Genes news, articles and information:
 | 10/7/2016 - Corn rootworms cost the corn industry about $1 billion per year, and for the past 30 years, biotechnology companies have bragged about killing them by inserting toxic bacterial genes in the corn plant that dissolve the worms' insides.
The Bt genes (Bacillus thuringiensis) make the genetically modified...
 | 5/19/2016 - A very small proportion of the human population may have some trait that makes them immune to certain inherited genetic diseases, according to a study published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.
"Millions of years of evolution have produced far more protective mechanisms than we currently understand,"...
 | 5/13/2016 - Corn, and more specifically, high-fructose corn syrup, is injected into nearly every corner of the food supply, from baked goods to sweetened beverages. Although the substance has been linked to a host of maladies, a new study has established that an important omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA can reverse...
 | 3/10/2016 - Everyone says you are what you eat, but, for some reason, the majority of the world's population seems completely oblivious to this fact. Yet pure science and simple experiments have managed to definitively prove what naturopaths have been saying for centuries: What you eat changes you, down to your...
 | 10/9/2015 4:29:12 PM - A ruling by Australia's highest court stating that a gene is not a "patentable invention" comes as a huge victory for those who have long awaited such a decision. The ruling specifically zeroes in on BRCA1, a gene associated with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer; a United States biotech...
 | 4/24/2015 - Scientists have discovered that an already unusual plant known as the carnivorous bladderwort (Utricularia gibba) is even more mysterious than they had previously realized. According to a new study conducted by researchers from the University at Buffalo and published in the journal Molecular Biology...
 | 3/8/2015 - Shedding new light on the dangers associated with cultivating genetically engineered organisms, which have the potential to spread into the wild, a recent study published in The Biological Bulletin explains how genes can transfer from one species to another and become a permanent part of the other species,...
 | 3/6/2015 - The science fraud game is over for the biotech mafia. After years of running its corporate con that pushed dangerous poisons into the food supply and the fragile environment, the biotech industry's lies are now exposed and meticulously deconstructed in an exhaustively researched new book launching March...
 | 2/12/2015 - We have learned a lot over the years when it comes to genetics and how they affect our health. The previous dogma that still holds strong is that we have but little opportunity to express our genes in a different way, so we are bound to our history and will suffer the consequences if we are genetically...
 | 1/22/2015 - Researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Vancouver Coastal Health have discovered that not only can exposure to diesel exhaust give asthmatics headaches and itchy eyes, but -- more poignant to their study -- it can alter genes on a micro level. After just two hours of exposure to...
 | 11/9/2014 - The mechanism by which Ebola and other filoviruses attack and kill their hosts has been identified as what we now know to be genetic modification, according to shocking new research published in the journal mBio. Upon entry, Ebola and the related Marburg viruses demonstrably "edit" their genetic material,...
 | 11/5/2014 - New research shows that your genetic makeup could serve as a natural barrier to the deadly Ebola virus.
According to a new study published just days ago in the journal Science, researchers who infected a group of specially bred mice with the virus "saw a range of reactions, from zero [symptoms] to...
 | 5/8/2014 - A study published April 29 in the journal Nature Communications has provided the first proof that a mother's diet can change the expression of genes in her unborn child. The study was conducted by researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC) International Nutrition Group at the London School...
 | 1/29/2014 - The EPA publicly states that cadmium toxicity through inhalation and oral exposure can cause developmental effects, such as low fetal weight, skeletal malformations, interference with fetal metabolism and impaired neurological development.
Researchers from the California Institute of Technology in...
 | 1/22/2014 - What role does the current overuse of antibiotics play in encouraging the spread of new and invasive super bugs?
Why are water treatment facilities spreading super bugs even after the water has been treated?
Is chlorine an effective water disinfectant?
Experts are beginning to ponder these...
 | 11/5/2013 - Increasingly stricken by a disease that leaves them shriveled, discolored and sour, Florida oranges are the latest target for genetic manipulators who are right now working on a new variety of genetically modified (GM) orange that could end up containing pig genes. According to The New York Times (NYT),...
 | 10/15/2013 - As the trend to attribute everything to physiology and genetics rages on, researchers from UC Berkeley and Northwestern University claim that genes are what determine satisfaction in your marriage.
Specifically, the 5-HTTLPR gene, which you received from both parents, is said to be the cause of marital...
 | 9/28/2013 - The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can't turn it off, I've discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you've been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we've all been taught about genetics is a lie.
But don't take my word for it. Join me as we take an...
 | 6/13/2013 - In a unanimous ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled today that human genes cannot be patented. The ruling invalidates the thousands of patents that have already been granted on human genes, including the patent by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA breast cancer genes which the company says no one...
| 5/30/2013 - Monsanto lies about everything and will commit any atrocity against the people to ensure profits.
Recently, the Cornucopia Institute reported about the French farmer that was poisoned by one of Monsanto's "safe" pesticides. Read it for your self.
A French farmer who can no longer perform his routine...
 | 5/23/2013 - For more than 60 years now, many conventional bee farmers have been dousing their hives with antibiotic drugs to prevent their bees from dying of foulbrood, a bacterial disease that has the potential to wipe out entire bee colonies if left unaddressed. But the unabated use of these drugs has had the...
 | 5/19/2013 - The United States government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights. This astonishing revelation has emerged from the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims the power to assign ownership of your DNA to private companies and universities who apply for patents on...
 | 5/17/2013 - YouTube, owned by corporate giant Google, has banned our video discussing the corporate ownership of patents on human genes. This video, which featured nothing more than myself and Robert Scott Bell criticizing Angelina Jolie for hyping up BRCA breast cancer gene tests and being part of the trillion-dollar...
 | 5/17/2013 - Following recent revelations of how Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy P.R. stunt feeds into the profits of the trillion dollar industry which claims to own human genes, Natural News is now calling on Jolie to publicly denounce patents on human genes, including the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes she has now...
 | 5/16/2013 - Editor's note: Because of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that handed the biotech companies a resounding defeat in their effort to try to patent human genes, we are updating this story by removing the original content (which was largely based on factors leading up to the Supreme Court decision) and...
 | 5/1/2013 - It is one of the only major food crops left without a genetically-modified (GM) counterpart, but this could soon change if the Australian government gets its way in approving a GM wheat variety developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), an agency of the Australian...
 | 3/24/2013 - Mounting research shows that huge numbers of people are deficient in vitamin D - and that a deficiency of that vitamin could be linked to all sorts of health problems, many of them serious. But could taking vitamin D supplements benefit people who appear to be healthy? The answer is a resounding "yes."
 | 9/18/2012 - Plants contain thousands of natural compounds that science has shown benefit human health and shield us against chronic diseases ranging from heart disease and stroke to diabetes, dementia and cancer. There are still thousands of yet unidentified chemical compounds in plants and vegetables we consume...
 | 8/27/2012 - "30 percent of the American population has the genes for Celiac Disease" Let's not even superscript the source; that number comes from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Chicago, Celiac Disease Center (12.12.2011). So why is everyone under the impression that Celiac Disease affects...
 | 5/2/2012 - Unless the rice you buy is certified organic, or comes specifically from a farm that tests its rice crops for genetically modified (GM) traits, you could be eating rice tainted with actual human genes. The only known GMO with inbred human traits in cultivation today, a GM rice product made by biotechnology...
| 11/3/2011 - The influence diet has on human health has been an important subject of scientific focus during recent years. A study conducted by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NUST) comes to show that eating habits have a more significant impact on the human body, with immediate...
 | 10/28/2011 12:16:59 PM - Reversing a previous decision by a US District Court that declared gene patenting to be invalid, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) recently ruled in opposition, declaring that certain gene variants are supposedly unnatural and can thus be legally patented by biotechnology companies.
 | 6/1/2011 - Countless people have had regular expensive testings and even organs removed because, based on genetic testing, they've been told they are sure to get cancer. Think about women having breasts amputated to avoid breast cancer in the future, for example. Others live a life of worry and a feeling of impending...
 | 2/27/2011 - Weekend satire special: New research accidentally conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has discovered that vaccines activate the "moron" genes that normally lie dormant in human beings. Once activated, these "moron genes" cause individuals to lose higher brain function and the ability...
| 11/8/2010 - As scientists are busy manipulating the genes of edibles including corn, soybeans, canola, papaya, zucchini, and now rice and salmon, an interesting fact comes into light about what exactly scientists know and don't know about human genes. According to geneticist Steven Salzberg of the University of...
 | 11/2/2010 - This is one of the most important issues for the future of human civilization: Who owns your genetic code? Based on existing U.S. law, the corporations own it. Right now, over 20% of your genetic code is owned by biotech corporations (this is a fact). But the U.S. Justice Department has just issued...
| 10/14/2010 - It is common to hear both medical professionals and the population at large talk about certain diseases as if they are inherited from the family genes. Breast cancer is one such disease for which many women assume they have no control over its development because it "runs in the family". But a new study...
| 10/14/2010 - The benefits of calorie restriction have been known for the past 75 years and provide an important means to increase lifespan. Scientists continue to uncover the evolved biological mechanisms that have been shown to extend life and improve health in animals and mammals alike. Eating too much burdens...
| 10/7/2010 - The importance of Vitamin D is rapidly coming into the consciousness of the masses and for good reason. Simply put Vitamin D is one of the hardest working nutrients utilized by the body in order to thrive. It is well known that the appropriate levels of Vitamin D is great for preventing diseases such...
 | 7/27/2010 - Research has been steadily accumulating that olive oil, a main component of the Mediterranean diet, has extensive health-protective properties. For example, phytonutrient components of olive oil have been found to be effective against breast cancer cells (
 | 4/1/2010 - As NaturalNews readers already know, corporations and universities right now claim intellectual property ownership over roughly twenty percent of your genetic code. This absurdity has occurred due to bizarre operations of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which has handed corporations intellectual...
| 8/12/2009 - You've all heard the good news about resveratrol, commonly known as the "red wine nutrient." There's more to resveratrol than red wine, though, and it's helpful for far more than just preventing heart disease. It's also phenomenal for maintaining a healthy cholesterol balance and even supporting increased...
| 7/23/2009 - What is a neuropeptide? In the Mind-Body Connection Part 1 article we learned a thought - an abstract - is transduced by the human brain into a language the body can read - chemistry. The specific chemistry is called a neuropeptide. Exactly what is a neuropeptide?
A neuropeptide is a chain of amino...
| 1/11/2009 - The era of pre-birth genetic screening of babies has commenced. Doctors at University College in London have produced what they called the "world's first breast cancer gene-free baby" by screening a baby for the BRCA1 gene, which they claim causes breast cancer. (
| 1/5/2009 - Medical research largely depends on the results from studies that show a particular medication provides better results than a placebo. However, there are often conflicting outcomes that show certain study participants receiving equally effective treatment from placebos. A new study at Uppsala University...
 | 9/29/2008 - Are people with fat parents destined to be obese? Not necessarily. According to a press release by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, high levels of physical activity can supersede a gene that typically causes people to gain weight. Researchers examined gene variants and activity levels...
 | 9/22/2008 -, the downloadable health book summary service created by Mike Adams and Kevin Gianni, has just released its summary of the book "The Genie In Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention" by Dawson Church. The downloadable summary is available now at
 | 9/10/2008 - A new study that was recently published sheds more evidence to what many have been saying for a long time, that DNA does not control the body or predestine you to being overweight, ill, sick, weak or anything else, but that the majority of our health and destiny lies within our own power.
Here is...
 | 9/10/2008 - There is no connection between schizophrenia and the genes most commonly believed to cause the condition, according to a study conducted by 23 researchers from Australia, France and the United States, and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Since the 1970s, psychiatrists have argued...
 | 5/15/2008 - The children of women who are exposed to arsenic during pregnancy may be at an increased risk of cancer later in life due to the activation of a certain suite of genes, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Researchers examined data on...
 | 2/22/2008 - Autism is on the rise, but is it due to inheritance or to lifestyle? This seems to be the burning question of the day, as many new insights into the cause of autism are unfolding.
Autism encompasses a range of disorders, from mild to profound mental retardation, and social ineptitude often including...
 | 11/23/2006 - Announced with great fanfare in late November, 2006, scientists have discovered that human DNA is far more variable than previously thought. Contrary to previous beliefs, as much as 10 percent of human genes vary wildly from one person to the next. The mainstream press is hailing the discovery and some...
| 10/6/2006 - Expectant mothers may someday get a personalized menu of foods to eat during pregnancy to complement their genetic makeup as a result of new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Researchers used transparent fish embryos to develop a way to discover how genes and diet interact...
| 8/17/2006 - The hunt to find common genes that are associated with cancer is unlikely to be successful, say experts in this week’s BMJ.
Huge resources are being invested in the search for common inherited genetic variants that increase susceptibility to cancer. One US project, for example, will cost $14m. But...
| 11/18/2003 10:27:50 AM - The great search for the genes that cause cancer continues... yet researchers are looking in the wrong place. Genes don't cause cancer: food and exercise choices do. People who eat anti-cancer foods like broccoli, chlorella, and spirulina don't get cancer. People who avoid cancer-causing ingredients...
| See all 156 genes feature articles.Concept-related articles:Evolution:Virus:Cancer:Cancer prevention:Scientists:Exercise:Food:Ingredients:WHO:People:Fast food:Nutrition:Processed foods:Food supply:Refined carbohydrates:Human genes:
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