Consumption news, articles and information:
 | 6/27/2016 - In 1987, a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) – listed cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver as "causally related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages." After a review...
 | 5/25/2016 - Last fall, Chrissy Turner, an 8-year-old girl from Centerville, Utah, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After making the international headlines as the youngest known person ever diagnosed with breast cancer, she is now in remission after the removal of her right breast.
While breast cancer is often...
 | 3/26/2016 - Sales of legal marijuana have begun to surpass those of alcohol in at least one Colorado city, a trend which could lead to – among other benefits – a corresponding drop in cancer rates.
Statistics gathered by the City of Aspen, and published in the Aspen Times, reveal that during two...
 | 1/28/2016 - In its first major overhaul of national alcohol consumption recommendations in 20 years, the British government has set the lowest recommended limits of any nation in Europe, and emphasized the idea that there is no "safe" level of alcohol intake.
In doing so, the government consciously chose to...
 | 11/20/2015 - Just as we predicted, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has brazenly betrayed the public's trust by approving the world's first genetically modified (GM) animal in direct defiance of science – a transgenic salmon branded "AquAdvantage" that has never been proven safe for human consumption...
 | 6/3/2015 - Vegetable oil is a product consumed worldwide. Production sky rocketed with advances made in agricultural farming from the industrial revolution. The most common vegetable oils include soybean oil, cottonseed oil, canola (rapeseed) oil, corn oil and safflower oil. Studies reveal that vegetable oil consumption...
 | 4/1/2015 5:59:48 PM - In the midst of the gluten free everything craze, Harvard Public School of Nutrition released a study that shows eating more whole grains may lower mortality by up to 15 percent, especially cardiovascular disease-related mortality. The study also suggests that consuming bran may lower mortality by 6...
 | 10/13/2014 - In an effort to bolster fruit and vegetable consumption among children, several grocery stores are taking part in an initiative spearheaded by Bolthouse Farms that makes the supermarket produce section more appealing to that age group. (1) Rather than the concept of fun eating being relegated to cereal...
 | 10/1/2014 - Women who eat two or more servings of fish per week are significantly less likely to suffer from hearing loss, according to a study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on September 10.
"Although a decline in hearing...
 | 8/18/2014 - The medical profession has overlooked some major pathological effects of fructose consumption and its effects on liver function. Regardless of whether or not a person gains weight from it, consuming fructose was recently shown by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina...
 | 4/25/2014 9:58:22 AM - Americans are coffee drinkers, with over 50% of us relying on the stuff to wake us up in the morning and keep us alert throughout the day. Besides being able to help fight fatigue, recent research has found that increasing your consumption of coffee can help prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.
 | 3/16/2014 - The International Agency for Research on Cancer has collected updated evidence and data from recent scientific studies (2009-2013) to investigate the link between breast cancer and alcohol consumption. Interestingly, the analyses found a linear correlation between alcohol intake and breast cancer occurrence,...
 | 3/11/2014 - A suo moto probe has been issued in India, as dangerous levels of pesticides continue to show up in produce served in India's open markets. Suo moto probes are often issued by courts when the subject matter is dire and of public interest.
Upon the revelation of new findings in early March 2014, the...
 | 2/1/2014 - Good old-fashioned butter has once again become the spreadable fat of choice for most Americans, who new research says are increasingly opposed to synthetic fat spreads like margarine that have long been hailed as healthy alternatives to animal-based saturated fats. The American Butter Institute recently...
 | 11/14/2013 - The main article in my source list had a red flag: It was from the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research & Education Foundation (INC NREF) located in the area of Davis, California. That seemed like a conflict of interest.
But further research revealed that INC NREF had basically posted...
 | 9/22/2013 - The startling statistics show that close to 30 million men, women and children currently suffer the devastating effects of a diabetes diagnosis, as the disease affects nearly ten percent of the US population. Even more sobering, health professionals say the number of pre-diabetic and undiagnosed cases...
 | 9/1/2013 - The scientific community has released yet more good news about the health benefits of chocolate - moderate consumption may reduce the risk of stroke in men. Earlier studies have shown this delectable food reduces the risk of stroke in women, as well as enhances the health of the heart and brain in both...
 | 9/1/2013 - It isn't often that people are willing to take dietary advice from someone whose field of specialty isn't found in the health sciences. However, recently, some scientists have been growing more vocal about dietary recommendation that have less to do with personal health, and more to do with the planet's...
 | 7/20/2013 - New cases of cardiovascular disease continue to mount in the U.S. and worldwide, making this the leading killer of men, women and children in western cultures. Enlightened, health-conscious individuals now understand that heart disease is not only preventable, but also treatable in all but the most...
 | 7/17/2013 - Another piece in the complex puzzle of what causes autism and other related behavioral disorders appears to have been identified by a new study published in the open-access journal PLoS One. Researchers from Columbia University in New York found that wheat, and particularly wheat gluten, triggers a...
 | 6/24/2013 - Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood caused by a resistance to the effects of insulin to usher sugar into cells and muscles to be used as fuel. As such, diabetes is commonly believed to be caused by excess consumption of sugary foods and processed, fast-releasing...
 | 6/14/2013 - Many studies link consumption of sugary soft drinks (including non-carbonated beverages) to serious health consequences. One of these is heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and one of the most costly. Unfortunately, according to a recent Gallup survey nearly half of all Americans...
 | 6/10/2013 - Stroke is a devastating medical event that debilitates more than 800,000 Americans each year and kills nearly 150,000. Along with cardiovascular disease, many people continue to think that vascular diseases are a normal part of the aging process and take the statistics and mortality figures in stride....
 | 6/6/2013 - It doesn't matter whether it's sugary or diet: High consumption of carbonated soft drinks significantly increases your risk of stroke, research shows.
Although many studies have shown that a high consumption of sugary soft drinks increases the risk of everything from diabetes and gout to obesity...
 | 5/24/2013 - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's harebrained scheme to restrict public access to sugary beverages sold in volumes higher than 16 ounces will more than likely result in people actually consuming more of such beverages, and thus lead to higher rates of obesity and diabetes. These are the findings...
 | 5/2/2013 - In the first-ever study of its type, Canadian researchers have shown that flax seed consumption reduces the risk of breast cancer by 28 percent in postmenopausal women and flax bread consumption reduces risk by 26 percent in both pre- and postmenopausal women. These results indicate that flax seed and...
 | 4/29/2013 - Sugar lurks in many places within our food system today. From certain breads and juices, to children's cereal, it has been discretely introduced into the food supply on a catastrophic level. Over the years, much research has been conducted regarding the toxic effects of sugar, and the conclusions have...
 | 1/14/2013 - New cases of diabetes continue to mount at an unprecedented rate, as millions of unsuspecting children and adults of all ages are affected by the devastating effects of this insidious disease. Diabetes ravages virtually every organ system, as the normal glucose-insulin balance is disrupted and excess...
 | 1/10/2013 6:38:36 PM - There are many reasons to avoid soda and other soft drinks: High refined sugar levels, extreme acidity, unnatural and often toxic ingredients, and much more. According to a new study by U.S. researchers for the National Institute of Health, however, we can add another reason to the list - the regular...
 | 12/13/2012 - People who drink three to four cups of coffee each day have a lower risk of developing Type II diabetes, according to a research summary published by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC). The report summarizes the key findings of recent research into the connection between coffee...
 | 12/2/2012 - The United States leads the way in high fructose corn syrup intake with a staggering 55 lbs/person/year average. Although it is common knowledge that a high sugar diet is the leading risk factor in developing type II diabetes, it is now becoming more clear that HFCS is the primary culprit.
A brief...
| 11/22/2012 - Incidence of cognitive decline leading to dementia and Alzheimer's disease is rising at unprecedented levels among those aged 65 and older. Many people fear the myriad of memory-robbing forms of dementia more than a diagnosis of cancer. Blueberries and strawberries, which are high in flavonoids that...
 | 11/2/2012 - Poor blood glucose control is a leading indicator of pending chronic illness, as excess sugars combine with proteins and fats to create advanced glycation end products (AGE's) that damage the lining of arteries throughout the body and block blood flow in the smallest capillaries of the eyes, kidneys...
 | 10/29/2012 - Sugar is exceptionally toxic and leads to heart disease, metabolic syndrome and cancer -- it can even be equated with addictive drugs like cocaine, according to prominent medical experts. Add to this the fact that genetically modified (GM) sugar beets now dominate the U.S. market, a healthy future certainly...
 | 9/27/2012 - Mortality from diseases of the liver has increased over the past half-century to secure a place as one of the top, leading causes of death each year in the United States. One hundred years ago, liver disease was virtually unheard of except for the occasional death from alcoholic cirrhosis. Today, non-alcoholic...
 | 8/14/2012 - Very few dietary topics spark more controversy than consumption of red meat and risk of diseases ranging from cancer to heart disease and diabetes. Most nutrition scientists indicate a high protein diet is essential to promote vibrant health, aid in weight management and lower the risk from metabolic...
 | 5/25/2012 - New research suggests that eating fish may have yet another huge health benefit to add to its repertoire - the prevention of colorectal cancers. A study centered around fish consumption and rectal and colon cancers found that participants who ate fish three or more times per week had a reduced chance...
 | 5/12/2012 - Americans drink more than 216 liters of carbonated soft drinks each year, a number that continues to increase at an alarming rate. Many people use low-calorie diet soda in a futile effort to lose weight, yet find that these drinks have the opposite effect leading them to be overweight or obese. The...
 | 4/15/2012 - Consumption of nuts has been largely maligned by mainstream health professionals and the media for decades due to the high calorie and fat content. As we enter an era of enlightened understanding about the role of dietary fats and macronutrients in the promotion or degradation of health and weight management,...
 | 4/14/2012 - Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health have published the results of a twenty-two year study on red meat consumption in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. The scientists found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality,...
| 1/24/2012 8:56:14 PM - According The Guardian, a UK newspaper comparable to the USA's New York Times, lower income families have cut their fruit and vegetable consumption by 30% over the last few years. This figure was obtained from 2010, which was the last year those statistics were available.
In England, people are advised...
 | 1/11/2012 - Alcohol consumption patterns in the UK are apparently out of control, as certain members of parliament (MPs) have suggested new drinking guidelines for the nation. Citing dated standards last updated in the 1990s that suggest daily drinking maximums. Members of the House of Commons science and technology...
 | 12/26/2011 - Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that people who eat baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis may be improving their brain health and lowering their risk of developing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease. The results, released at the annual meeting of the Radiological...
 | 12/26/2011 - The largest source of calories for individuals living in industrialized nations comes from sugar. Sugar increases insulin levels which promote fat accumulation and inflammation throughout the body. Sugar consumption and elevated insulin accelerate the aging process and create an environment conducive...
 | 12/14/2011 - Consuming sodium fluoride, a toxic chemical commonly added to US water supplies to allegedly help prevent tooth decay, definitively causes neurodegenerative damage in the brain, spinal cord, and sciatic nerve. These are the findings of a recent study published in the Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences,...
 | 12/13/2011 - Alcohol consumption's health consequences have been a subject of epidemiological studies throughout the western world. The consensus from several studies is: Those who drink moderately have better health than those who drink heavily, and surprise, even better than those who don't drink alcohol at all....
 | 12/12/2011 - Numerous studies have confirmed the health-supportive benefits of green tea consumption, as the ancient Chinese drink helps to prevent many forms of cancer and lowers the risk from cognitive decline and dementia. The result of a systematic literature search published in the Journal of the American Dietetic...
 | 11/7/2011 - Everybody likes chocolate, a fact supported by the annual increase in consumption documented by chocolate manufacturers around the globe. This may be good news for many chocolate consumers, but caution is advised to carefully monitor the quantity consumed and the cocoa content of the product purchased....
 | 10/4/2011 - Health-minded individuals are well aware that a diet high in natural fruits and vegetables equate to vibrant health and dramatically lowered risk of many chronic diseases. The result of a new study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association provides details on how specific fruit and...
 | 9/26/2011 - Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America, affecting nearly one million people and taking the lives of 150,000 each year. Researchers publishing in the American Heart Association journal Stroke have found that increased consumption of white fleshy vegetables and fruits such as apples and...
| 8/29/2011 - Health-minded adults have been wary of excessive red meat consumption, and most avoid any type of processed meats due to the highly carcinogenic nitrite content. Additives used to add taste, cure and prolong shelf life of classic foods such as hot dogs, bologna and sausage not only cause cancer, but...
| 7/10/2011 - Critical research released in the industry publication journal Neurology from the American Academy of Neurology provides evidence that regular consumption of olive oil can help lower the risk of stroke. The study examined individuals over the age of 65 that are most vulnerable to the devastating effects...
| 6/12/2011 - A cross-cultural analysis published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found a strong correlation between refined sugar consumption and mental illness. Researchers found that a high national intake of refined sugar and dairy products predicted a higher incidence of schizophrenia and depression. Research...
| 3/30/2011 - Scientific research continues to shed light on the connection between our dietary choices and our risk of developing cancer. Researchers have found powerful anti-cancer effects from phytic acid, a compound found in legumes, and from butyrate, a short chain fatty acid produced in the lumen of the colon...
| 3/13/2011 - A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is one of several studies showing that whole grain intake decreases visceral abdominal fat and is associated with a lower incidence of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Unfortunately, in our nutrition illiterate society carbohydrates...
| 12/10/2010 - Women over 70 are less likely to die or be hospitalized due to heart disease, according to a controlled 10-year study conducted by researchers at the University of Western Australia. To determine the link between chocolate consumption and atherosclerotic vascular disease (ASVD) events, the randomized...
| 11/30/2010 - Many researchers have made the connection between red meat consumption and a variety of different digestive cancers. The results of a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology makes a clear link between red meat consumption and esophageal (esophageal squamous cell carcinoma) and stomach...
| 10/25/2010 - Older adults who drink tea regularly experience significantly less cognitive decline than adults of the same age who do not drink tea, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles and the University of Washington and presented at the Alzheimer's Association's...
| 10/17/2010 - Raising soda prices appears to reduce consumption significantly, but nutrition education campaigns have little impact, according to a study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and published in the American Journal of Public Health.
Growing concern over the nation's...
| 9/14/2010 - Consuming water is of the utmost necessity to our bodies. The average human body is 60-65 % water and the human brain tissue is 85 % water. In fact, water is most essential to the body - next to air. The body can survive four weeks without food but only three days without water. Not one of your body...
| 7/15/2010 - Drinking more than one sweetened soft drink per week may significantly increase your risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota and published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
"The high levels of sugar in soft...
 | 6/23/2010 - Protecting the environment isn't a "liberal" idea; it's everybody's business. Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, the environment provides life support for us all, and if we fail to recognize that, we are truly doomed as a civilization.
To help explain this, I've put together a simple...
 | 3/10/2010 - For years, advocates of natural health have been hammering away at the message that soda causes diabetes and obesity. The soda industry, meanwhile, has remained in denial mode, mirroring the ridiculous position of the tobacco industry that "nicotine is not addictive." Soda doesn't cause diabetes, the...
| 2/12/2010 - A recent study on dietary influences on IQ turned up a surprising connection: children who ate margarine regularly scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than their peers.
The study was conducted by researchers from Auckland University in New Zealand and published in the journal Intelligence.
| 9/23/2009 - Much like Big Tobacco once did with nicotine, the soda industry and high-fructose corn syrup producers of America have maintained a ridiculous state of flat-out denial about the links between soda consumption and obesity. "Sodas don't make you fat," they insist. Meanwhile, as Americans guzzle down insanely...
| 5/27/2009 - Regular consumption of red meat can significantly increase the risk of blindness in old age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Center for Eye Research Australia at the University of Melbourne and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
The researchers looked at the...
| 4/23/2009 - I'm a big free market proponent. I love the "freedom" in it... the individual decisions of hundreds of millions of people coalescing into an "invisible hand" of efficiency improvements, quality of life enhancements and unlimited abundance. That's the Alice-in-Wonderland version of the free market economy,...
| 3/20/2009 - Alcohol consumption has previously been strongly linked with certain types of cancer, for example those of the mouth and throat, but its contribution to other types of malignancies have not been as firmly established. A large study conducted in Britain and recently published in the Journal of the National...
| 2/20/2009 - How effective is green tea at preventing, reversing or treating breast cancer? And can green tea help improve the outcome of chemotherapy for patients who choose chemical poisons as their treatment of choice?
I searched through my library of natural health books and found the following quotes on...
| 2/16/2009 - Enjoying a cup of tea while reading this article? If so, keep right on drinking. A newly released study has found that drinking tea results in a 37% reduction in breast cancer risk for women under the age of 50, an age in which breast cancer can be particularly virulent. Another recent study has shown...
 | 1/14/2009 - A higher intake of folate reduces the risk of stroke in male smokers by 20 percent, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, the Karolinska Institutet and the Finnish National Public Health Institute, and published in the...
 | 12/23/2008 - We have been told that moderate use of alcohol is good for the heart. However, reports from the Framingham Study show that moderate to heavy alcohol use is associated with damage to brain tissue. Such damage to the brain may lead to higher risk of stroke or dementia.
The Framingham Study began in...
 | 11/18/2008 - Higher salt intake in children is related to an increased consumption of sugary beverages, according to a study conducted by researchers from St. George's, University of London, and published in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension.
High consumption of salt is well-known to be linked...
 | 9/25/2008 - High intake of the artificial sweetener aspartame may lead to the degeneration of brain cells and various mental disorders, according to a research review conducted by South African scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo and published in the European Journal of Clinical...
 | 8/21/2008 - Men's risk of gout increases along with consumption of sweetened soft drinks and fructose, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia and Harvard Medical School, and published in the British Medical Journal.
In the disease known as gout, excess uric acid...
 | 7/2/2008 - A new large-scale study has provided more strong evidence linking the consumption of red and processed meats to an increased risk of cancer.
Researchers from the U.S. National Cancer Institute examined data on 494,000 participants in the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-AARP Diet and Health Study....
 | 5/5/2008 - Eating whole grain cereal for breakfast every day can reduce a man's risk of heart disease by 29 percent, according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The Physicians Health Study I surveyed 21,000 U.S. doctors on their diets and health status over the course of 19 years. In this...
 | 3/26/2008 - It would take more than five Earths to be able to sustain the world population if everyone consumed resources at the same rate as the United States, according to the New Economics Foundation (NEF).
NEF stated that the world reached "ecological overdraft" for 2007 on October 6 -- in other words,...
 | 1/7/2008 - Consumption of dairy products, especially milk, increases a man's risk of contracting Parkinson's disease, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Previous studies have established a link between Parkinson's -- a degenerative central nervous system disorder...
 | 12/11/2007 - It's rare for something to come along that impresses me so much as a healing modality that it instantly changes my own life habits. But I've recently been introduced to a plant-based medicinal modality that's so incredibly effective at preventing and reversing disease that I believe it is "the" cure...
 | 11/25/2007 - World cancer experts have finally declared what NaturalNews readers learned nearly four years ago: That processed meats cause cancer, and anyone seeking to avoid cancer should avoid eating all processed meats for life.
Hundreds of cancer researchers took part in a five-year project spanning more than...
 | 10/17/2007 - A South Carolina doctor claims that consumption of dairy products can increase your risk of acquiring breast and prostate cancer. Dr. Robert Bibb of Myrtle Beach is working on a book, Death by Dairy, about the dangers of a dairy-consuming diet.
According to Bibb, a growing body of evidence supports...
 | 7/23/2007 - Teenagers who drink more soda have more mental health difficulties, including hyperactivity and mental distress, according to a study recently published in the American Journal of Public Health.
Researchers used questionnaires to survey 5,547 Norwegian 10th graders about their eating and soda-drinking...
 | 11/21/2006 - Women who regularly ate soy when they were children may have a 58 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer as adults, according to a new study presented at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Boston.
The study, conducted by researchers from the National Cancer Institute...
 | 11/20/2006 - Men who eat fish five times per week run a 40 percent lower risk of developing colorectal cancer than men who eat less fish, according to a new study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health.
The researchers, led by doctoral student Megan Phillips, examined dietary information on more...
 | 11/7/2006 - Men who eat just one serving of salmon per week reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by 43 percent, compared to men who do not consume fish, according to new research published in the online edition of the International Journal of Cancer.
Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm...
| 11/6/2006 - Preliminary research suggests that higher consumption of fatty fish in women is linked with a lower risk of renal cell carcinoma, a common form of kidney cancer, according to a study in the September 20 issue of JAMA.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) involving the renal parenchyma (the functional tissue...
| 10/30/2006 - Adults in Japan who consumed higher amounts of green tea had a lower risk of death due to all causes and due to cardiovascular disease, according to a study in the September 13 issue of JAMA. But there was no link between green tea consumption and a reduced risk of death due to cancer.
Tea is the...
 | 10/30/2006 - The next time you get up early on a Saturday morning, turn on your television to any one of the major broadcast stations or child-oriented cable networks. In between Saturday morning cartoons, you'll suddenly find yourself bombarded by commercials advertising fast food and sugary breakfast cereal and...
 | 10/20/2006 - According to a new Italian study published in the International Journal of Cancer, eating large quantities of white bread increases the risk of developing kidney cancer.
Scientists from the Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan, Italy, studied more than 2,300 Italians to determine the link...
 | 9/29/2006 - New Norwegian research published in the American Journal of Public Health has found that teens in Norway who drank the highest amounts of sugary sodas experienced higher rates of mental disorders such as hyperactivity and distress.
Researchers from the University of Oslo surveyed more than 5,000...
 | 4/11/2006 - The results are in, folks, and they are astounding. Readers are reporting major, significant, positive life changes after reading NaturalNews articles and commentary. The degree of these positive changes is revealed here in these survey results. More than 820 people participated in this survey, which...
 | 6/1/2005 - The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently announced a three-year, multi-million dollar alliance with Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB) to help combat obesity and diabetes in America by stressing the importance of making smart nutritional choices.
According to an ADA press release...
 | 4/27/2005 - A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows a doubling of the risk of colon cancer for people who are heavy consumers of red meat. More specifically, it shows that the risk doubles compared to those who consume smaller quantities of red meat. But how does this compare...
 | 4/20/2005 - Consuming processed meats increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, says new research conducted at the University of Hawaii that followed nearly 200,000 men and women for seven years. According to lead study author Ute Nothlings, people who consumed the most processed meats (hot dogs and sausage) showed...
 | 1/14/2005 - Coca-cola was originally promoted as a drink "offering the virtues of coca without the vices of alcohol." Until 1903, a typical serving contained 60mg of cocaine. Today, it still contains an extract of coca leaves. The Coca-Cola Company imports eight tons of coca leaf from South America each year --...
 | 1/8/2005 - This is a compilation of quotes about the destructive health effects of soft drinks from some of the leading authors on health, nutrition and junk food. This full list, and much more information, is included in The Five Soft Drink Monsters downloadable ebook.
Michael Murray ND and Joseph Pizzorno...
 | 12/26/2004 - New research published in the United States that followed 50,000 U.S. nurses reveals those who drank just one serving of soda or fruit punch a day gained weight more quickly than those who drank less than one soda a month. Those who drank more also had an 80% increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes....
| 5/12/2004 11:15:26 AM - New research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
links diabetes with the rise in consumption of high fructose corn syrup.
By examining the consumption of food macronutrients (fats, proteins and
carbohydrates) consumed by the population from 1909 to 1997, researchers
| See all 311 consumption feature articles.Concept-related articles:Fructose:Diet:Health:Foods:Symptoms:Avoiding:Fuel cell:Gasoline:Fuel:People:Atkins diet:Low-carb:Food:Bread:WHO:Healthy:
Concepts related to Consumption
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