Iron news, articles and information:
 | 4/21/2016 - America's space program has long stood as a national icon of pride and technological progress. But NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, where 135 space shuttles have been launched since 1981, has also been a major environmental polluter, dumping untold tons of heavy metals into nearby swamps...
 | 2/5/2016 - Did you know that nonstick cookware is made with highly reactive and toxic fluoride chemicals that can turn to toxic gas at everyday cooking temperatures?
Although numerous chemicals are used to produce nonstick coatings, all of them are in the family known a perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). These...
 | 11/30/2015 - The most common nutritional deficiency in the world, iron deficiency, affects a sizable portion of the U.S., particularly infants, children, adolescents and expecting mothers. Often, the signs of having an iron deficiency aren't obvious; however, the symptoms can be life-altering – highlighting...
 | 11/19/2015 - Always looking to diagnose something with new terminology, medical doctors often ignore the underlying nutrient deficiencies that restrict the body from healing itself. Many medical diagnoses, conclusions and interventions blame the body and its natural functions, a mischaracterization of the underlying...
 | 1/26/2015 - In order for your body to produce the energy that you need to live, your cells must continually take in oxygen, a process that is largely dependent upon proper nutrient intake. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to poor oxygenation, which in turn can cause cell death, inflammation and other health problems.
 | 1/12/2015 - Eating out at fast food joints seems to be a way of life for most families. After all, how common is it to see a car filled with children pulling out of a McDonald's lot or to catch the glimpse of a parked car, toys and French fry boxes scattered about the back seat?
Sadly, though, one study has...
 | 12/24/2014 - (Story by Arjun Walia, republished from, with additional editing by Natural News.) "Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago. From childhood cancers to autism, birth defects and asthma, a wide range of childhood diseases and disorders are on the rise. Our assessment...
 | 11/26/2014 - With so many different types of cookware on the market today, making the best and safest choices for our families can be a challenge. But tried-and-true cast iron is still among the most durable and non-toxic types of cookware available -- and if you know how to use it properly, it can be just as easy...
 | 8/1/2014 - Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the United States and women are among those at greatest risk. Iron is critical for producing hemoglobin, a protein that helps red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout your body. Without adequate iron, every system of the body suffers....
 | 6/22/2014 - We all know that exercise has many health benefits and that we can condition our bodies to perform at a higher efficiency over time. This increased conditioning and performance can have substantial health benefits. New research out of the University of Melbourne that was published in the Journal of...
 | 6/11/2014 - Iron is an essential mineral which surprisingly many people could be lacking. Learn about iron's core functions, symptoms and causes of its deficiency, as well as what high-iron foods to consume.
Core functions Iron combines with other nutrients to form blood proteins which are necessary components...
 | 6/10/2014 - Spinach, in all its varieties, is one of the most nutritious "regular" foods in existence. One only needs to look at its bright, vibrant leaves to understand that this annual flowering plant, which is native to central and southwestern Asia, is brimming with all the essential nutrients that the body...
 | 5/20/2014 - Feeling tired all of the time, despite having a good night's sleep, may be a sign of an iron deficiency. In fact, according to Mary Bolster, Editor-in-Chief of Natural Health magazine, fatigue is the most common sign of anemia, which means that there's an iron deficiency in the blood.
Bolster says...
 | 4/10/2014 - There is a wave of wicked, control-hungry ideology-gripping prominent scientists around the world. Some scientists may cling to "climate change" and "global warming" propaganda as means to justify control and manipulation of life on Earth. Working together, scientists, governments and large companies...
 | 3/2/2014 - New research by scientists in the United Kingdom has found that iron deficiency increases your chance of suffering a stroke by making the blood stickier.
In a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from the Imperial College London acknowledged previous research which indicated that...
 | 1/27/2014 - Both iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) are necessary elements in the body and vital to numerous processes for good health. Iron, in particular, is known for its use in the transportation of oxygen in the bloodstream, while copper is known for regulating processes in the reproductive, glandular and nervous system....
 | 8/22/2013 - The University College London (UCL) Petrie Museum in London is home to ancient Egyptian iron beads that were once thought to be hammered out of traditional iron ore. Researchers from UCL have dispelled this notion, revealing that the earliest jewelry artifacts were actually made from materials from...
 | 5/31/2013 - If you suffer from anxiety or develop occasional panic attacks marked by bouts of hyperventilation, you could merely be experiencing the side effects of an underlying nutrient deficiency that is easily correctable. This definitely appears to have been the case with 21 people who participated in a recent...
 | 5/9/2013 - It's one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of nutrition: Those "conventional" multivitamins sold at grocery stores, pharmacies and big-box stores are filled with synthetic chemicals that are fraudulently called "vitamins." Ascorbic acid, pyridoxine (B6), niacin (B3), magnesium oxide and dozens...
 | 1/8/2013 - The latest medical research from the Umea University in Sweden reveals that iron supplementation can help boost brain growth in infants, potentially keeping them safe from developmental problems later in life. Low birth-weight babies who are born prematurely are the most vulnerable category. The Swedish...
 | 12/17/2012 - Researchers in Sweden believe they have found a way to help low birth weight newborns: iron supplementation.
According to scientists from Umea University, the largest in northern Scandinavia, supplemental iron could boost brain development and help prevent behavioral problems in babies who are a...
| 11/7/2012 12:30:41 AM - Anemia is a symptom caused by a myriad of conditions. These conditions include iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin C deficiency, Vitamin E deficiency, vitamin B6 deficiency, and thyroid disorders, for openers.
Since the most significant and common forms of anemia are related to diet,...
 | 10/27/2012 - Red meats have long been associated with an increased risk of cancer- specifically colorectal, breast and prostate cancer. There has been little conclusive evidence definitively indicating red meats play a role in endometrial cancer (a.k.a. cancer of the uterus). There is no known cause of this disease....
 | 5/29/2012 - Late last year, NaturalNews went public with an explosive story about a fraudulently marketed dietary supplement product called "Adya Clarity." Made from a combination of sulfuric acid and a mineral / metallic ore mined out of the ground near Fukushima, Japan, the substance was marketed online with...
 | 11/2/2011 - In the aftermath of the apology and recall issued on the Adya Clarity product by its top North American distributor, many people are concerned about whether they may have inadvertently exposed themselves to toxic levels of iron or aluminum, the two most common elements found in the Adya Clarity product...
 | 10/31/2011 - NaturalNews can now report that Adya, Inc. has been caught not only misrepresenting the composition of its product on its own label, but has now been caught committing marketing fraud that violates its terms of licensing with Health Canada. Health Canada is already investigating the issue.
In response...
 | 10/31/2011 - For the last several decades, iron supplements have been routinely handed out like candy. Because iron is a basic requirement for cell growth and longevity, it is often assumed that people should supplement with extra iron. However, this faulty belief may carry serious health risks.
High Iron Linked...
 | 10/30/2011 - There is a lot of conversation on the 'net about Adya Clarity following our publishing of information questioning its composition, labeling and safety (
Readers have rightly been calling for pictures, documents and charts that help...
 | 10/28/2011 - A product called Adya Clarity has been sweeping across the natural health community in the last year or so. It has been sold with recommendations for internal use -- taking "super shots" -- and often accompanied by wide-ranging claims that it treats cancer, kidney stones, hormone regulation, arthritis,...
| 7/22/2011 - Even people, who are aware of their bodies and make healthy choices with food and beverages, may find themselves in an iron-deficient anemic state. At times, simply knowing which foods are high in iron may not be enough to prevent becoming anemic. Understanding which habits support, and which may inhibit,...
| 3/23/2011 - Anemia is a blood condition in which the number and/or size of the red blood cells is reduced. Because red blood cells move oxygen from your lungs to the tissues, any decrease in size or amount limits how much oxygen is transported. Fortunately, anemia can usually be corrected through proper diet and/or...
| 3/18/2011 - Cooks seeking alternatives to toxic non-stick cookware often find themselves in a bind. Stainless steel, which seems to be the healthiest alternative, is expensive, and it does not lend itself well to cooking eggs, pancakes and other dishes that non-stick cookware typically excels at. If you have not...
| 2/12/2011 - When people think of iron, they probably think about steel products that iron is used in, things like metal flag poles and construction beams. Sometimes they`ll think instead of wrought iron, often used ornamentally, such as in fences. Iron is also an important element of a person`s diet, and just as...
| 12/18/2010 - The world of natural science is rapidly painting a clear picture that helps us better understand the underlying mechanism behind devastating diseases including Alzheimer`s, Parkinson`s and Multiple Sclerosis. Researchers are revealing that these illnesses develop as a result of poor dietary and lifestyle...
| 12/8/2010 - A new study published in the journal Archives of Toxicology explains how many degenerative diseases are caused by poorly-bound iron in the body that reacts with various bodily components to generate toxins. This iron is consumed through various foods but is not stable enough to stay put and provide...
| 11/7/2009 - It is commonplace among modern mothers to begin introducing solid food to their babies as early as 4 months of age, yet babies in more primitive societies were mostly exclusively breastfed until 2 years of age. Given the archeological studies, babies` immature and developing digestive enzyme production,...
| 5/20/2009 - Because of its reputation for being used to prepare livestock feed and other commercial uses, molasses needs to be understood as a disregarded source of vital human nutrients lacking in most of our diets. Molasses provides a sweetener that is safe for most glucose or blood sugar level issues and has...
| 4/2/2009 - Iron is vital to life. Every cell in the human body contains iron. Oxygenation of tissues and cells is accomplished by iron contained in red blood cells which carry oxygenated blood throughout the body and pick up carbon dioxide to be excreted. The human body uses iron to enhance immune system functioning,...
| 12/11/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Roundtable, which can be found at http:// In this excerpt, Dr. Jameth Sheridan shares on iron and anemia and his top three tips for overall health.
Renegade Roundtable with Dr. Jameth Sheridan. Dr. Sheridan is a...
 | 11/21/2008 - Our aim should be to understand all of the most pertinent laws of nature and the fascinating forces that are working together to make life possible. Then we should desire to facilitate the forces that work to maintain life as we know it in accordance with those same laws of nature. When we attempt to...
 | 4/28/2008 - Simple iron supplementation eliminated chronic cough in all 16 women tested in a recent study, the results of which were presented at the meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians in Chicago.
Chronic unexplained coughs in otherwise apparently healthy non-smokers are more common in women...
 | 2/20/2008 - Overweight toddlers are nearly three times as likely to suffer from iron deficiency compared to those of healthy weight, according to the results of a new study published in the journal Pediatrics.
Researchers examined health data from the 1999-2002 National Health and Examination Survey on 960 children...
 | 12/4/2006 - Nanomaterials -- products and materials changed or created at the atomic and molecular level -- are quickly gaining popularity for their multitude of uses, and while the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to regulate popular nanosilver antibacterial products, ostensibly to protect consumers,...
| 7/17/2006 - A team of Cleveland Clinic experts is reporting that the treatment of iron deficiency, through diet or supplements, may help regrow hair.
Led by Wilma Bergfeld, M.D., Head of Clinical Research in the Department of Dermatology at the Clinic, the researchers reviewed the scientific literature that...
 | 7/25/2005 - Soon after giving birth, female mammals produce colostrum, which is a milk-like substance that jump-starts a newborn's immune system. Researchers now believe that the benefits of colostrum don't necessarily end there. If you have a compromised immune system or are just looking for a boost to your healthy...
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