Censorship news, articles and information:
 | 12/2/2016 - The row over Vaxxed: From Coverup To Corruption, has led me to consider my experiences of censorship, apart from attempts to wipe out my book,[1] and I thought I would write a little about the subject as a whole this morning. (Story by Celia Farber, republished from http://truthbarrier.com.)
 | 7/18/2016 - Pamela Geller is an explosive figure who is not daunted by the "politically correct." In particular, when it comes to discussing the reality of violent Islamic extremism – her bailiwick – she is not only vocal, but relentless.
Only, Facebook can't seem to handle the truths that she and...
 | 5/25/2016 - You probably didn't notice that in the world of national TV news, only Fox News reported that Obama's national security communications expert Ben Rhodes had told The New York Times about his "echo chamber." As reported by MRC News Busters, this "echo chamber" utilized compliant national media to promote...
 | 5/15/2016 - The old maxim "There is no such thing as a free lunch" has taken on a whole new level of meaning in the internet age, particularly when applied to so-called "free" services like Facebook and Wikipedia.
Both of these digital era giants would like the public to believe that they are providing free...
 | 5/2/2016 - If you're looking for a truthful and unbiased place to find information, Facebook has shown once again that it is not the place to turn to. A recent report by The Hill states that Facebook could "downplay stories and posts related to Trump in its New[s] Feed, potentially putting a damper on his campaign,"...
 | 4/13/2016 - The long awaited documentary, VAXXED – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, is intended to expose Big Pharma for pushing vaccines on U.S. children and adults without acknowledging that there are very serious health risks.
The documentary was scheduled to be shown at Robert De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival,...
 | 4/12/2016 - The censorship of medical truth has reached a fever pitch as books, films and documentaries are now being maliciously attacked and censored in a desperate ploy to prevent the public from learning the truth about cancer, vaccines, antidepressant drugs and more.
In this podcast, I explain why censorship...
 | 4/7/2016 - The war is on for correct information, and many websites today that "educate" about health, clean food and safe medicine are anything but accurate.
They'll tell you that genetically modified food (GMOs) has been tested for safety and efficacy, but it has not. They'll tell you that vaccines and flu...
 | 3/28/2016 - With a massive backlash now mounting against Robert De Niro for censoring an independent film on vaccines, the Tribeca Film Festival has been subjected to intense scrutiny across independent media as journalists seek to discover who got to De Niro and what did they threaten him with?
After being...
 | 3/27/2016 - A much-awaited and explosive documentary film called VAXXED - From Cover-Up to Catastrophe was suddenly pulled from Robert De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival following an intense censorship effort waged by the vaccine-pushing mainstream media and pharma-funded media science trolls.
Watch the explosive...
 | 11/23/2015 - In a stunning demonstration of online book burning, Amazon.com has just banned a book because of its contents. The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook consists of analysis from a dozen contributor authors, and it's edited by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. The book concludes that Sandy Hook was a staged FEMA drill carried...
 | 10/29/2015 - "Take your pills and don't ask questions. Drink the sweet wine of entertainment we have given you. Don't think for yourself: just believe. The truth will no longer be published unless we allow it to be."
Google, and its popular video sharing platform YouTube, are quickly becoming purveyors of propaganda,...
 | 6/29/2015 - In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., Internet retailers have scrambled to remove the Confederate flag from their online stores. Amazon also participated in this misguided gesture of political correctness. Yet instead of being honest about their (questionable)...
 | 5/5/2015 - Of the world's great powers, China, is perhaps the most restrictive when it comes to freedom of speech and expression. That said, it should come as little surprise, then, that the Communist Party leadership of China works overtime to monitor, control and censor what the Chinese people are allowed to...
 | 3/26/2015 - When it comes to freedom of speech and expression, as an American, one wouldn't think that the U.S. government and the Chinese government would treat them the same.
In the United States, the Constitution - the nation's founding document - recognizes speech and expression as a fundamental human right,...
 | 10/30/2014 - Increasingly, Facebook is being accused of censoring material that users post on the world's largest social media website, prompting outrage and confusion from many who see hypocrisy in the site's rules.
In one recent instance, as reported by InfoWars.com, multiple users of the site have complained...
 | 8/18/2014 - Share this alert with everyone you know in alternative media, natural health, honest journalism and truth-seeking: The era of "mainstream social media" (i.e. Facebook, etc.) as a trusted social media hub is coming to a close. As everyone has noticed by now, Facebook selectively censors posts based on...
 | 7/28/2014 - In today's America, you will be hard-pressed to find any institutional media organization being critical of Left-wing politicians, and in particular, uber-liberal presidents. But in what many are calling unprecedented, some 38 journalism groups have lambasted President Obama's inner circle for censoring...
 | 7/10/2014 - The blatantly political attempt to silence the author of a politically incorrect new book has backfired on chain wholesaler Costco after one of its top managers reversed a decision to pull the tome from stores.
Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti told WorldNetDaily July 9 that sales of the book,...
 | 7/8/2014 - I haven't read Dinesh D'Souza's new book, "America"... nor have I seen the movie. But apparently it says something so profound and impactful that some of the most powerful corporations in America are going to extraordinary lengths to make sure you never found out what it says. A modern-day "book burning"...
 | 5/17/2014 - A popular crowd-funding website called Kickstarter is a great place to raise money for creative endeavors. Kickstarter is "a vibrant ecosystem where backers join creators to bring new things to life."
Kickstarter is advertised as a place where "passion, ideas, and ambition abound." Boasting over...
 | 12/9/2013 - Most of us don't pay attention to student newspapers. Yet, these publications are where many budding journalists get their feet wet for the first time.
It's exciting to learn to craft a story that your peers will read. Knowing the paper is sure to be read by teachers and school administrators, too,...
 | 5/28/2013 - Due to Facebook's outrageous campaign of censorship against anyone attempting to post comments or photos about autism, GMOs, vaccines or the Second Amendment, Natural News has made an executive decision to ditch Facebook for its comment system.
Effective immediately, we are dropping the Facebook...
 | 5/28/2013 - When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news. Drudge Report linked to our Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for sharing a photo Facebook absurdly called "abusive."
 | 8/8/2012 - The latest attack on free speech in America comes from the FDA and is supported by Google Adwords. NaturalNews has learned that the FDA is quietly, and without notice to affected companies, commanding Google to disable the full Adwords accounts of nutritional supplement companies offering "detox" or...
 | 6/23/2012 - In what may be the most ironic thing to happen all year, tech giant Google - a serial privacy violator - says the company is experiencing what it describes as an "alarming" increase in the number of censorship requests being received by Western (in particular, the U.S.) governments. Seems the Leviathan...
 | 5/24/2012 - In a stunning and completely unannounced move, US Senator Rand Paul -- who many agree represents the best hope for the restoration of liberty in America -- has introduced an amendment to a key FDA funding bill that seeks to sharply rein in the FDA's power. It would disarm the FDA and make the agency...
 | 2/13/2012 - What was arguably the very best liberty-oriented political show on cable television has been pulled by Fox News. Judge Andrew Napolitano's Freedom Watch is being cancelled, according to a Fox News press release (http://www.prisonplanet.com/fox-business-news-axes-freedom-watch.html).
Judge Napolitano...
 | 2/5/2012 - In what appears to be a growing dichotomy, the Internet is at once a free and open forum for expression, but at the same time is increasingly being targeted for censorship. Ultimately, it can't be both, and if the forces of oppression get their way, it will cease to be the commercial medium of liberty...
 | 1/19/2012 - On January 18, 2012, thousands of websites from around the world came out in protest of two pieces of legislation that threaten to censor the internet as we know it. Google, WordPress, Wired.com, Wikipedia, Tumblr, The Daily Paul, reddit, NaturalNews, and thousands of other websites censored portions...
| 1/12/2012 - Protest from thousands of people up in arms over Google-owned YouTube's recent pulling and censoring a video clip from the upcoming film The Last War Crime, a film about war crimes and the unconstitutional and highly-disturbing torture tactics being used by the US government in the so-called "war on...
 | 9/9/2010 - Concerned about breast cancer? There are three nutrients that virtually eliminate your risk of the disease, even if you carry "breast cancer genes." Wondering how to cure arthritis? A combination of four different nutrients virtually eliminates arthritis symptoms. Afraid of diabetes? Five different...
| 8/9/2010 - Testifying before a Congressional panel, Google's director of public policy, Alan Davidson, called for firm action to end censorship of the Internet.
"The growing problem for Internet censorship is not isolated to one country or one region," Davidson said before the Congressional-Executive Commission...
| 7/3/2010 - As CNN is now reporting, the U.S. government has issued a new rule that would make it a felony crime for any journalist, reporter, blogger or photographer to approach any oil cleanup operation, equipment or vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Anyone caught is subject to arrest, a $40,000 fine and prosecution...
 | 6/4/2010 - Health freedom has just been handed a significant victory by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, which ruled last week that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) violated the First Amendment rights of a nutritional supplement company when it censored truthful, scientifically-backed...
 | 5/4/2010 - I received an urgent alert from Jeffrey Smith today about a dangerous situation taking place right now at the international CODEX conference. The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers...
 | 8/4/2008 - The U.S. media is loudly protesting the censorship of their reporters at the Olympics in Beijing. Betraying its promise to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), China has blocked reporters' access to "sensitive" websites, including those that mention human rights violations, the suppression of...
 | 10/18/2007 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, continuing its campaign of censorship against truthfully-described herbal supplements, seized $71,000 worth of Charantea herbal supplements last week in a raid involving U.S. Marshals. The company, Fulllife Natural Options, was accused by the FDA of marketing an...
 | 11/29/2006 - Censorship on the world wide web may be coming to an end for many web surfers in various parts of the country, as a new tool has been created that is capable of circumventing government censorship of the web.
According to researchers, the free program has been constructed to let citizens of countries...
 | 7/21/2006 - In a truly astonishing survey just released by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Food and Drug Administration's own scientists describe the agency as an environment of intimidation, censorship and scientific fraud. A survey of 997 FDA scientists revealed that forty percent feared "retaliation"...
 | 5/2/2006 - In the past, I jokingly said that broccoli might someday be banned as soon as the public begins to learn about the potent anti-cancer chemicals found in the vegetable. That’s because, as I jested, the FDA wouldn’t want people treating their own cancer with the anti-cancer medicines found in cruciferous...
| 8/7/2004 - The Bush administration has gone to great lengths to influence the voice of the scientific community. In a clear case of politics attempting to direct science, the U.S. government has now imposed limits on which scientists can speak to the World Health Organization. The new rules require scientists...
| See all 144 censorship feature articles.Concept-related articles:Corruption:Prescription drugs:Dangerous drugs:Drug companies:The FDA:Pharmaceutical companies:Drug racket:FDA:Big Pharma:Ethics:Vioxx:Drug safety:Sodium:America:Medicine:Drugs:
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