Gardening news, articles and information:
 | 6/18/2016 - Looking for ways to relieve stress, anxiety and depression without resorting to pills or psychiatric therapy? Engaging in activities such as gardening and volunteering, produce obvious practical benefits, but they can also help significantly in boosting mental health and self-esteem.
A recent BBC...
 | 6/13/2016 - Few of us like to think about what life would be like if our society were to break down, even temporarily, due to internal or external factors like war, insurrection, famine or natural disaster.
But most of us do indeed plan for the worst, don't we? That's why we purchase health, homeowners, life,...
 | 4/19/2016 - In addition to enhancing your life skills and boosting your food security, there is another major benefit of gardening, researchers have found: fitness.
Long-time gardeners have always know that putting plant and seed in the ground and then maintaining plants and crops as they grow is hard work....
 | 2/14/2016 - One of the best ways to protect your children from a lifetime of allergies and autoimmune disorders is to make sure that they – and you – spend plenty of time outdoors getting dirty, scientists are now saying.
That's because exposure to the naturally occurring microbes in our outdoor...
 | 6/8/2015 - Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, one thing is indisputable: that the Southwestern United States are experiencing a record-breaking drought that has lasted for around 14 years. This particular drought has the potential of becoming what is termed a "megadrought" -- one which lasts...
 | 6/5/2015 - There are many good reasons to grow your own food. You'll save money while eating healthier, and you'll have the unmatched pleasure of eating flavorful ripe vegetables, fruits and herbs that taste much better than anything you can buy in the supermarket.
You'll also have control over the process,...
 | 5/6/2015 - For ages, farmers worldwide have looked to the night sky to determine the right time to fertilize, sow, prune, weed or harvest. Some skeptics say planting by the cycles of the moon is just an old folklore, others swear by it.
The renewed attention for lunar gardening may be a reaction against the...
 | 4/13/2015 - The medicinal value of comfrey has been known for many centuries, and the plant is also very useful in maintaining permaculture systems. Comfrey is a native European plant that can be found growing wild in parts of the United Kingdom.
Wild comfrey is found in the damp grasslands of Europe but is...
 | 4/4/2015 - Julia Parker-Dickerson, who serves as the Director of Youth Education Programs with the National Gardening Association, will be a featured speaker at an upcoming, free online event called the "Home Grown Food Summit."
The summit will include dozens of presenters who will provide information about...
 | 6/28/2014 - In an effort to determine the role between gardening and the health of cancer survivors, experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) studied both survivors and gardeners, pairing them together and noting the outcomes. (1)
The study, Harvest for Health, concluded that cancer survivors...
 | 7/18/2013 - It makes sense that cultivating a garden of any type can help one's state of mind, even preventing or resolving issues of depression. Focusing on nourishing plant life takes one's attention to nature and away from negative "stinkin' thinkin'" that fosters depression.
The energy field of natural settings...
 | 7/10/2013 - One of the biggest challenges that organic gardeners have long faced is invasive pests, which as you may well know tend to target food crops that have not been treated with toxic pesticides. But maintaining a truly organic garden is not an impossible task, especially if you are willing to take the time...
 | 6/21/2013 - No-till gardening is a natural method of gardening that rejects mechanical means of horticulture, such as compacting, plowing, eroding and degrading the earth using tools and machines, in favor of less aggressive means that encourage soil fertility. Advocates of the no-till method believe that tilling...
 | 4/15/2013 - "If kids grow kale, they eat kale," Ron Finley, a famed guerrilla gardener, asserts during his 2013 TED talk. He also believes that food gardening is a revolutionary move with the ability to change the world. In an act of rebellion against the food desert of South Central Los Angeles, he began converting...
 | 3/26/2013 1:38:59 PM - Certain forward-thinking folks are reinventing farming as we know it. Indoor, organic urban farms growing food vertically using hydroponic and aquaponic principles, are sprouting around the country. The push for alternative methods of raising food follow in part, on the heels of local governments outlawing...
 | 2/11/2013 - Moon planting (also called moon gardening) is a holistic form of gardening in which the gardener plants his or her vegetables and flowers in accordance with moon phases. It has origins in ancient times, possibly in Babylon or Egypt, when man ascertained the time of day by consulting the stars, moon,...
 | 10/18/2012 12:16:40 PM - Jack had it right when he planted the magic seeds that grew into a sky high beanstalk. Not only did he stumble upon the principles of vertical gardening; but Jack also discovered the path to abundance and self-reliance when he realized he could provide for himself and his family as a result of the riches...
 | 9/10/2012 - With the rash of veggie and herb garden raids on front yard gardens, it appears a fenced-in back yard garden is better if there is sunlight. Using creative solutions for gardening in small spaces is also a good idea.
All the gardening suggestions mentioned here will require more research if you wish...
 | 6/15/2012 - From edible landscaping to biointensive gardening, Americans around the nation are discovering the financial beauty of creating practical solutions to our food woes. Beyond the dangers of GMO's and industrial farming, a basic fact remains: food costs are skyrocketing. Savvy individuals are recognizing...
 | 5/27/2012 - Organic gardening may produce physiological changes to boost your physical and mental health, a number of studies suggest.
One such change may take place as a result of the simple act of putting your hands into the soil. A study conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol in London found...
 | 2/22/2012 - Organic gardening avoids the use of chemicals to make plants grow or protect them from insects, relying instead on natural gardening principles used for thousands of years. Permaculture organic gardening goes a step further and also emphasizes growing plants sustainably, working with rather than against...
 | 7/25/2011 - Not only is having a green thumb a great way to stay healthier and happier, but new research shows it can actually protect you from cancer.
Noted cancer treatment and research center M.D. Anderson, at the University of Texas, found in a study that time spent gardening once or twice a week can reduce...
| 4/17/2011 - April is National Gardening Month. If you have never considered growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, here are 10 reasons to start now.
1. Gardening is delicious. Homegrown produce, especially juicy tomatoes and fresh basil, are usually tastier than when store-bought. Plant what your family...
| 7/12/2010 - A new study conducted for Britain's Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has found that encouraging children to learn gardening boosts their development by helping them become happier, more confident, and more resilient. In addition, gardening also helps teach children patience and the benefits of a healthy...
| 6/21/2009 - The economic downturn has led to a concurrent resurgence in the popularity of backyard food gardening, according to industry surveys and analysis of this year's seed orders.
"People's home grocery budget got absolutely shredded, and now we've seen just this dramatic increase in the demand for our...
| 2/11/2009 - Many scientific studies have begun to conclude that organic gardening is beneficial for every level of life: soil, plants and animals, insects, water and air quality, as well as our own mental and physical health. Certain conventional farming practices have led to increases of pollutants in our air,...
 | 6/16/2006 - I just had an out-of-body customer service experience. This customer service experience was so outstanding I almost thought I was dreaming. The company I'm talking about is Gardeners -- found at It's a company that sells supplies for, of course, people who garden. Since I do a fair amount...
 | 1/24/2006 - I have just completed construction on a massive pharmaceutical factory in my own back yard. I'm not making this up. This is absolutely true. Right now, this factory is turning out pharmaceuticals that prevent prostate cancer, nervous system degeneration, birth defects and Alzheimer's disease. There...
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a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
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a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.