Aspirin news, articles and information:
 | 3/31/2016 - At 16, Allison Fite continually fell asleep in class but did not know why. What's more, it quickly became obvious that the traditional medical community couldn't figure it out, either.
As reported by NPR, doctors told her she was suffering from a severe sinus infection that never really went away....
 | 9/2/2015 - In July, the FDA announced changes to the labels of nearly every medication in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) class, warning that those drugs could cause fatal strokes and heart attacks even in young people with no known cardiovascular risk factors. Heart attacks could be triggered...
 | 5/10/2014 - The FDA is now reporting that aspirin use raises serious health risks like bleeding in the brain and internal bleeding of the stomach. The agency stated that aspirin may benefit those who have already had a stroke but said they did not support the drug's use for preventing a heart attack or stroke.
 | 9/24/2013 - Macular degeneration is one of the many conditions associated with aging, and it remains the preeminent cause of vision loss among individuals aged 55 or older in the United States. While the main causes of age-related macular degeneration - such as unhealthy diets and limited exercising of the eye...
 | 6/12/2013 - Over the counter pain remedies such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen have been the go-to choices for killing pain and/or inflammation fast. But they have their vast array of side effects.
Aspirin has been linked to gastrointestinal problems and ulcers as well hemorrhaging and strokes. Tylenol...
 | 3/1/2013 - Off and on over the past few decades, the push for using aspirin as a preventative against arterial clogging and heart attacks has helped Bayer increase its sales.
Interestingly, this allopathic myth seemed to gather momentum around the same time that other pain relieving NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory...
 | 2/5/2013 - People who take aspirin regularly to reduce their risk of heart attacks and strokes are significantly more likely to suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the primary cause of blindness in the elderly. These are the findings of a study conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney...
 | 1/30/2013 - Many conventional doctors advise their patients to pop one every day like a multivitamin in order to supposedly ward off heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer. But taking an aspirin as few times as once a week, especially when you are not actually sick or in pain, can be incredibly dangerous, especially...
| 11/21/2012 8:40:04 PM - Arthritis and gout are so closely related, it's ridiculous. For the most part, each arises from dietary choices where pleasing the senses, through the absurd and continual ingestion of anything and everything that had a face and a mother, and alcohol, takes precedence over intelligence.
 | 5/28/2012 - We strive to lower the smallest fever, mask, block, and interfere with pain, artificially combat swelling, medicate hypertension, diabetes, and body cholesterol. What we are failing to see is that these are all normal body responses to identify and correct what is wrong and bring balance and healing.
 | 5/12/2012 - Dr. Rashid Buttar guest-stars on the Robert Scott Bell Show to talk about Dr. Paul Offit, the devout vaccine entusiast who has probably ? in Dr. Buttar's words ? singlehandedly poisoned and killed literally millions of children worldwide. Dr. Buttar and Robert also cover important, breaking news regarding...
 | 3/31/2012 - The mainstream media is abuzz with new reports that claim taking an aspirin a day will supposedly help keep cancer away ( But just a few years ago, mainstream science was declaring the exact opposite, as a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute back...
 | 3/27/2012 - Before anyone jumps on the latest mainstream media bandwagon and begins taking daily aspirin to prevent cancer, there are several strong reasons to hesitate. To begin with, the study which produced the media storm was flawed and the claimed benefits are highly questionable.
The new aspirin study...
| 10/14/2011 - Many of us are aware of some negative side effects from low dose daily aspirin use to prevent heart attacks. But lately, more side effects, serious ones, of daily aspirin doses are making the risks outweigh the advantages completely. Fortunately, there are natural substitutes without side effects that...
| 5/16/2011 - Recent research has identified daily use of aspirin or other NSAID's with a significant increased risk of erectile dysfunction. The association of aspirin and other NSAID's with erectile dysfunction began with a small study in Finland. The results seen in the Finland study were affirmed in a larger...
| 5/4/2010 - Aspirin is unhelpful in preventing heart-related death in those "at risk" of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in the Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB).
Doctors have long recommended that people who have survived heart attacks or strokes take an aspirin a day in order to...
| 4/16/2010 - Taking an aspirin a day as an inexpensive way to avoid heart problems has been proven to be not only ineffective, but dangerous over time. Long term daily aspirin use has been strongly linked to pancreatic cancer and intestinal bleeding, often causing death. Expensive pharmaceuticals for heart problems...
| 4/15/2010 - Doctors tell us that cardiovascular disease cannot be cured, but instead can only be managed, primarily with drugs such as statins. Likewise they would also have us believe that the best way to prevent cardiovascular problems is through the use of statins and daily aspirin, along with avoiding being...
| 3/10/2010 - A study funded by Cancer Research UK on the effects of aspirin consumption and breast cancer was recently released, prompting a premature media frenzy on the supposed benefits of aspirin. In the reports that followed sensational headlines, there was very little mention of the weaknesses of epidemiological...
| 2/2/2010 - Most people have heard that an aspirin a day is good for the heart and health. However, according to the British Medical Journal, aspirin "should not be routinely initiated," especially for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, and for patients already taking aspirin, its use should be reviewed.(1)...
 | 11/20/2009 - The CDC now reports that nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by H1N1 swine flu. This number is supposed to sound big and scary, motivating millions of people to go out and pay good money to be injected with untested, unproven H1N1 vaccines. But let's put the number in perspective: Did you know that...
| 9/14/2009 - Taking an aspirin a day appears to increase a person's risk of dangerous gastric bleeding as much as it decreases their risk of heart attack or stroke, researchers have found.
"We don't have good evidence that, for healthy people, the benefits of long-term aspirin exceed the risks by an appropriate...
| 6/16/2009 - Spices do a whole lot more than liven up food. New research has found that the active ingredients in several common spices prevent platelet aggregation and blood clot formation up to 29 times better than aspirin, and without the side effects.
Scientists in India have done extensive testing to determine...
| 3/29/2009 - Taking aspirin daily has no effect on the risk of heart attacks and strokes among diabetics and should no longer be recommended as a routine medical practice, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Dundee, Scotland, and published in the "British Medical Journal.
| 2/17/2009 - If you listen to the reigning experts from the pharmaceutical world, aspirin appears to be the cure-all for everything. Now, a new Yale University study suggests that low-dose aspirin may prevent liver damage caused by side effects of drugs, alcohol, and obesity. Specifically, aspirin reduced mortality...
 | 5/21/2008 - You've likely seen the articles currently ballyhooing the idea that aspirin, along with other NSAIDs, cuts the risk of breast cancer. It sounds so good. The UK's Independent reported that the breast cancer risk is cut by 20%. The New York Times claimed a 26% lower risk. But, is it true? The answer is...
| 7/22/2004 - Stroke patients have long been told to take a daily aspirin to "thin their blood" and help prevent strokes. But new research conducted by Northwestern Memorial Hospital has found that aspirin doesn't work for half the intended patients. No surprise there: if people want to prevent strokes, what they...
| 1/17/2004 8:42:49 PM - Bayer Corp, the maker of aspirin, is trying to
get the FDA to approve the use of aspirin as a preventive measure
against heart attacks. The ploy, of course, is to get permission to run
TV ads that say, "One aspirin a day will prevent heart attacks, even if
you've never had a heart attack." ...
| 1/8/2004 4:00:19 PM - Here's yet another study showing that long-term aspirin use promotes
pancreatic cancer. It's not some tiny increase, either: the study shows
that popping 14 or more aspirin tablets a week results in an 86%
increase in the risk of contracting pancreatic cancer. So why have we
all been taught...
| 11/19/2003 3:28:37 PM - A reported 40,000 people die each year from the use of over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin. This statistic goes largely unreported, of course, since it's not something the pharmaceutical industry wants people to know about. Think about it: each year, almost as many Americans die from OTC painkillers...
Concept-related articles:Dangerous drugs:Pharmaceutical industry:Painkillers:NSAIDs:Herb:Drugs:Eating:Stomach:Harm:People:Cancer:Pancreatic cancer:Anti-inflammatory drugs:Anti-inflammatory:Disease:Risk:
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