Lifestyle news, articles and information:
 | 8/7/2016 - The first question people ask themselves when they find out they have cancer is, "How did I get it?" Yet 99 percent of those people will never figure out the answer to that question. Why? Because cancer is caused mainly by the cumulative consumption of toxins over time. If you keep consuming toxins,...
 | 7/30/2016 - If you think of dangerous jobs, chances are things like mining, skyscraper construction, and fighting fires may come to mind. However, a team of international experts found that working on a computer in an office all day can be just as deadly as smoking.
Given the nature of our work environments,...
 | 7/7/2016 - When emergency medicine professor George Jelinek was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at age 45, he was told the disease was progressive and incurable. He had reason to believe it; he had seen his own mother suffer from the disease until she needed a wheelchair to get around, until, eventually,...
 | 6/29/2016 - Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly slash the risk of developing breast cancer in women who carry common gene variants linked to breast cancer, a new study published in JAMA Oncology suggests. The discovery marks a significant shift in the cancer conversations and prevention strategies to...
 | 4/3/2016 - There are four easily achievable characteristics that are most strongly associated with good health — and less than 3 percent of the U.S. public has all four, according to a study conducted by researchers from Oregon State University, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the University...
 | 3/31/2016 - It is widely known that Americans are unhealthy, but the situation is more dire than previously believed. A recent study found that a mere 2.7 percent of U.S. adults meet the basic criteria of a healthy lifestyle, meaning that the remaining 97.3 percent fail to maintain their health.
 | 3/16/2016 - We've all heard that lifestyles make a difference in our health, but what is generally meant by lifestyle?
This definition describes lifestyle as "a set of attitudes, habits, or possessions associated with a particular person or group."
In addition to these traits, others attribute diet and physical...
 | 2/27/2016 - How to Fight Cancer & Win by William L. Fischer, teaches readers truly everything they need to know about cancer, including its causes and how it spreads. This article provides a snippet from a section of the book that focuses on the environmental, genetic, dietary and lifestyle factors that cause cancer....
 | 11/4/2015 - Living a healthy lifestyle is all about making the healthiest choices. But what if the best choice (or the information needed to make the best choice) wasn't available to you because the people tasked with looking out for you and your interests don't have the same high standards and the corporations...
 | 11/2/2015 - "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas A. Edison
Becoming a doctor of chiropractic is no small undertaking. In most states it requires eight years of schooling - four...
 | 3/29/2015 - Cancer can be incredibly scary, especially when you don't understand how to prevent the onset through incorporation of a healthy and holistic lifestyle that addresses all the core factors that facilitate its development. Unfortunately, avoidance of this deadly disease is difficult due to the pollution...
 | 3/26/2015 - It has been proclaimed that we are at the peak of food production, and with industrialization, chemicals, and genetically modified foods choking the nutritional efficacy of the food supply, it's time to get back to a better model.
Something as humble as a back yard garden, or even a patio container...
 | 3/24/2015 - The old saying, "Whatever doesn't kill us, makes us stronger," may not hold true when it comes to chronic stress. Stomach ulcers were the first disease linked to chronic stress. It took many more years of research to learn that many diseases and health problems are linked to chronic stress, including...
 | 2/3/2015 - Odds are, the average person knows they have a lymphatic system, and that's about it. You can't blame them too much; the lymphatic system is complicated. It runs throughout the body, working side-by-side with the circulatory system, spanning various nodes, organs, and vessels in the body. If your lymphatic...
 | 2/1/2015 9:02:35 PM - In its natural, healthy state, the body is detoxifying at all times. Breathing, digesting healthy, clean vegetables, using our muscles, or just being alive creates toxins in the body that need to be expelled.
With today's typical modern lifestyle, toxins are accumulating in the body at a greater...
 | 1/16/2015 - The problem with blood pressure medications is that they do not correct the underlying issue of the problem. Imagine you have a car with a 6-cylinder engine that is running very rough. You find out that two of your six cylinders have the problem, so you remove them or otherwise shut them down.
 | 12/10/2014 - Flu season is upon us. It's time to decide if you or your children will receive a flu shot this year. After all, 23,607- 35,000 people die from the flu each year, right? You don't want to be included in this year's statistics! But are those numbers accurate?
You're not going to find any clear answers...
 | 11/19/2014 - There is s strong belief in the natural health community of one disease, one cause. In other words, the body, if cleansed of toxins and given proper nutrition, will heal itself. All disease begins at a cellular level. There is also a consensus that health starts in the gut. Four things are known about...
 | 11/18/2014 - Times of high stress can affect your health, your sleep, and your entire sense of well-being. While chronic long-term stress is a cry for a change of lifestyle and a more serious intervention, sometimes we go through stressful periods knowing there is an end in sight. If this is your situation, know...
 | 11/14/2014 - Health experts are increasingly seeing lifestyle changes as a critical component to managing multiple sclerosis (MS), encouraging MS patients to do things as simple as getting more sunlight and going salsa dancing.
"The things people do day in and day out can make a huge impact on the quality of...
 | 11/8/2014 - Due to the results of a recent study, researchers stress that people can save a lot of money and preserve their well-being by living a healthy lifestyle. The study examined various aspects of healthy living as well as the rates by which men experienced myocardial infarction (MI) or a heart attack.
 | 11/4/2014 8:07:40 PM - It seems that every few years we hear of another diet fad or food fad. In the last few years gluten is getting all of the attention. How can wheat or other common grains--fixtures of the American diet--be causing such problems?
What is gluten? Gluten is the protein found in wheat (including spelt,...
 | 10/15/2014 6:16:43 PM - Suddenly you realize there's a little black cloud over your head. Or maybe it's a big one. Things that usually don't bother you are getting on your very last nerve. You're not sure if you want to pick a fight or cry. Before you tell your boss what you really think of him or confront your significant...
 | 10/13/2014 - If you live with a woman who suffers from PMS, you know firsthand that your loving wife or significant other can change from a loving, sweet-tempered woman into someone you barely recognize with little to no warning. And you know how easy it is the say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or maybe it...
 | 10/3/2014 - Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disease affecting around 5 million Americans. The two primary symptoms of fibromyalgia are muscle pain and fatigue. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, "brain fog," irritability, and anxiety or depression. Nearly one third of those suffering from fibromyalgia suffer...
 | 9/25/2014 - If you've made the decision that you are truly ready to change your lifestyle and claim your birthright of vibrant health, these are the basic steps that most people need to take in order to restore their health:
Eat Right
If you drill down health to its most critical and essential element, diet...
 | 9/19/2014 - Everybody knows they need to get healthier, but not everyone knows how to accomplish that in a simple, step-by-step program. Today, the Thrive Holistic Lifestyle E-Course is being launched by Natural News contributing writer and educator Derek Henry (of Healing the Body), an extremely knowledgeable...
 | 9/13/2014 12:55:27 PM - When the lymphatic system is not working properly, our bodies cannot remove toxins; fight viral, fungal, and bacterial disease; or regulate the amount of fluid in our tissues. In order to achieve maximum health, we must keep this system functioning well and our lymph fluid flowing.
It is a complex...
 | 7/11/2014 - Medical professionals from the University of Zurich have compiled important public health results that can be used in counseling and primary care to slash the risk of early death.
Their conclusion was general, stating that people can live longer due to an active lifestyle, more fruit and vegetable...
 | 7/7/2014 - The effect of lifestyle habits on type 2 diabetes risk is so large that it renders genetic susceptibility insignificant, according to a study led by researchers from the University of Cambridge and published in the journal PLOS Medicine.
The study was funded primarily by the European Commission.
 | 2/10/2014 - Research is showing that the decisions you make about your nutrition, exercise, stress, and environmental toxin exposure can influence your health and fertility. Additionally, these lifestyle factors also influence the health and development of your baby once your pregnant! While some aspects of lifestyle...
 | 12/18/2013 - As we approach an epidemic in the number of newly diagnosed cases of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, irrefutable evidence continues to emerge supporting the science behind following simple lifestyle modifications to dramatically lower the risk of developing memory-robbing illnesses and most...
 | 10/23/2013 - A quarter of British young adults walk "only when necessary," resulting in less than 5 minutes of activity per day, according to a new study by health insurance company Bupa.
The survey, conducted on 2,000 British adults, focused on young adults between the ages of 18 and 24. The researchers found...
 | 9/29/2013 - Cancer is one of the deadliest and most feared diseases of people all over the world these days. Twelve million individuals living in America alone were diagnosed with this disease in 2008. Five years later, more than 1.6 million new cases were diagnosed. A few of the known ways to prevent cancer is...
 | 9/5/2013 - More than a third of adults in the United States have high levels of triglycerides, but many do not even know what that means. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood that has been linked to a variety of serious conditions, including heart disease, stroke and heart attacks. The American Heart Association...
 | 7/22/2013 - Most people understand the importance of getting a good night's sleep to feel refreshed and alert the next morning. Experts repeatedly recommend sleeping seven to nine hours each night in a quiet, totally dark environment to stimulate the production of melatonin to enhance the quality of sleep and allow...
 | 7/19/2013 - At 59 years old, Stan had diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, vitamin D deficiency, a high Cardiac CRP, and elevated serum homocysteine.
The Glucose and Insulin Tolerance Test had clearly determined that a primary cause of his diabetes was insulin resistance. Even though Stan's cholesterol...
 | 7/14/2013 - Vascular injury, especially the type inflicted as a result of a stroke, can have a devastating effect on the quality of a person's life and place them at significantly increased risk of death. Similar to other chronic illnesses, stroke risk can be modified by making small changes to diet, physical activity...
 | 7/12/2013 - Keeping cancer at bay and ensuring longevity comes through two approaches: cutting out damaging lifestyle factors, like smoking, and incorporating more healthful lifestyle changes, like eating better and exercising frequently. When both approaches are honored, health becomes effortless, and the chance...
 | 6/5/2013 12:04:55 PM - If you could dramatically lower your risk of dying from all causes by 80 percent, would it be worth your effort to change a few simple lifestyle habits? Virtually everyone has a concern about chronic disease and mortality, especially as they get older, but researchers are now able to quantify a significantly...
 | 6/2/2013 - Heart disease is a largely preventable chronic illness that is the leading killer of men, women and children in many western societies. Researchers and alternative medical experts have identified a long list of dietary and lifestyle factors that work together to promote development of the disease and...
 | 5/9/2013 - As the ice continues to melt, the flowers start to bloom, and winter fully eclipses into spring, perhaps it is time to get your life into alignment with the changing seasons by doing a little spring cleaning of your own, both physically and emotionally. Here are seven helpful ideas to get you started...
 | 4/2/2013 - The incidence and etiology of many forms of cancer and the development of cardiovascular disease run on a parallel course as they are both the result of lifestyle habits that are well within our control. It comes as no big surprise that scientists have created a list of seven healthy practices that...
 | 1/28/2013 - The list of illnesses plaguing today's society is astronomical. Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, sleep apnea, cancer, ADD/ADHD, allergies, depression, chemical dependency, back pain, autism, hyperlipidemia are just a handful of the ailments affecting a large portion...
 | 1/22/2013 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is mainly caused by smoking. Subjecting the lungs to cigarette smoke for a prolonged period of time degenerates and damages the healthy cells of lungs and with time, breathing becomes compromised. Much of the COPD treatments are aimed at preventing further...
 | 11/30/2012 - An overwhelming amount of evidence has been released in scientifically validated, peer reviewed research studies to confirm that many chronic illnesses are not the result of natural aging, but rather years and decades of sub-optimal nutrient intake, consumption of processed and synthetic foods and exposure...
 | 10/15/2012 - October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a group of natural health leaders are focused on teaching the world about natural solutions to the cancer epidemic. Orlando-based Maximized Living has launched the book "The Cancer Killers" to teach the world how to prevent and reverse cancer naturally.
 | 10/12/2012 - Current mainstream cancer statistics indicate that in the U.S., men have slightly less than a one in two lifetime risk of developing cancer. Although there are over 200 different cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men. While this news is grim, the good news is that today we...
 | 9/20/2012 - Are you influenced by cultural bias and (unhealthy) modern lifestyle habits? For example, why do women wear bras? Are we lying "too flat" in our beds at night? Medical researchers suggest that these habits have the ability to promote sickness and disease. But, as we accept responsibility for our own...
 | 9/10/2012 - Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease, leading to an estimated 15 percent of all deaths worldwide each year. Excessive blood pressure causes micro-cracks in the inner lining of arterial walls, leading to a cascade of serious health...
 | 7/26/2012 - Around 17 million people in the United States alone have asthma. It is the number one cause of chronic illness in children. Despite the wide range of medications made as treatment for asthma, the number of people affected by asthma increased by 2.5 million in the US over the past five years. Alternative...
 | 5/5/2012 - Scientific studies have previously demonstrated that many lifestyle factors as well as diet can have a major impact on genetic expression that either promotes or inhibits the development of Alzheimer's dementia. Recent studies have demonstrated that insulin signaling and resistance in the brain result...
 | 4/24/2012 - Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of adults in all Western cultures. Many people believe their fate has been sealed through the inheritance of 'bad' genes, and no degree of healthy living will have any effect on their risk of an untimely and early demise. More evidence that this thought process...
 | 3/1/2012 - Scientists have understood the basic mechanism of telomeres, the small zipper-like capsules that bind our DNA genetic material and enable precise cellular reproduction, for more than a decade now. As each cell replicates, the telomere shortens and the potential life-cycle of the cell diminishes slightly...
 | 1/26/2012 7:51:28 PM - A new study conducted at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that parents are relying more and more on natural therapies and healthy lifestyle options to improve their child's attention and behavior. The research results were published in the January issue of the medical journal Focus on Alternative...
 | 1/18/2012 - It may come as no surprise to many natural health disciplinarians that cancer is largely an avoidable disease that develops and advances due to poor lifestyle habits adopted over the course of a lifetime. Researchers from Britain have found that more than 100,000 cancer cases, nearly one in four cancers...
| 1/5/2012 - Overactive bladder, also known as urinary incontinence, is one of the most common chronic conditions in the US. Lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as herbs and other supplements, can help end overactive bladder worries.
Lifestyle and dietary changes
1. Avoid sugars, artificial sweeteners and...
| 11/2/2011 - IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Contrary to common misconception, IQ does not measure a person's actual intelligence, but rather is measurement of one's problem solving abilities. It has long been thought that a person's IQ remains fairly stable from very early in life. However, new studies have...
 | 10/6/2011 - "It's not just what you put in your body. It's what you leave out that's of top importance!"
This is a health motto coined by Dr. Fred Bisci, an internationally acclaimed lifestyle coach, food scientist, and clinical nutritionist who has coached over 35,000 people on nutrition and natural health...
| 8/18/2011 - Would you be willing to make six simple lifestyle changes if you knew you could lower your risk of developing Alzheimer`s disease by 50%? Researchers publishing the result of a study in the journal Lancet Neurology found that the exploding incidence of this horrific form of dementia is due in large...
| 8/11/2011 - The result of a new study published in the journal Neurology (the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology) has found that poor lifestyle habits and related health disorders such as smoking, overweight and obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure cause brain shrinkage and cognitive decline....
| 5/31/2011 - Several studies have found that even a heart attack or bout with cancer does not inspire patients to make the change to a healthy lifestyle. One might believe that being diagnosed with cancer or suffering a heart attack would inspire a patient to make changes. Unfortunately, the results of several studies...
| 5/23/2011 - The idea that exercise is good for us is constantly pummeled into our brains by the medical community, by health coaches and by the mass media. And while certain types of exercise can certainly be beneficial in context, placing too much emphasis on formal exercise may be highlighting the wrong issue...
| 4/16/2011 - You are what you eat. We`ve all heard the saying many times before. Perhaps a more fitting way of coining the phrase would be `the foods you eat daily determine the diseases you will develop in later life`. It`s amazing how many people have a disconnect between the type of foods they eat and how energy...
| 3/16/2011 - Lifestyle therapies that include proper nutrition, stress management, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy body weight are key elements in the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and dementia are all strongly influenced by fine tuning...
| 2/7/2011 - The mainstream media is just now catching on to what NaturalNews and other natural health advocates have been saying for years: type 2 diabetes can be reversed through dietary and lifestyle changes, and without the need for lifelong drug interventions. A recent report by CNN says that improving one's...
| 12/16/2010 - Stroke is a debilitating and often deadly condition that strikes more than 800,000 people each year and ranks as the third leading cause of death. A stroke is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain from either a clot or blood vessel constriction. The condition is largely the result of poor...
| 10/22/2010 - Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the US as new cases continue to be diagnosed at a rate of 4000 per day. This sobering statistic places millions of people at greatly increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and sudden death from a heart attack and contributes to the obesity...
| 10/20/2010 - Sleep is a precious commodity in today's fast paced, anxiety-filled world. High quality, consistent sleep is vital to your health in ways that many people don't yet realize. For this reason, it is important that you follow a few simple rules to ensure you get consistent, high quality hours of rest every...
| 10/2/2010 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine has found that making considerable lifestyle and dietary changes are highly effective at improving the health of diabetes patients, as well as preventing of cardiovascular illness. Getting regular exercise and eating better, say researchers,...
| 9/24/2010 - Can Alzheimer`s disease be prevented, or is there anything which can be done to delay its inevitable progression? That was the question posed in a mock court run by the National Institutes of Health which reviewed a variety of factors including diet, exercise, mental health, social engagement, supplements...
| 9/8/2010 - Medical researchers have made great strides over the past decade toward understanding the intricate process we know as aging. In an article published in U.S. News and World Report, nutritionist Dr. Jonny Bowden identifies the four main causes of aging in the human body as free radicals, inflammation,...
| 4/19/2010 - A new study conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association provides new evidence that maintaining a healthy lifestyle significantly decreases a person's lifetime risk of high blood pressure and heart failure.
First, researchers...
| 10/7/2009 - Heart Disease takes the lives of more people in the Western world than any other illness. While up to 90% of heart disease is entirely preventable, the modern lifestyle is out of alignment with true health.
Many people may think the dietary changes recommended in this article are too extreme or require...
| 8/29/2009 - Most of us would all like to live longer and have a better quality of life. To have the gift of good health in your later years, it makes sense to take care of yourself in your youth. Here are some common-sense lifestyle tips and natural remedies to help grow old youthfully.
Drink More Water
| 8/19/2009 - Arthritis is an extremely common illness characterized by inflammation in the joints. There are two different types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Both of these can be mildly painful to completely debilitating. Many of the drugs used to treat arthritis cause terrible side effects....
| 8/12/2009 - Candida is a fungal organism that is in everyone`s gut system, although it is potentially harmful. In healthy people, there is a balance in the body of what is known as good bacteria, and bad bacteria. Occasionally this balance can become upset, and an overgrowth of candida can occur. Candida overgrowth...
| 7/9/2009 - The top six preventable risks in the average American lifestyle alone kill more than one million people each year, with omega-3 deficiency now the sixth most significant factor, according to new research published by Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and colleagues examined...
| 6/7/2009 - The incidence of fibroids and endometriosis are nearly epidemic in the USA. More than a half million American women have hysterectomies every year due to problems associated with fibroids and endometriosis. It is estimated that around 40% of American women 35 and older have fibroids and 10 to 20 percent...
| 4/15/2009 - Why do people get cancer? Perhaps more significantly, why have cancer rates soared so drastically over the past century? Is it because of genes? Is it because of what we are eating today? Or are stressful lifestyles to blame? Others put forth that factors such as environmental toxins and electromagnetic...
| 4/2/2009 - Head and neck cancers are malignancies that arise in the nasal cavity, sinuses, lips, mouth, salivary glands, throat, or larynx. According to the American Cancer Society, about 35,310 Americans will be diagnosed with these types of cancers in 2009 and 7,590 will die from these diseases.
| 3/18/2009 - Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and you are lowering your risk of cancer; consume more processed meats like sausages and bacon and you are raising your chances of getting the disease; exercise regularly and maintain healthy weight and you reduce your risk of malignancy - one would think these are...
| 2/26/2009 - Although you won't hear this from the cancer industry or the drug companies that profit from cancer, there's an easy, low-cost and remarkably safe way to slash cancer rates around the world by about one-third, says the World Cancer Research Fund: Promote healthy foods and exercise! (
 | 1/3/2009 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at
( . In this excerpt, Matt Monarch shares on transitions, supplements and traveling in a raw food lifestyle.
Renegade Water Secrets with Matt Monarch, a raw vegan and author...
 | 12/13/2008 - Considering the span of your lifetime in which you probably indulged in the standard American diet and lifestyle; eight weeks is a short period of time in which to reverse your unhealthy habits and create new healthy habits. No doubt you probably experienced both successes and failures during the 8...
 | 11/4/2008 - More than 27,000 men will die from prostate cancer this year, yet remarkably little progress has been made in our knowledge of the biochemistry of the prostate over the past decade. We still don't even know for sure which hormones are high or low in men who get prostate cancer -- a pivotal point of...
 | 9/25/2008 - From previous studies, it had already been shown that living a healthy lifestyle contributes to lower risks of contracting various serious illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, cancer and diabetes. But little had been proven about the link between healthy living and one's risk of getting a stroke.
 | 8/28/2008 - Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, is a well-known author advocating lifestyle changes to improve health. Dr. Ornish is also affiliated with the University of California at San Francisco. He recently reported on the Gene Expression Modulation...
 | 6/26/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Nomi Shannon shares on salads, dressings, spices and desserts in a raw lifestyle.
The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Nomi Shannon,...
 | 6/6/2008 - Not a day goes by when I'm not bombarded with quick weight loss advertisements from radio broadcasts and billboards as I travel across the country. Americans spend $33 billion annually on weight loss food, products and services, according to the American Dietetic Association and, surprisingly, obesity...
| 10/6/2006 - Breast cancer survivors' beliefs about what may have caused their cancer are connected to whether they make healthy lifestyle changes after a cancer diagnosis. This is the finding of a research study appearing in the August 2006 issue of Psycho-Oncology by researchers at The Miriam Hospital and Brown...
| 10/2/2006 - A newly published UCLA study suggests our media and cultural obsession with achieving a certain weight does little to convince couch potatoes of any size to abandon their favorite sofa cushions and get active. In fact, those messages may actually undermine motivation to adopt exercise and other healthy...
| 9/13/2006 - A UCLA research study published in the June issue of The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people may be able to improve their cognitive function and brain efficiency by making simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness, and stress...
| 9/8/2006 - Women who are non-smokers, exercise regularly, have a healthy diet, including moderate alcohol consumption, and otherwise live a healthy lifestyle may have a reduced risk of stroke, according to a report in the July 10 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
| 8/30/2006 - Certain features of the anthroposophic lifestyle, such as restrictive use of antibiotics and fever antipyretics, reduce the risk of allergic disease in children, according to a new study.
Allergic Disease and Sensitization in Steiner School Children is featured in the January 2006 issue of the Journal...
| 7/31/2006 - Men and women with elevated blood pressure who make healthy lifestyle changes and sustain them for up to a year and a half can substantially reduce their rates of high blood pressure and potentially decrease their heart disease risk. With behavioral counseling, increases in physical activity, and adoption...
| 6/30/2006 - Lifestyle factors, such as daily breakfast choices and childhood home environments, have a significant impact on the gastrointestinal system, affecting your metabolism, body mass index and the likelihood of developing GI-related conditions, according to new research presented today at Digestive Disease...
| 6/30/2006 - A UCLA research study published in the June issue of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that people may be able to improve their cognitive function and brain efficiency by making simple lifestyle changes such as incorporating memory exercises, healthy eating, physical fitness and stress...
 | 11/29/2005 - Mike: I'm here with Kevala Karen Parker, master raw foods chef and quite an experienced chef at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona. Thanks for joining us today, Kevala.
Kevala: Thanks for coming out.
Mike: You have an enormous amount of information and experience to share...
 | 8/19/2004 - A new study reveals that it is never too late to make lifestyle changes that dramatically reduce your risk of cancer. It contradicts the common myth that it's too late to make changes if you are in your 50's or 60's. In contrast, the study revealed that out of 29,000 women between the ages of 55 to...
| 7/28/2004 - There's a new nutritional supplement available for people suffering from Type 2 diabetes. It's called The Body Rejuvenator, marketed by Lafayette Miracle Solutions. Now, I'm not familiar with this company, nor have I tried this product. I'm discussing it here because it contains two key ingredients...
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