Birds news, articles and information:
 | 12/2/2016 - It's not often these days that we get to view rapidly advancing technology in a favorable light, but this is one of those rare occasions where high-tech is an incredibly good thing.
As reported by the BBC, researchers are bringing high-tech to agriculture, as a way to raise crops while protecting...
 | 7/20/2016 - New research published in The Condor: Ornithological Applications, has shown that shorebirds breeding in Alaska are being exposed to alarming levels of mercury, putting their entire population at risk.
Shorebirds travel to Alaska for their breeding season in the spring, before making the long trek...
 | 7/1/2016 - Mass deaths of wildlife due to the introduction of poisons into the environment, either as pesticides, herbicides or for some other allegedly "beneficial" use, have taken place all over the world, and it just happened again, this time in Asia.
As reported by the Times of India, hundreds of birds...
 | 4/26/2016 - Medical science has long known that mercury is a health hazard no matter how it gets into the body. Whether by foods we eat, water we drink, through vaccines or even our dental fillings, mercury is damaging to our health and toxic to our bodies.
According to this scientific video explaining mercury's...
 | 4/13/2016 - Holding a grudge might seem like a very human concept – but it seems that the brown skua bird doesn't let things go either. This particular species of bird lives in Antarctica and doesn't have a lot of contact with people – and yet, when researchers from South Korea were stationed there,...
 | 4/4/2016 - Researchers have discovered that birds not only use a range of calls to communicate different types of messages, but some can also combine the calls in specific ways to form phrases in order to convey much more complex information.
For instance, the UK's Daily Mail reports that Japanese great tits,...
 | 8/21/2015 - An international duo of scientists may have uncovered a causative factor in homosexuality: mercury poisoning. Publishing their findings in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the team from the University of Florida and the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka observed that...
 | 5/31/2015 - An ongoing bird flu outbreak that has devastated the U.S. poultry and egg industries seems to be leaving backyard chicken farms mostly untouched in what experts are calling an epidemiological mystery.
Bird flu is a highly lethal strain of influenza that can kill a bird or human within days. Fortunately,...
 | 2/5/2015 - Companies carrying out large-scale industrial processes in the San Francisco Bay are expected to be under close watch after a mysterious substance contaminated the area, killing and wounding hundreds of seabirds.
The incident began when the International Bird Rescue's San Francisco Bay Center started...
 | 2/4/2015 - PacifiCorp Energy, a subsidiary of Portland, Oregon-based PacifiCorp, pleaded guilty to charges of violating the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) at two of its wind turbine farms in Wyoming. The sum of fines and restitution to various federal wild life agencies came to $2.5 million.
The charges...
 | 1/8/2015 - An experiment on bird migration patterns has inadvertently revealed that some bird species possess a unique ability to detect inclement weather hours or even days before it hits. Researchers from the Universities of Tennessee and Minnesota found that the golden-winged warbler, which travels to the Appalachian...
 | 8/29/2014 - The people and wildlife of St. Louis, Michigan, continue to suffer from pollution left behind from Velsicol Chemical Corp., a DDT-producing chemical company.
The 54-acre plant shut down decades ago and is now under control of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but the damages caused...
 | 8/29/2014 - This type of solar energy plant differs from the normal solar panels that convert the sun's energy directly into electrical energy by light-sensitive semiconductors to be used immediately or stored in large batteries.
The solar energy plant that's accused of killing too many birds magnifies the sun's...
 | 7/29/2014 12:38:44 PM - Various types of marine life are vanishing off the West Coast, some of them in droves, including marine birds, sea lions, forage fish and sea stars. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been accused of failing to recognize a sharp decline in the number of forage fish, such...
 | 7/19/2014 - United Airlines, in conjunction with the airport, contracted a company to kill off birds at the Bush Intercontinental Airport this past weekend, to allegedly "reduce the health and safety risks posed" by the animals as reported by KHOU 11 News.
Spectators who witnessed the event described the unsightly...
 | 7/14/2014 - A researcher at the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology (a branch of zoology that focuses on the study of birds) who has studied fowl near the city of Fukushima since the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami heavily damaged three nuclear power reactors there says he is noticing some changes among...
 | 6/5/2014 - The health effects of mercury exposure have been further expounded by a new study recently published in the journal PLoS ONE. Researchers from the College of William and Mary (CWM) in Virginia found that songbirds exposed to sub-lethal and even trace amounts of mercury left over from industrial manufacturing...
 | 5/12/2014 - Research on birds living near the Chernobyl nuclear disaster area adds more proof that antioxidants are able to protect the body from radiation damage. The study was published in the journal Functional Ecology on April 24.
The meltdown, explosion and fire at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl,...
 | 3/31/2014 - Due to their ability to traverse vast distances in short periods of time, birds are among the most effective of all animal seed dispersers. Perhaps the most well-known method by which birds disperse seeds is through eating juicy fruits, such as berries. The bird digests the fleshy part of the fruit...
 | 3/25/2014 - Although it is popularly believed that all the dinosaurs went extinct roughly 65 million years ago, there are actually thousands of living species of dinosaurs still around today. Certainly there is no credible evidence of surviving large, scaly creatures like those we tend to think of when we hear...
 | 2/8/2013 - Several peer-reviewed studies have established that night owls tend to be more creative and independent-minded than early birds - a phenomenon that scientists have linked to the adaptation of living 'outside the norm.' However, according to scientists at the University of Toronto, early birds have the...
 | 5/2/2011 - In what is shaping up to be the worst flood situation in nearly a century, the swelling Mississippi and Ohio rivers have now breached their "flood stages" as persistent and torrential rains continue to pummel the Midwest states of Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Many areas of these states...
 | 4/21/2011 11:23:23 PM - Due to consumer demand for inexpensive meat, eggs, and dairy, suppliers are in constant competition to market their products at the lowest prices possible, no matter how the animals are treated.
The farmed animals that suffer are hidden from view and easy to ignore. But millions of people have discovered...
 | 1/22/2011 - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is engaged in what can only be called an avian holocaust through its Bye Bye Blackbird program that has poisoned tens of millions of birds over the last decade. The USDA even reports the number of birds it has poisoned to death in a PDF document posted...
 | 1/21/2011 - Not all the mysterious bird die-offs that have been witnessed around the globe recently are due to unexplained causes. A recent mass die-off event witnessed in Yankton, South Dakota was traced back to the USDA which admitted to carrying out a mass poisoning of the birds.
After hundreds of starlings...
| 1/18/2011 - Here's an updated timeline of the mysterious animal deaths now happening around the world. Conventional explanations for these deaths now border on the outlandish: A bird die-off event in Romania is now being blamed on "drunkenness," for example.
Here's the updated list through January 14, 2011,...
 | 1/13/2011 - Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators...
 | 1/12/2011 - The recent mysterious deaths of birds and fish are causing alarm among naturalists around the world. Birds are literally falling dead out of the sky, and fish are washing up dead on shores and rivers across North America and around the world. The reaction from the mainstream media seems strangely subdued,...
 | 1/4/2011 - In the last week, nearly 100,000 fish washed up on the shores of the Arkansas River, dead. Also in Arkansas, thousands of red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky and plummeted to the ground where they were also found dead. The scene repeated itself in Southern Louisiana where 500 red-winged blackbirds...
 | 8/6/2010 - Some birds radically change their diets just before their winter migrations, gorging themselves on antioxidant-rich berries to prepare for their long journeys, researchers have found.
"[The] results support the hypothesis that some migratory birds may actively select deeply-pigmented fruits as a...
| 6/26/2010 - On an isolated island high in the Arctic, biologists recently tested the toxicity of birds by testing their droppings. The conclusion? The birds' poop was loaded with environmental poisons. In these remote birds, they found high concentrations of pesticides and heavy metals including lead, mercury,...
 | 4/14/2010 - Birds such as sparrows, thrushes and warblers are apparently experts on preventing disease and optimizing their bodies to deal with stress. If that sounds like an exaggeration, consider this: scientists at the University of Rhode Island (URI) have discovered these migratory birds eat certain nutrient-packed...
| 6/16/2009 - Populations of many species of birds have plunged over the past 40 years, primarily due to habitat loss, according to a report issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
"Just as they were when Rachel Carson published 'Silent Spring' nearly 50 years ago, birds today are a bellwether of the health...
| 5/1/2009 - When observing the swine flu outbreak happening today, it's helpful to have some historical context. Viral pandemics are not unusual, and talking about one isn't "alarmist." Pandemics are a regular feature of life on earth, and they occur with surprising regularity throughout world history.
| 1/29/2009 - A series of articles have appeared daily from January 24 to the 27, 2009, in the Jersey Journal and Star-Ledger regarding the large numbers of dead birds falling from the sky alarming residents in Somerset County, New Jersey. The black carcasses of starling were strewn on cars, porches, lawns and snow-covered...
 | 11/9/2008 - Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause? Are they real people flying around performing magical deeds? Hopefully you don't believe this. Yes, they are fun stories, "something to believe in," when you are a child; or possibly they are spirits or energy forms. But they do not exist in flesh...
 | 10/13/2008 - Just like human infants, baby birds also babble before mastering complex verbal communication, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and published in the journal Science. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Herz...
 | 8/9/2008 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that it may be possible to contract the avian flu without coming into direct contact with infected poultry.
In a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, WHO researchers examined all 350 known cases of infection with the H5N1 strain of...
 | 10/23/2006 - The 800 Yup'ik Eskimos who live in Kipnuk, Alaska rarely get visitors to their village, but lately a slew of government scientists have been arriving on bush planes to study the birds of the delta, which they say may be carrying the first traces of bird flu from Asia to North America.
Kipnuk is...
| 10/12/2006 - Incomplete vaccination of poultry flocks could make the spread of deadly strains of avian flu such as H5N1 worse, scientists at the Universities of Edinburgh and Warwick have found. The research shows that even though the available vaccines are effective on individual birds, the disease is likely to...
| 9/20/2006 - Poor nutrition early in life can impair neural development, leading to lower IQ in humans and flawed song learning in birds. Recent evidence indicates that many organisms can offset some of the changes associated with early poor nutrition by modifying their physical development. For example, poorly...
 | 2/6/2006 - 412 BC – Major epidemic of a disease (which, although not called influenza, probably was influenza) recorded by Hippocrates.
1357 AD – The term, “influenza,” from the Italian word meaning "influence," was coined. Popular belief at that time blamed the development of flu on the influence of the stars....
 | 11/15/2005 - ATTENTION ALL BIRDS
Official Department of Homeland Insecurity Memo
Due to a heightened state of alert concerning the bird flu virus, the Department of Homeland Insecurity has determined that birds will no longer be offered unrestricted access to United States airspace.
As of January 1, 2006,...
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