Campaign news, articles and information:
 | 11/18/2016 - The Grocery Manufacturer's Association (GMA) has been ordered to pay a record-breaking $18 million fine for concealing the identity of corporate donors in a 2013 effort to defeat a GMO food-labeling initiative in Washington state.
In a 24-page ruling, Thurston County Superior Court Judge Anne Hirsch...
 | 11/11/2016 - Julian Assange's sacrificial effort to expose the vast corruption behind the Clinton Machine through his "WikiLeaks" releases, has done so much over the past year to change the course of both the nation and the world for the better – most notably with the recent election of outsider Donald J....
 | 11/8/2016 11:52:53 PM - If one thing should be crystal clear following the historic victory by President-elect Donald Trump, it is that the so-called "mainstream media" is no longer mainstream. In fact, the Washington-New York City media corridor, as well as its allies on both coasts, have fully exposed themselves as little...
 | 10/29/2016 - It's been nearly nine months since the word "Zika" flashed like a lightning bolt in the headlines of mainstream news. Before January 1, 2016, Zika was just one of many viruses that public health officials monitored. But suddenly in January of this year everything changed, as a nearly harmless virus...
 | 10/18/2016 - And now the rigging of the U.S. elections takes yet another leap into the realm of astonishment as a stunning new video from Project Veritas reveals how Trump rally violence was staged by the Clinton campaign.
Yep, Clinton operatives were paid huge sums of money to stage acts of violence at Trump...
 | 10/11/2016 - If you're not following the shocking Wikileaks email dumps on John Podesta and the Clintons, you're rapidly falling behind in U.S. history. Day after day, the email dumps have revealed astonishing, damning details about the dark tactics used by the Clintons to dumb down and control the masses.
 | 9/25/2016 - Since ancient times yoga has been practiced throughout India. It combines breathing techniques, exercise, and meditation to clear the mind and boost overall health. Nowadays this 5,000-year-old practice has become extremely popular among health conscious people in the West. It provides a retreat from...
 | 9/21/2016 - The multinational banking firm, the Goldman Sachs Group, can no longer lend private political donations to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The news comes in light of the fact that top executives within the firm have for years been permitted to donate to Hillary Clinton's...
 | 9/12/2016 - Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign just made a massive error. We'll know within the next few weeks if the error will prove to be catastrophic.
On Sunday, Clinton abruptly left a Manhattan ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. A video shows her shakily stumbling...
 | 9/9/2016 - It's appalling to look back into recent U.S. history and see how top-down, coordinated propaganda campaigns have led the people into a state of blind ignorance and obedience – so much so, in fact, that people persecute one another over something as natural and harmless as the cannabis plant. It's...
 | 8/16/2016 - It has become obvious to anyone who is honest that much of the so-called "mainstream" news media has become little more than a platform to push certain political ideologies.
That's both left and right. But the difference is, some of the Left-leaning mainstream media outlets still ridiculously try...
 | 7/11/2016 - Dozens of Nobel laureates have sent a letter to environmental activist group Greenpeace, pressing the organization to stop its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMO), claiming that the altered crops and foods are actually good for humans and the environment.
As reported by the Washington...
 | 4/14/2016 - Hillary Clinton's ties to the fracking industry made news again on March 31, when Clinton berated a Greenpeace activist for asking if she would pledge to "reject future fossil fuel money in your campaign."
"I do not have — I have money from people who work for fossil fuel companies," Clinton...
 | 1/9/2016 - Supporters of top GOP presidential contender Donald Trump have watched angrily as the mainstream political and media establishment have spared no effort to disrupt and destroy his candidacy from the outset. His anti-politically-correct speech, his direct manner and his steadfast refusal to back down...
 | 12/14/2015 - An Oakland-based public interest group has published a new report detailing the extent to which agri-business giants like Monsanto have gone in mounting a public relations campaign aimed at legitimizing and defending genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food chain.
In "Seedy Business: What...
 | 11/30/2015 - Telling jokes that are not flattering to Hillary Clinton is no laughing matter, several comedians discovered recently, after she sicced some of her campaign goons on the owner of a historic Hollywood comedy club, following performances by several talented up-and-comers who mocked various aspects of...
 | 10/30/2015 - Indegogo Campaign Launched To Teach "How To Treat Infections Without Antibiotics"
AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 27, 2015 – With the world facing a health crisis as antibiotics become less and less effective, a group is launching a Indegogo campaign to create a video to teach people how to treat infected...
 | 10/24/2015 - The CEO of Google likes his secrets, just like the woman he's trying to get elected to the White House. The man in question is Eric Schmidt, and the candidate is none other than Hillary Clinton.
Quartz reports that billionaire Schmidt is the primary funding source behind an under-the-radar startup...
 | 10/21/2015 - In yet another twisted example of staged corporate social media campaigns, Big Pharma recently hired a shadowy online public relations firm to launch a staged social media campaign to promote psychiatric drugs among America's youth. (Seriously, nothing is too unethical for the drug industry to push.)
 | 10/9/2015 1:54:08 PM - What was once considered a social stigma is quickly becoming a social media sensation, thanks to the crafty marketing tactics of the pharmaceutical industry.
Some folks who take mind-altering prescription drugs to treat mental illness are now parading their use of these dangerous chemicals across...
 | 10/2/2015 6:55:01 PM - Hollywood spends billions (and earns billions) a year making films that denigrate American culture and history. But now, a new Kickstarter campaign aims to raise just $50,000 to market a film that praises America and focuses on restoring our unique brand of personal liberty and individual freedom.
 | 9/23/2015 - The Obama Internal Revenue Service is at it again, persecuting and punishing groups who are politically aligned with opponents of the president, his party and their left-wing ideology.
As reported by The Associated Press, the tax agency revoked the nonprofit status of a veterans benefit group that...
 | 9/10/2015 5:59:49 PM - Investigative journalism has struck once more, this time catching paid campaign staffers for Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton plotting to break campaign laws.
As reported by Breitbart News, videographer James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, purports to show Clinton campaign...
 | 8/11/2015 - In a recent interview, during what her spokespeople billed as a "listening tour" in New Hampshire, likely 2016 Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton seemed more like someone stricken with a medical condition than a potential leader who was interested in what people have to say.
As reported...
 | 8/4/2015 - It's no secret that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has an affinity for illegal aliens. He's donated millions to fund their college education (but not so much to fund the education of poor Americans), and has actively lobbied Congress to allow more legal immigration so he and his tech-industry...
 | 7/31/2015 - Leading the charge to protect America's children against fluoride damage, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has launched a nationwide billboard campaign to inform parents, legislators, and health authorities about the need to immediately stop artificially fluoridating public water.
More than 270...
 | 7/23/2015 - Newly elected Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is already working towards his reelection in four years and as such has begun to raise funds for that cause.
But Abbott has gone a step further in that process - choosing a high-tech, ultra-modern method of raising some coin.
Bitcoin, that is.
"Hello, Bitcoin...
 | 7/14/2015 - One of the primary sponsors of recently passed legislation in California mandating that nearly all children enrolled in public and private schools in the state be vaccinated received some of the millions in campaign donations showered on the bill's supporters by Big Pharma.
Democratic Sen. Richard...
 | 4/15/2015 - I want to thank readers of Natural News for your support of our Kickstarter campaign.
After the first day and a half, we had 140+ backers and $6,000 dollars pledged for Unbiased: The Truth About the Healing Arts on Wikipedia.
And we are also getting some backlash from the "scientific" community....
 | 4/11/2015 - Even when Americans are able to force corrupt politicians from office, it often doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things because their crimes do pay - and pay well.
Disgraced Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Illinois, is being forced to resign from Congress at the end of March. But he still controls $3.3...
 | 3/14/2015 - Millions of Americans know that the nation's colleges and universities are cesspools of political correctness, where students are subject to strict thought and speech codes by hypocrites who claim that they are among the most "tolerant" people in the country.
But the University of Michigan's thought...
 | 2/7/2015 - Following the staged terror attacks of 9/11, the national media whipped up the public's anger and hatred against "terrorists" with a relentless psychological campaign of "news terror" against American citizens. This anger and hatred, of course, was necessary to garner public support for passage of the...
 | 1/12/2015 - Proponents of a measure to require labeling of GMO foods in Oregon were forced to concede defeat -- at least for now -- after a hand recount of the ballots failed to change the outcome of a campaign marred by dirty tricks and outspending on the part of Monsanto and other agribusiness interests.
 | 8/11/2014 - A grassroots campaign to require honest GMO labeling on food products has been launched in Texas. Called "Label GMOs Texas," the campaign follows in the footsteps of the highly successful Vermont campaign which achieved victory earlier this year.
The Facebook page for the Texas campaign is available...
 | 6/18/2014 - The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together on U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill's bizarre attack aimed at Doctor Oz. In a scathing Senate hearing exchange, Sen. McCaskill all but accused Doctor Oz of peddling quack weight loss products -- even though Oz actually runs a very meticulous, science-based...
 | 2/4/2014 - They brand themselves as some of the most "tolerant" among us - liberals - but the fact is, when it comes right down to it, they're not very tolerant at all if you disagree with their political and worldview.
Consider the case of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, maker of the film 2016: Obama's...
 | 11/6/2013 - As of this writing, Washington state I-522 looks to have narrowly failed at the ballot box. This link shows election results county by county.
At 11:00pm last night, the "no" votes were winning by approximately 55% to 44%. Mail-in votes reportedly have not been counted yet, but unless a radical change...
 | 11/2/2013 - Twenty years after the controversial introduction of unlabeled and untested genetically engineered foods and crops, opposition to GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and Monsanto has created one of the largest netroots-grassroots movements in the U.S.
There are arguably more important issues facing...
 | 10/17/2013 - The Grocery Manufacturers Association has been caught running a $7.2 million "slush fund" to allow companies to dump huge dollars into fighting GMO labeling in Washington while deceptively concealing their identities. This activity is being conducted in blatant violation of the state's Public Disclosure...
 | 9/1/2013 - Setting the record straight, there has not been a case of polio in Israel since 1988. However, Israel monitors for the presence of polio and has discovered polio virus in sewage in several cities. This discovery triggered a massive polio vaccination campaign in children, most of whom had already been...
 | 8/7/2013 - A Natural News investigation has been conducted into the anti-Monsanto movie named "Santo," which has garnered an enormous amount of attention over the past few weeks. (Click here to see the movie preview.)
You may be aware that the movie and the filmmaker have been under fire for the past two weeks,...
 | 7/21/2013 - The Affordable Care Act, less affectionately known as Obamacare, is the great reform of the nation's healthcare system since our founding. Its wonderful requirements and provisions will alleviate suffering, improve access to care for all Americans, lower costs, boost outcomes, heal the rain forests,...
 | 7/20/2013 - Hope and change. That was Barack Obama's initial campaign slogan, in a nutshell. Obama was supposed to be the man who unified the country through hope and brought much needed change to the way Washington did its business. Now, less than a year into Obama's second term, all he has done is left tens of...
 | 4/27/2013 - Taking a page from national political parties and federal lawmakers, an Oregon group trying to convince Portland residents to approve adding fluoride to the city's drinking water has taken to buying off key constituencies for their support. It seems like all aspects of American government are for sale...
 | 1/9/2013 - On November 6, in the wake of one of the most expensive and scurrilous smear campaigns in history, six million voters scared the hell out of Monsanto and Big Food Inc. by coming within a razor's edge of passing the first statewide mandatory labeling law for genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
| 12/12/2012 - This article follows up on Mike Adams' devastating pieces exposing Dr. Oz and a coordinated high-level assault on organic food.
How high does this assault on organic food go?
Soon after her husband's...
 | 12/11/2012 - During his first campaign, then Sen. Barack Obama promised the most open, transparent administration in history.
"My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public...
 | 12/4/2012 - This article follows up on Mike Adams' devastating pieces exposing Dr. Oz and a coordinated high-level assault on organic food.
How high does this assault on organic food go?
Soon after her husband's...
 | 12/2/2012 - Dr. Oz's recent attack on organics has left a large number of people shocked at his betrayal of the organic consumer community. Yesterday, his Facebook page was being absolutely inundated with posts from people calling him a "betrayer" and asking why he would attack organics and start promoting feedlot...
 | 11/6/2012 - Campaign supporters of genetically manipulated foods could soon find themselves involved in a federal criminal investigation, related to their own manipulation of voters in California's hotly debated Proposition 37.
Even as ballots are still being cast in the battle over the measure, which would...
 | 11/5/2012 - It's coming down to the wire on Proposition 37. After weeks of spending a million dollars a day broadcast outright lies, the Monsant-funded "No on 37" campaign has managed to crush the early lead of the YES campaign, making the ballot measure a very close race.
If you live in California, your YES...
 | 11/2/2012 - A new push back in the fight against government corruption begins this week in California, as supporters of Healthy Family Farms owner Sharon Palmer and former Rawesome food club manager James Stewart launch an aggressive and urgent calling campaign in hopes of seeing criminal charges against the two...
 | 11/1/2012 - With less than one week left before Californians head to the polls to decide the future of food transparency in the Golden State, the Yes on Proposition 37 California Right to Know campaign has launched a new television ad with a simple, yet strikingly positive message that cuts through the lies and...
 | 10/26/2012 - The No on 37 campaign trying to prevent Californians from knowing whether or not the foods they eat contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has sunk to a new moral and ethical low, having recently forged a quote from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in supposed opposition to the labeling...
 | 10/5/2012 - In a bizarre development on the fight for Proposition 37 (the GMO labeling initiative) in California, the "No on 37" campaign, funded by Monsanto and other agribusiness giants, has been forced to pull one of its own television ads.
The ad featured an opinion from an individual identified on screen...
 | 9/5/2012 - As Californians gear up to head to the polls on November 6 in support of Proposition 37 and food labeling transparency, the biotechnology industry and its corporate allies are desperately trying, in any way possible, to convince the public with their crafty No on 37 campaign that family farmers, taxpayers,...
 | 9/1/2012 - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently engaged in a massive fear mongering campaign that would have everyone in America believe that the so-called West Nile virus (WNv) is spreading uncontrollably like wildfire. Though the CDC admits that only a miniscule percentage of...
 | 8/16/2012 - If you were addicted to cocaine, and you were shown some scary pictures of a drug addict lying in a ditch or gutter somewhere, diseased and starving to death, would you simply say to yourself, "that's it, I'm done with this drug," and be able to quit, cold turkey, with no advice or guidance regarding...
 | 7/27/2012 - Millions of Americans have long suspected that the so-called "mainstream media" is big-time controlled, whether selectively or institutionally. A recent New York Times story not only substantiates that belief, it proves just how controlled the messages are that are coming from those who mean to rule...
 | 6/24/2012 - Longtime social liberal Ben Cohen, co-founder of "Ben & Jerry's" ice cream brand and one of the deep pockets behind the "Occupy" movement, wants to take his message a step further this election season by actually stamping U.S. paper money with key anti-establishment messages.
According to recent...
 | 6/24/2012 - Have you ever heard the phrase, "He/She will do anything to get elected?" Well, it's a phrase that now applies to the Obama campaign. The Imperial Presidency needs to know everything about you and your parents in order to remain in the White House for another term.
In what's being hailed in some...
 | 6/24/2012 - The woman behind a recent controversial photo shoot depicting a pair of female Air Force enlisted personnel breastfeeding their infants in uniform has been fired from her civilian job as an X-ray technician, though the company - naturally - says the divisive shoot had nothing to do with it.
 | 6/22/2012 10:35:39 AM - The same multinational drug company responsible for thrusting the Gardasil vaccine on masses of young boys and girls is now targeting children with a deceptive new advertising campaign that likens allergy medication to candy.
Adweek and others are reporting that Merck & Co. has leeched itself onto...
 | 6/1/2012 3:55:30 PM - Rather than continue to put up with endless stonewalling and excuse-making by federal and state governments that refuse to require mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms, a massive, grassroots effort is currently underway to spur individuals across the country to begin labeling GMOs right...
 | 5/8/2012 - For several years now, air travelers flying in and out of American airports have been forced to endure increasing amounts of unconstitutional abuse, harassment, and embarrassment at the hands of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA). And Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), son of presidential...
 | 5/4/2012 9:56:24 AM - Between May 1 and May 26, a broad coalition of food, farm, health, public interest, and environmental groups across the country, joined by leading organic food companies, will attempt to raise one million dollars to support the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act, a citizens' ballot...
 | 4/17/2012 - The mainstream media has been busy hailing the supposed success of India's polio vaccine campaign over the past few years, with many news outlets now claiming that the disease has been fully eradicated throughout the country. But what these misinformation puppets are failing to disclose is the fact...
 | 3/9/2012 - NaturalNews can now report that James Stewart and Sharon Palmer are victims of an outrageous, almost unprecedented campaign of government terrorism against private citizens that's playing out across two counties today: Ventura County and Los Angeles County. There, officials have secretly made a pact...
 | 12/18/2011 - Free speech is one thing. The right to contribute to a political campaign is another. But labeling the contribution of hundreds of millions of dollars in donations by corporations to political campaigns the same kind of free speech the Constitution guarantees you and I is not the same thing, groups,...
 | 9/30/2011 - Many media pundits have been working overtime to defend Texas Gov. Rick Perry's detestable 2007 executive order mandating the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil for all young girls in the Lone Star State. Far from saving his campaign, however, such desperate efforts to spin one of the most...
 | 7/16/2011 - The entertainment industry is no stranger to government propaganda campaigns, and the latest Hollywood flicks are no exception. A quick look at the trailer for the upcoming release of the movie Contagion ( reveals what appears to be a massive brainwashing campaign...
| 5/9/2011 - The second annual Hemp History Week took place from May 2-8, 2011. Organized by Vote Hemp and The Hemp Industries Association (HIA), the week-long education campaign included nearly 600 celebrations in all 50 states and an online petition drive that encouraged the Obama administration and Congress to...
 | 4/8/2011 - The 2011 D-Feat Breast Cancer Campaign, an initiative of the Vitamin D Council, is now in full force as the group works to raise awareness about natural ways in which to prevent breast cancer. One of the primary ways to prevent breast cancer is to maintain high levels of vitamin D, particularly through...
| 2/9/2011 - My expose last week, The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now? ( has ignited a long-overdue debate on how to stop Monsanto's earth killing, market-monopolizing, climate-destabilizing rampage.
Should we basically resign ourselves...
| 1/25/2011 - Monsanto has become the new Marlboro, with a new advertising campaign designed to improved its hopelessly-tarnished image. Except instead of handsome cowboys smoking cigarettes, Monsanto is plastering images of hardy American farmers and their crop fields on billboards and bus stops throughout the nation....
| 10/24/2010 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has received more donations from the drug industry than nearly any other political candidate this year.
As of late May, Reid was the only politician to have received $10,000 -- the maximum allowable contribution -- from the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers...
| 5/22/2010 - Coca-Cola: to many, it is simply the all-American cola that everyone grew up drinking. Originally created in the late 1800s as a medicine, Coca-Cola eventually evolved into one of the world's most popular soft drinks. Besides being a very unhealthy beverage, Coca-Cola has another dirty secret for which...
 | 4/22/2010 - Susan G. Komen for the Cure has now crossed the line into asinine idiocy thanks to its new alliance with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), where pink buckets of fried chicken are sold under the slogan, "Buckets for the Cure." I'm not making this up. See the ad image yourself at:
| 11/12/2009 - The commercial milk industry is planning to initiate a nationwide marketing campaign on Monday designed to keep chocolate milk in schools. Soda, candy, and other junk foods have been undergoing criticism recently for contributing to childhood obesity, leading the milk lobby to campaign for support...
 | 11/1/2009 - Breast Cancer Action ( is one of the few non-profit cancer organizations recommended by NaturalNews. They're the creators of the Think Before You Pink campaign that encourages consumers to exercise more skepticism about the idea that "buying more pink stuff" can somehow help women with...
| 8/28/2009 - This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (, Part Two (, Part Three (
| 8/27/2009 - This is part four of an article series by Evelyn Pringle. Find previous parts here: Part One (, Part Two ( and Part Three (
| 7/31/2009 - This is part three of a four-part investigative article series by award-winning journalist Evelyn Pringle. Read part one ( or part two here (
In an article titled, "Disorders...
| 7/27/2009 - This is part two of an investigative series on The Mothers Act by Evelyn Pringle. Read part one here:
The Mothers Act legislation specifically defines the term "postpartum conditions" as "postpartum depression" or "postpartum psychosis." Use...
| 7/16/2009 - The Mothers Act represents the ultimate example of disease mongering at its worst because the eight-year attempt to pass this federal legislation has evolved into profiteering never before exhibited so conspicuously.
Disease mongering "is the selling of sickness that widens the boundaries of illness...
 | 8/30/2008 - Remember Ron Paul, the candidate who annoyed reporters, the left and the right by trying to talk about the real issues facing Americans during the presidential contender's debate? Although he gets very little media coverage aside from ridicule, he is still around and trying to get Americans to wake...
 | 10/18/2007 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, continuing its campaign of censorship against truthfully-described herbal supplements, seized $71,000 worth of Charantea herbal supplements last week in a raid involving U.S. Marshals. The company, Fulllife Natural Options, was accused by the FDA of marketing an...
 | 7/7/2007 - I was watching Gandhi recently, as I do every year or two. It is inspirational to me. It tells the story of a man who could not possibly win the battles he chose to fight, but did anyway. There is no doubt that it is a propaganda film, funded in part by the Indian government. It scrambles his chronology....
 | 7/2/2007 - Starting June 29th, the launch day of the SiCKO documentary, nurses, doctors and other health care practitioners are launching a national campaign to urge support for a shift to a universal health care system. They'll be handing out flyers and recruiting people to support a campaign to shift America...
 | 5/8/2007 - In the wake of findings that food is the most-advertised product on television programming viewed by children, the Boston-based Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) recently issued a statement calling for "policies that will protect children from junk food marketers."
CCFC's Dr. Susan...
 | 10/23/2006 - According to a newsletter on the FDA website, the agency has teamed up with the Federal Trade Commission and similar agencies in Canada and Mexico to form the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), in order to quash "deceptive" internet ads for cures or treatments for diabetes.
 | 7/31/2005 - A cute, animated ball bounces around very sadly until he takes a magic potion; suddenly, it becomes happier than ever. No, that isn't the plot of a new children's movie. On the contrary, it's the storyline of a Zoloft commercial – yes, Zoloft, a powerful antidepressant drug. In the 1990s, direct-to-consumer...
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
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benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.