Herbs news, articles and information:
 | 11/30/2016 - Anxiety and other stress-related issues are on the rise in the United States. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million American adults, which is about one-fifth of the country's total population. Each year, millions of prescriptions are written for anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium, Xanax, and Tranxene (benzodiazepines)....
 | 10/29/2016 - Drinking herbal tea is one of the easiest ways to treat a variety of common health complaints, including indigestion and insomnia. By learning the uses of a handful of medicinal herbs, you can take charge of your health and improve your quality of life.
Since they are so easy to prepare and use,...
 | 9/21/2016 - No matter how healthy one's lifestyle, seasonal allergies tend to get the best of all of us from time to time. Many of us dread using over-the-counter allergy medications, because quite frankly, they make you feel awful.
Firstly, they don't always work, and secondly, they're usually accompanied by...
 | 8/25/2016 - Indian herbs and spices are more than just a delicious way to enhance your favorite curry dishes. They've always been valued in some cultures for their healing properties, and now some of these herbs are being used to develop affordable drugs that can fight cancer with fewer side effects than traditional...
 | 8/10/2016 - Today I'm announcing heavy metals testing services for your vitamins, herbs, superfoods and supplements. With this heavy metals test kit from the Health Ranger Store, you can now find out the precise parts per billion concentrations of heavy metals, nutritive minerals and trace minerals in all your...
 | 6/22/2016 - In a hectic world dominated by Big Pharma, it is often tempting for patients and health care providers alike to treat stress and mental issues with medications that oftentimes will only make matters worse.
But the good news is there are alternatives - natural alternatives, of course – to dangerous...
 | 5/12/2016 - Perhaps the most debilitating health issue anyone has to face is damage to the neurological system. We know from medical science and informed experiences that persons with, say, spinal cord damage or who have suffered a massive stroke, endure neurological damage that modern science thus far has been...
 | 4/22/2016 - With everything from the dwindling honeybee population to the continued use of chemicals throughout our food supply, it's obvious that a SHTF scenario is looming when it comes to our access to healthy foods. Thanks to GMOs, toxic water, pesticides, herbicides and other food and environment-destroying...
 | 3/3/2016 - The 2016 Natural Medicine Summit, which is available free online March 14 through 22, provides access to a myriad of information about holistic health, featuring dozens of well-credentialed professionals who will be sharing their secrets on weight loss, nutrition, brain health and more. One of the summit's...
 | 2/29/2016 - More than 10 percent of the world's population currently suffers from some form of liver disease, whether it be fibrosis, cirrhosis, a hepatocellular carcinoma, alcoholic steatosis, or chronic hepatitis. And a great number of these folks use some kind of natural remedy as treatment rather than pharmaceuticals,...
 | 1/1/2016 - After a woman gives birth at a hospital, a doctor will likely follow up with her, making sure she's healing internally. Sadly, most doctors only offer pain-relief drugs at this point, giving no practical advice for some common challenges that women are bound to face after giving birth. When a new mother...
 | 11/19/2015 - In China, the fog in Changchun, the capital of Jilin province in the northeast, is so thick that buildings in the area are completely invisible. In other areas throughout the country, it's not uncommon for people to walk the streets wearing face masks, surrounded by a blanket of haze. China's smog problem...
 | 8/18/2015 - High blood pressure – also known as hypertension – is a very common problem here in America. It has also been nicknamed the "silent killer" because, although it very rarely has any signs or symptoms associated with it, it is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Because it is...
 | 6/27/2015 - Most people think that indigestion is simply the result of eating a meal that is too heavy or too rich or spicy. But while it's true that scarfing down a third cheeseburger and washing it down with a milkshake can really upset the stomach, overindulgence in food is not the only reason why people get...
 | 6/4/2015 - Cancer patients who opt for conventional chemotherapy and/or radiation rather than alternative therapies as their preferred treatment regimen often develop extreme fatigue and lack of energy. But this can be remedied using an ancient Chinese medicine protocol known as Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang, or RSYRT,...
 | 5/17/2015 - It's astonishing to learn the wrongheaded notions people hold in their heads in total contradiction to reality. For example, thanks to media disinfo, most Americans think of California as a lush, green environment while Texas is believed to be a dry, desolate, near-desert landscape.
The reality is...
 | 4/17/2015 - Most herbs are easy to grow in your garden or even indoors on a windowsill or in a hanging planter. They are just as easy to dry for long-term storage. Not only are herbs tasty additions to lots of recipes and the basis of teas, rubs, spice blends and more, but many also offer health-promoting and medicinal...
 | 2/24/2015 - Mid-life can bring about a number of changes for a woman's physiology. A growing number of women experience very drastic hormonal issues as they move into peri-menopause and menopause. Often they complain of low libido, hair loss, weight gain, sluggishness, anxiety, hot flashes and insomnia. Natural...
 | 2/5/2015 - On Monday the New York State Attorney General announced that testing found four major retailers sell supplements consisting of cheap fillers and allergenic compounds instead of the herbs they claim to contain. Walmart, Walgreens, Target, and GNC are taking full advantage of the lack of regulation in...
 | 1/29/2015 - According to the most recent American Diabetes Association report, 29.1 million Americans are diabetic. Additionally, the disease still held the rank of being the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Over 8 million of that 29.1 are undiagnosed, unaware that they have the condition.(1)
 | 1/29/2015 - Many cultures today are at war with addiction, armed and ready to capture the guilty in the act. Instead of devastating the guilty and separating them from society, we should look at addiction in a new light. We should devastate the guilt, not the guilty, and realize that addiction is the result of...
 | 1/25/2015 - When confronted with specific allergens or cold and flu viruses, the body may produce excess histamine and mucus. This inflammation can cause congestion in the sinuses, backing up the cavities with phlegm which causes pressure in the head. The excess phlegm can even trigger a bronchial spasm, producing...
 | 1/13/2015 - A diet consisting of a variety of raw fresh vegetables is the best prevention and also a potential cure for cancer, depending on how far the cancer has progressed and how easily the body can digest and properly assimilate nutrition. Berries, grapes, broccoli, leafy greens, sprouts, avocados, red and...
 | 12/4/2014 - Many herbal compounds act to reduce inflammation and enhance our body's immune system. Two of the most well-researched anti-inflammatory, immune-strengthening herbs are turmeric and green tea. These are great components to add to your daily regimen to strengthen your immune system and protect against...
 | 12/2/2014 - Oftentimes, the knee-jerk reaction of the medical community to inflammation is to dole out drugs to reduce it. In fact, there is a whole classification of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, available by prescription and over-the-counter. NSAIDs are associated with a variety of risks,...
 | 11/28/2014 - Fatigue, mood swings, night sweats and decreased libido are just a few of the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany menopause, a process that marks the end of a woman's fertility, typically occurring around the age of 51.
The depletion of ovarian follicles or oocytes tamper with a woman's reproductive...
 | 11/26/2014 - Fungal infections are one of the most common diseases known to humanity. Since the prehistoric times, humans have struggled with fungal infections and have relied on herbs for their treatment and prevention. Nowadays, with the presence of modern medicine, there are now innumerable over-the-counter treatments...
 | 11/26/2014 - Herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years by ancient civilizations inhabiting all corners of the earth, offering various benefits for both physical and spiritual health. With the development of new technology, Western medicine has strayed further and further from the planet's natural resources.
 | 11/7/2014 - You lie in bed staring at the ceiling, or worse, staring at the clock. Minutes pass. Hours pass. You count the hours until you have to get up. Six hours. Five hours. Four. Once again, regardless of how tired--how utterly exhausted your body and mind feel, you cannot sleep.
Insomnia can be both debilitating...
 | 11/7/2014 - Most people in western society have grown up without using bitter herbs on a regular basis. Bitter herbs are not the most tasty, but they are outstanding for our health. These herbs help produce digestive enzymes and improve liver and gallbladder function as well as anything. Utilizing bitter herbs...
 | 11/2/2014 - The human immune system is a remarkable network of biological structures and processes. When functioning properly, it has the ability to remember diseases that it has previously encountered for more efficient removal, trigger immediate responses to emergencies through its advanced communication systems...
 | 10/28/2014 - Flu season is upon us. Prevention is the key, but if a virus threatens your health, quick action with natural vitamins, supplements, and herbs can stop that virus in its tracks. How many of these herbs, vitamins, and anti-virals are on hand if you need them?
Vitamins Vitamin A, vitamin...
 | 10/18/2014 - High blood pressure is a particularly scary health condition to have. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure often has no symptoms at all, so an individual might not realize just how unhealthy they are until they go for a routine checkup at their physician and discover that they have high blood...
 | 10/15/2014 6:16:43 PM - Suddenly you realize there's a little black cloud over your head. Or maybe it's a big one. Things that usually don't bother you are getting on your very last nerve. You're not sure if you want to pick a fight or cry. Before you tell your boss what you really think of him or confront your significant...
 | 10/12/2014 - Whether it's inhaling dust and harmful particles that are a part of the work environment, using harsh cleaning products around the house or simply being subjected to the many toxins and molds that people encounter throughout daily life, one thing is certain: It can take a toll on the respiratory system....
 | 10/11/2014 - If you're looking for a quick boost to finish a term paper, there are lots of herbs and other things you can do right away to help focus or boost other cognitive skills. If you're looking to increase your cognitive abilities over a long period of time, and enjoy life with a clear head and all the focus...
 | 10/1/2014 3:19:21 PM - With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don't want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your...
 | 9/20/2014 - Memory loss and other cognitive conditions are issues that a large number of people start to worry about as they age. A lot of us are conditioned by the media to believe that these problems are natural and inevitable consequences of aging, something that happens to us regardless of how well we look...
 | 9/17/2014 - The much-anticipated Episode Six of the free online audio course Pandemic Preparedness has just been released. This episode features a detailed discussion of the world's most powerful antiviral herbs and natural medicines, many of which have been used for thousands of years to save lives during plagues...
 | 8/11/2014 - Herbs and spices have long been used to enhance the taste of foods. It is only within the past few years that researchers have discovered that these popular components of everyday life can also aid in the weight loss battle that so many people wage. Below are six of the most potent herbs and spices...
 | 8/8/2014 - Digestion problems are never a pleasant situation to have to deal with. Not only are they often painful, such problems can lead to embarrassment as well. Fortunately, there are a number of herbs that are often used in everyday cooking that are also prized for their ability to calm the digestion system.
 | 8/8/2014 - Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has had energetic medicine and treatment thoroughly explored for centuries. Western medical research has only just begun to look into how subtle energies affect our health. Even so, modern Western medicine tends to rely heavily on expensive equipment for both diagnosis...
 | 8/5/2014 - Do you feel anxious, tenderness in the breasts, irritable and moody when your period approaches every month? Are you bothered by stomach bloating during that time? If you do, you are among an estimated 1 to 2 out of every 4 menstruating women who have to endure some degree of premenstrual syndrome (PMS),...
 | 8/4/2014 - Good health begins with the health of your gut. If your gut is damaged or you have an abundance of pathogenic microorganisms it is impossible to be healthy. Imbalances in the intestinal terrain may lead to or contribute to the propagation of yeast overgrowth, parasites, and harmful bacterial growth....
 | 7/31/2014 - The international Ebola outbreak has caused a wave of alarm among people who are concerned it might spread to their own city or nation. It's a legitimate concern, given that the government of Liberia has already issued a desperate plea for international help after declaring the pandemic "[beyond] the...
 | 7/28/2014 - A great deal of pharmaceutical research has gone into analyzing the active ingredients in herbs to find out how and why they work. In some cases, the action is due to a specific chemical present in the herb or it may be due to a complex synergistic interaction among various constituents of the plant....
 | 7/16/2014 - Consuming large amounts of sweets can wreak all sorts of havoc on a body. Of course, there is the obesity issue, in which sweets can contribute to a weight problem. The effects of sugar can also cause health problems, such as throwing the body's system for sugar regulation out of whack or making a person...
 | 7/9/2014 - Individuals who carry an excess amount of weight on their frames can face a number of health problems. Being overweight has been linked to an increase in blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. In addition, being overweight makes it more difficult for people to move and exercise and these effects...
 | 7/7/2014 - Yeast is a microorganism that is within all people. Most of the time, there is no indication that yeast is even present in the body. In fact, one of the only reasons why an individual might be aware of it is when they crave sugar or carbs intensely. These cravings, if given into, can cause an overgrowth...
 | 6/30/2014 - As if having cancer is not bad enough, there is also a great deal of pain associated with the disease. While this is often not true in the very early stages of the disease -- when it might make it easier to discover the cancer itself -- it is an unfortunate side effect in later stages. It is so bad...
 | 6/25/2014 - There are a number of reasons why a person might plant a garden. One of the most popular reasons for doing so is to have fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs to use in cooking and at the table. For many people, their thoughts for planting a garden rarely venture beyond their taste buds.
In addition...
 | 6/21/2014 - The University of Illinois Extension program has launched two new online services for Midwest gardeners: a website with advice on herb gardening and a mobile app with information on ornamental grasses.
Grow your own herbsThe new website is an expanded and updated version of an older Extension site....
 | 6/16/2014 - Longtime readers of Natural News know that, because of massive over-prescribing by the modern healthcare industry, today's crop of antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. Another culprit: The increased use of antibiotics in factory-farm animals.
"It is not difficult to make microbes resistant...
 | 6/12/2014 - Cholesterol is a necessary component of the blood. A waxy substance, cholesterol is found in the lipids of blood. The body uses it to build new cells, but having high levels of cholesterol can lead to conditions that threaten good health. Because high cholesterol can cause fatty deposits to build up...
 | 6/5/2014 - The amount of chemicals and internal disturbances that are wreaking havoc on brain function are limitless. Whether it is fluoride, GMOs, heavy metals or severe intestinal issues, there is no shortage of things causing our noggin problems. Aside from cleaning up your lifestyle, here are four herbs that...
 | 6/3/2014 - Nearly everyone has been touched by cancer in some way or another. Cancer patients are struggling with traditional therapies, and many are looking to alternative ways in order to reverse their diagnosis. Look no further than these two powerful rainforest herbs that can stimulate the proper systems to...
 | 5/27/2014 - While plenty of herbs exist to help the body heal, some of the most effective ones are as easy to obtain as heading to the kitchen or going to the market. Forget ordering ancient healing herbs online, where days of waiting can delay combatting things like blood pressure or anxiety. And not everyone...
 | 5/20/2014 - There are numerous herbs which are known, both through traditional knowledge and modern scientific research, to benefit the immune system. Typically, such herbs work by directly attacking and destroying disease-causing pathogens, increasing the numbers and/or activity of immune cells in the body, or...
 | 5/12/2014 - A Natural News Forensic Food Lab investigation has discovered that Ginkgo Biloba herbs imported from China contain shockingly high levels of the toxic heavy metal lead.
Click here to see the full lab results at Labs.NaturalNews.com.
Click here to watch the lab research video on YouTube.
 | 4/30/2014 - Until recently, herbal medicine in Vietnam relied on finding wild medicinal herbs and importing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbs from China. The latter added more expense for average Vietnamese, and quality control for Chinese imports has been lacking. Overharvesting wild herbs and medicinal...
 | 4/27/2014 - Many people are increasingly turning to alternatives to traditional treatments for cancer. One reason that people often cite for exploring these alternatives is that the treatments for cancer so often come with their own set of side effects that can be quite devastating. While even common herbs that...
 | 4/24/2014 4:10:43 PM - Spring is in the air, which means the sweet essences of flowering citrus, leafy greens and other fresh fare are soon to follow. But for some people, joining in on this bountiful chorus with their own vegetable or herb gardens might sound too intimidating, or they're not exactly sure where to start....
 | 4/8/2014 - Controlling blood pressure with herbs is an important option, considering that one in four people in the United States suffers from high blood pressure. Many lose their lives to this silent killer every year. It is one of the leading contributors to heart disease and is not always obvious. It is exacerbated...
 | 4/7/2014 3:41:04 PM - Hospitals have become a breeding ground for drug-resistant bacteria. Hiding in the shadows, strains like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, and gonorrhea have become prevalent, unstoppable, infecting over 2 million Americans...
 | 3/11/2014 - So we start this whole thing off with cancer, since that's the biggest "mystery" on Earth. Cancer, the eighth wonder of the world, or is it the ninth? Cancer -- that "disease" (actually it's a disorder) of the cells where certain dying or "chemicalized" cells mutate and multiply uncontrollably, then...
 | 3/6/2014 - There are numerous alternative treatments for ADHD - some more effective than others. Chinese herbal medicine has roots that go back thousands of years. Surprisingly enough, when modern studies test many of the traditional Chinese herbs used to treat ADHD and other medical conditions, the studies find...
 | 1/21/2014 - Doing the right thing, even if it means healing people with cancer, isn't always a good thing. In fact, it just may land you some serious jail time and get you listed on Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), which warns against and watches over big-time war criminals, terrorists or...
 | 1/7/2014 - Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? You don't have to deal with painful, itchy hemorrhoids if you start adding the following five herbs to your daily diet or supplement routine. In fact, these five essential herbs may even allow you to avoid drastic hemorrhoid treatment options, such as surgery, by healing...
 | 12/10/2013 - Type 2 diabetes is a disease that develops gradually from metabolic disorders that morph into prediabetes. Both diabetes type 1 and type 2 are similar in one respect: There is too much blood glucose (sugar), and it's not being metabolized by one's cells into energy.
Type 2 diabetes is much more prevalent...
 | 12/5/2013 - Susan Farr, PhD, professor of geriatrics at St. Louis University School of Medicine, presented her preliminary findings regarding herbs that can reduce cognitive decline at a Society for Neuroscience conference, Neuroscience 2013. The herbs tested were rosemary and spearmint.
Dr. Farr's study used...
 | 10/10/2013 - Medicinal plants and herbs truly do put the "mother" in mother nature. Like good friends, herbs are always there for you to support your body and help put things right when you're not feeling well. Medicinal herbs in nature can cure many ailments and truly do put effective, punctual and natural healing...
 | 10/9/2013 - One in three adults in the United States today has high blood pressure, medically referred to as hypertension. However, lots of people are not even aware they have this condition, simply because it has no warning signs and symptoms. It is typically caused by improper diet, smoking and alcohol abuse....
 | 9/6/2013 - The liver is the largest solid organ in our bodies. It can be adversely affected by poor diet and lifestyle choices, alcohol consumption, acetaminophen, non-prescription pain killers, and the myriad of toxins in our environment.
It is responsible for filtering blood from toxins and converts waste...
 | 7/6/2013 - Mental health and physical health are so closely intertwined that properly addressing the ailments identified in one often requires also addressing potentially unidentified ailments in the other. In many cases, the most effective way to restore optimal health to both body and mind is to supplement with...
 | 7/2/2013 - Mycoplasma is the smallest free-living disease agent found in humans and is unclassified as either a virus or a bacteria, but possesses characteristics of both. The microbes have no cell walls and were originally thought to be related only to several strains of pneumonia; however, researchers have now...
 | 6/27/2013 - Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) encompasses Chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, and other lesser-known modalities to treat a wide variety of diseases including gout. Chinese medicine is thousands of years old, and well-respected worldwide as an alternative to conventional Western medicine. According...
 | 6/1/2013 - Herbal anti-aging treatment is now being accepted by scientific communities with Ayurvedic treatment being the most well-known. Ayurvedic treatments concentrate on three areas of a person - Vata, Kapha and Pitta. According to Ayurvedic treatment experts, maintaining a perfect balance among these three...
 | 3/12/2013 - There are many reasons why a person's sex drive can suddenly start to wane unexpectedly -- excess stress, rapid aging, poor nutrition, and chronic depression are just a few common causes of low libido. But resorting to those little blue pills to fix the problem in an instant should be a last resort...
 | 2/13/2013 10:01:31 PM - Using herbal medicines to fend off sicknesses is a traditional practice that still lives on today. Experts debate about the effectiveness of these herbs in preventing influenza and other kinds of diseases because of a lack of evidence. On the other hand, others have no doubts about their efficacy. The...
 | 1/7/2013 - As more research is done regarding so-called "non-traditional" healthcare, doctors and scientists are rediscovering "old" treatments that are increasingly supplanting today's standard treatments for a number of conditions.
That includes coughs that often accompany the flu or mild chest infections,...
 | 12/9/2012 - Answers to the mystery of immortality may already be growing in your home garden. The very same herbs that help in the healing of innumerable diseases, infections and chronic illnesses can also help us to live longer, healthier lives.
A great number of the most effective herbs are known as adaptogens,...
 | 12/6/2012 - Hormone-based contraception like the pill, patch or vaginal ring carry hefty health risks such as cancer, heart attack and stroke. An alternative to these dangers is the ancient use of herbs to avoid pregnancy. When an individual takes active responsibility for their sexual health, herbal birth control...
 | 11/10/2012 - Sciatic pain, or sciatica, occurs off and on with many people. Sometimes it's mistaken for lower back pain or leg cramps. When it does, the tendency is to stay in bed and gulp down some ibuprofen or other OTC (over the counter) pharmaceutical.
But sciatica is a symptom of another problem that is...
 | 10/18/2012 - Modern medicine may have its place in emergency care, but when it comes to the prevention or management of chronic illness, many conventional treatments are lacking. In the case of diabetes, the battle is loudly proclaimed to be one of blood sugar regulation. "Check your sugar, and take your drugs as...
 | 10/13/2012 - Representing the seventh round of cases successfully treated since 2007, 68 people were recently discharged from Gambia's Presidential Alternative Medical Treatment Programme (PAMTP) after reportedly being cured of either HIV or AIDS. Reports indicate that the confidential blend of boiled herbs developed...
 | 10/12/2012 - Many stress and anxiety symptoms are similar: Tension, emotional instability, loss of focus, heart palpitations and breathing problems are some. Many often resort to smoking, alcohol consumption, comfort food binging, or heavy recreational drug use (not to be confused with medicinal marijuana).
 | 10/8/2012 - Certain bitter herbs are considered liver herbs because they stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver and gall bladder. While Western palates are not fond of bitter tasting foods, they do stimulate and support digestion. German research shows that bitter tonic herbs stimulate bile and hydrochloric...
 | 9/16/2012 - Herbs played a huge role in Egyptian medicine. Proof comes from burial sites, tombs and underground temples where archeologists have found extensive sets of medical documents and scrolls, including the Ebers Papyrus, the Edwin Smith Papyrus, the Hearst Papyrus, and the London Medical Papyrus, which...
 | 8/25/2012 - Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. It is used in the cardiovascular system to contract and dilate blood vessels. It is the mineral that makes muscles contract. It helps cells send signals and nerves to transmit those signals to the brain.
Most people know calcium as the mineral...
 | 8/2/2012 - Imagine living life without (chronic) unwarranted fear and never having to experience degenerative disease. This is NOT just a silly idea - it's reality for many people throughout the world. Epidemiological studies prove that the longest living (happy) people remain connected to the earth and thrive...
 | 6/5/2012 - It's no secret that many people experience some level of fatigue on a regular basis. Whether it's at the office, at home or anywhere else, fatigue can truly make you miserable and it can cause the quality of your work suffer. Fatigue makes you feel both mentally and physically tired and weak. In short,...
 | 5/19/2012 - If you are one of the millions of people that suffers from a stomach ulcer, or even if you just occasionally get an upset stomach after eating, there is hope beyond simply taking antacids or other pharmaceutical drugs, all of which merely address the symptoms of the problem rather than the cause. Instead,...
 | 5/13/2012 - Congratulations! You're expecting. Welcome to the roller coaster ride that is pregnancy. For many women, fatigue is the first sign of pregnancy, followed closely by morning sickness. Morning sickness is most common between the fourth and fourteenth weeks of pregnancy and is most often experienced upon...
 | 5/10/2012 - Chinese herbs have been used for centuries on their own and in conjunction with other alternative therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and Ayurveda to prevent hair loss, re-grow hair and restore natural pigment to gray hair.
Hair loss has many causes, such as the genetic male pattern baldness...
 | 5/9/2012 - It's good to know more about simple herbs to protect us against infections as well as cure us from infections and disease. Some herbs can be consumed directly; some need to be made into teas or tinctures, while others are offered as essential oils or in capsules as supplements. Here are five choices...
 | 4/27/2012 3:25:51 PM - Being poked, prodded, weighed, measured, and evaluated is part of being pregnant in the 21st century. Each woman and each pregnancy is different, so keep that in mind when you're being told about all those tests that are available, that may or may not have conclusive results. (Also remember they are...
 | 4/26/2012 - High blood pressure is an epidemic that is currently sweeping across America. The fast lifestyle of fast food, soda and stress is starting to catch up on the average American, so much so that an estimated one in every three Americans has high blood pressure. This puts them at risk of heart disease,...
 | 4/18/2012 - Natural treatment for asthma helps reduce acute asthma attacks, manage chronic asthma and helps those with general trouble breathing. The benefits of herbs for treating asthma and the lungs has been shown repeatedly through the centuries worldwide.
Asthma is a chronic upper respiratory disease affecting...
 | 4/17/2012 3:39:49 PM - A urinary tract infection is almost exclusively caused by bacteria that travel to the bladder through the urethra, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The bacteria clings to the urethra's opening and multiplies. Sometimes, bacteria travels to the kidneys, but this is rare. The most...
 | 4/17/2012 - Fruit, bread, cereals and pasta are popular sources of glucose. Also known as blood sugar, glucose is a vital source of energy for the body. It is constantly required by our muscles and brain. For optimum performance, our brain must have a regular supply on hand because it is incapable of keeping a...
 | 4/9/2012 2:56:32 AM - Of the many systems working within the human body, the immune system is an excellent example of complex efficiency. A network of participating cells and organs, it synchronizes its responses when defending the body from infection and disease.
In its element, it has the capacity to remember diseases...
 | 4/4/2012 - Depression is a ubiquitous condition that afflicts millions of Americans, many of whom have been convinced by the psychiatric industry that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and various other antidepressant drugs are their only options for treatment and healing. Truth be told, there are...
 | 3/22/2012 - Though typically referred to as a single condition characterized by chronic joint pain, arthritis is actually a collective grouping of more than 100 different diseases involving joint inflammation for which many conventional doctors simply prescribe pain drugs as a one-size-fits-all solution. But rather...
 | 3/14/2012 - Not all women experience symptoms of menopause; however, for those that do, natural menopause treatment can help reduce a wide range of symptoms that may bring misery to a woman's senior years. Menopause is the result of changing hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. The Mayo Clinic reports...
 | 3/3/2012 - Those readers who eat meat probably already know that conventional meat preserving methods typically involve the use of sodium nitrite and other chemical additives linked to causing cancer and other serious health conditions. But new research out of Denmark could eliminate the need for such chemicals...
 | 2/28/2012 - Growing your own herbs can add a new dimension to your cooking and give you the opportunity to save money by making your own herbal teas, tinctures and salves. Some people think herb gardening is an option only available to those who have access to a plot of land, but this is not true. Even if you live...
 | 2/2/2012 - There are no known cures for the common flu but there are many natural flu remedies that are highly effective at easing flu symptoms and reducing the duration of the illness (https://www.naturalnews.com/026156.html). Certain herbs have been used as natural flu remedies for generations and can provide...
 | 1/23/2012 - Men and women alike desire thick, healthy and shiny hair. Chances are people who possess all of these traits are supplementing with certain vitamins and herbs, or eat a diet that feeds their hair these nutrients on a daily basis. Hair is not just an extension of our bodies. It has become a symbol of...
| 5/9/2011 - Many people who are interested in natural and alternative health care want to become educated about the use of herbs as dietary supplements. Some take this interest further, and learn all they can about selecting the best herbs possible to make their own herbal preparations. Possibly the best herbs...
| 5/6/2011 - The effort to restrict supplements has begun in a failing economy. One has to be creative to offset or avoid these increasing efforts to deprive us of supplements and natural medicines. One solution is to make and store our own herbal tinctures and extracts. It's actually quite easy.
If herbs become...
 | 4/4/2011 - Cardiovascular diseases kill more Americans than cancer and motor vehicle accidents combined. Most of our aging baby-boomer population will be brought down by problems located in the heart and cardiovascular system. Even so, we can significantly increase heart longevity in the highest percentage of...
| 3/12/2011 - Acquire dried herbs to keep at home for minor cuts, bruises, headaches, colds and flu. Assemble a stock of home medicines and keep them with the usual selection of dressings, plasters and cotton balls to use for first aid in treating minor ailments. The more you use simple herbal cures, the easier it...
| 3/4/2011 - Have you ever noticed the huge surge of desire and longing in people to get back to the natural for our healing and medicine? The FDA combined with the drug industry and the media have almost totally erased this knowledge from our minds, and worse yet from our spirits. The FDA may, someday, take the...
| 1/16/2011 - A study published in the March 19, 2010, issue of The Journal of Biological Chemistry found that banana lectins, the proteins that bind to sugars, also bind to HIV-infected cells and prevent their replication and transmission. And several other studies have found similar anti-HIV effects from various...
 | 12/30/2010 - The global effort to outlaw herbs, vitamins and supplements is well under way, and in just four months, hundreds of herbal products will be criminalized in the UK and across the EU. It's all part of an EU directive passed in 2004 which erects "disproportionate" barriers against herbal remedies by requiring...
 | 12/16/2010 - Those who have been following NaturalNews for several years have heard me rave about Ron Teeguarden and Dragon Herbs. His company is considered by many to be the most pristine source of tonic herbs and Chinese herbs available in North America. Ron himself is a true-to-life "guru" in Chinese medicinal...
| 12/6/2010 - Many of us have a cabinet full of herbs and spices we use to help improve the flavor of our meals. What many may not realize is how much common kitchen herbs and spices can also help improve our health. Here are ten top examples:
CAYENNE - Cayenne pepper has wonderful cardiovascular benefits, including...
| 12/5/2010 - It is pretty easy to get into the habit of simply thinking of things like herbs, spices, and seasonings as simply additions to food to make them taste good. But herbs have also been used medicinally for centuries, long before the advent of "modern medicine," and for good reason. Many herbs have qualities...
| 12/3/2010 - In many countries throughout the world herbs are used as a primary healthcare tool. Much of the therapeutic aspects of modern medicine were taken from the study of ancient herbal remedies. Unfortunately, medicine has manipulated these natural plant-based properties and synthetically altered them. This...
| 9/19/2010 - Taking care of minor ailments at home without rushing to a doctor can be very rewarding. A basic knowledge of herbs and a good reference book are generally all that is needed. In addition to treating ailments, the health benefits of incorporating herbs in the diet on a regular basis can strengthen the...
| 8/16/2010 - Two related herbs, pawpaw and graviola, have proven effective against cancer cells in vitro (lab tests not involving mammals) while not adversely affecting non-cancer cells. In other words, they are potential non-toxic cancer cures. Even Sloane-Ketterer established that graviola has cancer cell resisting...
| 7/25/2010 - Although the western pharma/medical system certainly will fight this statement with all their might, Chinese Herbal Medicine and other natural medicine is, by far, the best thing in the world to overcome common health concerns. There is just no other logical conclusion anyone with half a brain could...
| 7/15/2010 - This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Rainforest Herbs - How to Heal Naturally". The Amazon Rainforest is one of the richest places on earth. We'll reveal the most powerful nutritional treasures in the world. Clear your mind, increase your energy and improve your health with a deeper understanding...
| 7/6/2010 - We have relied on herbs and herbal medicine to treat our ailments and conditions for centuries, and yet even today when so much more is known about herbs and their medicinal properties, many look down on them as being "quackery". Much of the medical world would prefer us to use synthetic commercial...
 | 5/20/2010 - Gaia Herbs has teamed up with NaturalNews to offer Gaia Herbs products at deep discounts through the NaturalNews Store. The Gaia Herbs product line now features an innovative "Meet Your Herbs" traceability matrix that allows consumers to check the origin, potency, lab testing results and other details...
 | 5/19/2010 - I'm a big fan of herbal products, but have you ever wondered whether the ingredients that are supposed to be in those products are actually present in their correct potency? Did you ever wonder where the herbs really came from?
As you'll discover here, one company has suddenly and dramatically changed...
| 5/6/2010 - Many herbs have been shown to prevent hair loss and enable hair to grow. Thinning hair, or alopecia, is a condition that is caused by aging and also genetics. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause hair loss. Herbs have been used for thousands of years to help regrow hair. Taken internally or applied...
| 3/17/2010 - Many traditional Chinese herbal medicines can be effective in the prevention of diabetes, a study conducted by researchers from the University of Western Sydney, Australia, and published in the journal Cochrane Library has confirmed.
"There are a lot of herbal medicine products on the shelves, but...
| 3/9/2010 - Migraines affect millions of people each year, with about 60% of them being women. Thankfully there are many natural and simple things you can do to prevent migraines from occurring or to help deal with the pain if one strikes.
Many herbs and vitamins have been shown to help ease migraine pain or...
 | 2/24/2010 - It's rare that I discover a new superfood product that truly impresses me. SunWarrior (www.SunWarrior.com) has a new green superfood product that I still plan to review shortly, and I'm always a fan of LivingFuel (www.LivingFuel.com), Boku Superfood (www.BokuSuperfood.com), Delicious Greens (www.Greens8000.com),...
| 2/15/2010 - Olive oil is made from crushing and pressing of olives to extract the oil. Studies have shown time and again that people who use olive oil in place of animal fats or unhealthy hydrogenated fats have lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and asthma. Infusing olive oil...
| 2/14/2010 - Essential oils extracted from common kitchen herbs and spices can be used as safer, less destructive pesticides, according to research led by Murray Isman of the University of British Columbia and presented at the Fall Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Washington, D.C.
"We are exploring...
| 1/8/2010 - Many herbal remedies are used to treat symptoms of diabetes and have shown results in naturally lowering blood sugar levels. Scientific research is now shedding new light on the mechanisms used since ancient times to treat diabetes with herbs and nutrition.
Diabetes was noted as far back as Ancient...
 | 12/16/2009 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.
Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs (www.AltCancer.com), an herbal products...
| 12/15/2009 - Restlessness, bad sleeping patterns or insomnia can affect many people. This is not surprising when one considers the fast past of life today and the world in general, which is fraught with tension and insecurity in many places. Children are not immune, unfortunately, and often have sleep patterns interrupted...
| 12/10/2009 - There are several adaptogenic herbs from traditional Chinese medicine that can be used as tonics safely and economically to maintain youthful vigor and health. Because virtually everyone can benefit, the Reishi mushroom will be discussed briefly in this in this article after a quick summary of Part...
| 12/7/2009 - For the past 2500 plus years, both Chinese and Indian Ayruvedic health systems have used adaptogenic herbs as tonics for overall health and longevity. Adaptogens act as regulators or modulators in either direction. Balancing the body's energy and immunity means if there is not enough, more will be created....
| 12/1/2009 - It is well documented that drinking herbal teas can benefit health as well as contribute to a feeling of relaxation. Herbs can be used fresh or dried. Drying them at home will generally mean cheaper and fresher herbal tea than teas that are shop bought. All herbal teas have health benefits - they may...
| 11/20/2009 - Urinary tract infections are usually easily treated with a powerful herb known as Uva Ursi (bearberry). (For reference, in Spanish the word "Uva" means a grape / berry, and in Latin, "Ursa" means a bear.)
Here, we bring you an amazing collection of supporting information about uva ursi from health...
| 11/18/2009 - Of all the culinary herbs, sage is perhaps the one with the broadest range of medicinal uses. As you'll see in the collection of quotes about sage shown below, sage is anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial; plus it helps cleanse your blood and may even prevent Alzheimer's...
| 11/17/2009 - Avocados are Mother Nature's skin moisturizer. With their healthy fats and phytonutrients, they offer remarkable benefits to human skin -- both when eaten and when used topically.
Here, we present a collection of supporting information about avocados from some of the top authors and personalities...
| 11/5/2009 - Type 2 diabetes is an international epidemic and 380 million people throughout the world are expected to develop the condition by 2025. The vast majority of the time, pre-diabetes (also called impaired glucose tolerance or IGT), which is marked by higher than normal blood sugar levels, develops before...
| 10/22/2009 - There is a plethora of anti-aging supplements that are newly derived and arrived for consumers online and in health food stores. They are not cheap, and the efficacy of each is questionable. What if you knew of anti-aging supplements that are more cost effective and have been proven for over a few thousand...
| 10/15/2009 - If you search for natural cancer remedies, you'll eventually find information about chaparral -- a powerful healing herb that grows in the desert regions of the American Southwest (among other places). (In fact, where I used to live in Tucson, chaparral just grows wild all over the place The chaparral...
| 10/12/2009 - Astragalus has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for literally thousands of years. Today, in the western world, it's being rediscovered as a powerful adaptogenic herb with a remarkable ability to balance and boost immune function. With more and more people concerned about immune function...
| 10/10/2009 - While many herbs are popular for liver and colon health, the best herbs for kidney maintenance are not as well known in Western medicine. Those suffering nausea, loss of appetite, stunted growth, dry skin, sleep disorders, concentration problems, or puffy eyes should consider a kidney flush. This article...
| 9/30/2009 - Thyme is a delicate herb which is both pungent and hot with a penetrating fragrance. It is also a fabulous herb for healing a large number of ailments. It is known to increase the flow of urine and to help in menstruation. It helps in the delivery process and prevents miscarriages; in fact, it cleanses...
| 8/12/2009 - Increasingly, Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is being put to the test by Western scientists -- and the results are sometimes not only successful but downright astounding. A case in point: a new review of CHM research by British scientists just published in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews shows...
| 7/30/2009 - Chinese herbs may work better and have fewer side effects for endometriosis treatment than conventional drug therapies, according to a new review of previous studies, carried out at Southampton University in the UK and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
Researchers re-examined two studies in...
| 6/30/2009 - Finding ways to naturally manage blood sugar and diabetes has become increasingly important as we become more aware of the adverse effects of prescription medications. Lifestyle changes are a crucial step in managing blood sugar levels, but at the same time, it can be difficult to maintain lifestyle...
| 6/13/2009 - Natural herbs have been used for almost as long as humankind has existed. Herbs are powerful and the right ones may treat and alleviate serious diseases. In this article you will learn about a few popular herbs and what they are used for.
#1 - Basil
Basil is a common herb that is commonly used in...
| See all 456 herbs feature articles.Concept-related articles:Bad medicine:Cancer:Cancer prevention:Phytochemicals:Medical myths:Broccoli:Mammograms:Superfoods:Herb:Body:Anti-cancer:Detection:Raw:Produce:Myth:Health products:
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.