Hair news, articles and information:
 | 10/4/2016 - An ICP-MS analysis of Plato brand dog treats in my laboratory, CWC Labs, found alarmingly high levels of toxic mercury in salmon flavored products.
For the analysis, we tested 31 salmon and fish products sold as pet food or pet treats by the online retailer No mercury was found in 29...
 | 8/30/2016 - The results of an investigation seeking to find out what caused a spate of rashes and hair loss among Flint, Michigan, residents suggest that the symptoms may be due to exposure to the city's water supply, but investigators refused to admit to a definitive link.
The months-long investigation was...
 | 8/25/2016 - When the criminal, corrupt government isn't covering up high levels of lead in the public water supply, they're forcing children to be injected with toxic mercury via flu shots. While the FDA occasionally forces recalls of high lead products such as contaminated turmeric root powder, by and large the...
 | 3/13/2016 - More than one-third of women and one in ten men regularly color their hair. If you are one of them, then you may be slowly poisoning your body with highly toxic compounds linked to allergic reactions and several types of cancer.
According to the Daily Mail, British scientists from Leeds-based company,...
 | 3/11/2016 - The hair care product industry is big business and is expected to reach $265 billion in global revenues by 2017. More people are feeling the need to put something on their hair to make it appear more lustrous and youthful. Oftentimes consumers turn to chemical products that may damage the natural beauty...
 | 3/10/2016 - Are your eyebrows thinning? Is your mop top getting sparse? Are you finding more and more hair in your comb, your sink and your bathtub, than you'd care to find? If so, it might be time for you to consider using something to regrow your hair before it's too late.
Of course, traditional medical science,...
 | 9/17/2015 - My first gray hairs appeared when I was 24-years-old. I was standing in a checkout line with a good friend, buying my baby boy a gift for his first birthday. My friend shrieked when she saw my first two gray hairs, and she automatically reached to pluck them out. I grabbed her hand and emphatically...
 | 8/19/2015 - Let's face it – unless they are a big fan of Thai or Indonesian cuisine, chances are most Americans have not even heard of tamarind! Tamarind is a small tree that is actually native to the African continent but is now cultivated all over India and other parts of the Asian continent. It has long...
 | 8/1/2015 - In October 1993, then-President Bill Clinton raised a ruckus nationwide when it was reported that he was responsible for delaying air traffic at Los Angeles International Airport for hours so he could get a haircut from a Hollywood stylist to the stars.
While the report outraged millions of Americans...
 | 7/20/2015 - Hundreds, and potentially thousands, of people across the U.S. are currently serving prison terms -- some have even been administered the death penalty -- due to a now-debunked forensic tool long employed by the FBI that in recent years has proven to be patently inaccurate. Just like the CDC's baseless...
 | 6/20/2015 - Nearly all mass shooters in recent memory share two things rarely pointed out in the media: bowl-cut hair styles and wild-eyed hollow stares.
It's all in the eyes and the hair, it seems, as you can see in the photo compilation below, showing the haircuts and wild eyes of Dylann Roof, James Holmes,...
 | 4/23/2015 - The FBI engaged in a massive science-based conspiracy to alter and distort forensic evidence for over two decades, the agency has now publicly admitted. "The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost...
 | 4/9/2015 - Polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea region of Alaska have suffered a surge in hair loss, according to a survey conducted by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and an Alaskan veterinary pathologist, and published in the Journal of Wildlife...
 | 3/22/2015 - A Seattle architect named Katrina Spade has proposed a new solution for urban food production: convert the recently deceased into nutritious compost to feed the food crops.
The project is called the Urban Death Project, and it describes the process of turning dead humans into food as follows:
 | 1/8/2015 - Since the beginning of recorded history, apple cider vinegar has been used as an effective medicine to remedy a wide variety of ailments. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, for instance, was known to treat his patients with apple cider vinegar and honey for serious digestive conditions. Christopher...
 | 12/18/2014 - The concept of superfoods emerged on the radar of health and beauty experts just a few short years ago. Remarkably, in that brief period the hidden benefits of several common food products came to light. Coupled with scientific research and the trend toward organic foods, the health benefits of foods...
 | 11/4/2014 - Enjoying a healthy diet on a regular basis not only helps the body function internally but can help it be at its best outwardly. For example, dry skin or brittle nails not only end up acting as a source of embarrassment for some but also may be indicators that underlying health issues are at hand.
 | 10/20/2014 - An ancient Chinese medical text quotes the following: "When blood is exuberant, the hair is moist, sleek and lustrous".
The blood is the hair's food. So there must be an abundant quantity of high quality, pure blood to feed the hair. There must also be strong circulation to ensure that sufficient...
 | 9/10/2014 - Most body care products that you buy from the store are full of harmful chemicals and toxins that don't even clean your skin or hair properly. The products that are natural and organic that actually work are expensive. There is a perfect combination of inexpensive ingredients you can find in your kitchen...
 | 9/8/2014 - The Obama Administration and, in particular, the biased and politically charged Obama Justice Department, will go to any lengths to boost Democratic voter rolls with illegal immigrants, using every means -- legal and otherwise -- to cater to them, usually at the expense of American citizens and taxpayers.
 | 9/3/2014 - Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a small palm native to the southeastern United States and is characterized by its sprawling trunk and large, spear-like leaves. The plant bears dark red, olive-sized berries that have a long history of use as both a food and medicine. American Indians particularly revered...
 | 7/21/2014 - Blackstrap molasses has been receiving a lot of attention in the natural health world of late, and for good reason. This nutritious grade of molasses, which is the thick, syrup-like byproduct of the sugar cane refinement process, is absolutely packed with essential minerals that are seldom found in...
 | 6/16/2014 - Sweden's Lund University went to bat for hairdressers in a new study, attempting to isolate the cancer-causing chemicals that hairstylists may be exposed to. The study investigated the blood of 300 hairdressers and also compared the data of 32 women who use dyes and 60 women who use no dyes. All 392...
 | 4/25/2014 3:04:02 PM - The dermatology department at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa has revealed startling new test results on hair-straightening products. Many Brazil-based hair product brands have tested high for carcinogenic formaldehyde, at levels five times the legal limit.
In cosmetic products,...
 | 4/25/2014 2:52:57 PM - Are long beards potentially hazardous? Some Chinese officials believe so, or at least, that is the official reason why they are offering an $8,000 "reward" of sorts to any citizen who reports wearers of long beards.
But is there another agenda at work? Most likely. The reason why Chinese officials...
 | 2/28/2014 - As a culture obsessed with youth and beauty, it's easy to fall into the trap of using hair dyes to cover those telltale gray hairs. However, using these commercial products is risky since the chemical formulations are linked with a range of cancers. Even so-called 'natural' dyes can compromise health....
 | 1/29/2014 - When Ann Wigmore was in her 50s, she was riddled with health issues and had a full head of gray hair. She then began a life-changing journey of living foods, which included green smoothies and ample shots of wheatgrass. Before long, she regained her health along with a fresh glow. Interestingly, her...
 | 1/8/2014 9:04:51 PM - Popular in Ayurvedic medicine, Indian gooseberry is a force to be reckoned with. Otherwise known as amla, this superfruit protects against an impressive list of ailments, many of which are degenerative. The berry is also famous as a potent beauty elixir for its role in reducing hair loss and graying,...
 | 11/12/2013 - If you live in the United States, then you won't have to go too far in order to find jojoba shrubs, as they grow in the southern regions of the country, in addition to other areas in Mexico and Africa. The jojoba seed is very rich in essential fatty acids, and it is best used topically as an oil-based...
 | 11/5/2013 - Both men and women can suffer from hair loss. Health problems and genetics can play a role in hair loss, but there are some natural things that can be done to help grow hair.
The following is a list of twelve natural things that can be done to grow hair.Eat Less MeatJapanese researchers...
 | 10/17/2013 - As wages remain low and unemployment remains high despite increasing corporate profits, US women are increasingly looking to supplement their incomes by selling their hair, eggs and even breast milk, a recent Bloomberg article reports.
According to market strategist Nicholas Colas of the brokerage...
 | 9/22/2013 - Ginger is historically considered one of nature's true wonders. Other than being a very delectable spice, it is known to have a long list of health benefits. It is used to treat conditions ranging from nausea to heart problems. But not a lot of people know that ginger can actually be used as a form...
 | 8/8/2013 - With each passing year, the societal institutions we established long ago as a means of advancing our unique American culture are looking less like entities meant to serve us and improve our condition, and more like authoritarian enclaves that lord over us to keep us submissive and compliant.
 | 7/9/2013 - Virtually all cultures in the world view thick, lustrous hair as a symbol of vitality, youthfulness, and healthfulness. Consequently, hair improvement products in all forms (shampoos, conditioners, hair loss creams, etc.) are international, billion-dollar industries. Some of these products receive good...
 | 5/9/2013 - Days ago it was announced that European researchers had discovered a breakthrough cure for grey and thinning hair: A topical application of a sun-activated compound called PC-KUS (a modified pseudocatalase). However, the researchers may be a few hundred years late with their discovery since onion juice...
 | 3/23/2013 - Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that can slow aging and help grow hair. Research has shown that vitamin E can soften the red blood cells, which increases circulation by improving blood flow. Vitamin E comes in eight forms. Four are tocopherols and four are tocotrienoils. Most Americans' diet is rich...
 | 3/18/2013 - This use of the term "haircut" to describe government theft of private banking accounts has got to stop. It's not a haircut, it's outright thievery. When a person breaks into your home with a gun and steals your jewelry or cash, do we call that a "haircut?" Of course not. It's a criminal act, not a...
 | 2/27/2013 - British scientists are warning that popular hair dyes used by millions of women contain a number of chemicals linked to cancer.
According to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, the scientists also say that both home hair coloring kits and dyes used at more expensive hair salons pose a growing potential...
 | 11/29/2012 - Shimmery, vibrant and soft-bodied hair is something that everyone strives for. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a wonderful and surprisingly effective way to lay the foundation needed for this. After all, what is healthy hair that doesn't also have the signature sheen and light reflective ability that we...
 | 11/24/2012 - Americans are not known for their lush locks and it is no wonder -- their diet tends to be high in harmful fats, laden with sugar and heavy in animal protein along with dairy. All these foods contribute to hair loss and breakage according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Harsh shampoo as well...
 | 10/17/2012 - Pumpkins are a form of Native American squash and are welcome both as a decorative and edible item in autumn season festivities. While most people associate pumpkins with Halloween, fall festivals, and American Thanksgiving desserts, both pumpkins and pumpkin seed oil pack a serious health- boosting...
 | 10/2/2012 - Argan oil is pressed from the antioxidant and fatty acid-rich kernels found within the nuts of the argan tree. The oil is often called "Moroccan oil" in the ingredient list for skin and hair care products since the argan tree is native to Morocco.
It can be somewhat expensive to produce since complete...
 | 8/24/2012 - If you or someone you know takes pharmaceutical drugs that claim to prevent or reverse male-pattern hair loss, you could be inadvertently turning yourself from a man into a woman without even knowing it. This is what William McKee, who now goes by the name of "Mandi," says happened to him after taking...
 | 8/14/2012 - A former beautician and law student has baffled doctors with perhaps the most bizarre thing most of them have ever seen: Her body is growing fingernails from all of her hair follicles.
Shanyna Isom, 28, has consulted every specialist she can think of, including one in the Netherlands, but she still...
 | 6/29/2012 - Sulfates are a group of detergents or surfactants that are used in countless consumer goods today. The most commonly used sulfates are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). These corrosive cleaning agents started off as an industrial strength cleaning additive since they easily...
 | 5/16/2012 - Hundreds of Alaska Airlines flight attendants have filed a formal complaint about uniforms they suspect might be causing their skin to rash and develop lesions, and their hair to fall out. But based on the timing of the symptoms and their relation to similar symptoms in local marine life and polar bear...
 | 5/10/2012 - Many henna hair dyes on the market masquerade as "Natural" or "Pure Henna". These so-called henna products are sometimes laced with toxic ingredients and heavy metals. While adverse reactions are usually dismissed as sensitivity on the part an individual, the fact remains that an ingredient known as...
 | 5/10/2012 - Chinese herbs have been used for centuries on their own and in conjunction with other alternative therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and Ayurveda to prevent hair loss, re-grow hair and restore natural pigment to gray hair.
Hair loss has many causes, such as the genetic male pattern baldness...
 | 4/30/2012 - Raw honey is more than just a natural sweetener. Honey has a variety of uses in your beauty regimen and for medicinal purposes. Raw honey, which is not pasteurized or refined, can be especially useful because of its nutritional properties. Although you may have heard about the benefits of raw honey,...
 | 4/14/2012 - Hey, men! Looking for a way to ruin your sex life and become infertile? Try Propecia or Proscar, two drugs from the vaccine giant Merck, whose top vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman already admitted that Merck's vaccines contained "stealth viruses" that cause cancer (
 | 3/27/2012 - The state of Michigan is only days away from engaging in what can only be called true "animal genocide" -- the mass murder of ranch animals based on the color of their hair. It's all part of a shocking new "Invasive Species Order" (ISO) put in place by Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR)....
 | 2/9/2012 - Many people are deeply concerned about the condition of their hair, and will do almost anything to prevent further hair loss or to re-grow hair. There are a variety of pharmaceutical products that claim to promote hair growth and prevent thinning hair; however, they can cause dangerous side effects...
 | 2/5/2012 - After surviving leukemia and grueling chemotherapy, Michigan teen J. T. Gaskins decided to grow out his hair to donate it to Locks of Love for fellow cancer patients. Instead of being praised for his generosity, he has been suspended from high school for violating its strict dress code.
Gaskins was...
 | 1/23/2012 - Men and women alike desire thick, healthy and shiny hair. Chances are people who possess all of these traits are supplementing with certain vitamins and herbs, or eat a diet that feeds their hair these nutrients on a daily basis. Hair is not just an extension of our bodies. It has become a symbol of...
 | 1/10/2012 - To many, they are just one particular means by which to keep up with the latest styles and fashion trends. But chemical hair dyes carry with them some very serious health risks, a fact that 22-year-old Louise Henson from Skegness, Lincolnshire, in the UK recently learned the hard way.
The UK's Daily...
| 11/5/2011 - Juniper has been used in ancient Greece and Egypt to combat the spread of disease and was still being used by hospitals in France during the First World War. The warm, woody-scented essential oil is extracted from juniper berries, as well as the needles and wood of the bush. It is said to help in cases...
 | 10/21/2011 - Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a chemical lathering agent that has come under scrutiny for safety and potential toxicity issues. It is found in a large amount of the products we use every day for personal hygiene and body care. Among them are toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, soap, liquid body and facial...
| 10/7/2011 - Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus Communis plant and has been used since time immemorial for a variety of conditions and complaints, including hair and skin care. Treating hair breakage and encouraging hair growth with castor oil has long been recognized in the alternative health...
 | 9/30/2011 - Robotics is used in surgical procedures, now even for cosmetic dermatology. Concerned about balding? Hair transplant procedures have been revolutionized to take less time, less medical staff, less cost, and without stitching or sutures. Now all you need to do is trust a robot for your hair transplant...
| 6/23/2011 - Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) is a wonderful smelling, multi-purpose herb; the leaves of which have been used in traditional cures for centuries. The herb stimulates hair growth and makes hair smell delightful. Rosemary is said to enhance the memory by improving blood circulation.
Rosemary for...
 | 6/16/2011 - If you read the ingredients label on a loaf of bread, you will usually find an ingredient listed there as L-cysteine. This is a non-essential amino acid added to many baked goods as a dough conditioner in order to speed industrial processing. It's usually not added directly to flour intended for home...
| 6/12/2011 - The use of the evergreen cedar tree for medicinal purposes goes back to biblical times. The Egyptians used the oil in cosmetics and as an insect repellent. Native Americans used cedar wood in medicine and in purification rituals. Today, the woody scent of cedarwood and the various properties of the...
| 5/20/2011 11:31:28 AM - Recently someone in my community asked how to get rid of pesky critters. A neighbor who own a garden center said that they use Diatomaceous Earth. Well - that seemed to me to be a golden opportunity to reveal my little secret to the world - that I have been eating Diatomaceous Earth for about a year...
| 5/11/2011 - Many people have tried conventional hair restoration methods such as laser treatments, harsh chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs or even surgery. Often these methods have limited success. Chinese herbal medicine is a natural alternative for hair restoration, gray hair reversal and/or overcoming the health...
| 5/2/2011 - Some heavy metals, in trace amounts, are beneficial to the body; these include iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Other heavy metals can be poisonous or toxic to the human body; these include arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, iron, and others. These metals manifest themselves within the soft tissues of...
| 2/28/2011 - Vitamin D prevents flu. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent hair loss, reduce back pain, grow bones, prevent osteoporosis, and even prevent dozens of types of cancer. Vitamin D has been called the "antibiotic vitamin" by the journal, Science News, because of its recognized ability to build immunity....
| 2/16/2011 - Try natural treatments to dye or enhance the color of blonde hair. Herbal, home-made treatments leave hair looking and feeling wonderful, are gentle and do not strip and damage hair.
A visit to a hair salon is usually hard on hair because of the toxic chemical dyes that are generally used. Natural...
| 2/12/2011 - A lot of people like to color their hair to either change their look or cover up grays, but they don't like the harsh chemicals found in commercial dyes going on their heads once every few weeks. Consumers are becoming savvy about their health and are increasingly looking for healthier alternatives...
| 2/12/2011 - Greasy, oily hair may be caused by excess sebum production or other factors such as hormonal imbalances or environmental toxins. Too much oil makes hair look dull, lanky and heavy. The right amount of oil, however, will make hair look shiny and glossy. The harsh, detergent type shampoos, so readily...
| 2/11/2011 - Dark hair ranges in color from light brown to lustrous black. Dark hair can easily be stripped of its color and become dull and faded if not looked after carefully. Try natural, herbal treatments such as henna to enhance color and natural rinses to improve hair condition.
Herbs such as rosemary,...
| 2/4/2011 - People all over the world spend thousands of dollars attempting to solve scalp irritations, sores and itching. The causes of this problem vary considerably, yet natural treatments can help. This article will examine some causes of itchy scalp and ways of combating the problem.
Causes of Itchy Scalp...
| 1/25/2011 - Bamboo extract comes from the leaves and stalks of an edible grass that is eaten by many of the world's animals. It is a rich source of silica, which is an essential nutrient for humans, too. In particular, silica plays a great role in keeping the skin and hair healthy. In fact, daily supplements of...
| 1/18/2011 - Hair is made up of protein, so a protein deficiency may lead to hair loss. According to Harvard University, most Americans take in adequate protein; however, a deficiency can result from poor absorption. Pregnant women and those who are building muscle with weight training may need additional protein...
| 1/17/2011 - Over 25 million female American women are losing their hair and suffering the emotional distress that comes with this process. The latest research has shown that hormones seem to be the major player in this embarrassing condition. Fortunately, there are solutions in both nature and nurture that support...
| 12/28/2010 - A deficiency in minerals can cause hair loss because hair production requires a wide variety of minerals and trace minerals. Numerous systems in the body participate in the production of hair. For instance, hormonal balance is needed in order for hair to grow, and the hair follicles where hair is produced...
| 12/26/2010 - The ancient Chinese herb Fo-Ti, also known as He Shou Wu and Polygonum Multiflorum, stands alone as a highly effective hair loss treatment amidst the plethora of hair restoration products such as vitamins, nutritional supplements, pharmaceutical drugs and gloppy creams. Fo-Ti is not only a superlative...
| 12/21/2010 - Everyone is in the process of growing and losing hair. Even the fullest head of hair loses anywhere from 50-150 hairs a day. Your hormones play a very large role in the process of hair growth. Many women commonly notice that their hair is at its fullest during times of pregnancy. After the pregnancy...
| 12/16/2010 - A walk along the health and beauty aisle of your local grocery store will showcase dozens of popular hair care products. Unfortunately, most of the ingredients in these products are actually toxic chemicals that damage hair follicles and leach into our bloodstream causing further toxicity in our bodies....
| 12/12/2010 - Millions of people have been led to believe that, to clean their hair, they must use shampoo. In fact, mainstream media and big business will tell consumers how a particular shampoo can make a person's hair healthier, when nothing is further from the truth. Mainstream media also insists that a daily...
| 10/25/2010 - Diet, aging, stress, disease and genetics all contribute to hair loss, and adding nutrients to the diet can help grow hair. Hormonal imbalances can also lead to hair loss, and women after menopause are particularly at risk. Steroid drugs, or other drugs that interact with hormones, can alter hair growth...
| 8/3/2010 - Scalp inflammation, poor diet, dehydration, stress, genetics and hormone imbalances are factors that can cause hair to fall out. Toxic hair products and over-styling can also damage the hair, causing it to thin. Incorporating vitamins and whole foods and choosing all natural hair products can prevent...
| 7/21/2010 - It's officially summer and that means lots of time in the sun and water. But all that exposure can leave skin and hair dry and damaged. Thankfully you don't have to buy expensive products to soften your skin and repair your dry hair. Most likely you have what you need in your kitchen cabinets.
| 7/20/2010 - New concern over lack of regulation in medical radiation has been spurred by a case in which more than 300 patients received excessive levels of radiation, but doctors only uncovered the problem when patients' hair began to fall out.
The radiation errors occurred at three hospitals in Los Angeles...
| 7/2/2010 - If you're looking for a deep hair conditioner that's chemical free, look no further than virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the best hair conditioners around and if it's virgin and organic, it's chemical free. Coconut oil can literally bring softness back to your hair - and part of its power...
| 6/18/2010 - Many nutrients have been shown to prevent hair loss and grow hair. Hair loss can be caused by vitamin deficiency, or by other causes such as aging, drug use, or infections. Adding vitamins to the diet grows hair by improving circulation, reducing stress, and adjusting hormones, all of which are known...
| 5/19/2010 - Hair loss occurs naturally every day and increases with age. Also known as alopecia, hair loss can be caused by problems with circulation or hormones. Drugs, including steroids, can cause hair loss, as can bacterial infections, vitamin deficiencies, and some hair treatments, such as coloring hair and...
| 5/18/2010 - Although not as common as hair loss in adults, hair loss in children can be severe. In many cases, the hair will grow back naturally with time. Topical steroids and synthetic substances are typically used to stimulate hair growth. Try natural treatments instead to help hair loss in children. If symptoms...
| 5/17/2010 - Natural cures for hair loss have been around for centuries and are generally very effective. Conventional treatments for alopecia include topical steroids and synthetic substances which have damaging side effects. Try age-old natural treatments instead to prevent thinning and to stimulate hair growth.
| 5/12/2010 - Shiny, healthy and abundant hair is of great value to people. When hair starts thinning or falling out, it can cause panic, distress and anxiety for the individuals concerned. Many cures are put forward by the hair industry, yet dietary deficiencies, poor dietary choices, toxic hair care products and...
| 5/6/2010 - Many herbs have been shown to prevent hair loss and enable hair to grow. Thinning hair, or alopecia, is a condition that is caused by aging and also genetics. Nutritional deficiencies can also cause hair loss. Herbs have been used for thousands of years to help regrow hair. Taken internally or applied...
| 5/4/2010 - For some, gray hair can be a sign of character or give a distinguished appearance. For others, gray hair can be an unwanted, daily reminder of advanced age. Conventional, mainstream approaches to restoring hair's natural color are often just dyes or other synthetic methods of covering up the gray. Chinese...
| 4/21/2010 - Hair thinning and hair loss is a distressing occurrence for both men and women. Although it is normal to lose some hair each day, it is different if hair is falling out in clumps. Tissue cell salts are a safe and natural way of restoring some of the mineral deficiencies in the body that can contribute...
| 4/17/2010 - Hair suffers damage from environmental factors such as pollution, harsh sunshine, wind and harmful products on a daily basis. Hair often gets over-washed and over-brushed, sometimes resulting in oily, limp hair. In an attempt to undo the damage, many spend a lot of money on expensive treatments. However,...
| 4/16/2010 - Is there a correlation between stress and hair loss? For many people, the pace of life is frenetic. Stress is considered a normal part of an extremely busy life. In addition to contributing to hair loss or thinning hair, stress can cause more serious health problems, such as heart attacks and strokes....
| 4/5/2010 - Many women are dismayed to see hair falling out in clumps, either following childbirth, during or after menopause or due to other causes. While some daily hair loss is normal, thinning hair and partial baldness is a frightening prospect for women. What causes hair loss in women and what natural treatments...
| 3/30/2010 - It is normal to shed hair each day but sometimes hair loss may be exacerbated by stress, a poor diet or illness. Hereditary hair loss is known as alopecia, which affects men more often than women. Many men turn to cures that promise amazing results in preventing hair loss, but usually these are nothing...
| 3/15/2010 - People lose about one hundred hairs each day. Because hair is made of many nutrients, those nutrients need to be replenished in the body in order for hair to grow. Hair contains protein, fat, water, and carbohydrates. Foods to prevent hair loss can be found in oats, molasses, liver, and whole grains....
| 3/5/2010 - Homemade shampoos can help speed hair growth. Hair loss is a natural part of aging, but healing herbs can restore healthy hair. Natural herbal shampoos allow herbs to be absorbed directly into the hair and the scalp, and encourage hair to grow. Homemade shampoos have the added advantage of preventing...
| 2/26/2010 - Vitamins and lifestyle changes have been shown to encourage hair to grow and reduce hair loss. Balding is a genetic trait but good nutrition can play a part in hair growth. Hair products, such as masks, shampoos and leave on conditioners can also prevent hair loss and restore healthy, vibrant hair....
| 2/19/2010 - Hair loss is a natural process that progresses with age, but many nutrients have been shown to improve circulation to the scalp, prevent hair thinning and hair loss. Adding simple nutrients from food and vitamins can both repair hair and help to regrow hair, starting at the roots. Biotin is an important...
| 1/29/2010 - Vitamin E is a vital nutrient known mainly for its benefits to heart health. But vitamin E has many other properties that maintain health and has long been used both internally and externally. Vitamin E has been shown to help with the growth of hair as well as preventing hair loss. The exact mechanism...
| 12/20/2009 - A supplement of the amino acid N-acetylcysteine may ease the symptoms of compulsive hair pulling, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Minnesota School of Medicine and published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Hair-pulling, also known as trichotillomania, is a compulsive...
| 11/27/2009 - Aromatherapy oil combinations and simple homemade herbal hair packs can provide gentle, non-harmful ways of moisturizing and repairing damaged hair. Regular use of over-the-counter shampoos and conditioners laden with toxic chemicals can dry and strip hair. Instead, try these easy home-made treatments...
| 7/9/2009 - The way we look is a direct result of what we put into our bodies. The food we eat and the beauty products we use greatly affect our outward appearance. Unfortunately, it is a fact that like our food supply most of our beauty products are full of toxins, preservatives, and even poisons. These are put...
| 3/18/2009 - As highlighted by Oprah`s spotlight, big-name hair-color company products containing the chemical PPD are still causing disfiguring and painful reactions, even death. Though there have been lawsuits in the millions of dollars, hundreds of complaint letters, and bloggers sharing pains and solutions online,...
| 3/3/2009 - Rising concerns about the harmful effects of hair color have drawn many back to the old-fashioned methods of hair-lightening. It is estimated that two out of every five American women color their hair, so there are no shortage of people who can benefit from utilizing more natural methods of hair color....
| 2/19/2009 - There are many maladies that can affect a person`s hair. The use of hair care products and blow dryers leaves people with dull, dry hair, begging for hydration, but there are a select few who suffer from hair problems that go beyond a few split ends. A study was conducted in the International Journal...
 | 11/27/2008 - Hair is probably a woman's most important feature. Signs of thinning hair can take the sail out of almost any woman's day. It may seem vain to pay so much attention to hair, but signs of thinning hair are really the first signals of such conditions as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, excessive...
 | 11/26/2008 - Saw palmetto may be a man's best friend. It's the primary herb helping men maintain prostate health that's very popular throughout Europe for its ability to relieve symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), otherwise known as enlargement of the prostate. In the U.S. where pharmaceuticals...
 | 10/2/2008 - Whether your hair turns gray and falls out or stays a thick mane of vibrant color is dependent on your body having proper levels of thyroid hormones. New ground breaking research has documented that human hair follicles are direct targets of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 which modulate hair biology...
 | 9/23/2008 - All aspects of body care are important as the skin tends to soak up anything you apply to it. This can also be true for the scalp. Many people may be concerned with what they put into their bodies through the food and drinks they consume, but don't consider the skin as an absorbing medium. Aside from...
 | 5/12/2008 - If you use permanent hair dye you are likely to be familiar with the burning sensation, irritation on the scalp and strong distinctive smell during the application of the dye. Have you ever wondered what the long term effects are on your body?
We may try to overlook the chemicals that we place on...
 | 5/11/2008 - At some point in our lives we have all suffered from physical insecurities, thanks to the unwitting comments of the people around us, our faulty habit of comparing ourselves to others, and mainstream media's rigid standards of beauty. Depending on our environment, upbringing, and self-image we have...
 | 4/22/2008 - An Ayurvedic herbal formula named Diabecon was first brought to my attention last year by my assistant. The Japanese pronunciation is "daya" + "bacon", but no... there is no connection to nitrated pork bellies. The name is obviously constructed from "diabe" of "diabetes", plus "con", meaning contra,...
 | 3/30/2008 - It's true, hair loss happens to women as well as men. This may come as a shock, but hair loss in women is not as rare as you might think. The fact is, women do experience hair loss, but they may not realize it until later in life.
Just like with men, hair loss in women comes on gradually. Unless...
 | 2/15/2008 - Recently a young woman in the U.K. suffered a severe reaction to a hair dye with chemical burns to her skin around her face, neck and scalp and a rash over her body (1). This is in line with reports of an increase in hair dye allergies. A survey in London found that contact dermatitis due to a hair...
 | 2/1/2008 - Many consumers are growing in their watchfulness as to what goes in their bodies, but health can be as greatly impacted by what goes on their bodies. We already realize that chemicals in cosmetics such as skin creams can break through the skin barrier, but what about the chemicals in hair coloring?...
 | 11/15/2007 - Scientists have found a way to induce the regeneration of hair follicles and the regrowth of hair in mice. This new research that may provide clues to regrowing hair in humans, according to a study published in the journal Nature.
Researchers inflicted large, shallow wounds in the backs of mice....
 | 2/27/2007 - The FDA has approved the HairMax Laser Comb as the first drug-free hair regrowth device for at-home use. The Laser Comb, which is only the third hair regrowth product to receive FDA approval, is manufactured by Lexington International, LLC, based in Boca Raton, Fla.
Jump directly to: conventional...
 | 12/14/2006 - Merck's popular hair loss drug Propecia may alter the results of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) prostate cancer screening test, which could prevent detection of the disease, according to a new study appearing in the Dec. 5 online edition of the journal Lancet Oncology.
The active ingredient...
 | 10/19/2006 - A new study from Brigham Young University found that hair samples can help doctors diagnose eating disorders.
The BYU researchers found marked differences in nitrogen and carbon content when hair samples from females at an eating disorder clinic were compared with samples from females who didn't...
| 7/17/2006 - A team of Cleveland Clinic experts is reporting that the treatment of iron deficiency, through diet or supplements, may help regrow hair.
Led by Wilma Bergfeld, M.D., Head of Clinical Research in the Department of Dermatology at the Clinic, the researchers reviewed the scientific literature that...
 | 10/27/2005 - Unless you were trying to make a fashion statement – think David Beckham or Sinead O'Connor – you probably wouldn't be too pleased with hair loss. In Western society, hair loss – especially male pattern hair loss – is fodder for jokes, unless the hair loss is a result of chemotherapy or other medical...
| 10/13/2004 - A reader asks: "My hair is falling out -- can you recommend a natural treatment for this problem?"
Yes, I can recommend a natural approach to slowing hair loss, but I suspect that most readers aren't going to enjoy this answer very much. That's because as much as I disagree with the conclusion many...
| 5/20/2004 8:20:26 AM - A study published in the journal Biology of Reproduction
reveals that both prostate cancer and hair loss in men can be prevented
by consuming soy products. The reason? The consumption of soy products
results in the creation of a unique molecule in the intestines called
equol. This equol blocks...
| 5/10/2004 4:20:25 PM - New research published in the journal Biology of Reproduction
reveals that consuming soy milk and other soy products could reduce hair
loss and male pattern baldness. How? When the body breaks down
isoflavones from soy products, one of the resulting compounds is equol,
which blocks a form of...
| See all 188 hair feature articles.Concept-related articles:DNA:Brain:Research:Exposure:People:Damage:Researchers:Cancer:Toxic ingredients:The FDA:FDA:Hair dyes:Perfume:Hair coloring:Chemicals:Health:
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