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Mystery man attacks junk food with machete, then flees Published August 17 2012 | Concepts: food, machete, junk food, man, attacks |
| Anti-obesity vaccine shot offers false promise of staying slim even on a junk food diet Published July 10 2012 | Concepts: obesity, food, junk food, vaccine, weight |
| Junk food junkies: dying for a fix Published June 30 2012 | Concepts: food, junk food, health, enzymes, nutrient |
| Boycott junk food in schools - California mandates set a healthy eating example Published May 28 2012 | Concepts: food, schools, California, boycott, school |
| Why Rx drugs? (opinion) Published March 13 2012 | Concepts: pain, disease, health, problems, junk food |
| America's obesity and diabetes epidemic: Junk food kills Published March 7 2012 | Concepts: food, junk food, diabetes, health, obesity |
| How services like Netflix (in moderation) could help parents break the junk food propaganda stranglehold Published March 5 2012 | Concepts: food, child, propaganda, parents, children |
| Health insurance company preys upon the poor with junk food reward program for vaccinating your baby Published January 23 2012 | Concepts: child, health, vaccine, food, vaccines |
| Studies show junk foods change brain chemistry and are addictive like cocaine Published December 24 2011 | Concepts: brain, addictive, brain chemistry, foods, food |
| Over 140 organizations confront UN demanding recognition junk food and beverage industries kill 36 million a year Published September 21 2011 | Concepts: food, junk food, health, degenerative disease, public health |
| How to curb junk food cravings naturally Published August 18 2011 | Concepts: cravings, food, health, junk food, fat |
| US pediatrician suggests government should take obese children away from their parents Published July 19 2011 | Concepts: children, child, obese, parents, food |
| US pediatrician suggests government should take obese children away from their parents Published July 18 2011 | Concepts: children, child, obese, food, parents |
| Junk food ads on TV strongly influence children's eating habits Published July 16 2011 | Concepts: food, children, junk food, health, food ads |
| California fair vendor tests limits of Americans' junk food threshold by serving deep-fried Kool-Aid Published June 24 2011 | Concepts: junk food, California, tests, Kool-Aid, oil |
| Cheryl Ladd's take on junk food Published May 29 2011 | Concepts: food, junk food, reality, poison, life |
| Junk food cravings trigger same brain activity as drug addiction, suggests study Published May 2 2011 | Concepts: food, brain, drug addiction, drug, junk food |
| Responsible TV and Internet advertising needed to reduce childhood obesity Published April 14 2011 | Concepts: food, internet, advertising, kids, child |
| Vegan parents charged in death of baby raised on mother's milk; facing 30 years in prison Published March 29 2011 | Concepts: vegan, baby, parents, diet, food |
| Obesity rates double worldwide as more countries embrace American junk foods, indoor lifestyles Published March 27 2011 | Concepts: obesity, rates, foods, indoor, junk foods |
| Junk food can lead to lower IQ in children Published February 22 2011 | Concepts: food, IQ, junk food, foods, diet |
| Reduce childhood obesity by replacing junk food with organic alternatives Published January 24 2011 | Concepts: food, junk food, obesity, health, school |
| How Congress helped created the very mental illness that resulted in the Giffords shooting Published January 11 2011 | Concepts: men, mental, America, health, Congress |
| Junk food as addictive as street drugs Published December 23 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, addictive, health, addiction |
| Professor who lost weight on Twinkies only proves that even nutrition educators can be Ding Dongs Published December 4 2010 | Concepts: weight, diet, nutrition, food, junk food |
| Four years after Clinton's victory over sugary drinks in public schools, they're more widely available than ever Published November 2 2010 | Concepts: schools, public schools, school, food, soda |
| Three-fourths of Americans obese or overweight by 2020, says alarming report Published October 10 2010 | Concepts: America, health, food, americans, people |
| Mexico bans sodas, fried foods and junk food from public school (while the USA does nothing) Published September 19 2010 | Concepts: Mexico, school, foods, sodas, public school |
| Junk food-addicted rats chose to starve themselves rather than eat healthy food Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: rats, food, junk food, research, addiction |
| Women: Before getting pregnant, check out your man's diet Published August 3 2010 | Concepts: men, Genetic, man, WHO, sperm |
| Accused murderer receives liver organ transplant while others wait to die Published July 27 2010 | Concepts: liver, organ transplant, organs, WHO, industry |
| Rats fed junk food pass down cancer risk through multiple generations of offspring Published July 14 2010 | Concepts: cancer, food, rats, junk food, cancer risk |
| Teenage girls live on junk food Published July 12 2010 | Concepts: girls, teenage girls, boys, junk food, women |
| Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder Published June 29 2010 | Concepts: food, foods, mental, health, healthy |
| Frozen yogurt is not health food Published June 21 2010 | Concepts: yogurt, health, frozen, frozen yogurt, food |
| Run Faster without Fast Food as Fuel Published June 19 2010 | Concepts: food, fruit, fast food, running, junk food |
| Companies exploiting socially-networked children to push junk food like drug dealers Published May 10 2010 | Concepts: children, food, junk food, companies, drug |
| Junk Food Found to Deteriorate Pleasure Center of Brain Published April 12 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, brain, foods, eating |
| Why Detoxification is Key to Upgrading Your Diet Published April 9 2010 | Concepts: food, diet, detoxification, body, cravings |
| Junk Food Nearly as Addictive as Heroin Published March 18 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, addictive, rats, addiction |
| South Korea does what the US refuses to do: Restrict junk food advertising to children Published March 10 2010 | Concepts: food, advertising, junk food, Korea, junk food advertising |
| Doritos ads represent sick, demented nature of junk food companies and their products Published February 27 2010 | Concepts: Doritos, food, junk food, violence, WHO |
| Food industry continues to market junk food to children Published January 27 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, children, child, food industry |
| Nickelodeon food ads promote junk food to children Published December 14 2009 | Concepts: food, junk food, food ads, CSPI, nutrition |
| How to Host a Junk Food, Candy Free Party for Kids Published December 10 2009 | Concepts: party, food, kids, ice, health |
| "Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement questioned (opinion) Published September 22 2009 | Concepts: nutrition, food, Tufts University, child, sugar |
| Should We Tax Sodas and Junk Food to Pay for Health Care? Published August 3 2009 | Concepts: tax, health, soda, sodas, food |
| TV Triggers Deadly Automatic Snacking Behavior Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: food, advertising, snacking, food advertising, child |
| The Junk Food Dilemma Calls for a Change in Mindset (Opinion) Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: food, sugar, junk food, mindset, heart |
| Urge Nickelodeon/ Viacom to Stop Marketing Junk Food to Children Published December 15 2008 | Concepts: child, food, children, marketing, junk food |
| Teach Your Children the Hidden Meanings Behind Junk Food Advertisements Published September 22 2008 | Concepts: children, child, food, advertising, junk food |
| The Health Ranger Answers Common Questions About Nutritional Supplements (transcript) Published September 4 2008 | Concepts: health, supplement, food, supplements, people |
| Canadian Government Pressured to Ban Junk Food Ads Published August 28 2008 | Concepts: food, ban, health, child, government |
| Health Ranger Volunteers to be Michael Phelps' Nutritionist to Win More Gold in 2012 Olympics Published August 21 2008 | Concepts: food, foods, 2012, health, gold |
| Olympian Phelps Serves as "Ambassador" to McDonald's, Introducing Chinese Children to American Junk Food Published August 21 2008 | Concepts: children, McDonald's, food, child, Michael Phelps |
| Junk Food Advertising to Children Banned in UK Published August 2 2008 | Concepts: children, child, food, junk food, advertising |
| The Politics of National Health Care Reform: Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis (transcript) Published July 3 2008 | Concepts: health, disease, people, men, drug |
| Advocate Group Urges Ban on Junk Food Marketing to Children Published February 21 2008 | Concepts: marketing, food, drug, ban, children |
| Eli Manning: Superbowl Star Promotes Junk Food to Children Published February 4 2008 | Concepts: food, junk food, junk foods, celebrities, Oreo cookies |
| Super Food Bowl Animation Announced by the Health Ranger Published January 29 2008 | Concepts: food, health, Super Food Bowl, foods, super food |
| All Jacked Up: The Explosive Junk Food Documentary the Food Companies Hope You Never See Published January 17 2008 | Concepts: film, food, junk food, documentary, movie |
| Junk Food Ads, Fast Food Increasing Teen Obesity Published October 9 2007 | Concepts: food, child, school, obesity, junk food |
| Legislative effort targets school junk food, aims to upgrade nutritional guidelines Published June 14 2007 | Concepts: school, food, junk food, targets, foods |
| Animals are smarter than humans when it comes to feeding their children (opinion) Published April 6 2007 | Concepts: children, food, humans, health, milk |
| Junk food giants form "task force" that claims to combat child obesity Published March 30 2007 | Concepts: food, combat, junk food, form, food giants |
| The health care reform legislation that Congress should pass, but won't Published February 15 2007 | Concepts: health, drug, food, health care, disease |
| Researchers seek to insert caffeine into baked goods Published January 29 2007 | Concepts: caffeine, researchers, donuts, pastries, junk food |
| 7UP drops "all natural" claim after CSPI threatens lawsuit Published January 17 2007 | Concepts: CSPI, 7UP, natural, soft drinks, junk food |
| Acrylamide content of most foods remains a mystery Published January 16 2007 | Concepts: acrylamide, foods, food, junk food, fried foods |
| Kraft Foods faces suit over "all natural" claim on Capri Sun drink Published January 12 2007 | Concepts: Kraft, sun, foods, Kraft Foods, natural |
| Pediatricians call for ban on junk food advertising to children Published December 12 2006 | Concepts: food, pediatricians, junk food, advertising, ban |
| UK consumer group reveals junk food companies' misleading ad tactics Published November 29 2006 | Concepts: junk food, children, UK, misleading, marketing |
| American Diabetes Association receives millions each year from junk food companies, candy manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms Published November 27 2006 | Concepts: ADA, companies, diabetes, the ADA, food |
| FTC demands junk food companies disclose money spent marketing to children Published October 25 2006 | Concepts: food, marketing, companies, FTC, children |
| Americans know junk food causes weight gain, but they eat it anyway Published October 19 2006 | Concepts: food, junk food, weight, americans, gain |
| Eating junk food during pregnancy raises newborn's risk of diabetes, obesity Published October 10 2006 | Concepts: junk food, diabetes, pregnancy, eating, risk |
| Junk food makers join with Clinton to announce unenforceable guidelines on marketing junk foods to schoolchildren Published October 9 2006 | Concepts: food, junk food, foods, vending machines, junk foods |
| International taskforce calls for global ban on junk food advertising to children to combat obesity epidemic Published September 6 2006 | Concepts: food, obesity, children, junk food, ban |
| Disease Economy: How the United States economy runs on "treating" chronic disease Published April 4 2006 | Concepts: disease, economy, people, Disease Economy, health |
| Health Ranger hails CPSI effort to stop Kellogg Co. from marketing junk food to children Published January 19 2006 | Concepts: food, health, junk food, CSPI, marketing |
| Commercial Alert vs. USDA: How one non-profit is fighting to eliminate junk food from America's schools Published December 6 2005 | Concepts: junk food, school, child, the USDA, junk food advertisers |
| Taste inflation revealed: why sugar, salt and fragrance make you stupid Published October 18 2005 | Concepts: taste, food, sugar, salt, inflation |
| Where's the health in health care reform? Published October 14 2005 | Concepts: health, heal, people, WHO, health care |
| "Vending Machine" documentary looks to expose childrens' junk food habits in public schools Published October 10 2005 | Concepts: food, junk food, kids, health, documentary |
| Interview with Jennifer Mattox, founder of Faerie Films and director of school nutrition documentary "Vending Machine" Published July 18 2005 | Concepts: school, food, kids, Faerie Films, film |
| American Diabetes Association peddling nutritional nonsense while accepting money from manufacturer of candy and sodas Published June 1 2005 | Concepts: sugar, diabetes, blood, insulin, food |
| Changing food choice and dietary habits requires breaking old behavior patterns Published March 7 2005 | Concepts: food, dietary habits, foods, people, health |
| How to slash national health care costs by 90% through education, nutrition, and a ban on junk food marketing Published December 5 2004 | Concepts: food, health, nutrition, foods, disease |
| How to quit the soft drink habit: new ebook reveals proven five-step strategy for ditching obesity-promoting beverage Published October 6 2004 | Concepts: soft drink habit, soft drinks, fizzy drinks, soft drink companies, how to |
| One-third of American diet is junk food and soft drinks: we're
malnourished and obese at the same time Published June 2 2004 | Concepts: food, junk food, foods, diet, SAMe |
| Food manufacturers scheme on how to sell more junk food to children Published November 18 2003 | Concepts: food, junk food, food manufacturers, how to, sell |
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