Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:
Creating the Next Society: Your Revolutionary Ideas Needed NowBy Mike Adams, June 27 2008 (NaturalNews) It's fairly obvious to anyone paying attention that the American Empire, as currently configured and operated, is simply not sustainable. Financial collapse is inevitable (and accelerating, it seems), and even mainstream America can no longer deny the obvious signs that things have gone terribly wrong: Skyrocketing fuel prices, unprecedented inflation in food prices, rampant epidemics of preventable degenerative disease, plummeting real estate prices, an increasingly-worthless national...
The Forbidden Financial Topic: U.S. National DebtBy Mike Adams, April 2 2008 (NaturalNews) As we wind our way towards an election between the numerous professional liars who have been put forward as candidates for U.S. President, it seems to be a great time to remind us all about the financial issue being routinely ignored by virtually everyone (except Ron Paul, of course, who was never really embraced by the "please lie to me" mainstream public). To what financial issue am I referring? The national debt, of course.
Americans don't want to hear about the national debt...
The Coming Financial Collapse of America (and Why Today's Market Bloodbath is Only a Small Taste of Things to Come...)By Mike Adams, January 22 2008 (NewsTarget) Americans have always been fond of the idea of getting rich without effort by putting their money in things that produce no profits and then magically being able to ride those investments, milking them for spending cash that supports a drunken spending lifestyle. From 1998 - 2001, that profit vehicle was, of course, dot-com stocks. From 2001 to the present, it's been housing. Never mind the fact that a house produces nothing real, earns nothing real and actually loses utility with each...
Join the Ron Paul Revolution to Restore Health Freedom to AmericaBy Mike Adams, December 27 2007 (NewsTarget) It wasn't long ago that I thought Ron Paul was a long shot candidate for president. But now, thanks to a groundswell of support from intelligent people all across the nation, Ron Paul is suddenly in the running. While the mainstream media continues to attack Paul and make it look like he doesn't stand a chance, Paul has actually become the top choice among thinking people across America. That's why the Ron Paul revolution is now being called, "The Revolution of the Intelligent."
Health Freedom Candidate Ron Paul Raises $6 Million in Record-Setting Online Boston Tea PartyBy Mike Adams, December 17 2007 (NewsTarget) Rep. Ron Paul, the only 2008 presidential candidate who supports honest health freedom reforms and the ending of Big Pharma's monopoly over medical free speech, raised more than $6 million in yesterday's record-breaking online "Boston Tea Party" event. Nearly 25,000 of the donors were new donors, indicating that Ron Paul's support base continues to rapidly expand, reaching new people who resonate with the message of genuine freedom for the American people.
Registered as a Republican...
Maryland Health Officials Who Coerce Vaccinations Qualify as "Terrorists" Under New Senate LegislationBy Mike Adams, November 30 2007 As we reported yesterday, the U.S. Senate is about to vote on a bill that would criminalize the "planned use of force" to promote a political, religious or social belief. While we strongly disagree with the passage of the law, one curious effect is that it would clearly qualify Maryland's Attorney General Glenn Ivey -- the man who has threatened Maryland parents with imprisonment if they don't get their children vaccinated -- as a terrorist.
With the help of two state judges and the head of the...
Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across AmericaBy Mike Adams, November 28 2007 The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being...
Air traveler choked to death in police custody at Phoenix airport after being handcuffed, detainedBy Mike Adams, October 2 2007 (NewsTarget) Arguing with airport security officials is now apparently risky to your life. Carol Anne Gotbaum, a 45-year-old mother who was arrested at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport after becoming irate over a missed flight, was later found dead in a law enforcement holding cell. The official story now appearing in the mainstream media -- for those people gullible enough to believe it -- is that the woman choked herself to death with her own handcuffs even though her hands were cuffed...
Book review: The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler reveals a bleak future after peak oilBy Mike Adams, July 20 2007 "The Long Emergency," by James Howard Kunstler, is a fascinating and timely book that explores the ramifications of the dwindling supply of fossil fuels on our planet. The book begins with a discussion of the concept of "peak oil" -- a term that indicates we've nearly reached the peak production of fossil fuels for energy. After the peak oil point is reached, oil production will decline and the price of oil will naturally rise.
Kunstler points out that not only has oil likely reached a peak in...
How to better prepare yourself and your family against climate change, natural disasters and the post-oil economy (opinion)By Mike Adams, July 20 2007 I've been a proponent of personal preparedness for many years. "Preparedness" simply means having some backup supplies on hand to help you get through unexpected events or hard times, and over the last decade, we've seen numerous examples of why preparedness is so important: Hurricane Katrina, power grid blackouts, ice storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, riots, nuclear accidents, terrorist events and freak weather patterns.
In every case, those individuals who were prepared fared much better than the...
Corporate greed, corruption, and the coming collapse of America as we know itBy Mike Adams, June 22 2007 The U.S. government, once crafted as a system that would serve the interests of the people, has devolved into a system of plutocracy where corporations control both the government and the people. Virtually every government regulatory department, for example, is now run by the corporations it is supposed to be regulating. Just look at the FDA, USDA, FTC, FCC, NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) and most other government regulatory bodies and you'll find a room full of politicians and bureaucrats who...
Bush Administration announces effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through "wishful thinking" (satire)By Mike Adams, June 1 2007 (NewsTarget Satire) In a significant nod toward pro-environment politics, the Bush Administration yesterday announced a major initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging everybody to engage in "Wishful Thinking" to cut emissions without harming the economy. "Wishing for change is far more important than actually cutting greenhouse emissions," Bush said in a prepared statement. "We urge all Americans to take up Wishful Thinking to lower CO2 emissions and, if necessary, to even use...
The new rules of imperialism: Economic warfare, consumer products and disease exportsBy Mike Adams, May 29 2007 History tells us that imperialist nations quite predictably invade weaker nations on a regular basis... especially when those weaker nations happen to be standing on valuable natural resources like oil or uranium. Thanks to this desire for strategic control over territories, the twentieth century was the bloodiest in human history, with more people being lost to war, greed and conquest than during any single century in recorded history (including the centuries spanning Greek and Roman civilizations...
Whole Foods, funny math and the five dollar avocado (satire)By Mike Adams, April 27 2007 I love Whole Foods grocery stores. I can't seem to leave the place without spending at least two hundred dollars on health food. Interestingly, that's only about one bag full of groceries from a typical Whole Foods store.
The last time I visited, I ended up buying a hundred dollars worth of raw food snacks. Thanks to Whole Foods, my monthly food bill now nearly exceeds my house payment! But I love every bite of it, and if it wasn't for this natural grocery chain being in Phoenix, I think I would...
Battery display devices mistaken for terrorist bombsBy Mike Adams, February 1 2007 Boston is in an uproar this week after stupid people dialed 911 upon spotting "threatening looking" devices planted in various locations around the city. What was threatening about the devices? They had wires and batteries.
Oh yeah, and they were advertising the cartoon character from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Scary, huh?
Thanks to over five years of fear mongering by the Bush Administration and Fox News, Americans believe they live in a country under siege by terrorists who use size "D" batteries...
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