United States is the fact that Americans have been conditioned to believe that only "traditional" methods of healthcare are effective and acceptable. But the truth is, there are a number of non-customary treatment...

Building resilience, self-help lies, free ebook, free meditation mp3 and more

4/5/2013 - This week on Mental Health Exposed I speak with psychotherapist Bobbi Emel of The Bounce Blog. Bobbi's specialty is helping people build mental and emotional resilience so they can bounce back from life's challenges. I asked Bobbi to give me some of the essential keys to building resilience for people...

Meditation decreases stress and weight gain hormone cortisol in the body, research shows

4/3/2013 - The things you think about and dwell on throughout your day have a direct effect on your stress levels, which regulate how much cortisol, or stress hormone, is produced in your body. And new research published in the journal Health Psychology has found that meditation, and particularly mindfulness thinking,...

Study: 8 weeks of meditation can dramatically increase compassion

4/2/2013 - You may be just eight weeks away from being much more compassionate, according to new research by Northeastern University's David DeSteno. The new study, published in Psychological Science, sheds light on what is possible. "We know meditation improves a person's own physical and psychological well-being,"...

How meditation changes brain rhythms to sooth pain and depression

2/18/2013 - Meditation isn't only a way to relax or a throw-back to the 1960s when the Beatles first made the practice popular in the U.S. In fact, in recent years, mainstream scientists have published several studies showing that mindfulness meditation, which is centered on being aware of the present moment by...

Cure chronic inflammation with mindful meditation

2/17/2013 - In order to determine how mindful meditation compares to other stress reducing activities, a study was set up to compare the efficacy of meditation to stress reducing exercises for both stress and chronic inflammation. One group of subjects was trained and placed into the Health Enhancement Program...

Mindfulness meditation shown helpful against chronic inflammation, pain

2/2/2013 - Mindfulness meditation techniques may help reduce the symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Waisman Center and published in the journal...

U.S Marines turn to meditation training to relieve extreme stress among soldiers

12/10/2012 - Through a dozen years of war, the U.S. military's operational tempo (OPTEMPO) has taken a horrendous toll on both equipment and personnel, with the Marine Corps, arguably taking the brunt of the combat. As the Pentagon's smallest force, Marine units deployed frequently to Iraq and continue to deploy...

Mindfulness meditation may slow aging

11/22/2012 - Meditation techniques centered on being in the present moment have been used in healing and spiritual practices for thousands of years. In recent times, scientists have discovered that these ancient meditation practices have specific, measurable effects on the body -- including, as Natural News has...

Six simple tips for fostering powerful spiritual awareness

11/19/2012 9:16:46 PM - As Mike Adams pointed out in an earlier article on preparedness for harder times to come, spiritual awareness is vital to continuing on and evolving for life after body death. [1] As one wise person once pointed out, there are two things you take with you when you die: Your karma (past deeds and...

Meditation changes the way your brain processes emotions

11/17/2012 - A new study has found that those who participate in an eight-week meditation training program can have measurable effects on how their brains function, even when they are not actively meditating. Scientists and experts at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston University (BU), and several other...

The holistic benefits of meditation from boosting immune response to mending relationships

11/8/2012 - Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a pathway to enlightenment and greater understanding of the universe. Until scientists are able to quantify and prove the spiritual effects of meditation, we will never see trials that prove spiritual benefits; however, research has shown that...

Meditation and sex have the same effects on your brain, study shows

8/24/2012 - The approach of western science is usually totally mechanical. So the inclusion of that which is not tangible is often excluded. Neuroscience delves into the brain's pleasure points according to what areas "light up" in the brain during sex and during meditation. This type of research tends to oversimplify...

Cut your sick days with meditation and exercise

8/13/2012 - Reuters recently published an article about meditation and exercise reducing the days of sick leave employees may be forced to take. Dr. Bruce Barrett of the University of Wisconsin-Madison led research to confirm what earlier studies have suggested: That people who exercise moderately often and...

Eight weeks of mindfulness meditation can rewire the brain and control depression symptoms

6/27/2012 - Is it possible to sort of "rewire" your brain so you can better control imposing symptoms of depression and angst? The short answer, according to recent new research, is yes, and it all it takes in large part is some "mindfulness meditation." According to a study which appeared more than a year-and-a-half...

Meditation technique repairs the brain processes that aspartame destroys

6/21/2012 - Research has shown that with as few as 11 hours of mindful meditation, the white matter of the brain that aspartame destroys, can begin to grow back. Research into the brain damage that aspartame causes, has revealed lesions to the nerve fibers known as white matter. This is due to the by-products created...

US Congressman advocates meditation, mindfulness as solution to global conflict

5/4/2012 - It is no big secret that much of the world is in great economic, social, and political turmoil today. But one congressman's solution to the problem is far different than what you might expect, and advocates of his approach say it could benefit the healthcare system, schools, the military, the economy,...

Relaxation and meditation are just as crucial to health as diet and exercise

4/15/2012 - You gotta relax, man. Life in 2012 means a degree of stress, for just about everyone. Our bodies and minds can take a lot of abuse, but its all too easy to get into a negative cycle, and just keep sinking. You don't sleep well, you get up late, so you don't eat, your blood sugar is low, so your temper...

5 reasons to start meditating today

4/14/2012 - Many think of meditation as a silly New Age practice or "too hippie" for their taste. Some others think it is against their religion. In the 1970s, Swami Muktananda arrived in Santa Monica, California from India to kick off his "meditation revolution" in the USA. A young reporter asked if her rabbi...

Western medicine finally recognises meditation as treatment for mental illness

2/25/2012 - After thousands of years Western medicine is finally recognising the benefits of meditation to treat diseases including mental illness. Under the disguise of MBCT, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, meditation is being accepted as a way to treat various conditions in the field of mental illnesses. Meditation...

Mindfulness meditation quiets the mind and leads to inner peace

11/25/2011 - Just beyond the chaos that frequently engulfs your day is a stretch of time. It is not a particularly long stretch of time, but what is there can offer a veritable garden of peace; quiet and bright; and full of potential if you choose to use it. This garden can be accessed through what is called "mindfulness...

Meditation nourishes the brain

10/13/2011 - What is it about meditation that invokes so much mystery? When asked, people conjure images of difficult lotus positions, strange beliefs and exotic settings. Of course, none of that is necessary and the realities of a person sitting comfortably on their living room floor for a few minutes isn't quite...

Centering meditation

8/6/2011 - Today I am going to share about meditation and prayer. One of the goals is to get the mind's velocity below the supersonic level and further down to the point where you are ready to touch down on experiences of being. We will wash our minds and bring our awareness into the heart chakra, into the chest,...

Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain

7/15/2011 - Getting older means you will not be as mentally sharp and, in fact, your brain will shrink. It's just the way life is and there's nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong. Now it appears we can take control of brain changes and even make our brains larger, not smaller, as we age and cause electrical...

Meditation cuts risk of heart attacks by 50 percent

7/5/2011 - There are a number of proven natural alternatives to reducing your risk of heart attack, but one of the most effective to do that, new research has shown, is through meditation. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, meditation through the continuous repetition of a mantra, can reduce...

Doctors increasingly prescribe yoga and meditation to patients

5/13/2011 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that complementary and alternative medicine treatments, also known as CAM, are becoming much more mainstream than they used to be. Physicians are increasingly referring their patients to get mind-body therapies like yoga, tai...

Discover the art of meditation and supercharge your mental abilities

3/19/2011 - Results of ongoing research shed new light on the mechanisms of meditation. Recent studies now confirm that you don't have to be a monk to enjoy deep relaxation, increased attention span, better cognition and other health benefits meditation is offering. Until recently, it was believed that one has...

Mindfulness meditation benefits and changes brain structures in 8 weeks

2/7/2011 - Meditation is just a way to relax and maybe calm you down for the moment, right? Wrong. Not only will most regular meditators tell you that meditation makes them feel better emotionally and physically, but now there is also scientific evidence that regular meditation literally changes the body -- specifically,...

New study shows meditation reduces depression, fatigue and anxiety in MS patients

2/3/2011 - A new study conducted by the Swiss has demonstrated that certain forms of meditation may help patients with MS. The particular type of meditation known as "mindfulness" is where patients simply train their mind to focus more on the moment rather than the past or future. It is precisely described as...

Meditation reverses aging in brains

11/21/2010 - Studies of meditation have shown that its regular practice that helps individuals cope with issues such as anxiety, stress, chronic pain and high blood pressure. In addition, more recent studies facilitated by brain scan technology have found that regular meditation practice helps prevent or delay age...

Meditation linked to happiness and positive behavior

11/19/2010 - A study at the University of Wisconsin confirms meditation can alter the structure of the brain, fostering a brighter outlook and increased empathy. Since positive thinking and emotions affect health, meditation can contribute to overall wellness. Richard Davidson, a trained psychologist who has...

Body-Mind Meditation Leads to Rapid, Positive Brain Changes

8/27/2010 - The importance of meditation has long been known to mankind, but scientists have now discovered the positive brain changes that occur after a session of meditation even if it is a brief one. Chinese and US researchers at the University of Oregon studied the effects of a meditation technique known...

Meditation Improves Cognitive Skills in Just Four Days

6/17/2010 - If you are still undecided whether to sign up for that meditation class, perhaps this piece of research news may do the trick. A study published in the April 2 issue of Consciousness and Cognition found that 20 minutes of meditation each day can improve cognitive skills in as short as four days. The...

Try This Free, Proven, Anti-Aging Technique

5/2/2010 - In addition to bringing peace of mind and greater mental clarity, meditation has anti-aging and disease prevention qualities that are now being scientifically proven in western medicine. Thousands of years ago, meditation practices focused on gaining spiritual insight to one's being. Today, though many...

Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part I

2/14/2010 - According to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, 90% of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes of aging. Anti-aging medicine, aiming for longevity and optimal health, is most certainly the 'specialty' of the future and is based on the early detection, prevention and reversal...

Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part II

2/14/2010 - Scientific experts now believe we have in-built mechanisms that can fight and reverse the aging process. Innovative research into the reversal of aging is well underway and, while scientists debate the many different theories, research has revealed that meditation dramatically affects the production...

Meditation Reduces Heart Disease Deaths

12/24/2009 - The Medical College of Wisconsin in conjunction with Maharishi University in Iowa funded a study about the effects of transcendental meditation on health. Researchers discovered that over the course of nine years, the group assigned to meditate saw a 47 percent reduction in strokes, heart attacks and...

Meditation slashes risk of heart attack, stroke and death in heart disease patients by half

12/3/2009 - Transcendental Meditation (TM) first became well-known in the U.S. during the 1960s when the Beatles showed interest in studying the stress-reducing technique. But meditation hasn't gone the way of love beads and flower power since then. In fact, various techniques, including TM, have received serious...

The Invaluable Benefits: Meditate and Open the Heart

9/17/2009 - Research is continually showing that meditation is beneficial to our life and our health. Meditation helps us to take a distance from what is going on in our mind and our life rather than constantly being immersed and controlled by it. It helps us to be more focused and reduces stress. Opening your...

Meditation Treats Bladder Control, Incontinence without Drugs

5/8/2009 - There’s a reason “adult diapers” like Depends and costly prescription medications such as Ditropan and Detrol are multi-million dollar industries. According to the National Association for Continence (NAFC), bladder control problems afflict about 25 million Americans -- and the uncontrollable leaking...

Study Finds Non-Drug Meditation Treatment Beats Depression

12/2/2008 - Clinical depression is far more than feeling blue. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 20 million people in the U.S. have persistant depression that can interfere with everyday life, impact health and even lead to suicide. Now, for the first time, a study has shown that treatment...

Meditation Benefits for Those with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

11/16/2008 - Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are distressing disorders, characterized by pain, fatigue, and a multitude of other possible symptoms including depression and anxiety. Meditation has been shown to benefit people with Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Fatigue syndrome (CFS) through calming the mind and...

Meditation Practice Can Boost Compassion for Living Beings

10/10/2008 - People who practice meditating on feelings of compassion increase the activity of sections of the brain associated with empathy, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. "There is such a thing as expertise when it comes to complex emotions or emotional...

Study Shows Meditation Lowers Stress

7/6/2008 - A team of researchers from China and the University of Oregon have developed an approach for neuroscientists to study how meditation can improve a person's attention and response to stress. The study, done in China, randomly assigned college undergraduate students to 40-person experimental and control...

Use the Power of the Mind to Improve Your Health and Well Being

4/18/2008 - In western medical circles, we're hearing more and more about something that eastern cultures have known for decades, that the mind plays a huge role in your health, immunity and well being. While this has been common sense to the rest of us for decades really, it seems that western medicine can't believe...

Penn researchers examine the effects of meditation on early cognitive impairment (press release)

9/27/2006 - Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine are examining the effectiveness of meditation on early cognitive impairment. Once this new study is completed, the results could help answer lingering questions over whether or not stress-reducing techniques and mind exercises can lessen...

Chant 'Om' for Better Heart Health (press release)

8/7/2006 - Meditation may do more than bring you inner peace; a new study claims it may improve your cardiovascular health by decreasing the risk of metabolic syndrome. In a study reported in the June 12 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers report that the practice of transcendental meditation...

Meditation may improve cardiac risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease (press release)

8/3/2006 - A relaxation technique known as transcendental meditation may decrease blood pressure and reduce insulin resistance among patients with coronary heart disease, according to a report in the June 12 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. ...

Meditation proven to lower blood pressure with no drugs, no side effects, and zero cost

5/21/2004 11:35:24 AM - A study published in the American Journal of Hypertension reveals that daily meditation (two sessions each lasting 15 minutes) results in a measurable drop in blood pressure in at-risk teenagers. This is yet more research demonstrating the powerful mind/body connection that western medicine...

See all 101 meditation feature articles.

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The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world.

Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply. offers alternative health programs, documentaries and more.

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