Venezuela news, articles and information:
 | 10/9/2016 - Venezuela's experiment in socialism continues to wreak havoc on the country's economy and its people, to the point now where one-third of those admitted to hospitals – even for minor scrapes – die from shortages of key medicines.
The Associated Press reported recently that if the South...
 | 9/30/2016 - With each passing day the world learns something new and horrifying about the slow, steady economic decline and implosion of socialist Venezuela, and yet its leader, Nicolas Maduro, remains committed to the "revolution" that is destroying that once-vibrant South American oil producer.
Now, as reported...
 | 8/26/2016 - The misery continues for Venezuelans, as they suffer tremendously under the Bolivarian variation of socialism that was imposed on the country by Hugo Chavez. Rather than admit the failure of this system, which has brought the oil-rich nation to the brink of collapse, Chavez's successor, Nicolas Maduro,...
 | 8/24/2016 - The slow but inevitable collapse of a major and formerly wealthy South American nation is at hand, and the cause of its demise is a familiar one: political opportunism.
The slow, sad death of Venezuela has been chronicled now for years, ever since far-Left leaders took over the reins of power, promising...
 | 8/22/2016 - In a tragic reflection of the sorry state of Venezuela's economy under the so-called "leadership" of socialist president Nicolas Maduro, citizens have resorted to killing and eating rare animals from the Caricuao Zoo in the capital city of Caracas.
Desperate and hungry residents of the city have...
 | 8/8/2016 - Venezuela is becoming such a hostile place to live in, that women are turning to sterilization in a desperate bid to avoid bringing new life into the misery-ridden country, and enduring pregnancy and childbirth in the deteriorating medical system.
Food shortages, poor medical care and inflation are...
 | 7/1/2016 - The longer the Left-wing government of Venezuela remains in power, the more economic destruction and social chaos there will be, but no one seems capable of convincing the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro of those two realities. And so, like all authoritarians before him, he and his...
 | 5/28/2016 - Sen. Bernie Sanders, the first openly socialist U.S. presidential candidate, won't become the Democratic Party's nominee, no matter how much his supporters kick and scream about the unfair advantages awarded his chief rival for the Oval Office, Hillary Clinton.
But sometimes dreams don't come true,...
 | 4/26/2016 - Americans enamored with Sen. Bernie Sanders' socialist economic plans – which essentially amount to taxing the rich (a lot – to the point where they'd leave the country), along with everyone who earns a wage, so that government could make lots of things like college, healthcare and day care...
 | 4/15/2016 - Every day seems to bring new evidence that Venezuela's transition from a market-based economy to a socialist one is proving to be every bit as ill-advised as it has sounded from day one. The country is now nearing total collapse as the government is failing miserably to provide its citizens with basic...
 | 3/10/2016 - The socialist "revolution" against democracy and free markets is proceeding in Venezuela, with the authoritarian government downplaying a mysterious disease outbreak as print media in the country slowly dies off.
As reported by WPLG's Local 10 News in Miami, there have been at least 10 deaths from...
 | 2/28/2016 - It was nicknamed the "Fingerprints for Food" program, but it represented a dire new twist in the ongoing struggle for the socialist Venezuelan government to provide basic nourishment and products for its citizens.
As reported by the Miami Herald in May 2014, President Nicolas Maduro ordered the implementation...
 | 2/22/2016 - Self-avowed socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is beginning to close in on Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, no doubt has the country's best interests at heart, but we simply wish he was more educated on the effects of socialist policies on vitally important issues...
 | 1/7/2016 - In 2004, President Hugo Chavez prevented the planting of 500,000 acres of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) corn. Since then the Venezuelan farmers have been expressing strong feelings against growing or buying GM seeds.
However, this didn't stop big corporations from trying to push their transgenic...
 | 12/16/2015 - For countries that depend primarily on oil revenues to fund government services, hard times are upon them. And they are likely to continue, analysts say.
That's because oil prices have collapsed, thanks to several different factors, and while that is good news for consumers, truckers, airlines and...
 | 12/6/2015 - While most people think of Facebook and Twitter as a way to share photos and exchange comments for fun and news-sharing reasons, residents in Venezuela are turning to social media for something entirely different – and it's saddening. There, it's not uncommon for people to barter for the likes...
 | 11/3/2015 - If you ever needed more proof that liberals and progressives are economic illiterates, this should do it for you.
As noted over at Zero Hedge, insanely liberal web site "took a quick break from criticizing a caricature of libertarianism" to allow one of its writers, David Sirota, to tap...
 | 10/7/2015 12:33:04 PM - Life continues to deteriorate under the socialist regime in Venezuela, an oil-rich South American nation whose citizens' quality of life has nearly collapsed in the throes of Marxist economic policy.
But no matter, because government officials are quick to offer solutions. In fact, the governor of...
 | 8/31/2015 - As economic conditions continue to deteriorate in Venezuela thanks to socialist government policies that have wreaked havoc on businesses, industry and imports, the decay of civil society is also progressing as rioting, looting, and other disruptive actions are becoming the norm.
Reuters reports...
 | 8/28/2015 - Free healthcare for everyone isn't working so well in the socialist medicine utopia of Venezuela. A new documentary report by photojournalist Betty Zapata reveals rampant filth, lack of resources and medicine, grossly underpaid doctors, and all-around chaos at public health clinics and hospitals throughout...
 | 8/7/2015 - As Venezuela's economy continues to worsen -- its currency having entered "free fall mode," according to the Financial Times -- the desperate Maduro government has taken the extreme measure of nationalizing the nation's food industry.
Venezuelan farmers and food producers are now required to sell...
 | 8/5/2015 - In a policy move that is sure to worsen Venezuela's economic condition and impose more suffering on the country's population, President Nicolas Maduro pledged recently to nationalize food distribution amid record shortages of the most basic goods, skyrocketing inflation and a deepening financial crisis.
 | 3/21/2015 - The grand socialist experiment in Venezuela begun by the great revolutionary, the late Hugo Chavez, continues to perform as expected in the South American nation -- which is, to say, poorly.
So much so, in fact, that even McDonald's restaurants are now running out of a signature menu item: French...
 | 4/27/2014 - Despite a dearth of news coverage detailing the failing nature of Venezuela's experimentation with abject socialism, there is nonetheless a trickle of reporting that provides the trained eye a glimpse of just how bad life is getting in this formerly thriving oil-rich South American nation.
The Associated...
 | 4/3/2014 - Rising unrest and turmoil in Venezuela are side effects of the ugly, predictable face of socialism, as evidenced by the underreported realities of life in a country besieged by a bankrupt political ideology.
It wasn't always this way in the South American nation.
At the turn of the 20th century,...
 | 3/6/2013 - Hugo Chavez is dead, leaving one less control freak tyrant desecrating our planet, but one more empty seat of corruption and power to be filled. Chavez died of cancer, we are told, but the cancer of his left-leaning philosophies continues to disease our world, even rearing its head in the United States...
| 10/31/2009 - The Venezuelan government has banned the sugar-free soft drink Coke Zero, citing concerns that its artificial sweetener is harmful to human health.
"The product should be withdrawn from circulation to preserve the health of Venezuelans," Health Minister Jesus Mantilla said.
The ruling called for...
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