Coffee news, articles and information:
 | 10/14/2016 - That morning cup of java may be providing a lot more benefits than just giving you the energy to start your day. Numerous studies have shown that daily consumption of coffee can help you to live a longer, healthier life.
You may have heard of some of coffee's many health benefits, but there may also...
 | 9/23/2016 - Caffeine often goes under the radar, not easily recognized as an addictive substance. According to caffeine researcher Professor Laura Juliano, more than 50 percent of caffeine users say they've had trouble cutting back or quitting caffeine. Many people believe that it's easy to cut out caffeine, but...
 | 9/21/2016 - Is coffee good or bad for you? That seems to be an intriguing question that rears its head whenever health enthusiasts begin a conversation about one of the most popular morning beverages known to the world.
The answer depends on what you put in it, because a couple of cups of "bean water" with some...
 | 7/13/2016 - The world's most evil corporation was dealt a major legal blow recently, after trying to silence a Hawaiian couple for claiming injury from the use of glyphosate, a highly controversial weedkiller that the World Health Organization (WHO) last year linked to causing cancer in humans.
It all started...
 | 5/11/2016 - In their quest to be healthy, some people might inadvertently be giving up foods that are actually beneficial for their health. If you've banned coffee or tea from your diet because of their caffeine content, or you've given wine the boot because it contains alcohol, you might want to rethink your decision,...
 | 4/11/2016 - The same hot beverage you depend on to wake you up in the morning could also help you live longer – that's according to a new study and a growing body of evidence that suggests that coffee may decrease your risk of developing prostate cancer, among other health benefits you might not have been...
 | 3/13/2016 - More than one-third of women and one in ten men regularly color their hair. If you are one of them, then you may be slowly poisoning your body with highly toxic compounds linked to allergic reactions and several types of cancer.
According to the Daily Mail, British scientists from Leeds-based company,...
 | 2/25/2016 - According to the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF), as part of their Continuous Update Project (CUP), consuming three alcoholic drinks daily ups the chance of a person getting liver cancer. It's no surprise, therefore, that alcoholism and liver cancer are closely linked; numerous health-related...
 | 2/24/2016 - The former owners of Dragon's Lair Kona Coffee Farm in Honaunau, Hawaii, will no longer be fooled by Monsanto's clever marketing of glyphosate. Christine and Kenneth Sheppard's lives have forever been changed by the side effects and horrifying scientific failure of glyphosate, which has become the most...
 | 2/23/2016 - California company "Reduce. Reuse. Grow" has launched biodegradable coffee cups that contain seeds within their structure. So, what does this mean for you and the planet? Essentially, when you're done with a delicious cup of java, feel free to plant the empty cup in a suitable area, where it'll eventually...
 | 2/10/2016 - Coffee is making a serious comeback in the health world, as science uncovers all sorts of little-known health benefits associated with this popular morning ritual. And a fascinating research paper published in the British Journal of Cancer provides even more evidence that appears to support the cause,...
 | 1/21/2016 - People keep telling me this is the most AMAZING hand-roasted coffee they've ever had. It just blows their minds!
It's our new line of 100% organic, hand-roasted, fair trade certified, whole bean coffee that's only available in strictly limited quantities due to the fact that we're only roasting it...
 | 10/16/2015 - If you're a fan of coffee, this article will give you yet another reason to pour yourself a second cup. If coffee's not your thing, you may want to reconsider for the sake of your good health.
Analyses of studies in which the coffee-drinking habits of people in both United States and Sweden were...
 | 9/2/2015 - Coffee often gets a bad reputation because of all of the sugar and additives that are mixed in with it. Companies like Starbucks welcome diabetes by selling espresso drowned in inane amounts of sugar. Their newest Frappuccino line contains 400 percent the daily recommended amount of sugar, which equates...
 | 8/14/2015 - A new study from Harokopio University in Athens, Greece is giving regular coffee drinkers something to cheer about. After studying the coffee drinking habits of more than 1,300 people, the researchers concluded that regular coffee drinkers are 54 percent less likely to suffer from diabetes and inflammatory...
 | 8/3/2015 - Coffee lovers rejoice! Far too many people feel a sense of guilt over their coffee habit - and regardless of the health benefits of any particular food or drink, guilt has no place in your diet. Taking pleasure in food and beverages is one of the best joys in life, so enjoy yourself!
Back to coffee...
 | 7/22/2015 - In the generation of coffee-quaffing, black-thumbed and Earth-littering individuals, it's nice to see solutions that can turn an otherwise dangerous trend into something that can positively impact people and the planet. Thanks to a creative idea being implemented by the organization "Reduce. Reuse....
 | 6/25/2015 - Few beverages divide the natural health world quite like coffee. For every one expert who proclaims that coffee is one of the healthiest drinks we can consume, there seems to be at least one other expert who proclaims the exact opposite: that quitting coffee is a prerequisite for establishing a healthier...
 | 5/26/2015 2:08:47 PM - Detoxification is an absolute necessity in today's polluted world, but which methods are the safest and most effective? If you can get over the "gross" factor, coffee enemas offer a holistic approach to detoxification and whole-body healing that has stood the test of time. Whether you suffer from a...
 | 5/15/2015 - The components of coffee beans that are typically discarded are 500 times higher in antioxidant activity than vitamin C and serve as powerful prebiotics and antimicrobials, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Granada that was published in the journal Food Science and...
 | 4/12/2015 - Coffee, a sometimes controversial beverage which many of us start our day with, may not be as bad as some of us think.
While it is true that too much of this warming pick-me-up drink can disrupt sleep, raise heart rate and blood pressure, and mess up digestion, drinking just one cup of coffee a day...
 | 3/11/2015 - While there has been a lot of research both in favor and against one of America's favorite drinks, this latest bit of research leaves you feeling a little less guilty after having that second, or third, or even fourth cup of coffee.
The results of a new study suggest that drinking up to four cups...
 | 2/25/2015 - To enhance your coffee drinking pleasure and avoid the toxic flavored creamers on the market, here are 25 ways to do that. First the basic instructions.
Choose the milk and cream or half-and-half that's as healthy as possible, usually organic grass-fed cows will give you that. If you prefer non-dairy...
 | 2/5/2015 - The leading cause of skin-cancer death in the United States, melanoma, may be prevented by engaging in a habit that's familiar to millions of Americans. The act of drinking coffee might offer protection against the devastating illness, according to a study conducted by researchers from Yale University...
 | 1/17/2015 - The times are a-changin', and that's not necessarily a good thing.
Sure, there are plenty of kindhearted people in the world. Yes, happiness can be derived from nature, a child's smile or positive mantras. However, the frightening reality is that we're fast-becoming a society straight from Orwell's...
 | 1/8/2015 - A recent study led by Dr. Qian Xiao from the National Cancer Institute has found that people who drink three cups of coffee daily are 25 percent less likely than non-coffee drinkers to have abnormal levels of liver enzymes.(1) Caffeinated versus decaf made no difference; both yielded similar...
 | 11/2/2014 - One of the first things we think about when engaging in our morning routine is securing our cup of coffee. Without it, the world is a bit dimmer, but once it is in our hot hands, the world is full of sunshine and rainbows. It seems that little can go wrong with our cup of coffee, but the truth is there...
 | 8/18/2014 - Billions of people around the globe love to have coffee throughout the day, and in the United States, especially, there is a growing market for specialty blends and brews. The fresher (and, in many cases, the more expensive), the better.
But researchers are warning coffee drinkers to beware of surprise...
 | 6/23/2014 6:55:29 PM - Undoubtedly, Starbucks is a coffee Kingpin, which boasts the largest coffeehouse chain in the world, with 23,187 stores in 64 countries, and annual sales of $14.9 billion, while CEO Howard Schultz is worth a whopping $1.6 billion.
Although statistically impressive at first glance, an important question...
 | 6/23/2014 - Coffee, after decades of bad press, is finally coming into its own. There continue to be health reports that note the benefits of having a daily cup of coffee. In addition to research which shows that a daily cup of java could have positive effects on a person's ability to stave off strokes, Parkinson's...
 | 6/13/2014 - The latest java trend is coffee meets cannabis. The most recent buzz is a cannabis-infused beverage going mainstream. Mirth Provisions, a company based in Washington State, is launching a new and innovative line of cannabis-infused (extract), cold-brewed coffee under the "Legal" label, which underscores...
 | 4/25/2014 9:58:22 AM - Americans are coffee drinkers, with over 50% of us relying on the stuff to wake us up in the morning and keep us alert throughout the day. Besides being able to help fight fatigue, recent research has found that increasing your consumption of coffee can help prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.
 | 4/22/2014 - People who drink two or more cups of coffee per day are 66 percent less likely to die from certain forms of liver disease, according to a study conducted by researchers with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and the National University of Singapore and published in the journal Hepatology...
 | 4/17/2014 - For years, doctors cautioned their patients against drinking too much coffee. Their fear was that the caffeinated beverage could be responsible for an uptick in cancer, especially cancers of the digestive tract such as colon cancer. In the last decade, though, physicians have come to some surprising...
 | 4/11/2014 - The world's most expensive coffee, kopi luwak (literally, "civet coffee") is brewed from coffee beans that have been eaten and partially digested by the Asian palm civet, a catlike wild animal.
The beans are harvested from the droppings of the civet and washed, and can be brewed into an aromatic...
 | 3/16/2014 - The earliest commercial decaffeination process involved steaming coffee beans in a salt water solution and then soaking them in the toxic chemical benzene to dissolve the caffeine.
Due to health concerns, benzene has now been replaced in the "direct method" with different toxic chemicals, ethyl acetate...
 | 2/19/2014 - More and more, kids in the United States are turning to caffeine-laced drinks, and in particular coffee drinks, including children as young as two years old, according to a newly released study.
The research, published in the journal Pediatrics, found that caffeine is the most popular "drug" among...
 | 2/14/2014 - People joke about how drinking coffee has created a culture of caffeine junkies, people who are basically zombies without their cups of Joe. But the reality is that while some people will take anything to excess, moderate coffee consumption may actually be good for you. Very good. Research links drinking...
 | 12/12/2013 - Coffee beverages are big business in America, generating a whopping $30 billion in annual revenue. Controversy continues to plague this beloved drink, however, with reports of toxicity stemming from dangerous growing methods and the roasting process. Then there's the addicting properties of caffeine,...
 | 12/10/2013 - "How do you want your coffee?" is a question that we hear a lot. A coffee colon cleanse probably would not immediately come to mind.
Coffee enemas have a history in healingIn many cultures, colon cleansing has been used to improve health.
Coffee enemas have been used in the United States to maintain...
 | 11/26/2013 - Your coffee addiction could be depriving you of much-needed sleep at night, especially if you down a cup in the late afternoon or early evening. A new study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that people who consume even just one cup of coffee after lunch could be losing...
 | 9/7/2013 - Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Known for its great aroma, smooth taste, and energizing effect, this is considered as a staple drink in virtually all countries in the world. But more than just being a drink that provides pleasure, it is actually a drink that brings all kinds of...
 | 8/25/2013 - There is new evidence about the health benefits of coffee. Coffee drinkers are a little bit likelier to live longer than those people who do not drink coffee at all. The study claims it does not even matter whether one drinks decaf or regular coffee. According to the Washington Post, this was the largest...
 | 8/21/2013 - It is a common ritual that millions of people across the globe engage in daily, but drinking cup after cup of coffee in the morning and throughout your workday to stay motivated and energized could be killing you. A new study recently published in the journal, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, found that people...
 | 8/2/2013 - Overcoming coffee addiction can be tough for many people, especially when the headaches, jitters, and other nasty withdrawal symptoms start kicking in. But finding alternative sources of daily energy to replace caffeine with just might be the best thing you ever do for your health. Here are seven alternatives...
 | 7/25/2013 - According to studies conducted by researcher Dr. Giulio Maria Pasinetti, a resident professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, there are health benefits from drinking decaffeinated coffee.
He particularly conducted research on how decaf coffee can...
 | 7/18/2013 - Thirsty? Given the circumstances, most people will reach for a bottle or a flip top can of ice-cold soda. Almost 90 percent of people all over the world will, at one time or another, have tasted a sugary, fizzy, carbonated beverage. And the fight isn't particularly fair, either; on average, there are...
 | 6/13/2013 - A common saying in natural health is that "Death begins in the colon." Enemas have been a key tool to cleanse the colon by many cultures all around the world throughout history. Organic coffee beans were originally cultivated and used as a powerful liver cleanser by native American tribes. There are...
 | 5/18/2013 - Colons today have it pretty rough. Whether from the stress of a hurried lifestyle, consumption of poor quality and highly processed foods like sweets and sugars that feed harmful organisms, inadequate levels of digestive enzymes that send partially digested proteins and starches to the colon where they...
 | 4/16/2013 - Coffee-loving diabetics, watch out! Although some studies have shown that coffee drinking may actually help prevent or regulate diabetes, the evidence seems to suggest that caffeine actually worsens diabetic symptoms. In fact, caffeine appears to outweigh all the benefits that coffee would otherwise...
 | 3/5/2013 - If you're a mother-to-be and you happen to enjoy a couple cups of coffee in the morning, you may be undercutting your baby's birth weight.
That's the conclusion by researchers who have conducted a decade-long study of nearly 60,000 women in Norway - expectant mothers who drink two cups of coffee...
 | 2/12/2013 - Coffee is currently in the crosshairs of a lot of scientists as they have come to realize that coffee, particularly coffee grounds, contains a lot of antioxidants that could be harnessed and placed into supplements. It is estimated that about 20 million tons of coffee grounds are used in a year as millions...
 | 1/17/2013 - A new study out of Heidelberg University shows that the liver is the organ that controls severe weight loss and muscle wasting (called cachexia), due to cancer. "Doctors used to believe that cancer re-programs metabolism focusing all energy into tumor growth," says Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig, of the German...
 | 1/8/2013 - Coffee lovers are always on the lookout for healthier options, and the response we've received on Nutricafe has been overwhelmingly positive.
Created by the same company that brought you Cocoa Mojo, Nutricafe is a 100% USDA Organic, fair-trade, low-caffeine gourmet coffee that's actually good for...
 | 12/22/2012 - People who drink four or more cups of caffeinated coffee each day have only half the risk of dying from oral or pharyngeal cancer when compared to those who drink less, according to a new American Cancer Society study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Prior studies have found that...
 | 12/21/2012 - If you are truly serious about transforming your health in dramatic ways, implementing coffee enemas into your regular routine is essential for achieving the life-changing results you have always desired. No matter what dietary protocols, exercise routines, or lifestyle habits you embrace, coffee enemas...
 | 12/13/2012 - People who drink three to four cups of coffee each day have a lower risk of developing Type II diabetes, according to a research summary published by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC). The report summarizes the key findings of recent research into the connection between coffee...
 | 8/10/2012 - A conversation about enemas can stimulate everything from laughter to horror. There are many old wives tales about enemas and how they can "cure" everything from the common cold to cancer. So let's took a look at the facts and science behind the use of enemas.
Ancient civilizations included enemas...
 | 7/27/2012 - A surprising trend is cropping up among the general population: drinking coffee as a powerful health promoting beverage. Not only does coffee help to boost energy and clarify the mind, research has shown it to be an important source of antioxidants. To maximize the benefit and minimize potential health...
 | 7/23/2012 - A recent study published in the journal Cancer Research claims that coffee drinkers may be at a reduced risk of developing basal cell carcinoma, one of the most common types of skin cancer. According to the research, individuals that drink at least three cups of coffee a day have a 20 percent decreased...
 | 7/8/2012 - Many of us depend on an early morning "Jo" to get us on the go. Some of us need refills as the day progresses.
Still others use coffee to get over depression or anxiety, even though caffeine can create more fight or flight hormones and tax our adrenal glands by pumping us with adrenaline. The adrenaline...
| 5/18/2012 - While most in society believe that coffee is bad for health this is only a half-truth. Pure green-coffee extract has become one of the top selling weight loss products on the market. Green coffee bean extract has some very good health and performance related benefits.
There are two major types of...
 | 5/6/2012 - Every day, millions of Americans add powdered coffee "creamer" products to their morning cups of joe because they falsely believe that these substances are somehow healthier than real cream. But little do they know that most coffee creamer products contain no actual cream, or food for that matter, as...
 | 5/3/2012 12:31:50 PM - Benjamin Franklin famously said, "In all things, moderation." When it comes to coffee, there are worse things you could be putting in your body, (assuming you are using organic, fair trade coffee). Still, it's a good practice to take a break from anything you consume a lot of, a couple of times a year...
 | 2/8/2012 - Purchasing a cup of coffee using cash instead of a credit or debit card, using Google Maps to view photos of sporting event stadiums and large cities, and installing software to protect your internet privacy on your mobile phone -- these and many other mundane activities are now considered to be potential...
 | 1/18/2012 - Conventional wisdom about weight loss suggests coffee may be a good addition to a diet plan since it has minimal calories and no fat. While this seems logical, a more holistic view evaluates coffee from the perspective of its influence on the body's ability to metabolize the other food we eat. Recent...
 | 1/9/2012 10:18:38 PM - Recent research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee daily may protect against developing Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, depression and more, according to reports from Science Daily. Animal studies at the University of Florida discovered an ingredient in coffee that interacts with...
 | 12/7/2011 - Your morning cup of joe at Starbucks may have a higher calorie count and fat percentage than a serving of ice cream or a piece of chocolate cake. NaturalNews looked into the nutritional information on Starbucks' website and found that many of the chain's popular latte drinks have the same dietary impact...
 | 11/23/2011 - If you want to completely eliminate caffeine from your diet, you will have to add green tea to your list of forbidden foods. However, if you merely want to reduce your caffeine intake, you may want to substitute green tea for coffee as your morning pick-me-up beverage. Consider these facts about green...
 | 11/5/2011 - Mycotoxins are dangerous substances that are often found in coffee. Despite this fact, coffee has been shown to improve health, help enhance performance, and keep your mind focused. So, how can you continue to drink coffee without ingesting the harmful mycotoxins? By being very selective about the kind...
 | 11/4/2011 - Just a couple of decades ago, quitting coffee was a prerequisite for establishing a healthy diet and adopting a healthier lifestyle. But gradually, several new research studies into coffee drinking have provided health benefits from drinking coffee. So now we have both positive and negative health effects...
| 8/5/2011 - Researchers publishing in the Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease have discovered that a natural chemical compound found in coffee combines with caffeine to create a protective shield against the development and progression of Alzheimer`s disease. Blood levels of a protective protein complex known as GCSF,...
| 6/28/2011 - People seem to be in two camps these days. There are those who know that the radiation from Fukushima is dangerous and will have impacts, so they protect themselves through diet and supplementation. And there are those who think it`s all fine and even radioactive poisons with half lives of tens of thousands...
 | 6/17/2011 - Millions of people eat and drink from plastic and styrofoam cups and containers every single day, and the US government now admits that many of these consumer products contain known cancer-causing agents. The formaldehyde preservatives found in many disposable coffee cups and foam take-out containers,...
 | 6/16/2011 - Most people have probably either heard, or even made, various tongue-in-cheek references to coffee being a type of drug, but a new study out of La Trobe University in Australia has determined that the popular beverage basically is one. Drinking coffee can actually cause people to experience hallucinations...
 | 6/2/2011 - Here's something you probably didn't know about coffee: The world's most expensive coffee, kopi luwak (literally, "civet coffee") is brewed from coffee beans that have been eaten and partially digested by the Asian palm civet, a catlike wild animal. The beans are harvested from the droppings of the...
 | 5/23/2011 12:59:53 AM - Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer for men in the the United States. Other than being male, there are other factors such as age, race, and family history that may contribute to the risk. However, the screening tests for prostate cancer including digital examination and...
 | 5/23/2011 - Coffee addiction may not be the detriment to health many people think it is, according to a new study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. Postmenopausal women over 50 who drink five or more cups of coffee every day may be as much as 57 percent less likely to develop estrogen-receptor (ER)...
| 5/21/2011 - Men who have a love affair with coffee, but feel guilty about overindulging in it, may have cause to celebrate today. A recent study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, found that men who consumed the most coffee had the lowest risk of developing prostate cancer, particularly the most...
 | 5/18/2011 - Imagine this scenario: drug company researchers make an amazing discovery. It's a remarkable therapy that's easy to take, has few serious side effects and reduces the risk of a man developing any kind of prostate cancer. Most importantly, it dramatically lowers the odds a man will ever have the most...
 | 5/12/2011 - Breast cancer is a serious concern for women. According to the National Cancer Institute, the disease took about 50,000 lives last year in the U.S. alone. But the mainstream media, as well as mainstream medicine, often treat breast cancer as something that strikes out of the blue -- giving women no...
| 5/4/2011 - A white sweet potato extract from the Ipomoea batatas plant may cure diabetes, adding to other recent research showing blood sugar reducing benefits from coffee, the gingko tree, and nuts. Diabetes is at epidemic proportions but traditional medicine has used plants to treat this condition worldwide.
| 4/18/2011 - For many stressed out and exhausted adults, there is no moment of the day more appealing than one which merges bold taste with an infusion of energy via a hot cup of coffee. However, this particular union has a great deal of depth to its dark waters. And like all great love affairs, there is an equally...
| 4/16/2011 - This cake is sure to please -- it is completely free of all sugar and grains, yet it tastes just like the coffee cake you might buy at your local coffee house. Simple to throw together, it is delicious and healthy!
1 cup almond flour
2 tablespoons organic coconut flour
1 1/2 tsp...
| 2/11/2011 - Drink too much coffee and you can suffer from anxiety, heart palpitations and insomnia. But in moderate quantities, coffee can offer health benefits -- including slashing the risk of certain cancers. It may even lower the chance of developing dementia(
| 10/20/2010 - Drinking several cups of tea or coffee daily appears to cut your risk of heart disease by more than one-third, Dutch researchers have found.
"It's basically a good news story for those who like tea and coffee," said lead researcher Yvonne van der Schouw. "These drinks appear to offer benefits for...
| 10/8/2010 - Coffee no longer boosts energy or alertness levels above baseline in regular drinkers of the beverage, according to a study conducted by researchers from Bristol University and published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.
"Although frequent consumers feel alerted by caffeine, especially by their...
| 9/13/2010 - Coffee lovers across the world have been disheartened by all the bad things that coffee is supposed to do. Caffeine, the major culprit in coffee, is said to cause addiction, dehydration, panic attacks and emotional fatigue. Pregnant and lactating mothers are often advised not to drink coffee at all....
| 5/8/2010 - Men who drink coffee regularly may reduce their risk of the most dangerous form of prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and presented at a Houston conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.
Prostate cancer kills more than 27,000...
| 1/27/2010 - Drinking coffee can lower the risk of liver fibrosis, hepatitis, and type 2 diabetes; new research has shown. Coffee has also been shown to lower the risk of prostate cancer, and even Alzheimer's disease and stroke. It is the caffeine in the coffee that is the active ingredient, but other sources of...
| 1/27/2010 - Patients coming to the Whitaker Wellness Institute sometimes express surprise that we serve coffee. Doesn't it increase the body's acidity? Aren't health-conscious people supposed to drink tea instead? Isn't caffeine bad for you?
If coffee were harmful, then every morning emergency rooms around the...
 | 1/9/2010 - Women over the age of 65 have a head start when it comes to mental faculties... if they drink 3 cups of coffee per day, that is. Caffeine consumption in moderation is now a proven boost to women's mental health.
When taken in moderation, it appears that caffeine can actually be a boost to women's...
| 12/31/2009 - The words "bad" and "habit" just seem to go together. People can have good habits, sure, but we typically associate habits with bad things. Coffee drinking is one such example. The brown libation stains teeth, is loaded with caffeine, and is a pesticide-riddled crop. What could be worse? But a new study...
| 12/15/2009 - Founded in 1907, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the world's oldest and largest organization dedicated to advancing cancer research. So when its members (comprised of cancer researchers, oncologists and other health care professionals) meet for a national conference, research...
| 9/10/2009 - Unlike Essiac Tea or Hoxsey's herbal formula, the Gerson Therapy is a completely dietary based protocol with coffee enemas for liver detoxification. There is no single herbal formula, no magic bullet. But just as with Rene Caisse's Essiac Tea and Hoxey's secret formula, it has proven effective with...
| 7/7/2009 - Steve Jobs' public liver transplant is a testament to what mainstream medicine offers when you've damaged your liver to the extreme. It's also a testament to a consumerism attitude with a "buy a new one" flair and ambiance, instead of an eye for caring for what you already have. But these days most...
| 5/18/2009 - Remember the old joke about enemas? "It couldn`t hurt!" It`s OK, go ahead and laugh, both laughing and enemas are good for your health. Laughing has probably been around longer, but we know that Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine prescribed enemas some 2,600 years ago, as did Patanjali, the...
| 5/6/2009 - There is likely a cup on your desk right now, but is that coffee healthy or unhealthy? The odds lean toward the latter, but if certain parameters are met coffee can actually provide health benefits. This article will explore the history and medicinal uses of coffee before outlining the key steps required...
| 4/22/2009 - Have you been trying to kick the coffee habit? Well, before you say good-bye to your favorite morning drink forever, you may be interested in hearing coffee may not be so bad for you after all. In fact, it's been linked to a variety of health benefits. Did you know that one study shows even one cup...
| 2/27/2009 - It's a pleasant surprise when something questionable turns out to be full of health benefits. First chocolate was found to prevent heart disease. Then red wine was shown to increase overall longevity. Now the spotlight is on coffee. Newly released studies reveal that coffee drinking lowers risk of stroke,...
 | 12/13/2008 - Women with poor fertility may further harm their chances of conceiving if they drink more than four cups of coffee per day, according to a study conducted by researchers from Radboud University in Nijmegan, the Netherlands, and presented at the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology...
| 12/9/2008 - Caffeine is a compound found in a variety of plants and acts as a natural pesticide which protects plants from the insects that feed on them. In the human body, however, caffeine behaves like a psychoactive stimulant drug by arousing the central nervous system and it is also a gentle diuretic. Caffeine...
 | 9/24/2008 - "Taking a coffee break at work may actually sabotage employees' ability to do their jobs and undermine teamwork instead of boosting it, suggests new research." So begins an article in New Scientist. We thought coffee breaks reduce stress. Have you noticed however, that after drinking coffee, stressful...
 | 4/23/2008 - By far the chief wreckers of our health today are sugars and bad fats. So which are the good ones and which ones are bad? My aim is to enable you to make better food choices for you and your family.
Sugars are more than just the white grains you put in your coffee or tea. Sugars are also...
 | 3/30/2008 - There is no respite or escape anywhere on earth from the toxins that stifle our planet and overwhelm our bodies. Even our best efforts to eliminate or restrict exposure are often not adequate to the task, and as our toxic load increases so does our chance of developing chronic illness and disease.
 | 2/5/2008 - If you've taken notice to the sporadic ranges in coffee prices, it's not because of greed amongst the growers. Read about the effects of global warming and how it is substantially impacting coffee crops around the world.
The effects of global warming are widespread, impacting not only our daily atmospheric...
 | 10/27/2007 - Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world and one of the most controversial among scientists and health experts. Coffee is so controversial that the American Society for Nutrition, at its Experimental Biology 2007 conference, focused on the health effects of coffee drinking...
 | 3/26/2007 - New research presented to the British Nutrition Foundation shows that regular consumption of coffee does not affect a person’s alertness. University of Bristol researchers have carried out a review of previous studies into the effects of caffeine, and concluded that only those who have avoided coffee...
 | 10/11/2006 - Coffee drinkers who switch to decaf may still be consuming caffeine, according to new research published in this month's Journal of Analytical Toxicology.
Researchers from the University of Florida examined 10 16-ounce decaffeinated drip-brewed coffees from nine local coffee houses or national chains...
| 9/7/2006 - A study published today in the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) journal Gastroenterology found that people at high risk for liver injury may be able to reduce their risk for developing chronic liver disease significantly by drinking more than two cups of coffee or tea daily. This preventative...
| 8/30/2006 - To help launch a line of sweet, creamy banana Frappuccinos last month, Starbucks Corp. sponsored a family-oriented community event—a free day at the Phoenix Zoo.
For adults, there were samples of espresso-infused Banana Coconut Frappuccino. But the coffee retailer also set out samples that the kids...
| 8/29/2006 - Drinking coffee, especially when it is decaffeinated, may be associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a report in the June 26 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Previous studies in the United States and Europe have...
| 8/16/2006 - Recent research appearing in the September issue of the journal Epidemiology shows that drinking coffee may trigger a heart attack, with the highest risk posed to light coffee drinkers.
A team of researchers from Brown University School of Medicine conducted a study of 503 non-fatal heart attack...
| 8/3/2006 - Drinking coffee may be related to a reduced risk of developing the liver disease alcoholic cirrhosis, according to a report in the June 12 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Cirrhosis progressively destroys healthy liver tissue and replaces...
| 6/27/2006 - A new report in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims a morning cup of coffee may help prevent diabetes.
Researchers compared the coffee consumption habits of 28,812 women enrolled in the Iowa Women's Health Study and found that the women who drank the most coffee -- especially decaffeinated...
 | 10/11/2005 - Most a.m. coffee drinkers don't realize it, but their morning cups of coffee set their bodies up for a rollercoaster day of highs and lows, only to bottom out at the point of exhaustion. Just a few hours after consumption, when the artificial high dies down, many people may reach for more coffee or...
| 10/11/2004 - Mike: I have a question for you on water -- a lot of people think that they are hydrating themselves when they consume soft drinks or milk or Gatorade or all these other liquid beverages…
Dr. B: Gatorade is possibly okay, but Gatorade has sugar in it, and it's not particularly good for people who...
| 7/8/2004 - Did you know that a vanilla bean frappuccino with whipped cream delivers over 500 calories to your body? It's astonishing: many of the coffee drinks served at Starbucks and other coffee joints are little more than coffee-flavored sugar and fat potions that will cause you to rapidly gain weight. They're...
| 1/6/2004 1:00:18 PM - This research shows that regular coffee consumptions slightly lowers
diabetes risk, but the researchers only seem capable of guessing at one
ingredient as the cause: caffeine. The fact is, the coffee bean is a
tropical plant and is loaded with a vast spectrum of phytonutrients that
| See all 170 coffee feature articles.Concept-related articles:Cancer:Diabetes:Colon cancer:Sugar:Disease:Colon:Studies:Drinking:Drinking coffee:Heart disease:Caffeine:Superfoods:Health benefits:Food:Health:Research:
Concepts related to Coffee
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