Liver news, articles and information:
 | 11/30/2016 - Millions of parents use them to keep their babies fresh and clean between changes. But disposable diapers, which often contain added chemicals designed to protect babies' sensitive areas from rashes and skin irritation, may be increasing their risk of cancer in the process.
New research from the...
 | 11/26/2016 - One of the most important organs in the body is the liver, and when it's working as it should, it cleans the blood of toxins, aids in the digestion of food and helps fight off infection. In addition, the liver has the ability to regenerate when it has been damaged, as in trauma, replacing old tissue...
 | 11/12/2016 - Monsanto has a bad reputation for a wide variety of reasons, but a new federal study of their worst crime scene has provided substantial evidence of the harm this corporation is capable of producing.
Anniston, Alabama, is small town with a population of just under 23,000 people. It is also home to...
 | 11/9/2016 - Testosterone replacement or supplementation products can cause dangerous side effects, including heart attacks, infertility, personality changes and chemical dependency, the FDA has warned.
The agency announced that it is updating the warning labels on all testosterone products.
"The new warning...
 | 9/22/2016 - The Canadian government is requiring stricter warning labels on products containing acetaminophen, in the hopes of preventing lethal side effects stemming from consumers unwittingly taking too much of the dangerous over-the-counter drug.
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, and is highly...
 | 7/12/2016 - Liver cancers are on the rise in developing countries. Now, more than ever, prevention measures are becoming crucial in the battle against liver cancer.
Due to late-stage diagnoses and limited treatment options, mortality numbers are very high, and liver cancer is the second most common cause of...
 | 6/20/2016 - Our bodies are bombarded with all manner of toxins as we go about our daily lives. Even those of us who go to great lengths to avoid known toxins – for example, by eating organic foods and avoiding proceed meats – are still vulnerable. Toxins can sneak in from everywhere, whether it's the...
 | 5/26/2016 - Type 2 diabetes is known to carry a risk of many serious complications, including cardiovascular disease, nerve damage (leading to eye and foot damage), kidney damage and even Alzheimer's disease. Now, a new and severe condition may be added to that list, according to a study conducted by researchers...
 | 4/15/2016 - Through a decade of research, the son of a pharmaceutical technician from Hyderabad, India, discovered a naturally occurring molecule called NTX that largely protects the liver from the adverse health effects of drinking alcohol.
Harsha Chigurupati founded Chigurupati Technologies in 2006 before...
 | 4/13/2016 - Chronic disease is often brought about by nutritional deficiencies along with too many harmful substances trapped in the body - causing liver toxicity, digestive problems plus many other dangerous health conditions.
Discover natural ways to detoxify the liver. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan...
 | 3/4/2016 - In 2010, researchers at Duke and Johns Hopkins Universities, and the University of Colorado, published a study in the Journal of Hepatology, linking high-fructose corn syrup to the progression of liver scarring. Duke Medicine News and Communications issued a press release announcing the findings. The...
 | 2/29/2016 - More than 10 percent of the world's population currently suffers from some form of liver disease, whether it be fibrosis, cirrhosis, a hepatocellular carcinoma, alcoholic steatosis, or chronic hepatitis. And a great number of these folks use some kind of natural remedy as treatment rather than pharmaceuticals,...
 | 2/25/2016 - Few people outside of the scientific community have even heard of it. Yet, the unique antioxidant alpha lipoic acid has established a proven history of regenerating organ tissue plus eliminating some of the deadliest of cancers, including cancerous cells found in the liver and pancreas.
Curing cancer...
 | 2/25/2016 - According to the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF), as part of their Continuous Update Project (CUP), consuming three alcoholic drinks daily ups the chance of a person getting liver cancer. It's no surprise, therefore, that alcoholism and liver cancer are closely linked; numerous health-related...
 | 2/18/2016 - Humans have partaken in alcohol consumption for as long as we can remember; in fact, scientists traced the origins of brewing back to 10 million years ago after discovering that "our primate ancestors evolved the ability to metabolize alcohol," according to the Los Angeles Times. However, it wasn't...
 | 2/5/2016 - In what is undoubtedly one of the most astonishing herbal cures story of the decade, a natural molecule from licorice root extract -- "glycyrrhizin" -- has been repeatedly and scientifically shown to block nearly all liver damage from both alcohol consumption and over-the-counter Tylenol pills (acetaminophen).
 | 1/15/2016 - There are all sorts of ways the federal government actively poisons the population:
• The EPA spills toxic waste into rivers.
• The FDA keeps cancer causing additives in the food supply.
• The CDC pushes toxic vaccines laced with mercury... even when that mercury gets injected...
 | 12/20/2015 - Mistletoe is commonly known as the Christmas holiday's "kissing plant," and if two people are caught underneath where a mistletoe plant is hanging, they are traditionally obligated to share a kiss. Silly stuff, but the mistletoe plant has an interesting history of suppressed curative powers.
 | 12/1/2015 4:33:44 PM - Partaking in a little post-work happy hour just became a lot safer with the creation of a little known molecule that reduces alcohol's harmful effects on the body, particularly the liver (which is affected the most adversely), without comprising the enjoyable buzz many of us love, and deserve, to indulge...
 | 12/1/2015 - Long-term consumption of tiny levels of Roundup herbicide that are lower than those permitted in U.S. water supplies can lead to liver and kidney damage caused in part by changes in gene expression. This is according to a study conducted by an international group of researchers from France, Italy and...
 | 6/30/2015 - I really hate food labels, food pyramids, the USDA, and the FDA. (Story by Daisy Luther, republished from
All of the stuff that they say are good for you are bad for you. And the things they say are bad for you are actually good for you.
Here's why: of course, it all boils...
 | 5/29/2015 - A recent study from experts at Ruhr-University Bochum suggests that the olfactory receptor could be a beneficial way to hone in on liver cancer diagnosis and therapy. In particular, they've eyed the monoterpene citronell as possible way to identify and treat cancerous liver cells.
The finding has...
 | 4/29/2015 3:36:02 PM - British talk show host and bombshell babe Alex Jones -- yes, she just so happens to share the same name as a certain popular icon in the alternative media -- recently spoke out about how she's able to stay slim, healthy and beautiful without having to adhere to any sort of special diet: she takes cod...
 | 4/12/2015 - Coffee, a sometimes controversial beverage which many of us start our day with, may not be as bad as some of us think.
While it is true that too much of this warming pick-me-up drink can disrupt sleep, raise heart rate and blood pressure, and mess up digestion, drinking just one cup of coffee a day...
 | 4/5/2015 - Of all the seed oil produced in the US, 90 percent comes from soybeans. The shelf life and temperature stability of soybean oil is increased through the process of hydrogenation, which also generates unhealthy trans fats in the oil.
DuPont developed genetically modified soybean oil that has a fatty...
 | 2/6/2015 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics suggests that the scent of citronella can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, including cancer of the liver. Researchers from the Ruhr University Bochum, say terpenes, a main component of essential oils, can prevent or slow...
 | 1/15/2015 - New research published in the Turkish Journal of Biology completely shatters the myth that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have been scientifically vested as safe. Scientists from the National Research Center in Egypt, after conducting what appears to be one of the first histopathological and...
 | 1/9/2015 - Researchers from the Loyola University Health System have discovered that liver cirrhosis, which can lead to liver cancer and liver failure, is more common than previously thought. After examining information from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), they found that more than...
 | 1/8/2015 - A recent study led by Dr. Qian Xiao from the National Cancer Institute has found that people who drink three cups of coffee daily are 25 percent less likely than non-coffee drinkers to have abnormal levels of liver enzymes.(1) Caffeinated versus decaf made no difference; both yielded similar...
 | 12/13/2014 - According to the Canadian Liver Foundation, the liver performs more than 500 different functions in the body on a day-to-day basis. It helps filter chemicals such as drugs and alcohol from our blood, regulate our hormones and blood sugar levels, manufacture blood proteins, bile and enzymes, and much...
 | 12/11/2014 - The evidence continues to mount regarding the harmful health effects of triclosan, an antimicrobial agent found in many consumer care products, including toothpaste. Despite industry claims that the chemical is totally safe, the results of a new study performed by UC Davis scientists beg to differ.
 | 11/26/2014 - With what seems like hundreds of new supplements coming out on the market every day, it's impossible to keep track of them and very difficult to determine whether they are required in your health regimen. Fermented cod liver oil could certainly be lumped into a long list of supplements, but what sets...
 | 11/12/2014 - Living in a world that has toxins at every turn has left our liver function in a hot mess. Everyday touches with toxins in our food, air, water, personal care, and household products has slowly but surely created a burden on this hard working organ that has compromised our ability to detoxify properly...
 | 9/9/2014 - Agrimony is a plant that is closely related to the rose family and grows in the temperate regions of Asia, Europe and North America. Starting with the early Greek civilization, agrimony has accumulated a long history of being used to treat a wide array of illnesses. The Greeks recommended using it in...
 | 8/25/2014 - Organ meats were a staple part of our ancestors diets and provided a tremendous nutritional benefit to groups of people who had limited access to other nutrient dense foods. Our current society has no emphasis on organ meats and they are mostly avoided. Consuming organ meats on a regular basis can provide...
 | 8/24/2014 - Digestive issues could quite possibly be the biggest reason for many of the ailments people suffer from today. Processed foods, chemicals, GMO's, prescriptions, and stress often initiate the issues, and once those things are cleaned up, many people still seem to suffer from improper digestion.
 | 8/21/2014 - If you struggle with kidney stones, or feel your liver could use a tune-up, a small Amazonian berry offers a powerful solution. A popular herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a favorite of naturopaths worldwide, Phyllanthyus niruri (chanca piedra or "shatter stone" in Spanish) is known for supporting...
 | 8/18/2014 - The medical profession has overlooked some major pathological effects of fructose consumption and its effects on liver function. Regardless of whether or not a person gains weight from it, consuming fructose was recently shown by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina...
 | 8/10/2014 - Our modern world is bombarding our bodies with thousands of toxins each day, and the liver, being the major organ of detoxification, needs help. And milk thistle is an herb proven to do just that.
Milk thistle's benefits on liver and gallbladder health have been recognized by herbalists for 2,000...
 | 7/28/2014 - Fruits and vegetables often take the spotlight when it comes to nutrition and health, with meat products typically being relegated to the unhealthy category. But meat from pasture-raised animals, and particularly organ meat derived from animals fed a diet of grass, water and sunshine, is one of the...
 | 6/27/2014 - When the world we live in becomes infiltrated with toxins from every conceivable angle, it's not time to panic, but to become aware of how the body works and how to support the system that eliminates these unwanted agents. A strong understanding and toning of this system could easily be the most important...
 | 6/23/2014 - Coffee, after decades of bad press, is finally coming into its own. There continue to be health reports that note the benefits of having a daily cup of coffee. In addition to research which shows that a daily cup of java could have positive effects on a person's ability to stave off strokes, Parkinson's...
 | 6/16/2014 7:18:44 PM - In 2012, the CDC decided that they would preempt an anticipated Hepatitis-C epidemic by urging baby boomers to get tested for Hepatitis-C. Their logic was that during the 1960s through the 1980s, there was a rash of injected street drug use and shared needles among baby boomers as well as blood transfusions...
 | 5/9/2014 - Time to put the "dandelions are annoying weeds" thoughts to rest.
Its roots, sap and leaves are powerful ways to help heal the body, ranging from improving liver function to combating skin conditions such as eczema (1). In fact, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, "Native Americans...
 | 4/22/2014 - People who drink two or more cups of coffee per day are 66 percent less likely to die from certain forms of liver disease, according to a study conducted by researchers with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and the National University of Singapore and published in the journal Hepatology...
 | 4/20/2014 - I can't tell you how many people have told me that a "detox" protocol made them feel extremely ill. They take detox supplements, pills or tinctures, and within a few hours they suffer dizziness, diarrhea, chills, outbreaks or even vomiting. These symptoms range from mild to severe, depending on the...
 | 4/12/2014 - The liver is one of the most important of all our vital organs. The liver is responsible for filtering and detoxifying environmental toxins and pathogenic organisms. Unlike many organs a failing liver is unable to be surgically fixed or replaced.
The liver is a vital digestive organ that converts...
 | 4/11/2014 - Milk thistle is most well-known and widely-studied for its benefits on liver health. However, milk thistle also has numerous other proven health benefits not many know about.
Milk thistle boosts overall liver function and health, protecting the liver from damaging toxins, detoxifying it, regenerating...
 | 4/1/2014 - When looking to improve your eyesight, it seems that eye exercises are the most commonly prescribed method to do so. Although it is an important component, there are may other factors you need to consider if you want to seriously improve your eyesight.
Detoxify your liverAccording to Traditional...
 | 3/16/2014 - The liver is one of the few organs in the human body that is capable of true regeneration, completely growing back without scar tissue even if a large portion of it is surgically removed.
Unlike most other cells, liver cells never lose the memory of how to grow a new organ.
This capacity contributes...
 | 2/22/2014 - Chicory is one of the many herbs derived from the daisy family. In the past, the Romans believed it was a great plant to cleanse the blood but it's in ancient Egypt where people first discovered its main perks, as they noted it was extremely helpful to maintain healthy livers and gallbladders. Actually...
 | 1/2/2014 - Do you know what over-the-counter pharmaceuticals Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu and prescription painkillers Vicoden and Percocet have in common? They all contain an ingredient that has forced almost 80,000 ER (emergency room) visits, 26,000 hospitalizations and around 500 deaths annually.
 | 12/29/2013 - The liver is an amazing filtration system for the entire body. It not only processes the body's blood but also breaks down nutrients for cellular utilization throughout the body. It produces cholesterol to help transport fats, generates proteins for blood plasma and eliminates bile through the gall...
 | 12/12/2013 - Skin: It is your body's largest organ, and groundbreaking new research out of Denmark has found that the proper function of your other vital organs is dependent upon its integrity. A collaborative research project out of the University of Southern Denmark (USD) recently discovered that human skin directly...
 | 12/6/2013 - It has been a common household name in over-the-counter pain relief for more than 50 years. But the popular painkiller drug Tylenol is getting a major labeling makeover following a string of personal injury lawsuits. According to the Associated Press (AP), so many Tylenol users these days are suffering...
 | 12/4/2013 - Cirrhosis of the liver can develop from several types of liver damage, disease or inflammation. A group of Israeli researchers set out to determine the effect that anti-inflammatory curcumin would have on curbing the development of cirrhosis in damaged livers.
The researchers used thioacetamide (TAA),...
 | 11/12/2013 - Scientific evidence continues to mount showing that astaxanthin is one of the most potent antioxidants yet discovered. A study conducted by researchers from India's National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research found that astaxanthin not only can reduce oxidation of the liver but can actually...
 | 10/3/2013 - Enough MSG will destroy your vital organs.
A study conducted by the Lab for Development-Aging, Neurodegenerative Diseases (Lab de Desarrollo-Envejecimiento, Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) in Guadalajara, Mexico, found that high concentrations of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in the central nervous...
 | 9/29/2013 - Natural herbs are said to work well for the purpose of detoxification. This means that people can derive benefits from these herbs when it comes to detoxifying their body and restoring the good health and condition of their liver. Natural herbs are also preferred by many because these are wholly natural,...
 | 9/6/2013 - The liver is the largest solid organ in our bodies. It can be adversely affected by poor diet and lifestyle choices, alcohol consumption, acetaminophen, non-prescription pain killers, and the myriad of toxins in our environment.
It is responsible for filtering blood from toxins and converts waste...
 | 8/21/2013 - Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have made a breakthrough discovery that could mean the end of liver disease in children with intestinal failure. Published in the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, the findings from their new study reveal that intravenous injections...
 | 8/18/2013 - Milk thistle, also known as Silybum marianum within the scientific community, has been used for hundreds of years in order to primarily treat liver, kidney or gall bladder ailments. Although it is native to the Mediterranean region, it is now found in all parts of the world. Milk thistle, which is a...
 | 8/14/2013 - The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. A multitasking organ, the liver filters and purifies blood, aids in the production of glutathione which is essential in recycling antioxidants, turns sunlight to vitamin D3, and helps produce bile, among many other tasks. To help this vital...
 | 8/6/2013 - A four year study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, supported by the National Institutes of Health and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and co-authored by graduate students Christopher M. Depner and Kenneth A. Philbrick of the Nutrition Graduate Program at OSU, have shown the...
 | 7/7/2013 - We've become far too reliant on western medicine's invasive practices to provide feedback to us on how our body is feeling. Instead of looking to medical professionals to tell us how our body is faring, we should pay attention to our body and determine ourselves what it is telling us. An important place...
 | 6/18/2013 - While pro-vaccinators continue to urge the use of vaccines to prevent disease, research does not support the theory that vaccines protect against illness. In fact, the HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines have proven to be dangerous and fatal to health. Hepatitis B vaccines, routinely given to infants at birth,...
 | 6/11/2013 - If you haven't already sprayed this year's crop of dandelions with Roundup or other herbicide - and you'd like to rid your lawn from unwanted vegetation - why not dig up your dandelions and make tea or eat them in salads, stews or a green smoothie?
The common dandelion proliferating summer lawns...
 | 5/4/2013 - Dandelion is a common weed flower that is usually considered somewhat of a nuisance by fastidious lawn keepers. It can grow wild anywhere. But this weed with it's cute little yellow flowers packs a punch medicinally.
It has been used as a healing and preventative herb for centuries. And currently...
 | 4/8/2013 - Milk thistle is a flowering plant that is part of the daisy family. It gets its name from its bristly and prickly nature and the "milky" sap that oozes out of the plant. The leaves, fruits and seeds of milk thistle have been used for centuries as a natural medicine. Milk thistle is one of the world's...
 | 3/25/2013 - You liver is a true natural miracle, but many people are unaware of what the liver does and why it is important to your health. The liver is your largest solid organ and has a unique ability to regenerate its entire mass from just 25 percent of its original healthy self. It helps you digest food, absorb...
 | 3/18/2013 - Years of poor dietary habits and an influx in the use and ingestion of an increasing amount of harmful chemicals have left tens of millions of people with far too many toxins in their body, a phenomenon which can be especially harmful to the liver.
The good news is there are ways to essentially "detoxify"...
 | 3/17/2013 - The success of liver transplants and the survival of transplant patients can be dramatically improved by injecting livers with an antioxidant prior to surgery, according to a study conducted by researchers from Padova University in Italy and published in the journal Liver Transplantation. The effect...
 | 2/27/2013 - Many of us face growing weight problems these days, especially as we age and our metabolism slows considerably. And while there are a number of ways to help shed pounds - diet and exercise are among the most effective - the one thing you need in order to keep the weight off is a healthy liver.
 | 2/24/2013 - It may be hard to believe, but we are already racing headlong into our next season -- springtime. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), each season coordinates with a specific organ and spring just so happens to be the time of the liver. If this organ becomes imbalanced, anger, rage, irritation...
 | 2/22/2013 - Your liver is your body's primary organ of detoxification; when it's not well, neither are you. The human liver filters drugs, nutrients and toxins from the body, produces bile to help digest fats, and removes toxic bilirubin from the blood. Home remedies, foods and alternative treatments keep your...
 | 2/12/2013 - Cleansing is important. It is so important that there are several organs that are responsible for keeping the body cleansed. Chief among these organs is the liver. Responsible for the regulation of our metabolism and purifying our blood, the liver plays a key role in our overall health. It is for this...
 | 1/17/2013 - A new study out of Heidelberg University shows that the liver is the organ that controls severe weight loss and muscle wasting (called cachexia), due to cancer. "Doctors used to believe that cancer re-programs metabolism focusing all energy into tumor growth," says Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig, of the German...
 | 1/17/2013 - After the heart and lungs, the liver is perhaps your most vital organ. When it shuts down, you die. Extreme liver conditions may result in the eventual need for dangerous liver transplants.
A sluggish liver can manifest a malaise of symptoms that lead to misdiagnoses for other chronic autoimmune...
 | 1/9/2013 - Cancer can be beaten the very large majority of the time - though not with mainstream treatments that target just the symptoms of cancer. Beating cancer means not only eliminating existing cancer cells, but also eliminating the root causes which enabled cancer to gain a foothold to begin with.
 | 1/2/2013 - This article is not meant to discourage major detox overhauls from time to time. Those should be done at some level two or four times a year. Then a major juicing or lemon water and cayenne fast with a liver cleansing, coffee enemas or gall bladder flush, is a good idea.
There are an estimated 80,000...
 | 12/30/2012 - Don't be weighed down by heavy meals and sugary treats this holiday season. Instead, try a bitter aperitif to help reduce indigestion, nausea, extra pounds and much more. Designed to improve digestion and detoxify the body, herbal bitters ease the complaints of poor food choices. But bitters are not...
 | 12/29/2012 - After all the holiday overindulgence and stress, it is a good time to clean up the diet and detox the body. Cleansing the liver should be a top priority. When this organ is working properly, unwanted body fat disappears -- especially around the abdominal region. With a few supplements, dietary additions...
 | 12/6/2012 - Besides what we already know about the dangers of consuming genetically modified foods, these "frankenfoods" now appear to play a key role in the current obesity pandemic. Perhaps not so coincidentally, the number of Americans now classified as overweight has doubled in the last 20 years - the same...
 | 11/3/2012 - Many people have an adverse reaction to eating liver. They get grossed out when they hear of others consuming the organ meat and don't understand why anyone would actually want to eat liver. Similarly, it is commonly believed that fruits and vegetables contain the highest concentrations of vitamins...
 | 10/16/2012 - Today, more young people than ever are suffering from a chronic illness -- the cause of which has everything to do with eating a toxic diet -- that used to occur primarily only among older adults with diabetes. Figures recently compiled as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey...
 | 10/10/2012 - Incredible, groundbreaking new research just published in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric - curcumin - is able to repair and even regenerate the liver tissues in diabetic rats.
Researchers at the Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok...
 | 10/8/2012 - Certain bitter herbs are considered liver herbs because they stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver and gall bladder. While Western palates are not fond of bitter tasting foods, they do stimulate and support digestion. German research shows that bitter tonic herbs stimulate bile and hydrochloric...
 | 9/27/2012 - Mortality from diseases of the liver has increased over the past half-century to secure a place as one of the top, leading causes of death each year in the United States. One hundred years ago, liver disease was virtually unheard of except for the occasional death from alcoholic cirrhosis. Today, non-alcoholic...
 | 9/13/2012 - Genetically engineered wheat contains an enzyme suppressor that, when consumed by humans, could cause permanent liver failure (and death). That's the warning issued today by molecular biologist Jack Heinemann of the University of Canterbury in Australia.
Heinemann has published an eye-opening report...
 | 9/8/2012 - Gout is a very painful form of arthritis that usually attacks the big toe and can spread to the insteps, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers or elbows. Gout occurs when an excessive buildup of uric acid in the body forms painful crystals in the joints. These uric acid crystals deposit in the articular...
 | 8/22/2012 - If you live in an area which is being blanketed with aerial or ground spraying of pesticides for mosquitoes, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid exposure. However, there is plenty you can do to help get the pesticides out of your body and offset their effects.
Tips for eliminating pesticides...
 | 8/10/2012 - A conversation about enemas can stimulate everything from laughter to horror. There are many old wives tales about enemas and how they can "cure" everything from the common cold to cancer. So let's took a look at the facts and science behind the use of enemas.
Ancient civilizations included enemas...
 | 7/20/2012 - Worldwide cases of liver cancer are on the rise, as the third most common form of cancer takes the lives of millions around the globe each year. The liver is charged with performing more than 300 critical functions in the body; from cholesterol and glucose metabolism to clearing dangerous chemical and...
 | 7/14/2012 - Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is surging throughout the Western industrial world to become the most common liver disease. In the USA alone, over 30 million are afflicted with NAFLD. It can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even liver failure.
NAFLD is not from boozing too much, nor...
 | 7/8/2012 - Overweight and obesity continue to plague a majority of men, women and children alike, placing them at considerable risk for heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver disease as a result of chronic metabolic dysfunction. Alternative health practitioners understand that the problem is the result of much...
 | 6/17/2012 - Analysis of a small sample of blood is used for determining the amount of enzyme production of the liver, thus providing a marker for liver health in general. When the liver is distressed, damaged, or diseased, liver cells leak two specific enzymes into the blood stream.
The enzymes counted for liver...
 | 6/3/2012 - Until recently, patients receiving statin drugs generally had their liver function monitored before starting the drug, 12 weeks after initiation, with any dose increase and periodically (i.e. 1-2 times/year) thereafter. However, the FDA has recently declared that "routine periodic monitoring of liver...
 | 5/23/2012 - The primary way in which your body expels toxins is via the liver, which detoxifies and cleanses your body by continuously filtering the blood of poisons that enter it through the digestive tract, the skin, and the respiratory system. But when your liver becomes overworked as a result of stress or excessive...
 | 3/21/2012 - Spring is upon us, and the concept of "spring cleaning" our domiciles comes to mind. It can apply to the health conscious as well for cleaning out the body's master cleanser, the liver, while increasing supportive nourishment.
Coincidentally, Chinese medicine associates spring with the liver and...
 | 3/21/2012 - The issue of weight is a prevalent source of discontent especially in western cultures. It seems that we havewoken upand realized that weight control is about much more than keeping up appearances. Obesity rates have skyrocketed along with the associated adverse health conditions. Each year more and...
 | 3/8/2012 - With the unseasonably warm winter weather, trees and grasses will be pollenating earlier than usual. This could be a challenging season for allergy suffers.
The highest percentage of people who suffer from spring allergies, show a pattern of congested liver, toxic blood and spleen and kidney adrenal...
| 1/3/2012 - Fatty liver disease used to be associated with alcoholism, but it is no longer restricted to heavy drinkers. Our calorie-rich but nutrient-poor diet has led to an epidemic of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that tracks our rising obesity and diabetes rates (1). Autopsies and ultrasound studies...
 | 1/2/2012 - Sometimes the old fashioned ways of treating disease are still the safest and most effective. A recent review of an 1848 study conducted at the former Hospital for Consumption in Chelsea, UK, now known as the Royal Brompton Hospital (RBH), has found that cod liver oil, which is rich in vitamin D, is...
| 10/26/2011 3:57:30 PM - Long before the industrial revolution, ancient doctors of oriental medicine studied and treated breast cancer. So even before the earth was overwhelmed with synthetic, manufactured toxins, breast cancer was still considered a tragic and life threatening disease. Clearly the toxic component of breast...
| 10/7/2011 - Over 1,000 new synthetic food agents have been approved for consumption in the United States in 2011, and the human liver is the body's primary detoxifier, bearing the brunt of filtering these chemical agents out so cancer cells don't develop and multiply. Milk thistle, also known as Silymarin, prevents...
| 9/20/2011 - Hiccup is a sudden involuntary muscular contraction (spasm) of the diaphragm that occurs repeatedly when the vocal cords snap shut producing the hiccup sound. Allopathy says most hiccups have no obvious cause, which reveals ignorance, but Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) understand and...
 | 9/8/2011 - The liver is one of the most critical organs essential to human health. It serves more than 300 functions in the body to detoxify against chemical and environmental intrusions, and it promotes metabolic function as well. Silymarin is commonly known as milk thistle, and new science is emerging to validate...
| 7/23/2011 - Oriental Medicine teaches us that the opening of the liver channel is in the corner of the eyes. The liver channel runs vertically from the bottom to the top of the body and opens in the eyes. Whatever effects the liver also directly effects the eyes.
The subtler functions of the liver root deeply...
| 7/18/2011 - The liver is an organ that removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body, allowing the body to function without experiencing the many illnesses and other harmful side effects that these toxins can cause. For this reason, it is crucial that individuals periodically detoxify their livers....
| 7/12/2011 - Our livers, the chief detoxifiers for our bodies, are being overworked. Our stressful lifestyles, drugs we consume, and chemical food additives are just a few of the stressors. Free roaming toxins can burden our hearts, reduce available oxygen, and, consequently, become trapped and stored to produce...
| 4/25/2011 - Milk Thistle is a plant native to the Mediterranean region that has been used for its medicinal properties since the 1st century AD. It is no surprise that today everyone's body is bombarded with chemical toxins regularly from pesticides in food to the air pollution we breathe. The liver and kidneys...
| 4/8/2011 - Even though no universal cure has yet been found for HIV/AIDS, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) know that the best therapy to manage it is good nutrition, natural therapies and healthy living habits. Any sensible approach to managing HIV/AIDS will include ways to keep the liver functioning at its...
| 4/7/2011 - The liver and the gall bladder don't get enough attention until it's too late. Poor health, bad digestion, and low energy are usually the products of toxic livers and clogged gall bladders. Then surgeons remove gall bladders or put patients in line for liver transplants. But the liver/gall bladder system...
| 3/31/2011 - Early spring is the time of year to find dandelion greens emerging from the ground. Though many people try to banish dandelion from their lawns, dandelion is a valuable medicinal plant in both Eastern and Western herbal traditions. In both traditions, dandelions function to rejuvenate the liver, clearing...
| 3/20/2011 - Observing the change of season, spring bursts forth in explosive new growth while the cold, reflective quality of winter begins to fade. Traditional Chinese Medicine has known for centuries how the body relates to the unique qualities for each time of year. Spring is the season of the liver and gall...
| 3/10/2011 - New research just published in the journal Clinical Nutrition concludes supplementing the diet with whey protein could be a powerful natural way to reduce the risk of both fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.
After just four weeks of adding whey protein to meals, key markers of blood fats...
| 3/7/2011 - A safety review published in the journal Menopause has confirmed that black cohosh, a natural plant alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), is safe and will not cause liver damage. Some recent reports have questioned the dietary supplement's safety, but the new study confirms...
| 3/3/2011 - The liver is our largest internal organ, weighing in at around 3 pounds (1.5 kg). A strong liver is needed for good health and a strong immune system, as it plays a main role in keeping all of our body's systems in balance. The herb milk thistle has been used for many centuries as a powerful way to...
| 2/8/2011 - When it comes to maintaining good health, as well as fighting and warding off disease and illness, no organ is more important to us than the liver - the body's toxic disposal plant. A healthy diet is essential for good liver health, and there are also several specific natural food and supplement items...
| 1/26/2011 - Choline is an important nutrient for so many bodily functions, but it is particularly helpful in keeping the liver healthy. Without this B vitamin, fats can become trapped inside the liver. There, those fats can block the metabolism, resulting in a build-up of fat that can rise to dangerous levels....
| 1/24/2011 - It seems like half the world is trying to lose weight right now, and many are restricting calories and hitting the gym. While these aren't bad options for either health or weight loss, they aren't the fastest or most effective ways to lose weight either. The hands down fastest and most effective way...
| 1/17/2011 - The liver and brain are two metabolically active organs that are under constant attack from disease promoting free radicals. Elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels combined with blood glucose abnormalities and obesity cause damage to the cellular matrix of the liver and brain that worsen with...
| 12/29/2010 - The move is on to further muddy the waters pertaining to High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The goal is to convince or confuse consumers into thinking that HFCS is like sugar by changing its name to Corn Sugar. While there are issues that surround processed sugar, HFCS or Corn Sugar presents a wider problem....
 | 11/23/2010 - One of hottest areas of current scientific research involves one of the tastiest ingredients of Mediterranean-style dishes -- olive oil. Evidence has been steadily mounting that olive oil protects and builds health in a variety of ways. Not only does it help prevent depression and fight inflammation...
| 11/19/2010 - As many as 1 in 3 Americans are living with a ticking bomb known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The condition is virtually symptomless until the liver becomes inflamed or scarred from decades of dietary abuse. The vast majority of NAFLD is caused by poor dietary choices that increase dangerous...
| 11/17/2010 - Many governments are pushing a new livestock vaccine for Rift Valley Fever (RVF), a serious and deadly virus that infects both humans and animals, and that spread across various regions of Africa earlier this year. But a recent study shows that the vaccine itself causes serious liver problems as well...
 | 11/7/2010 - Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs significantly increase a person's risk of cataracts, muscle weakness, liver dysfunction and kidney failure, according to a study in the British Medical Journal.
The study also confirmed that the drugs lower the risk of heart disease and esophageal cancer, but claims...
| 11/2/2010 - A powerful compound in curry known as curcumin may play an important role in liver health, according to a new study out of Saint Louis University (SLU). Researchers observed that curcumin seems to help fight and prevent damage caused by liver fibrosis, a chronic liver disease that typically leads to...
| 11/1/2010 - You may want to drizzle a little extra olive oil on your next salad, according to findings from a new study out of the University of Monastir in Tunisia and King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. Researchers there found that extra virgin olive oil provides powerful antioxidant protection against toxins...
 | 9/29/2010 - I've been a fan of Ed Group's GHC products for several years and began writing about his company in 2008 on This master formulator is also an expert in cleansing, and he keeps himself in top health even while growing his company.
I've visited Ed Group's facilities, used his products...
 | 9/28/2010 - For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric...
| 8/7/2010 - Two new studies have added more reason for concern that high-fructose corn syrup causes significantly more harm to the body than its mere sugar content would suggest.
High-fructose corn syrup contains 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose. In contrast, table sugar (also known as sucrose) contains...
 | 7/27/2010 - Johnny Concepcion is 42 years old. After divorcing his wife, she was found stabbed to death in their home, suffering at least 15 stab wounds. Concepcion reportedly confessed to his friends that he killed his wife, and he soon found himself the subject of a city-wide manhunt in New York City. On the...
| 7/19/2010 - The HIV drug Videx (sold generically as didanosine) may cause fatal liver problems, the FDA has warned.
Since the drug's initial approval, the agency has received 42 adverse event reports linking Videx and its delayed release version Videx EC to a rare liver disorder known as non-cirrotic portal...
| 6/1/2010 - The FDA has started an investigation into whether the diet drug orlistat, marketed as both Alli and Xenical, has been causing serious liver damage in some patients.
Prescription-strength Xenical was approved by the FDA in 1999. Half-strength Alli was approved as the first (and to date, only) over-the-counter...
 | 5/25/2010 - Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a common, "silent" liver disease. Although it occurs in people who drink little or no alcohol, it causes damage that resembles alcoholic liver disease, including inflammation. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),...
| 4/25/2010 - The herbal supplement milk thistle may prevent liver damage in people undergoing chemotherapy, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center and published in the journal Cancer.
Researchers conducted the study on 50 children undergoing a "maintenance" round...
| 3/17/2010 - A report published in the International Journal of Microbiology has verified once again that Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) crops are causing severe health problems. A legal challenge issued against Monsanto forced the multi-national agriculture giant to release raw data revealing that animals...
| 1/12/2010 - Stress of modern living and our standard American diet, which includes alcohol, fried food and fast food, strain our health, especially our Liver. Stopping eating by 7 pm may be the best thing we can do for our health. Looking to ancient Chinese medicine we find a clear explanation of why this is. In...
| 11/28/2009 - Maybe you have a childhood memory of forgetting to clean your fish tank's filter. After all, it's easy to forget a fish tank even has a filter until it's so clogged up it starts to malfunction. Eventually, the tank is covered in slime and the health of your fish begins to fail. This scenario is much...
| 11/9/2009 - Certain superfoods - like cod liver oil - are so powerful they were recognized for their incredible healing abilities throughout many traditional societies around the world. This ancient wisdom was passed down to preserve the health and longevity of each new generation. Yet in recent decades we have...
| 11/2/2009 - Three new studies by Japanese scientists add even more evidence to what already is an astounding mountain of data showing green tea protects and heals the human body. All of the research is based on findings from the huge Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort Study in Japan which involved 41,761 Japanese...
| 9/28/2009 - By now most Natural News readers understand the importance of liver detoxification, and many are familiar with the more common liver cleansing herbs such as burdock, dandelion, licorice and milk thistle. Some who have experienced the strong results provided by these plants may be wondering what similar...
| 9/28/2009 - The key to optimal health is optimal liver function. Responsible for detoxification and digestion among many other tasks, the liver is the largest internal organ in the body (the skin is the largest organ overall). The liver is also one of the fastest growing organs in the body and it can even regenerate...
| 9/14/2009 - Most people don`t think about how chemicals in their diets affect their weight or weight loss efforts. But the man-made chemicals you consume on a regular basis can play a big role in whether you`re fat or not - even if those chemicals don`t contain a single calorie.
To understand this, you'll need...
| 9/10/2009 - Unlike Essiac Tea or Hoxsey's herbal formula, the Gerson Therapy is a completely dietary based protocol with coffee enemas for liver detoxification. There is no single herbal formula, no magic bullet. But just as with Rene Caisse's Essiac Tea and Hoxey's secret formula, it has proven effective with...
| 8/28/2009 - What do drinks sweetened with aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and naturally occurring fructose have in common? Recent studies link them all to NAFLD, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Reported in the Journal of Hepatology, a new study found a link between NAFLD and a higher intake of soft drinks...
| 8/6/2009 - Out of about 10,000 Chinese medicinal plants only about 60 belong to the class of Superior Tonic Herbs. Out of these 60 herbs He Shou Wu is the most amazing longevity tonic of all. It is widely used in Chinese herbal medicine as a tonic to prevent premature aging by tonifying the Kidney and Liver functions....
| 7/30/2009 - In Chinese medicine, most organs are connected to an emotion, and your liver is the organ connected to anger. As a society, we see the effects of this quite clearly, but often are unaware of what we're seeing.
Your liver is your prime detoxification organ, so it's the main organ responsible for handling...
| 7/17/2009 - This time of year beautiful sky-blue flowers are blooming all along city roadsides, fields and waste areas. Chances are, this gorgeous flower is chicory (Cichorium intybus), and not only is it edible, but it has a long tradition of medicinal use, especially to detoxify the liver.
Chicory is known...
| 7/7/2009 - The drug in question is acetaminophen. It`s in prescription and all too popular over-the-counter drugs including Tylenol and Excedrin. According to the FDA, taking too much will kill you and the government agency also admits this chemical is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. Acetaminophen...
| See all 419 liver feature articles.Concept-related articles:Cancer:Estrogen:Perfume:Women:Skin:Toxic:Therapy:Drug:Pill:Statins:Lower cholesterol:Cholesterol:Phytochemicals:Garlic:Water:Chemicals:
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