Cure news, articles and information:
 | 10/25/2016 - There are a lot of options out there besides pharmaceuticals to help cure a cold, treat an infection, or calm the stomach. And one of those options is medicinal herbs, which cover the spectrum of everything from ulcers and insomnia to psoriasis and inflammation. Here are 15 of the best herbal options...
 | 10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995
The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...
 | 10/14/2016 - You can prevent and cure gestational diabetes, and lower your child's risk of autism!
• Xanthurenic acid (XA)—a tryptophan metabolite—is high in serum in gestational diabetes
• Xanthurenic acid binds insulin, impeding it's action
• Vitamin B6 lowers xanthurenic acid levels...
 | 8/16/2016 - After a three-year battle, John Piears lost his 41-year-old wife Beata to ovarian cancer in October 2015. In her memory, he launched the "Dying for a Cure" campaign against profiteering drug companies.
To promote the campaign and encourage users to sign his petition, the father-of-two from West Horsley...
 | 5/10/2016 - Big Pharma is terrified that you might discover a simple, powerful truth: You can prevent, reverse and CURE serious disease yourself! Your body is a powerful self-healing system, and your healing potential doesn't depend on doctors, drugs or surgery.
In my new podcast (see links below), I cover all...
 | 4/6/2016 - You've been taught all sorts of lies about cancer by the "cancer profiteers" -- the institutions, cancer doctors, oncology centers and chemotherapy drug makers who profit from cancer.
In order to keep their profits flowing, they have to keep you in the dark about cancer truths: How it originates,...
 | 2/4/2016 - When a real pandemic devastates humanity, one of the primary causes of mass death will be the refusal of health authorities to even consider the realm of natural medicine as a source of plant-based cures.
Instead of looking for answers to a pandemic from across the entire realm of existing medicine...
 | 12/3/2015 - The debate about whether sunlight is good or bad for us, and how much we actually need, continues. Like many considerations related to our health, the key is "moderation." Solar Power for Optimal Health, written by Marc Sorenson, says that not only is sunlight crucial to our existence, but it can cure...
 | 11/22/2015 - It's no secret that the flu vaccine has the potential to destroy health and that despite such evidence, the vaccine industry continues to advocate getting one. After all, we're bombarded with flu shot messaging, from doctors who constantly urge us to get one to outdoor electronic advertisements that...
 | 9/1/2015 - An astounding 10% of the American population – 18% of American women and 6% of American men, and 10% of American children suffer from migraines. A migraine is not just a headache, it is a neurological disease with varied and complicated symptoms.
A classic migraine lasts from hours to days....
 | 8/17/2015 - An undercover, three-year investigation led by The Center for Medical Progress has unveiled a sinister agenda hiding within Planned Parenthood. The investigation has recorded more than one Planned Parenthood top level executive arranging for the illegal trafficking of aborted fetal body parts.
 | 7/27/2015 - The history of the suppression of medical science in America is a long one, filled with true accounts of pioneering doctors and clinicians being threatened, intimidated and even assassinated in order to bury emerging cures and keep the "sick care" industry in control. (The American Medical Association,...
 | 7/5/2015 - Officials from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) are making headlines with extraordinary new claims about a wonder drug that can supposedly cure MERS, AIDS, Ebola, Sars and even cancer. It might sound like a hoax to the rest of the world, especially to Westerners who've come to believe that things...
 | 5/23/2015 - Critics of modern medicine have been particularly cynical when it comes to how serious the industry and medical science are in finding cures for some diseases, especially those which generate billions of dollars in profits annually for drug makers.
In 2012 alone, for instance, Americans spent $325.8...
 | 5/6/2015 6:56:33 PM - It's a funny thing. Every culture has its way of doing things. You grow up in a culture, and you accept many things without ever questioning them. And yet, it's hard to believe that so many Americans in the last 150 years have accepted genital mutilation without question.
History of American CircumcisionMale...
 | 1/28/2015 4:48:25 PM - Modern medicine has abandoned one of the most important systems of the human body -- the commensal bacteria colonies that live symbiotically within the human gut. These various bacteria species aid in digestion and protect the organs and blood from toxins. They also boost the immune system. Here's how:
 | 12/15/2014 - Mainstream media's attention in America to the Ebola crisis in West Africa has long since wandered off, but that doesn't make the crisis any less real for the people living there. As of December 7, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is tracking a total of 17,908 cases of Ebola in Guinea, Liberia...
 | 9/25/2014 - In furtherance of the medical monopoly that dominates western civilization today, the FDA issued warning letters to three companies over what they call fraudulent health claims regarding Ebola treatments.
The warning letters, viewable here, single out the Natural Solutions Foundation (Rima Laibow)...
 | 9/20/2014 - Max Gerson did not set out to cure cancer, his first goal was to cure migraines, his own affliction. After developing a diet that alleviated his headaches, he recommended his diet to his patients who suffered from migraines. One of his patients not only recovered from migraines, his skin tuberculosis...
 | 9/15/2014 9:11:21 PM - Cancer. The very word causes a recoil, a visceral awareness that our statistical probability of "catching" this "disease" is astronomically high. Current statistics tell us 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. More than 1 million Americans...
 | 9/1/2014 11:13:51 PM - Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious, contagious, airborne disease, referred to as "the Great White Plague" of 19th century Europe. In 1882, the German physician Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the bacterium that causes most tuberculosis.
The WHO ranks TB as the second leading...
 | 8/17/2014 - There's a very interesting showdown taking place right now in the realm of Ebola treatments and cures. At stake is billions of dollars in potential vaccine profits as well as potentially tens of millions of lives of an Ebola pandemic outbreak takes place.
Here's a summary of what's happening so far,...
 | 4/16/2014 2:28:38 PM - I Cure Cancer is an eye-opening documentary that brings natural cancer-healing protocols to life through testimony and experience. The film empowers the individual to seek answers outside of the medical establishment's cut-poison-burn approach to cancer management. Instead, the film highlights a more...
 | 3/21/2014 2:48:00 AM - On November 18, 2013, an article reporting an amazing cannabis cure on a Californian approaching 80 years of age was published. The older gentleman's name is Stan Rutner. It was an amazing story because of Stan's condition.
The chemo and radiation were killing him and not doing much for his lung...
 | 3/19/2014 8:30:36 AM - Type I diabetes, though similar to Type II diabetes, is also very different in a crucial way. While Type II diabetes involves the body's inability to utilize its own insulin properly, Type I diabetes occurs when the body cannot make enough natural insulin on its own. This happens when the beta cells...
 | 3/11/2014 - So we start this whole thing off with cancer, since that's the biggest "mystery" on Earth. Cancer, the eighth wonder of the world, or is it the ninth? Cancer -- that "disease" (actually it's a disorder) of the cells where certain dying or "chemicalized" cells mutate and multiply uncontrollably, then...
 | 2/5/2014 - Pneumonia is the eighth killer disease in the world. It is caused by both bacteria and viruses. One is likely to get the disease after having a cold or a flu infection. Pneumonia caused by a virus can be very dangerous because it cannot be cured by antibiotics. No matter the amount of antibiotics you...
 | 1/28/2014 - If there is one area that keeps bombarding humanity with new and interesting discoveries, then it is the field of human health. The latest news is the discovery that fish oil has the capacity to cure brain damage. This is based on the case of a teenager who was knocked out by a hit-and-run car. He went...
 | 1/21/2014 - Doing the right thing, even if it means healing people with cancer, isn't always a good thing. In fact, it just may land you some serious jail time and get you listed on Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), which warns against and watches over big-time war criminals, terrorists or...
 | 1/16/2014 - It was big news back in 2013 -- science unveils an alleged cure for AIDS after two men from Boston test negative for HIV following successful bone marrow transplants, read the glowing headlines. Except this apparently was not the case. New reports now indicate that both of the men have relapsed, so...
 | 11/10/2013 - There is a 75-year "CON" known as Western Medicine, but it's a hush-hush topic in the news and in newspapers and magazines. Although medical doctors and surgeons are experts at fixing broken bones or removing animal fat from clogged arteries, the "pharmaceutical nation" known as the USA is caving in...
 | 10/24/2013 10:18:28 AM - How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the...
 | 10/24/2013 - Congressional hearings began today on Obamacare and the disastrous rollout of During the hearings, contractors who built the website were forced to admit even they couldn't log on to the website. (You might think this should have been done during testing, but alas, dear reader, there...
 | 10/17/2013 - Over 75 years of medical research and clinical practice reveals, overwhelmingly, that vitamin C has the power to ignite the 'self-healing response'. I know what you're thinking - if vitamin C is so good for us - why haven't you been told about this curative nutrient? Well, the answer will soon become...
 | 10/16/2013 - The average diabetic is more than likely used to hearing all about the types of things he or she should not be eating and drinking. But how often are diabetics advised about what they can, and should, be eating and drinking, particularly as these foods pertain to treating and even reversing diabetes?
 | 10/13/2013 - If you've been noticing promotions about the annual October Breast Cancer Awareness scam that features all sorts of fund raising activities by Susan G. Komen for the Cure and other fund raisers, here's something to consider written by Mike Adams for a Natural News article published April 22, 2010:
 | 10/13/2013 - You will most likely never hear an oncologist in America speak of omega-3 fatty acids or selenium as a cure for cancer, and you will never hear any "cancer specialist" who believes in modern chemotherapy and radiation mention the name Dr. Emanuel Revici. Why not? The American Medical Association (AMA)...
 | 9/28/2013 - Can Diet Alone Cure Deadly Disease?
90-year-old Charlotte Gerson looks very healthy for her age. Her blue eyes seem to sparkle with youth and vitality.
Gerson believes that modern medicine and doctors should be avoided. She says doctors and pharmaceutical companies want us to be sick because that's...
 | 9/27/2013 - Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children's books, cured her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only. She states, "I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer - and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes."
On June 6, 2012, Ann had surgery for Stage 3 colon...
 | 6/12/2013 - The internet abounds with advice about three popular alternate cancer cures: Oxygen, highly alkaline pH and the combination of baking soda and molasses. Though all three may help combat cancer, each is based on misconceptions.
The oxygen cancer cureThe oxygen cancer cure maintains that cancer cannot...
 | 2/24/2013 - It has been used as an effective treatment against bacterial infections for nearly 100 years, but the medical-industrial complex today refuses to recognize it as a valid form of medicine. And yet bacteriophage therapy, also known as phage therapy, has been shown time and time again to cure methicillin-resistant...
 | 2/14/2013 - February is Cancer Prevention Month, though you might never guess it given the lack of publicity compared to attention given to the non-profits who focus on "finding a cure" as part of "Cancer Awareness" campaigns. The biggest of all the cancer non-profits is the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which has...
 | 2/7/2013 - After Rick Simpson's efforts to introduce his hemp oil to the Canadian Health system were denied, even after proving it had cured many of his town's cancer patients free of charge, he realized the cancer industry doesn't want a cure.
Now, he's in exile in Amsterdam because he refused to stop helping...
 | 2/7/2013 - The cure for age-related macular degeneration and blindness could be as simple as taking a natural supplement extract derived from common grape skins. A recent review that the medical establishment refuses to publish has revealed that a unique and proprietary nutraceutical extract containing resveratrol...
 | 2/5/2013 - There are few things more unpleasant and uncomfortable in social situations than talking to someone with bad breath. And if you suffer from chronic bad breath (halitosis) yourself, you already know how embarrassing it can be talking to other people who you know can smell it. For many people, grabbing...
 | 1/3/2013 - Gambia is a small country in West Africa, with a population of about 1.7 million. Fortunately, Gambia has not been hit as hard by HIV/AIDS as other African countries, and only about 2% of its inhabitants are infected. Under its current president, Yahya Jammeh, Gambia has seen important public health...
 | 12/24/2012 - A new study claims that people with type 2 diabetes or who are suffering "pre-diabetes" symptoms can see their disease go into remission after a year of following an intensive diet and exercise program, but as usual, the mainstream media is stopping short of saying that the disease can be totally reversed.
 | 12/5/2012 - Prostate cancer is one of the most over-treated cancers out there. By 50 years of age, about 40 percent of all men already have prostate cancer and likely will never know it. But it will not kill them either - unless they are screened for it and then treated with Big Pharma protocols. Then things take...
 | 11/6/2012 - Last year I visited the Burzynski Research Institute in Houston Texas, where Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski pioneered a treatment known as "antineoplastons" -- a treatment that causes brain tumors to VANISH in many children. These antineoplastons, which are unique protein chains made from amino acids, also...
 | 11/2/2012 - The population at large is finally starting to wise up about breast cancer awareness, not so much as it pertains to the prevalence of the disease -- you would have to be burrowed up in a hole day and night to not be aware of the existence of breast cancer these days -- but rather in regards to how all...
 | 10/13/2012 - "Chronic care management" means someone has a disorder or a disease and the doctors and hospitals aren't really helping to cure it, they just treat the symptoms with pharmaceuticals and wait for it to get worse. U.S. chronic care management is a well-planned out healthcare system based on the sobering...
 | 9/12/2012 - "To ferret out the genetic roots of common diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's and then generate treatments" was the true goal of the 10-year, $3 billion human genome project, or was it? Geneticists who were paid a very pretty penny to study the genetics of disease are claiming they are "back to square...
 | 8/6/2012 - It is time for the truth to be told about Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The organization is, flatly stated, engaged in fraud. Funded by drug companies and mammogram manufacturers, the organization preys upon women in order to grow its own financial power while feeding female victims into the conventional...
 | 4/5/2012 - When it comes to skin cancer, Big Pharma offers only topical chemo creams and surgery. The chemo creams often don't work but often do cause ugly, painful side effects. Removing skin cancer tumors surgically usually results with tumors resurfacing sooner or later. Surgeries often leave ugly scars.
 | 4/3/2012 - Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, has some great advice for seasonal allergy sufferers who would like to eliminate the root cause of symptoms. The solution lies in the connection between the gut and the immune system. When digestive and metabolic activities work in synch with elimination,...
 | 3/17/2012 11:40:05 PM - "There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by ... the major oncology centers. They have too much of an interest in the status quo," stated Dr Robert Atkins, MD, creator of the Atkins Diet, after his medical license was suspended for curing...
 | 2/24/2012 - No matter how you look at it, autism research is big business. Just like the Susan G. Komen Foundation's "Race for the Cure" for breast cancer, the autism industry pretends to be looking for the causes of autism and how to cure it, when in reality it is on a never-ending hunt for money to fund so-called...
 | 2/16/2012 - Susan G. Komen for the Cure's recent political tangle over its funding of the abortion and eugenics group Planned Parenthood has greatly intensified public scrutiny of this massive cancer organization, which now generates more than $300 million in annual revenues, according to recent income statements....
 | 2/8/2012 - Enzymes are more important than vitamins and minerals for general health. Without enzymes, vitamins and minerals are useless. Enzymes are catalysts for metabolic processes and digestion. A catalyst initiates a chemical process without being part of the resultant product.
Many NaturalNews readers...
 | 1/31/2012 - A safe and effective cure for cancer has been discovered with a drug that was once used for unusual metabolic problems. Yet, the cancer industry shows no interest with following up on dichloroacetate (DCA) research from University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, reported in 2007. That's because DCA...
| 1/17/2012 - Scientists from the medical sciences division at Penn State University have discovered that a compound in fish oil appears to target leukemia stem cells and could lead to a cure for the disease. The compound is a natural extract from EPA, the Omega-3 fat component found most commonly in fish and fish...
 | 12/22/2011 1:20:45 PM - No one likes a hangover; however, most people like to eat and drink until they burst during the holidays. Tempting treats peak around every corner. Hangovers are not only relegated to those drinking alcohol. Gorging until eyeballs roll back into one's head and the always present doggie bag produces...
 | 12/21/2011 11:31:09 AM - Sharing a big meal is a time-honored tradition for most holiday celebrations, and over-indulging is often accompanied by food coma and acid indigestion. Swallowing gallons of antacids or sucking on chalky lozenges won't stop the pain for long, or keep it from returning. However, a few simple lifestyle...
 | 10/25/2011 - One of 2,000 people in the U.S. is diagnosed each year with keratoconus, a vision-robbing disease usually first spotted during the teenage years. The cause isn't understood, but it is known to damage the collagen fibers that form the structure of the cornea (the outer surface of the eye). It's the cornea...
 | 10/20/2011 - I just returned from a two-day visit to the Burzynski Research Institute in Houston Texas, where Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski pioneered a treatment known as "antineoplastons" -- a treatment that causes brain tumors to VANISH in many children. These antineoplastons, which are unique protein chains made from...
 | 10/13/2011 - Homeopathy is a specific form of alternative (holistic) medicine which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., a German physician, in the late eighteenth century. At that time, people were being treated with poisonous substances to get the "bad humours" out of them by making them vomit, have diarrhea,...
 | 10/11/2011 - The breast cancer research group Susan G. Komen for the Cure seems more interested in keeping its chemical industry donors happy than it is in actually finding a cure for breast cancer. A recent story in Mother Jones explains that, despite the more than 130 scientific studies that demonstrate a clear...
 | 10/5/2011 - During October, there will be runs, walks, and other fund raising schemes for "curing cancer." The most notorious fund raiser is the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. They display the most pink within the pink ribbon culture. Their mission statement is a world without breast cancer. So why are they ignoring...
 | 9/25/2011 - Cancer donations should be used to find natural remedies and promote regulations that keep chemicals out of food, drinks and body lotions. Instead, billions are spent on the "search for a cure" to a problem the United States breeds and feeds. Put simply, if there is a problem with weeds growing in the...
| 8/15/2011 - Science can be used to obfuscate reality, especially in medicine. Several disclosures from whistle blowers and investigators have uncovered scandalous false medical journal reports. Most oncologists don't want to know the power of nutrition and detoxification. The extremely low rate of recovery from...
| 6/10/2011 - Marijuana offers strong protective qualities against radiation exposure. Since fewer and fewer people have the financial resources to continually purchase all the helpful things they will need perhaps growing weed in our backyard will offer the public one of the best anti-radiation solutions in the...
| 5/13/2011 - Cannabis was used for two recently publicized cures of serious disease. Both treatments were done surreptitiously in the USA. Fifteen states have legalized medical marijuana minimally and twelve others are considering the same. But the Obama administration is unleashing their Fed dogs on those legal...
| 2/21/2011 - Homeopathy has been ignored and attacked so much that its economic efficacy is overlooked. This has been going on for over a century. A major reason the AMA was formed in the mid-19th century was to put homeopathy out of reach from the public, and now it intends to keep it that way. This campaign has...
| 2/7/2011 - "The first and only person ever to be cured of HIV/AIDS is a leukemia patient treated in Berlin with HIV-resistant stem cells." This statement by Daniel J. DeNoon from WebMD comes in response to a paper published this month by the American Society of Hematology on an individual named Timothy Brown who...
 | 1/27/2011 - It's one of the biggest underground secrets of the medical world: Cancer can be cured. In fact, the human body already knows how to cure cancer; it merely needs to be activated in the proper way (because your genetic code contains built-in cancer cure instructions) and then given the proper resources...
 | 1/12/2011 - Today the mainstream media is gleefully announcing that Michael Douglas has been "cured" of throat cancer. Yes, they use the "cure" word, as if to imply the cancer is gone and will never recur. Michael Douglas himself announced he has "beat cancer," and various cancer survivor groups are celebrating...
| 12/21/2010 - Vitamin C from citrus was introduced a couple of centuries ago as a cure for scurvy rampant among British mariners. But just what is scurvy? Scurvy is actually defined as a deficiency of vitamin C. Its myriad manifestations appear today. It appears that scurvy was not a particular disease, but a condition...
| 11/30/2010 - For the first time a team of researchers have been able to show what NaturalNews readers have known for years; the body has the ability to cure itself, even from the common cold! The cold affects an average of 62 million annually with an estimated 1 billion total colds in the US every year. The virus...
| 11/26/2010 - Today's installment is the conclusion of the series on the American Cancer Society (ACS).
The American Cancer Society is far from the only charity or other organization whose problems and self-interests are more of a problem than a solution in the fight against cancer; it is just the...
| 11/26/2010 - In the previous installment of this multi-part series, we examined the cozy relationship between the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the cancer drug industry. In this segment we will take a look at how the ACS has performed as a non-profit organization.
The American Cancer Society's Questionable...
| 11/26/2010 - In the previous installment of this multi-part series we looked at the relationships the American Cancer Society (ACS) has had with the Mammography and other industries that profit from cancer. Today we will take a closer look at the cozy relationship the ACS has had with the cancer drug industry.
| 11/9/2010 - As dogs, cats and other "fur-kids" age they become prone to calcification, joint pain and other spinal and joint problems - especially if they have been fed mostly canned and dry dog food. Veterinarians typically offer primarily symptom relief via mainstream drugs. Nature, on the other hand, can provide...
 | 10/13/2010 - Want to know the disturbing truth about the greed-driven cancer industry? I've written about it using blunt language here on NaturalNews, and awareness is spreading. People are sick of pinkwashing nonsense, and they're wising up to the fundraising "run for the cure" scams that only funnel more money...
| 9/17/2010 - Nature is full of various herbs and spices that protect against disease and even treat and cure it. And according to Chris Kilham, an ethnobotanist and Fox News' "Medicine Hunter", turmeric root -- also known in its extract form as curcumin -- is one such powerful spice that appears to both prevent...
| 9/16/2010 - On the same day of the highly publicized "Stand Up to Cancer" telethon, the mainstream media widely ran an article titled "The top 10 deadliest cancers and why there's no cure". The top three "incurable" cancers listed were cancers of the lung, colon and breast followed by pancreatic, prostate, leukemia,...
| 9/13/2010 - If there's one thing to be learned from the recent "Stand Up To Cancer" telethon that gathered top Hollywood celebrities to raise money for the cancer industry, it's that you probably shouldn't get your health advice from actors.
The cancer industry is losing its propaganda battle as more and more...
| 8/2/2010 - The war on cancer that is being won is actually the war on cancer cures. That war's direct casualties are the courageous, independent individuals, whether MDs, holistic practitioners, or laypeople who have discovered a safe, efficacious cure for cancer that has better results than orthodox medicine's...
| 7/16/2010 - In the previous installment of this series, we examined the close relationship the American Cancer Society (ACS) has had with the chemical industry. Today we will take a look at the relationships the ACS has had with the Mammography and other industries that profit from cancer.
Despite increasing...
| 6/30/2010 - Doctors from Cambridge University are testing a technique that they believe may functionally cure people who suffer from inconvenient and dangerous peanut allergies, researcher Andrew Clark announced at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Diego.
| 6/15/2010 - The American Cancer Society has been called "the world's wealthiest non-profit" due to the tremendous amount of money it raises every year, its huge cash reserves, land holdings and other assets, and salaries that range to above a million dollars for top executives as well as company automobiles and...
| 6/14/2010 - The American Cancer Society (ACS) was back in the news this month when they disputed the findings of the President's Cancer Panel on the role of toxins in causing cancer. Though the new report echoes what other experts have maintained for years, the ACS went out of its way to attack the report and downplay...
 | 4/29/2010 - We've exposed the marketing fraud behind the Susan G. Komen "Buckets For the Cure" sham and we've satirized it with a hilarious online video and lots of editorial, but today it's time to take action to let Susan G. Komen know their pinkwashing campaign has gone too far.
To help us accomplish this,...
 | 4/28/2010 - The whole push behind the new "Buckets for the Cure" pinkwashing campaign by Komen for the Cure is to convince people to buy more fried chicken (which is laced with MSG, by the way) in order to "end breast cancer forever." (
 | 4/28/2010 - The host of the NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman, recently hit the streets of New York to ask people what they thought about the idea of buckets of fried chicken curing cancer. This is in response to the recent alliance announcement between Komen for the Cure and Kentucky Fried Chicken, where...
 | 4/25/2010 - Very few films have the power to change the world and shake up the establishment, but Raw in 30 Days is one of them. Filmed at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, this courageous reality film documents the trials and successes of a group of everyday Americans who experience the...
 | 4/24/2010 - Those who seek answers for their health outside the realm of their own decisions are looking in the wrong place. Health is no accident. Lasting health can only appear as the result of a lifetime of informed, deliberate decisions aligned with nature's principles of health, not the distorted version of...
 | 4/23/2010 - (NaturalNews Satire) Susan G. Komen for the Cure today announced its alliance with the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company in launching its new brand of pink cigarettes called "Komen Smokes." Emblazoned with the slogan, "A pack a day keeps cancer away," three cents from every pack of cigarettes will be directed...
 | 4/22/2010 - Susan G. Komen for the Cure has now crossed the line into asinine idiocy thanks to its new alliance with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), where pink buckets of fried chicken are sold under the slogan, "Buckets for the Cure." I'm not making this up. See the ad image yourself at:
 | 4/21/2010 - Mainstream health care isn't based on "health" or "caring." It's actually based on an ingrained system of medical mythology that's practiced -- and defended -- by those who profit from the continuation of sickness and disease. This system of medical mythology might also simply be called "lies", and...
| 3/11/2010 - There is a buzz stirring about a mushroom from Siberia, which was relatively unknown until Russian novelist Alexandr Solzhenitsyn brought it up in his 1968 novel Cancer Ward. In that novel, the protagonist was cured of his cancer mostly by using a Russian folk remedy, a tea brewed from the Chaga mushroom....
| 1/25/2010 - Almost four decades ago, Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the "war on cancer" began- or so the mainstream media would like us to think. The so-called war on cancer is not only a dismal failure but has also become an outright lie perpetuated by big business. Not only are more...
| 1/4/2010 - Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and almost 4,000 cases were fatal just last year. Conventional treatments for cervical cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hysterectomy, or the removal of lymph nodes and ovaries can often leave the woman infertile. However, alternatives...
| 1/4/2010 - Homeopathy is a form of medicine that treats the whole person, not just a specific symptom. It is based on the theory that "like cures like" which means treatments are similar to the illness it is designed to cure. While the roots of homeopathy go back as far as the 5th century BC and the Greek physician...
| 12/31/2009 - After getting shut down while trying to share his miracle cure of hemp oil with THC for cancer and to impress public officials in Nova Scotia to legalize it, Rick Simpson went public internationally. He posted his rather well done home grown YouTube documentary "Running From the Cure".
The documentary...
| 12/23/2009 - Candida Albicans, a modern day disease brought on by antibiotics, drugs, processed foods, sugar and poor diet, has reached epidemic proportions. It is the silent epidemic or the "candy disease" as many may call candida albicans. As many struggle with this debilitating disease, they are looking for the...
| 12/17/2009 - A small Canadian community's success with curing cancer naturally was recently crushed, forcing its provider into exile in Europe. Rick Simpson had discovered a cure for himself and then had shared it at no cost with others in the small rural town of Maccan, Nova Scotia.
Rick offered results without...
 | 12/10/2009 - Big Pharma's pill pushers and natural remedy skeptics are always trying to drill one idea into your brain: "Natural remedies are a ripoff!" they say. "And they aren't even proven to work!"
In response to those skeptics, allow me to introduce a new cancer treatment drug called Folotyn, made by a small...
 | 12/1/2009 - When Brent Leung started showcasing his groundbreaking new documentary film about AIDS, "House of Numbers" (, he had no way to comprehend the wave of defamatory attacks that would be unleashed against him. Promoters of conventional AIDS theories (with all their vaccines and pharmaceuticals)...
| 11/20/2009 - "If a doctor treats your flu, it will go away in fourteen days. If you leave it alone, it will go away in two weeks," said Gloria Silverstein. Drinking water, washing your hands, and getting enough sleep are important, but the most effective thing you can do to prevent any sort of flu is to boost your...
| 11/20/2009 - After Johanna Budwig's groundbreaking research, detailed in Part I of this Natural News Budwig series, she put the Budwig Diet to the test on 4500 cancer victims over 50 years in Germany. She had a 90% or more success rate, even with terminally ill patients. However, getting her diet out to the world...
| 11/13/2009 - Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda to cure cancer? The amazing abundance of alternative cancer cures is more than most of us know, close to 400! The more notorious alternative cancer cures are the ones that get attacked viciously by the Medical Monopoly. Those cures are the ones that begin to develop...
| 11/11/2009 - Cabbage is one of the most medicinal vegetables you'll find in your garden (or your local grocery store). It contains powerful medicinal compounds that help heal cancer, but one of its best-known uses is as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers.
Cabbage may not sound like amazing medicine, but in terms...
| 11/11/2009 - Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese for curing cancer? Many have been skeptical of this dietary approach, known as the Budwig Diet. Even Dr. Andrew Weil was quoted as calling it "wishful thinking". Yet over a 50 year period, Johanna Budwig had a 90% plus cancer cure rate in Germany with 4500 patients. Some...
 | 11/7/2009 - The Associated Press has declared war on alternative medicine, publishing a series of stories attacking everything from nutritional therapies to bioidentical hormones. These stories, which are syndicated across thousands of websites around the world, are prefaced with the following highly-opinionated...
 | 11/1/2009 - Breast Cancer Action ( is one of the few non-profit cancer organizations recommended by NaturalNews. They're the creators of the Think Before You Pink campaign that encourages consumers to exercise more skepticism about the idea that "buying more pink stuff" can somehow help women with...
| 10/28/2009 - Homeopathic remedies are made with natural substances from plants, minerals and animals and are used to treat a wide range of health problems, diseases and chronic conditions. Unlike most western doctors, homeopaths treat their patients based on more than just their symptoms. They examine the emotional,...
| 10/19/2009 - What exactly is "acid reflux disease?" Health consumers are quite familiar with the term (and the symptoms, in many cases), but few have a solid grasp of its underlying causes.
For one thing, the term "disease" doesn't really apply to this condition. Acid reflux isn't something you "catch" (like...
| 10/14/2009 - Acne sucks. But you don't need antibiotics or harsh chemicals to treat it. In addition to altering your diet so that you consume fewer acne-producing foods (dairy products and fried foods, mostly), there are some effective natural remedies that are also useful for clearing up your skin.
Below, we've...
| 10/2/2009 - Living in South America, I often find myself steeped in abundant natural cures for many diseases, including cancer. You can hardly walk out your front door without finding yourself surrounded with natural medicines made by Mother Nature, and it's true across the continent, from Ecuador (where I live)...
| 9/26/2009 - What if someone invented an electronic device that would destroy pathogens, bacteria, and even viruses with no toxic side effects? What if that same device could wipe out cancer by altering the cancer's cellular environment or by killing cancer viruses with an electronic or ultra sonic beam? That was...
| 9/25/2009 - The olive, or zaitoon in Arabic, is a sign of friendship and peace and it is a cure for over 60 diseases. According to religious beliefs, after the flood of Noah, the first plant seen was the olive tree. The olives, the olive oil and especially the olive leaves are full of nutrients, vitamins and healing....
| 9/24/2009 - Are apricot seeds a source for a natural substance that kills cancer cells without destroying the cancer victim's health and wealth? The essential ingredient has been called laetrile or vitamin B 17. If there is any merit to it, why is this information being suppressed? Why are people who have been...
| 9/15/2009 - Beloved actor Patrick Swayze died yesterday evening after a 20-month battle with pancreatic cancer. Having put his faith in conventional chemotherapy, he largely dismissed ideas that nutrition, superfoods or "alternative medicine" might save him, instead betting his life on the chemotherapy approach...
| 9/14/2009 - Of all the episodes of alternative cancer treatment suppression by the medical establishment, none is more dramatic and long lasting than Harry Hoxsey's. Harry's constant conflicts covered almost 50 years of the 20th Century. Hoxsey was flamboyant and put himself into the public eye and ear energetically...
| 8/31/2009 - In a new online interview just posted, Eleni Prokopeas from "Green Diva Mom" ( shares her story of vaccines causing autism in her son. As a healthy new mom, Eleni thought the health of her newborn son would be well protected, but after subjecting her son to a round of vaccines,...
| 8/28/2009 - A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920's. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case), used the tea successfully with many terminal cancer patients...
| 4/21/2009 - I bet the big drug companies wish they had invented cherries -- they've proven to be the most powerful medicine in the world for eliminating gout and reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Cherries are such powerful medicine for gout and arthritis, in fact, the FDA went out of its way to try...
| 4/1/2009 - Just how good is resveratrol at preventing cancer and heart disease? It's so good that drug companies are trying to mimic its molecules in order to claim they're "creating" a new drug to prevent heart disease.
But this is Mother Nature's miracle drug -- only it's not a drug. It's a molecule synthesized...
| 3/8/2009 - Texans living in Navarro County are about to win a collective award for being the dumbest people in the world when it comes to diet and nutrition: They are hosting a BBQ meat cook-off to raise money for -- get this -- cancer research! Somebody should stop by the festivities and tell these people something...
| 2/4/2009 - What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed.
Below, I share the top quotes from noted authors...
| 1/27/2009 - For over 6000 years, man looked first to nature to heal illness and maintain wellness. As a result of a deliberate and often sinister plan, the past century and a half has seen curing illness with nature replaced with managing sickness and treating the symptoms of illness in a system that places profits...
 | 1/8/2009 - The Budwig protocol is the food treatment and cure for cancer and other major debilitating diseases created by Dr. Johanna Budwig. It was designed for use with extremely ill and wasted cancer patients who had been sent home by their doctors to die. These were patients so ill that many were unable to...
 | 1/1/2009 - The FDA has sent letters to 25 companies, threatening them with disciplinary action if they do not stop claiming that their herbal products can prevent or cure cancer.
The agency identified a total of 125 "tablets, teas, tonics, black salves and creams" that made prohibited claims, including "shrinks...
 | 12/13/2008 - This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business...
 | 11/6/2008 - The Budwig protocol is the food treatment and cure for cancer and other major debilitating diseases created by Dr. Johanna Budwig. It was designed for use with extremely ill and wasted cancer patients who had been sent home by their doctors to die. These were patients so ill that many were unable to...
 | 11/1/2008 - In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science. Homeopaths are given few opportunities in the media to defend their profession, so a lot of misconceptions abound. The medical profession...
 | 10/19/2008 - With Breast Cancer Awareness month fully upon us once again, retail stores have been invaded with everything pink, including "pink ribbon" candies and personal care products made with blatantly cancer-causing ingredients. Retail grocery stores like Safeway even hit up customers for donations at the...
 | 10/1/2008 - In headlines around the world, Vitamin C is once again under attack. The vitamin is extremely dangerous, researchers now say, because it might "interfere with the toxic effects of chemotherapy." These mainstream media articles, of course, are attempting to convince cancer patients to stop taking vitamins...
 | 9/27/2008 - This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business...
 | 9/18/2008 - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today launched "Operation False Cures," a coordinated scheme to censor natural cancer remedies and financially destroy companies offering them for sale. In doing so, the FTC joins the criminals at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who currently operate an...
 | 8/31/2008 - Mention the word "cancer" on an internet site that sells herbs now days and you are suddenly Public Enemy Number One! I received a warning letter from the FDA basically saying, "If you do not change your wording and making of any claims or publishing testimony of anyone cured of cancer by herbs or anything...
 | 8/22/2008 - In a recent article on Natural News, the statement, "apples... kill cancer" drew a critical response. After some investigation and introspection, it became transparent that the issue is one where there is simply a lack of understanding.
The critic voiced his antipathy about misleading remarks that,...
 | 8/9/2008 - When it comes to curing acne, which is more important: what you do or what you think? If you said what you do, you are wrong. The key to curing acne is in your mind. Not in your hands. Thinking about getting clear is much more important than what you actually do. Holding wrong ideas about curing acne...
 | 7/23/2008 - Former White House press secretary Tony Snow died in July 2008 at the age of 53, following a series of chemotherapy treatments for colon cancer. In 2005, Snow had his colon removed and underwent six months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with colon cancer. Two years later (2007), Snow underwent...
 | 7/3/2008 - The following is a transcript of Health Ranger Report #16, entitled The Politics of National Health Care Reform, which is available free of charge as an MP3 download at:
Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and...
 | 5/29/2008 - The Heat Clearing Class of herbs is definitely not at all a Tonic Class but a true medicinal energy and direct healing classification of herbs. This Classification of herbs (as taught in the Shanghai College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine) has 5 sub classes -- see Chinese herb classification chart...
 | 5/22/2008 - For well over half a century we have been promised by mainstream medicine that a cure or major breakthrough for cancer was just around the corner. Every year we see promising new drugs and therapies announced. Yet every year we also see more people contract cancer and more people die of cancer.
 | 4/9/2008 - Life is a gamble, and right now, chances are that the odds are very much stacked against you. The contamination in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the highly processed and additive-filled foods you eat all combine to work against you. Add to that the likelihood of years of lack of proper...
 | 1/30/2008 - It is not true that conventional dental treatments and fluoride are the only ways to heal your teeth from cavities. When struck with the diagnoses of a dental cavity, most people feel totally helpless or powerless to do anything about it themselves. The common belief about tooth decay is that once you...
 | 12/26/2007 - Do you think the cure for cancer is yet to be discovered? That's what the pharmaceutical industry and the pink ribbon folks would like you to think. But this is far from the truth.
One of the least known well-documented cures for cancer was created by a German biochemist and physicist named Johanna...
 | 11/10/2007 - Does soy prevent breast cancer or increase the risk? The debate heats up this month as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
"It's a myth that soy prevents breast cancer," says Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of
| See all 505 cure feature articles.Concept-related articles:Health products:Health food:Nutritional supplements:Marketing:Nutrition:Technology:Cancer:Physical exercise:Disease prevention:Cholesterol:Herbs:Phytonutrients:Prostate cancer:Amazon herbs:Rainforest herbs:Garlic:
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The Honest Food Guide is
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