Flu vaccine news, articles and information:
 | 11/23/2016 - Sure, you've heard of nasal vaccines, like for Polio, but have you heard of the needle-free vaccine that's sprayed down on you from the sky? Remember the mass aerial spraying over Miami during the great Zika hoax recently? If you're worried about chemtrails and the mosquito truck spraying poison all...
 | 8/9/2016 - A new study is raising even more concerns about the already questionable flu vaccine, while highlighting yet another reason obesity can be dangerous. The study, which was led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, found that obese mice did not gain extra influenza protection from vaccines that contain...
 | 8/2/2016 - UK health authorities have approved a new seasonal flu vaccine made by Sanofi Pasteur MSD UK that contains four influenza virus strains – but will it prove to be either safe or effective?
The answer is likely neither, and there's plenty of evidence to support that assertion.
In general,...
 | 7/1/2016 - It's bad enough that annual flu vaccines are often ineffective, but now we learn that the more popular, needle-free "FluMist" influenza vaccine has not provided protection for kids or adults for several years, and therefore should not be used in the coming flu season, say experts.
As reported by...
 | 6/30/2016 - The vaccine pushers in traditional medicine circles and Big Pharma have often gone out of their way to shield from consumers the dangers associated with vaccines, as Natural News readers are well aware of. The chicanery and obfuscation continues with the influenza vaccine.
As reported by Dr. Brent...
 | 3/3/2016 - If you want to be a healthcare worker, or keep your current job as one, then you better be OK with getting the flu vaccine each year; that's according to a relatively new requirement now being mandated in many states across the U.S.
Hospital employees are being forced to receive annual flu shots...
 | 6/15/2015 - As the mainstream media rouses up mass panic over bird flu, despite the fact that there have only been a handful of confirmed cases in mostly commercial animals, some poultry producers are proposing drastic reactionary measures including mass vaccination that threaten to not only harm the poultry industry...
 | 4/21/2015 - A live virus nasal flu vaccine known as FluMist (made by AstraZeneca) is failing to provide protection to children, and its manufacturer is blaming the vaccine's total inefficacy on high temperatures rather than exaggerated quack science.
When the supposedly "fragile" shot is set out at room temperature...
 | 4/20/2015 - The swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 children across Europe, and the UK government has now agreed to pay $90 million in compensation to those victims as part of a vaccine injury settlement.
This is the same swine flu vaccine that the entire mainstream media ridiculously insists...
 | 3/5/2015 - The conventional medical system is literally grasping at straws trying to maintain the illusion that vaccines work, with new reports now admitting that flu vaccines are an utter failure while still pushing people to get them. The latest nonsensical narrative, at least from the Canadian government, attributes...
 | 1/7/2015 - (Republished from VaccineImpact.com) The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation,...
 | 1/2/2015 - The vaccine industry is once again pimping the mainstream media to be its marketing mouthpiece for this year's flu "season," with the latest reports claiming that more than half of the country is now seeing a major uptick in flu cases.
This year's influenza vaccine admittedly doesn't work against...
 | 12/20/2014 - (Story by Brian Shilhavy, republished from HealthImpactNews.com) Are Americans' freedom to choose what is injected into their body at risk in the United States today? Is it possible that the day is not far off when if you refuse a mandated vaccine at your place of employment, or refuse a mandated vaccine...
 | 12/5/2014 - The following video from Gary Franchi of NextNewsNetwork reveals the shocking admission by the CDC that this year's flu vaccine doesn't work.
As this story has gone extremely viral, I've also added these additional links to other news stories that report on the CDC's admission that this year's flu...
 | 12/1/2014 - A flu vaccine manufactured by Novartis is killing people in Italy, with the death toll now rising to 13 people according to a reports from The Age, News.com and WAtoday.com.au. [1] [2] [3]
"The number of people who have died in Italy after being administered a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceutical...
 | 9/2/2014 - Nearly every pregnancy and health advocacy group in the nation, including Consumer Reports, (1) advises pregnant women to avoid consuming products like canned tuna fish that contain high levels of neurotoxic mercury. But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has released new...
 | 6/24/2014 - In case you missed it, recent lab tests conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab found that seasonal flu vaccines, which are pushed on virtually everyone these days, including young babies, pregnant women and the elderly, contain outrageously high levels of neurotoxic mercury. Vials of batch...
 | 1/27/2014 - A team of Swedish clinicians have clinically linked a 2009 swine flu vaccine to increased risk of narcolepsy in young adults, and a group of Danish researchers now understand how and why.
Pandemrix, an influenza vaccine unleashed in 2009, was widely administered to combat H1N1, or swine flu, in multiple...
 | 1/9/2014 - The family of a 15-year-old Australian girl is seeking answers after their daughter developed a severe sleeping disorder following vaccination with Pandemrix, the infamous "swine flu" shot pushed during the 2009 "pandemic." Australia's News.com.au reports that Chloe Glasson now falls asleep suddenly...
 | 4/9/2013 - Children are not the only ones at high risk of developing the chronic neurological disorder narcolepsy in conjunction with the pandemic swine flu vaccine Pandemrix, according to a new study. The latest among several in recent years to link the two, the new paper found that people age 20 and younger...
 | 3/6/2013 - This past fall, I worked with about 150 healthcare workers in 26 states who were required to get a flu shot to keep their job. I'm happy to report that the vast majority were successful. But I gained some disturbing insights from this national perspective regarding flu shots that have implications for...
 | 2/27/2013 - First of all, you should know that the flu vaccine is based on "educated" guessing, not good science. In addition, these flu shots are created by mixing various flu virus strains (toxic germs) with formaldehyde, MSG, sodium chloride and mercury. And, here's the kicker, these deadly vaccines are not...
 | 2/20/2013 - The government's "health" agencies are at it again, this time pushing more flu vaccines on an unsuspecting population by threatening makers of natural remedies.
Regulators at the Food and Drug Administration have sent letters to nine Internet distributors of dietary supplements with a warning to...
 | 2/8/2013 - A new vaccine for influenza has hit the market, and it is the first ever to contain genetically-modified (GM) proteins derived from insect cells. According to reports, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the vaccine, known as Flublok, which contains recombinant DNA technology...
 | 1/31/2013 - The Food and Drug Administration approved a new flu shot in January 2013 called Flublok. With the CDC calling claiming the flu is "at an epidemic level, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises American to get the a flu shot." Flublok, made by Protein Sciences Corp., of Meriden,...
 | 9/26/2012 - Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to...
 | 8/1/2012 - The U.K.'s government-run National Health Service (NHS) is trying to implement a new mass vaccination scheme that involves vaccinating every single child in the country with AstraZeneca's nasal influenza shot Fluenz, also known as FluMist in the U.S. According to Reuters, the program, which is expected...
 | 4/21/2012 - Two years to the day after CSL's Fluvax was banned for use in children under the age of 5, news has emerged that Australian doctors are continuing to administer this shot to infants and toddlers despite the fact that there are four other vaccines that are licensed for use in this age group.
 | 10/27/2011 - A new scientific study published in The Lancet reveals that influenza vaccines only prevent influenza in 1.5 out of every 100 adults who are injected with the flu vaccine. Yet, predictably, this report is being touted by the quack science community, the vaccine-pushing CDC and the scientifically-inept...
 | 10/8/2011 - The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine "conclusively" causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for "lifetime medical care" for 79 children...
 | 5/29/2011 - I'm always amused by the purchasing process of electronics or appliances at big box stores. On one hand, as their sales associate calmly explains to you, whatever product you're buying is such high quality that you'll be extremely satisfied with your purchase. But on the other hand, it's also such a...
| 2/13/2011 - The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently investigating reports from 12 different countries claiming that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination is responsible for causing narcolepsy, a disorder involving extreme chronic fatigue and the tendency to fall asleep suddenly and without warning. One of the...
| 2/7/2011 - Every year around the first of October we find ourselves plunged into another flu season. Health organizations ramp up communications; plastic signs appear outside of neighborhood pharmacies; and more than half of the US population typically decides to be vaccinated. In December of 2010, however, the...
 | 1/21/2011 - The Sanofi-Aventis flu vaccine known as "Fluzone" is causing febrile seizures in children, the FDA revealed yesterday. According to the FDA, 42 cases of seizures have been reported in children receiving the Fluzone vaccine. Most of the children suffering seizures are under the age of two.
The FDA...
 | 1/18/2011 - Like a medical house of cards in an earthquake, the seasonal flu vaccine mythology is collapsing right before our eyes. After months of urging everyone to get vaccinated (and blaming non-vaccinated people for skipping out on their "public health obligation"), UK health authorities announced last week...
 | 1/14/2011 - A 68-year-old UK grandmother named Eleanor Carruthers has died from the swine flu. Importantly, she was given the swine flu vaccine shot several months ago and was told the shot would offer her absolute protection from the flu.
Her daughter, Carole, was quoted in a Dailymail article saying, "'What...
 | 12/20/2010 - In an independent review published in a peer-reviewed medical journal (see below), a popular herbal immune supplement called "ImmunoFlu Remedy" was found to fraudulently marketed as a "flu prevention supplement." Its makers claim that if you take the supplement, you won't get the flu and won't miss...
| 12/16/2010 - Every year studies are conducted evaluating the effectiveness of flu vaccines. Every few years the Cochrane Collaboration reviews the scientific literature on the effectiveness of flu vaccines. And every review shows that flu vaccines are relatively ineffective. Despite these findings, vaccine manufacturers...
| 11/3/2010 - Despite extensive denial, The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recently issued a new statement linking the swine flu vaccine with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a deadly nerve disease that may lead to partial paralysis and death. The news comes after...
 | 7/31/2010 - As ridiculous as it seems, retailers across the U.S. are already stocking their stores with Christmas goods. It's all about the big commercial push, of course, since retailers make about 50 percent of their profits during the Christmas season.
Similarly, flu vaccine manufacturers generate huge profits...
| 7/2/2010 - A remarkable article was published today by authors Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com). It may be the most shocking (and important) public health article published in the last two years. If you read just one health article this entire...
 | 11/4/2009 - A six-year-old Brooklyn girl, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, was hospitalized recently after being injected with the swine flu vaccine. The vaccination was conducted entirely without her parents' permission in an incident school nurses are calling "a mistake."
Mother Naomi Troy told the NY Daily News, "I...
| 10/30/2009 - The propaganda push for flu vaccines has reached a level of absurdity that's just begging to be made fun of. Today, a flu vaccine story appearing in Reuters claimed that injecting pregnant women with flu shots would increase the birth weight of their babies by half a pound. That same story claimed flu...
 | 10/23/2009 - New York State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines announced today that public health workers will no longer be required to receive swine flu vaccinations. The state had been sued by the Public Employees Federation to stop the vaccine mandate, and a state judge had granted the group a temporary restraining...
| 10/21/2009 - Swine flu vaccine zealots are like zombies... they just keep coming at you, mindless... heartless... empty-headed and a tad funky on the smell, too. But I've noticed from observing the behavior of a few such zealots that not all of them fully comprehend precisely how to act like a mindless vaccine zealot....
| 10/16/2009 - Amid growing discontent among New York health care workers who are being forced to receive swine flu vaccine injections, the Public Employees Federation sued in state court to halt the mandate. Friday, a state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order granting a temporary halt to the mandate until...
| 10/16/2009 - Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by "good science," they've been "proven effective" and they're "perfectly safe."
Oh really? Where's all that good science? As it turns out, there's isn't...
 | 10/14/2009 - Prepare to have your world rocked. What you're about to read here will leave you astonished, inspired and outraged all at the same time. You're about to be treated to some little-known information demonstrating why seasonal flu vaccines are utterly worthless and why their continued promotion is based...
| 10/12/2009 - Public support for the swine flu vaccine is evaporating by the day as the rationale for the vaccine appears increasingly ludicrous to anyone paying attention. Moms, nurses, day care workers and members of the general public are increasingly realizing that Big Pharma's rationale for swine flu vaccination...
 | 10/6/2009 - As the swine flu vaccination campaigns begin sweeping across America, NaturalNews has created a new website where victims of swine flu vaccine side effects can post their true stories about what happened to them or their children. The website is www.SwineFluVaccineReport.com and it was created by NaturalNews...
| 9/28/2009 - Concerns about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine continue to grow as the government rushes to bring the vaccine to market. The FDA usually requires rigorous testing of any new drug, but concerns about the H1N1 pandemic has sped the vaccine through the channels without the same clinical testing as other...
| 9/25/2009 - To hear it from the vaccine makers, their vaccines are perfectly safe and have no side effects. A person can receive an unlimited number of vaccines (10, 100 or even 1000) and have absolutely no ill effects, they claim. This is the quack science mythology upon which mass vaccination policies are currently...
| 9/20/2009 - I admit, the thought of being injected with a chemical cocktail made by a pharmaceutical company and approved by the FDA with virtually no safety testing is somewhat tempting. Who wouldn't want the thrill and rush of being part of a grand pharmaceutical experiment, anyway?
On second thought, it may...
| 8/25/2009 - We've just launched the latest song and music video in the Beyond All Reason album. It's an anti-vaccine song entitled Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song), and it's already making waves on YouTube and peer-to-peer file sharing networks. You can hear the song and watch the music video at this...
| 8/17/2009 - A warning letter about the swine flu vaccine was leaked to the DailyMail over the weekend. Written by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the Health Protection Agency's Immunization Department, it warns neurologists that the influenza vaccine of 1976 was linked to a devastating neurological condition...
 | 7/28/2009 - She was deathly afraid of the flu.
So she asked her doc what she should do.
He jabbed her unseen
With a swine flu vaccine
Blurting, "Darling, I haven't a clue."
- by the Health Ranger
Let's not beat around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now being prepared for mass...
 | 9/16/2008 - The 2007-08 flu vaccine was only 44 percent effective, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted in a study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, making the flu season the worst since 2003-04.
Flu vaccines are formulated based on health officials' educated guesses...
 | 7/21/2008 - According to an article by Matthew Day published in The Telegraph, a group of doctors recruited homeless people in Poland for a vaccine trial and paid them £1-2 (less than five dollars) to be tested with what they were told was a regular flu vaccine. What the unsuspecting, impoverished victims weren't...
 | 11/20/2007 - Flu shots remain a subject of intense controversy. Vaccinations of all types remain the centerpiece of the public health herd-mentality paradigm. Just wait until the Avian flu comes, then you will see public health at its finest. Yes, there will be police-state forced vaccinations with experimental...
| 6/30/2006 - -- Bird flu experts meeting in Paris at the First International Conference on Avian Influenza in Humans were told by leading virologists that it could take 10 years to develop an effective bird flu vaccine.
Dr. David Fedson, a retired professor of medicine from the University of Virginia, told the...
| See all 138 flu vaccine feature articles.Concept-related articles:Marketing:Vaccines:Immune system:Canada:America:Flu:Disease:Foods:Vaccine:North America:WHO:Protection:Americans:Study:Flu season:Health:
Concepts related to Flu vaccine
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