Colds news, articles and information:
 | 11/29/2014 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that it's basically a death sentence for you and your children. But raw milk consumption, according to a new study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, can actually help prevent colds, viruses and respiratory tract infections...
 | 11/26/2014 - The common cold and flu are believed by most physicians to be caused by exposure and susceptibility to a variety of common viruses. However, not everyone catches a cold or flu when exposed, which indicates it's the strength of the host that dictates whether you come down with an infection. For example,...
 | 12/7/2013 - The use of olive oil and olive leaves has been renowned for nutrition and health benefits for thousands of years. Olive leaf extract was traditionally used throughout the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions to treat wounds and infections. Olive leaf extract is one of the best ways to destroy dangerous...
 | 11/23/2013 - For those of you that don't have the chance to live under palm trees, blessed by the constant warmth of the sun in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time of the year when days get shorter and the weather gets cooler. As this happens and leads us towards the winter months, many people unfortunately...
 | 2/15/2013 - By the time he died in 1994, Linus Pauling had long been branded a "quack" by mainstream medicine and much of the mainstream media. Why? Because he advocated the use of vitamin C to treat many diseases, including the common cold. He claimed the medical establishment had long ignored important studies...
 | 11/15/2012 - Let's face it, some natural remedies just don't work. Unfortunately, still more can have serious side effects, and others haven't been studied enough for the scientific or medical community to embrace them as effective or safe.
If you favor a natural approach to treating (and preventing) seasonal...
 | 10/11/2012 - The big winter flu shot vaccine push is on! You are about to be bombarded with endless messages to "get vaccinated!" They're even starting to lay a guilt trip on those who refuse vaccinations, illogically claiming that your lack of a vaccine somehow causes other people who are already vaccinated to...
 | 6/14/2012 - Vitamin D is an essential cofactor in the prevention of a host of conditions ranging from cancer to diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease. The sunshine vitamin is a critical part of our evolution as it has been circulating in our ancestral blood for countless generations due to plentiful sun...
 | 3/22/2012 - From the pantry to the bedside, home remedies you can make in a snap help prevent seasonal colds or cure a stubborn case of the flu.
Garlic tea immune enhancerA well-known immune system strengthener, garlic shines as an antibacterial and antiviral herb for fighting colds, coughs and the flu. One...
| 11/14/2011 - Winter cold and flu viruses can cause annoying, debilitating, or even dangerous symptoms. Fortunately, there are ways to head off colds and prevent complications.
If you think you may have been exposed to a virus, for example someone sneezes on you, one of your kids has a cold, or you shake hands...
| 3/14/2011 - Literally meaning "for life", probiotics are supplements that contain selected strains of friendly bacteria that assist our health. Recent research shows that these live microorganisms provide a natural and simple way to ward off digestive disorders and colds in kids.
A last year study conducted...
| 3/1/2011 - Cold and flu season is upon us. Traditional Chinese Medicine has effective time-tested techniques which boost immunity and protect us from colds or the flu. Points can be needled and herbal formulas can be given to balance the body's energy, strengthen the body and even speed recovery if one does come...
| 3/1/2011 - The spice cinnamon has long been used in both cooking and in medicine. Since Egyptian times, cinnamon's healing abilities have been recognized and utilized. Chinese medical journals record cures with cinnamon dating back to 2,800 B. C. Cinnamon has also been used in Ayurvedic Medicine in India. Cinnamon...
| 2/19/2011 - Coconut oil has been used by many people in all parts of the world to alleviate symptoms of the common cold. Coconut oil originally had a bad reputation because it is a mostly saturated fat, but today it is gaining the popularity it deserves for being a truly nutritious food. This cold season might...
| 12/10/2010 - When given the opportunity our body has the amazing capacity to thwart many diseases and illnesses including the common cold and influenza. When we provide our immune system with the necessary tools to fight bacteria and viruses, vibrant health will always be the natural result. The typical processed...
| 12/9/2010 - A strong immune system means the body will easily be able to combat any seasonal cold or flu virus that comes your way. Olive leaf extract acts to prevent the onset of colds and flu by acting as a powerful immune booster. It fights a range of viruses, bacterial infections and parasites that cause infections...
| 11/12/2010 - Home remedies can help build immunity, reduce symptoms and prevent the onset of colds and the flu. Many of these folk medicines can even be found in your kitchen cabinet. Natural remedies are inexpensive, compared to over-the-counter cold remedies, and they do not suppress symptoms but rather allow...
| 11/8/2010 - In the fall as the weather gets cooler ailments tend to affect our Lungs in the form of coughs, sinus issues, colds and flu. In Traditional Chinese Medicine autumn relates to the metal element which corresponds to the Lungs. The taste that strengthens the Lungs is pungent: the spicy flavor of foods...
| 11/7/2010 - It's that time of year again for the oncoming cold and flu season. Everywhere we turn, we see the familiar signs advertising "Flu Shots" and "Free Flu Shots," while over-the-counter flu and cold medications line store shelves in prominent locations. Instead of giving in to the fear and hype about flu...
| 11/3/2010 - Researchers from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, have made a fascinating new discovery about the way the body's immune system fights off infections. Contrary to popular belief within mainstream medicine, the body's natural antibodies are capable of fighting off a virus and...
| 6/26/2010 - Viruses that cause winter colds also cause summer colds. Though summer colds are less common, warm weather factors increase the risk of infection. Even though there are no known cures, natural remedies treat summer colds by reducing the severity and even the duration of cold symptoms.
Causes of Summer...
| 4/13/2010 - Many people think of colds and flu as inevitable and resort to going for a flu shot as a preventative measure or to taking plenty of medication in an attempt to cure colds and flu. Yet, by eating correctly, eliminating harmful foods, reducing stress and getting enough sleep, the immune system can be...
| 11/25/2009 - Tissue salts, also known as cell salts, are minerals - the same minerals that are found in the earth`s rocks and soil. Gentle, safe and non-toxic, tissue salts can be bought in pill form from virtually any pharmacy or health store and can provide the help the body needs in order to fight colds and flu.
| 11/25/2009 - Probiotics and digestive enzymes prevent colds and flu; research has shown. Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that live in the intestines. Harmful bacteria include those like E. coli (Escherichia col), etc, but there are many bacteria that inhabit our gut that help with our digestion. Now, studies...
| 1/29/2009 - People who take daily garlic supplements will catch fewer common colds than people who do not supplement with garlic. Studies have determined that taking a daily garlic supplement that contains allicin will reduce one's risk of contracting a cold by approximately 50 percent. Allicin is a purified component...
 | 10/1/2008 - The next time that you experience a cold or the flu, remember this: giving your body plenty of rest while allowing the cold or flu to run its course is good for your health. Conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry would have you believe that there is no "cure" for the common cold, that...
 | 4/23/2008 - Are you worried about the possible outbreak of the Avian Flu among humans? Perhaps you should be! I hope that all of the publicity about the Bird Flu proves to be a false alarm, as well as the theories that it may be a deliberately engineered flu, but I have to tell you that from what I have learned...
 | 3/23/2008 - The humble cold is one of the most common illnesses, leading to more doctor visits and absences from school and the workforce than any other illness every year. So what causes you to catch colds? Technically you do not "catch" colds but, rather, become infected with a cold/flu bacteria or virus.
 | 10/27/2006 - Engaging in regular moderate exercise may significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold, according to new research published in the American Journal of Medicine.
Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle conducted a study of the effects of regular exercise on breast...
 | 10/24/2005 - It happens to everyone, sometimes multiple times a year. That's why it's called the common cold, right? But while we're all familiar with the common cold, we may only know of one or two ways to fight it, which usually involve some sort of over-the-counter medication, or the folk remedy, a bowl of chicken...
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