Bees news, articles and information:
 | 10/12/2016 - For the first time ever, bees have made their way onto the endangered species list. Following several years of analysis, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has placed not one, but seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees on the list.
In a joint effort with an invertebrate species...
 | 9/4/2016 - Honeybee deaths have spread across Dorchester County, South Carolina, with millions of worker bees collapsing in little groups by their hives' entrances. However, this pattern of death does not suggest colony collapse disorder; most of the bees were trying to get to their hives, probably for safety....
 | 8/28/2016 - A widely used class of pesticides implemented in the U.S. over the last 20 years continues to threaten the survival of important pollinator insects, including honeybees. Neonicotinoids, or neonics for short, closely resemble nicotine, and are biologically active at very low concentrations. They're used...
 | 8/23/2016 - A coalition of farmers, food advocates and environmentalists from across the U.S. recently paid a visit to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) headquarters, where they stacked a wall of plastic containers filled with more than 2.6 million dead bees – the victims of a pesticide-induced...
 | 8/11/2016 - Upwards of 57 pesticides are responsible for poisoning European honey bees and contributing to the rapidly declining bee population worldwide.
Multiple studies have confirmed that there is a strong link between herbicide use and bee deaths. Although there are various factors at play, multiple lines...
 | 7/9/2016 - Longtime readers of Natural News are already aware that global honeybee populations are on the decline – so much so, that now researchers are quickly trying to develop "robo-bees" to replace them.
The problem is, no one really knows if bot bees can mimic the pollination techniques of the real...
 | 6/26/2016 - Those who are still skeptical about the role neonicotinoid pesticides are playing in the worldwide devastation of honeybee populations, need only look to what happened in the spring of 2013 in Ontario, Canada: Within days of the planting of nearby fields of GM (genetically modified) corn, beekeepers...
 | 6/7/2016 - A number of San Francisco hotels say that they are doing their part to stem falling populations of honeybees, by constructing rooftop sanctuaries for the critical pollinating insects. Seven luxury hotels in the city now provide hive space for millions of bees.
Global honeybee numbers have fallen...
 | 5/5/2016 - Aldi has been getting a lot of good press lately, thanks to more environmentally and ethically conscious decisions being made by its leadership. Just last week, Natural Blaze reported that Aldi is going to be replacing processed, sugar-packed snacks in the checkout aisles with healthier alternatives,...
 | 4/26/2016 - About one-third of the human diet comes from plants that rely on insect pollinators. Honeybees especially seem to be of great importance. They are responsible for pollinating 80 percent of our crops.
For years, we have seen a vast decline in honeybee numbers, putting our food chain at great risk....
 | 4/26/2016 - Poisoning the bees and then bragging to children that you give bees the "medicine" they need for their sickness, is like hitting someone in the knees with a baseball bat, handing them a jug of aspirin, and then telling your kids how you're such a good person because you helped someone with their pain....
 | 4/17/2016 - Just as "Big Tobacco" hid the scientific fact, for 30 years, that cigarettes cause lung cancer, Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta are running similar propaganda with neonicotinoids (a.k.a. "neonics"), a class of pesticides that absorb into a plant's tissue, so that the plant itself emits toxins, from the...
 | 4/14/2016 - Yet another study has come out linking pesticide use to the severely diminishing honeybee population; researchers found that 57 pesticides were present in the European honeybees that they studied. This finding is cause for concern, as it suggests that the harmful chemicals play a significant role in...
 | 4/6/2016 - Bees are important, not just for their ability to churn honey, but for our very livelihood. Without bees, we wouldn't be here. And yet, bees are in trouble. According to a recent study co-authored by a University of Guelph professor, even low levels of herbicides can affect the foraging abilities of...
 | 4/4/2016 - Two beekeepers were recently compensated by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, after it was proven that a widely used class of insecticides destroyed their hives last spring. Neonicotinoids, which chemically resemble nicotine, were found to have drifted onto the hives from a nearby corn field,...
 | 3/11/2016 - Pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies contribute around $29 billion to U.S. agriculture every year, according to a 2010 study by Cornell University. They are responsible for the pollination of hundreds of crops, including apples, almonds, blueberries, asparagus and oranges.
However, an...
 | 3/3/2016 - Around 95 percent of corn and 70 percent of soy grown in the US and Canada is cloaked in either clothianidin or thiamethoxan. Both chemicals are from a class of insecticides called neonicotinoids. Similar to nicotine, neonicotinoids bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the cells of the central...
 | 3/2/2016 - It's said to be the most widely used class of pesticides in the world. But the scientific community has reached an overwhelming consensus that neonicotinoids are killing bees by the untold millions, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is doing absolutely nothing to protect these important...
 | 2/24/2016 - Much of the way things operate in the world today is based on the notion that if you speak the truth, you'll receive some serious criticism. At the very least, people will look at you like a deer in the headlights, confused as to why you're not embracing what's really right. What's really right, of...
 | 2/16/2016 - German supermarket chain Aldi, has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides that are toxic to bees, including neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam. All suppliers of produce sold in Aldi stores across Europe and the U.S. are now required not to use those...
 | 2/7/2016 - Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides...
 | 1/22/2016 - As if we need another reason to be very concerned about the harms of pesticides, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has come out with its first scientific risk assessment study[PDF] which explains just how detrimental they may be. The agency studied neonicotinoids – a specific...
 | 1/21/2016 - As the European Union considers whether to lift restrictions on three pesticides in the neonicotinoid family, it would do well to consider the phenomenon, known to Canadian beekeepers, in which bees start dying in droves shortly after corn planting season.
"Once the corn started to get planted our...
 | 9/23/2015 - Nearly all of the corn grown in the United States has been treated with a class of pesticides linked to the collapse of honeybees, other pollinators and perhaps entire ecosystems.
This means that bees foraging anywhere near a cornfield are likely being exposed to toxins that have been shown to damage...
 | 9/23/2015 - A specific kind of insecticide that has gained worldwide notoriety after being linked to adverse effects on honey bee populations has been discovered in more than half of streams sampled at various locations around the country, Reuters reported recently, citing a study by government researchers.
 | 8/31/2015 - Ecologists refer to bees and a few other select organisms as keystone species. This term is analogous to the keystone of an arch. Remove the wedge-shaped stone at the top, and the entire structure collapses.
Bees are a keystone species because they are the world's primary pollinators and are therefore...
 | 8/25/2015 - The global blockbuster herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) destroys the ability of honeybees to navigate back to their hives, and it might be playing a role in the ongoing collapse of pollinator populations worldwide. This is according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Buenos Aires...
 | 8/11/2015 11:00:56 AM - It was a warm day in Spokane during an unusually warm summer. I was crossing the parking lot towards Huckleberry's Natural Market on the South Hill in Spokane, Washington, when Stacy Cossey approached me and other shoppers with a bright sign that read, "Honey-bees Unite for I-735." If you stop to speak...
 | 7/10/2015 - Conventional farming has become a reckless institution that pays no heed to soil nutrition, soil microbes, wildflowers and the natural habitat of pollinators. Under today's conventional farming systems, insects and herbs are expendable. Farming now works against nature instead of working with it. The...
 | 7/2/2015 - Nearly 100,000 German beekeepers are calling for a nationwide ban on the cultivation of GMO crops. The beekeepers are represented by the German Beekeepers Association (DIB), which is pursuing the ban after the introduction of legislation allowing member states to opt out of GM planting schemes that...
 | 6/22/2015 - An insect form of Alzheimer's disease caused by aluminum contamination may be one of the causes behind an ongoing decline in populations of bees and other pollinators, according to a study conducted by researchers from the universities of Keele and Sussex and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
 | 6/4/2015 - He might have just turned 78 years old on June 1, but actor and celebrity activist Morgan Freeman isn't planning to fade away into retirement anytime soon. These days, the longtime cannabis advocate is busy maintaining his vast bee refuge in rural Mississippi, which he reportedly converted from a 124-acre...
 | 5/17/2015 - The home improvement chain Lowe's has announced that it will stop selling the toxic pesticides that are suspected of causing colony collapse disorder (CCD) and the death of honeybees worldwide. This announcement, in early April 2015, follows the moratorium on permits for these pesticides sent out by...
 | 4/29/2015 - While Germany's Bayer CropScience spokespeople maintain that their pesticides, Calypso and Lizetan formulations, are not toxic to bees, Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) says that just the opposite is true. BUND feels that the products, which contain the neonicotinoid thiacloprid, are harmful to bees...
 | 4/22/2015 - Honeybees exposed to levels of manganese formerly assumed to be safe exhibited modified behavior, premature aging and cognitive disruption, according to a study conducted by researchers from Washington University and Macquarie University in Australia, and published in the journal Biology Letters on...
 | 4/7/2015 - By planting strips of flowers along the edges of their fields, farmers can not only attract more pollinating bees but actually boost their population numbers, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Sussex and published in the journal Molecular Ecology on March 23.
 | 4/3/2015 - After the disturbing death in 2013 of tens of thousands of bees in Wilsonville, Oregon believed to be linked to a class of insecticides called neonicotinoids, Portland, Oregon has decided -- after a recent unanimous vote -- to ban use of these toxic chemicals on city-owned property. The ban does not...
 | 11/26/2014 - Tens of millions of bees near Ontario, Canada, have dropped dead following a recent planting of genetically modified (GM) corn. David Schuit, a beekeeper in Elmwood, reportedly lost 600 hives containing some 37 million bees, the direct result, say scientists, of neonicotinoid pesticides that damage...
 | 10/12/2014 - Yet another city is contemplating whether or not to ban an insecticide that is likely causing adverse environmental effects by negatively impacting ecosystems. City leaders in Tucson, Arizona, are preparing to be asked to ban nicotine-based insecticides, a chemical which many scientists allege is contributing...
 | 9/29/2014 - Canadian beekeepers have filed a class-action lawsuit against two pesticide manufacturers, seeking $400 million in damages for the devastating effects of the neonicotinoid pesticides that have been linked to the destruction of honeybee colonies.
"The goal is to stop the use of the neonicotinoids...
 | 9/26/2014 - For decades, top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (PEA) were aware that a compound approved for agricultural use in the United States was wiping out the honeybee population, but they chose to ignore the compound's effects in deference to pressure from agri-giant corporations.
 | 9/7/2014 - When honeybees come into contact with glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, they lose their ability to eat and have a much harder time learning how to forage properly. These are among the many shock findings of a recent study published in The Journal of Experimental...
 | 8/26/2014 - New insights into how crop chemicals are annihilating honeybees have emerged out of Brazil, where researchers say they've identified the mechanics behind bee-killing pesticides like fipronil (pyrazoles) and imidacloprid (neonicotinoids). A study published in the journal Environmental Toxicology and...
 | 8/14/2014 - Good news on the honeybee front -- a team of scientists in the UK have created a biopesticide made from spider venom and plant protein that may provide hope for the endangered pollinators.
A study published in the research journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B [PDF] states that the experimental,...
 | 7/26/2014 - Enjoy eating healthy foods like cherries, broccoli, almonds and strawberries? Consuming them is possible in large part due to bee pollination, but since their population is severely dwindling because of pesticide use and disease, many states are now paying people to help save and raise the beneficial...
 | 7/20/2014 - A class of pesticides widely blamed for a worldwide collapse in pollinator populations is also devastating populations of birds, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Radboud University in the Netherlands and the Centre for Field Ornithology and Birdlife Netherlands, and published in...
 | 7/2/2014 - The key to effective agriculture that both sustains the environment and provides clean bounty is rich biodiversity. And a new study out of Germany has found that the organic sector is doing it best, utilizing an array of crop and habitat varieties that are helping to improve the land and protect vital...
 | 6/29/2014 - Another positive step in protecting bees has been taken, this time by the Spokane City Council. It will now be illegal for the City of Spokane to purchase or use neonicotinoid insecticides, such as RoundUp Ready. Following the example of Eugene, Oregon, the city is the second in the nation to ban the...
 | 5/29/2014 - The hypothesis that neonicotinoid insecticides are the primary factor responsible for the ongoing collapse of honeybee colonies has been strengthened in a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Worcester County Beekeepers Association, and published in the Bulletin...
 | 5/22/2014 - During the 2012-2013 winter season, US bee populations plummeted by nearly a third (30.5 percent), raising serious questions. How can key vegetable crops survive and reproduce long-term as the pollinators disappear? Why aren't pesticides being rigorously studied for the damage they do to honeybee immune...
 | 5/2/2014 - In the latest stunning assault on Americans' right to grow their own food, the freedom-crushing state of Michigan has ruled that local governments (cities, towns, counties) can now ban any animal they wish from small residential farms. The move opens the door to the mass criminalization of backyard...
 | 4/27/2014 - The immune systems of honeybees are being compromised. Bees are being slaughtered in droves. Piles of these pollinators are gathered by the handfuls at farms across the Western Hemisphere. This isn't a small-scale problem that the bee populations can easily adapt to and overcome. This has been a growing...
 | 1/5/2014 - A new report issued by the European Food Safety Commission (EFSA) has found that a class of crop pesticides previously linked to causing mass bee deaths is also inherently harmful to humans. Researchers from the EFSA determined that neonicotinoid pesticides -- acetamiprid and imidacloprid in particular...
 | 11/3/2013 - New research out of Italy has identified yet another mechanism by which neonicotinoid pesticides kill honey bees. Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this latest study reveals that neonicotinoid pesticides like clothianidin, a systemic pesticide commonly sprayed...
 | 10/16/2013 - Nutritional researchers are continually examining naturally occurring compounds to determine their potential impact on human health. A number of nutrients have been found to provide critical antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support for cellular metabolism and lower disease risk for most chronic diseases...
 | 8/29/2013 - Three more agricultural pesticides have been added to the growing list of known chemical poisons killing honeybees, thanks to a new study published in the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Researchers associated with the non-profit group Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry...
 | 7/14/2013 - They are an amazing and highly beneficial insect species that quite literally underpins the sustenance of life as we know it on planet earth. But honeybees are increasingly threatened by an onslaught of harmful influences, not the least of which includes the perpetuation of industrial agriculture and...
 | 7/2/2013 - Neonicotinoid pesticides, including the likes of imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, dinetofuran and acetamiprid, are coming under heavy scrutiny. Their horrendous, environment-ravishing, bee-killing properties are responsible for entire bee colony collapses. As these poisons are sprayed into...
 | 7/1/2013 - Have you had enough yet of the dad bashing frequently seen in the media? According to sitcoms and TV commercials, men are complete idiots who wouldn't even know how to put their own underwear on straight if it weren't for their wives telling them how to do things.
Clorox jumped on the man-bashing...
 | 6/29/2013 - Shoppers at a local Target store in Wilsonville, Oregon, just outside of Portland were shocked recently to step outside the big box depot into a sea of already dead and dying bumblebees. As reported by news, more than 25,000 dead bumblebees were found littered around the store's parking lot...
 | 5/23/2013 - For more than 60 years now, many conventional bee farmers have been dousing their hives with antibiotic drugs to prevent their bees from dying of foulbrood, a bacterial disease that has the potential to wipe out entire bee colonies if left unaddressed. But the unabated use of these drugs has had the...
 | 5/17/2013 - Over the last 30 years, the use of pesticides has spiked around the world. People now pour 2.5 million tons of these chemicals into the environment annually, contributing to a $35 billion industry run by global corporations. To make matters worse, the more people use pesticides, the more ineffective...
 | 5/15/2013 - The Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) recently published preliminary data from its annual review of bee colony declines in the U.S., and the findings from this report are mind-boggling. According to the latest survey results, an astounding 31.3 percent, or roughly one-third, of all managed bee colonies...
 | 4/26/2013 - A class of insecticide chemicals commonly applied to rapeseed, also known as canola here in the U.S., as well as sugar beets, corn, and various other crops is killing off bee populations across the globe, and a prominent environmental watchdog group is now demanding that these insecticides be immediately...
 | 4/8/2013 - Two studies have found that the pesticide neonicotinoid, used since 1990, is contributing to killing the honeybees needed for pollination of our food crops. Our food supply is reliant on bees to pollinate the crops. They contribute to $15 billion worth of our food supply. In fact, it's estimated that...
 | 3/21/2013 - A pair of studies recently published in the journal Science raises fresh and dire warnings about the continued decline of crop-pollinating insects all over the world, and what this means for the future of the world's food supply. Both studies highlight the fact that wild pollinators like bumblebees,...
 | 10/25/2012 - As reported recently by the U.K.'s Guardian, a new study published in the journal Nature is the latest in a long line of recent studies to show that common crop chemicals are destroying bee populations worldwide, which will also eventually destroy much of the world's food supply if left unaddressed....
 | 10/3/2012 - A backyard beekeeper from Washington state says it was his own curiosity that first led him to the discovery that a relatively uncommon, but highly deadly, parasite had infected and killed off some of his honey bees. And according to the Seattle Times, Mark Hohn's unexpected observation of this unusual...
 | 9/30/2012 - A noted environmental writer for a top British newspaper is questioning why governments aren't doing more to protect honeybee pollinators from a pesticide that is dramatically thinning the numbers of queen bees in many hives.
Damian Carrington, of The Guardian, has written recently that a growing...
 | 5/20/2012 - An Illinois beekeeper with more than a decade's worth of expertise about how to successfully raise organic, chemical-free bees is the latest victim of flagrant government tyranny. According to the Prairie Advocate, Terrence "Terry" Ingram of Apple River, Ill., owner of Apple Creek Apiaries, recently...
 | 4/19/2012 - Studies linking neonicotinoid pesticides to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a condition in which entire bee colonies suddenly disappear or die, have been gaining national attention in recent months as they continue to flood scientific journals. But one area that has been largely overlooked is the role...
 | 4/9/2012 - Early last year, leaked documents obtained by a Colorado beekeeper exposed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) illegitimate approval of clothianidin, a highly-toxic pesticide manufactured by Bayer CropScience that the regulatory agency knew was capable of killing off bees (
 | 2/16/2012 - Researchers at a California university have found a parasitic fly which causes honeybees to become disoriented and abandon their hives before dying, behavior which made one of the researchers compare them to zombies. Scientists believe this may be a contributing factor to Colony Collapse Disorder, which...
 | 1/18/2012 - A new study by Purdue University scientists seems to confirm what environmentalists have long suspected -- that the massive bee die-offs known as Colony Collapse Disorder are linked to pesticides. Specifically, researchers are pointing to a category of pesticide marketed by the German chemical company...
 | 1/14/2012 - A bright, hyperactive boy named Henry Miller undertook an unusual mission at the age of eleven. The mission was unusual because he was so young and new to country life. His family had moved from urban Los Angeles to a rural spot in Washington State when Henry was ten.
His adopted mission was to contribute...
 | 12/13/2011 - "Vanishing of the Bees" provides a fascinating perspective on Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The film looks at the mysterious affliction which has destroyed honeybee populations at many bee farms in the US, leaving hives deserted, yet with few bee bodies remaining to help unravel the riddle.
 | 10/5/2011 - Authorities have already ruled out disease, including the infamous "Colony Collapse Disorder" (CCD), as the cause of a recent honeybee holocaust that took place in Brevard County, Florida. The UK's Daily Mail reports that up to 12 million bees from roughly 800 apiaries in the area all dropped dead at...
 | 5/26/2011 - A $3.3 million research project into colony collapse disorder (CCD), the phenomenon of honeybees mysteriously dying in droves, lost thousands of its test bees to thieves. Researchers at the Center for Neurosciences at Dundee University in Scotland, reported that the British black bees, contained in...
 | 5/16/2011 - It's one of the signs of the approaching food collapse our world will soon be facing: Honeybees are disappearing at a truly alarming rate all around the world. Up to 30 percent of the honeybee population is collapsing in North America every year, and there's no end in sight to "the silence of the bees."
| 5/6/2011 - What does a bee-less world look like? Einstein is supposed to have said humanity would have four years once the bees were gone. What would those four years be like?
Leaving aside factors like agricultural collapse in favor of the personal, say we like delicious, succulent watermelon. We get our vines...
 | 4/13/2011 - A crucial lifeblood to agriculture, bees continue to face threats of extinction by things like pollution and pesticides, both of which are implicated in causing mass bee die-offs, also known as "colony collapse disorder" or CCD ( And scientists say that because...
| 1/7/2011 - Sometimes a scientific press release is really a bogus red herring. A recent study hailed by the press as solving the mystery of CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder could be one. The study claims to solve the disappearance of bees that pollinate many food crops. It purports to be a breakthrough in the CCD...
| 10/13/2010 - The New York Times recently published a story on a new report that claims to have discovered one of the primary causes of colony collapse disorder (CCD), a condition in which entire colonies of bees mysteriously die. But the report, which pins a fungus and virus combination as the culprit, was headed...
 | 10/8/2010 - A group of biologists claims they've found the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder -- the devastating but mysterious phenomenon of rapidly disappearing honeybees. According to their research, published in PLoS One, the population collapse is caused by the combination of a virus and a fungus (Iridovirus...
| 8/7/2010 - The bee population is in steady decline in many parts of the world. But U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist James H. Cane says that planting wildflower "bee pastures" may be just the right prescription for curing the dwindling bee population epidemic.
The idea is to plant pesticide-free...
| 6/1/2010 - Albert Einstein once said, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." Through their production of an elite class of superfoods and around-the-clock pollination...
| 5/14/2010 - A class of insecticide that is applied to seeds and taken up into plant tissue may be responsible for much of the widespread decline in honeybee populations, increasing numbers of researchers and environmentalists are suggesting.
Starting in 2005, beekeepers in the United States first reported large...
| 2/12/2010 - Honeybees provide us with around a third of our food through the simple act of pollinating fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetables. Agriculture has become so dependent on pollinating honeybees that continued precipitous decline in bee populations threatens much of what we eat and drink.
We face the...
| 1/30/2010 - It`s a troubling and little-known fact. Today`s beekeepers use herbicides, fungicides and insecticides in and around beehives. They say they have no choice. Honeybees increasingly suffer from disease and parasites, forcing their keepers to fight back with powerful chemicals. But modern beekeeping practices...
| 1/30/2010 - It`s a troubling and little-known fact. Today`s beekeepers use herbicides, fungicides and insecticides in and around beehives. They say they have no choice. Honeybees increasingly suffer from disease and parasites, forcing their keepers to fight back with powerful chemicals. But modern beekeeping practices...
| 1/18/2010 - Estimates from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicate that millions of birds and fish die every year from pesticide exposure. Scientists are now discovering that even low level exposure is disrupting the animal kingdom and causing new diseases to develop, threatening many species with extinction.
| 10/22/2009 - The pesticides used in industrial agriculture may eventually undermine its very existence by destroying the honeybees upon which the system depends, experts are warning.
"When I was teaching at Humboldt State University in northern California 20 years ago, I invited a beekeeper to talk to my students,"...
 | 10/20/2009 - If you know anything about the food supply, you know that honey bees are a crucial part of the food production chain. In the United States, they pollinate roughly one-third of all the crops we eat, and without them, we'd be facing a disastrous collapse in viable food production.
That's why, when...
| 1/11/2009 - As the disappearance of honeybees continues, researchers are trying desperately to discover the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). General concensus at this point is that there is more than once cause and the latest culprit may be genetically modified crops. This is one area of research being...
 | 11/16/2008 - Commercially bred bees used pollinate greenhouse crops may be spreading diseases to wild populations, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Toronto and published in the journal PLoS ONE.
Bee populations have been collapsing across North America in recent years, alarming...
 | 10/17/2008 - Bee colonies are disappearing in worrying numbers across the globe. Beekeepers in America, the UK, Scotland, Germany Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Greece are all seeing their hives vanish in worrying numbers.
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is when a hive's inhabitants suddenly disappear, leaving...
 | 9/30/2008 - German government researchers have concluded that a bestselling Bayer pesticide is responsible for the recent massive die-off of honeybees across the country's Baden-Württemberg region. In response, the government has banned an entire family of pesticides, fueling accusations that pesticides may be...
 | 9/26/2008 - Some women say they like to leave the house after applying a little bit of mascara, for others it may be a quick sweep of blush across the cheeks. For me, the one make-up "accessory" that I reach for is lipstick. Now I'm not saying this is something I can't live without, as this would never pass the...
 | 5/12/2008 - The ongoing phenomenon of mysterious honeybee deaths is starting to raise alarm in the food industry, which depends heavily on bees to pollinate many critical crops. "Honeybee health and sustainable pollination is a major issue facing American agriculture that is threatening our food supply and endangering...
 | 4/11/2008 - Though bats are a bit spooky looking, inviting thoughts of Dracula, the real horror story is that bats are becoming sick and perishing. A massive bat die-off is happening. Their extinction in the United States is threatening -- and no one knows why.
Just as news of the massive bee die off is fading...
 | 3/18/2008 - Winnie the Pooh had his "huny pot". I stick my spoon, instead of my head, into the raw honey jar; my greed for this nutritious superfood is akin to Winnie's. Honeybees gather nectar for their honey stomachs and pollen for the baskets they carry on their back legs, and don't notice me as I sit on my...
 | 1/24/2008 - Honeybees are disappearing. Searching for likely causes leads us to find out about adulterated honey, poison in beehives and other shocking realities that few of us recognize. By now you've probably heard of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). It sounds bad and it is. When a hive is affected by CCD, the...
 | 12/14/2007 - Honey is an age-old food and medicine, dating back thousands of years at least. One would think that both believers in creation and believers in evolution would feel that honey is a symbiotic food and medicine.
Still, one could make the same assumption about drinking the milk of other mammals, but...
 | 12/13/2007 - Beekeepers all over the United States have been experiencing record losses of honeybees, according to Organic Consumers Association. Some states have reported up to 70% disappearance of commercial bee populations since November of 2006. This trend is not reversing.
Researchers are investigating the...
 | 11/15/2007 - During the final three months of 2006, a distressing number of honeybee colonies began to diminish from the United States., and beekeepers from all over the country reported unprecedented losses. With localized outbreaks recorded as far back as 1896, this is highly regarded as the first national epidemic...
 | 5/18/2007 - Following the mysterious, accelerating collapse of honeybees across North America and Europe -- a condition dubbed "Colony Collapse Disorder" -- ConPfuzer, a top pharmaceutical company, has announced a new, patented medication designed to treat the disorder by drugging honeybees with psychotropic chemicals....
 | 3/21/2007 - The honeybee population in the United States is currently suffering a devastating collapse. Honeybees are flying off in search of pollen and nectar and simply never returning to their colonies. Have they all been kidnapped by mad beekeepers, or is something more frightening occurring with the pollinators...
| See all 175 bees feature articles.Concept-related articles:Agriculture:Fruits:Honeybees:California:United States:Crops:Pollination:Industry:Plants:Experts:Hives:States:Crop:Parasite:Beekeepers:Allergies:
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a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.