Law enforcement news, articles and information:
 | 4/20/2016 - To: Karmanos Cancer Center
4100 John R
Detroit, MI 48201
CC: Michigan Board of Medicine, Bureau of Professional Licensing
PO Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909-8170
and the Michigan Enforcement Division
CC: Michigan State Attorney General Bill Schuette
 | 10/4/2015 - Federal intelligence agencies aren't the only ones secretly collecting sensitive private information about American citizens these days; it's happening on the local level as well.
The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) has released information it obtained in a lawsuit regarding the use of "Stingray"...
 | 4/13/2015 - A new trend is sweeping across America, and it's an idea whose time may have come: Private police forces - as in, forces that do not subsist on tax dollars or work on behalf of local, city or county governments.
As reported by the Washington Post, the idea is built on one that is older than our republic....
 | 12/26/2014 - (Story by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton , republished from We have finally reached the moment where Orwell's nightmare in 1984 meets the movie Minority Report. We're living there right now.
And, astoundingly, we still hear people saying "Well, I haven't done anything wrong,...
 | 11/10/2014 - The practice did not begin with the Obama Administration, but it has certainly quickened during his tenure: The federal government increasingly seeks to violate basic constitutional privacy protections under the guise of "saving us" from criminal activity.
As reported recently by Bloomberg News,...
 | 8/4/2014 - Quietly, but steadily, there is a major military build-up occurring in police departments all over the country, and as the nation winds down its wars overseas, chances are good that even more military gear will find its way into local precincts.
Natural News has reported on this worrisome phenomenon...
 | 4/26/2014 - Fingerprint evidence has been an important aspect of crime fighting for more than a century because there was a basic assumption that every person has a unique set of prints. But one expert has recently said the belief that unique fingerprints can be identified quickly through a computer database is...
 | 12/19/2012 - In the wake of the recent Sandy Hook shooting, I reached out to my contacts in law enforcement, military and (retired) FBI over the last three days, asking three simple questions:
#1) Do you think Obama will use executive orders to demand nationwide gun confiscation?
#2) If such an order is given,...
 | 7/14/2012 - As the police state Leviathan grows ever larger, its tentacles are extending further into the privacy of millions of Americans, aided in large part by technology that enhances our lives at the same time it is being used to dismantle our civil liberties.
The latest disturbing example of this trend...
| 1/9/2012 - As long as law enforcement officials claim to have reasonable suspicion that you might be involved with committing a crime, they are free to affix a GPS tracking device to your car without your knowledge and monitor your every movement. At least this is the opinion of US Magistrate Judge David Noce...
 | 12/28/2011 - Because of the way they are instructed to dress and conduct themselves at US airports, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners come across as if they are some type of federal law enforcement officers, even though they are not. For this reason, a number of Congressmen are backing a new...
 | 7/7/2010 - Normally I would open this article by explaining this is the story the mainstream media won't dare report. Except in this case, they are reporting it. It's right on CNN, on the Anderson Cooper "360" report.
What happened is that Lance Rosenfield, a photographer working for ProPublica (,...
 | 9/24/2008 - When Ron and Nadine from the Living Libations beauty care and chocolate company ( attempted to fly to the United States in August of this year, they ran into something completely unexpected: Drug-sniffing dogs at the Toronto airport. When their dogs took a special interest in...
 | 10/2/2007 - Arguing with airport security officials is now apparently risky to your life. Carol Anne Gotbaum, a 45-year-old mother who was arrested at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport after becoming irate over a missed flight, was later found dead in a law enforcement holding cell. The official story...
 | 3/7/2005 - I'm a strong supporter of local law enforcement, but not for the reasons you might suspect. Imagine what would happen to communities without the constant threat of being arrested and thrown in jail for committing crimes: you'd see a near-total breakdown of society. We've seen this from time to time...
| See all 71 law enforcement feature articles.Concept-related articles:Privacy:Email:Justice Department:E-mail:Investigation:Protection:Americans:Information:Crime:Communication:Constitution:University:Justice:Emails:Warrant:Protections:
Concepts related to Law enforcement
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