Senate news, articles and information:
 | 7/15/2016 - In light of the Senate's recently passed GMO fake-labeling bill, giving food manufacturers voluntary responsibility to label their products' GMOs, Alaskans received an additional blunder.
Republican Senator, Lisa Murkoswki, took to the Senate floor on July 7 to discuss her concerns with the Senate's...
 | 7/11/2016 - A watered-down GMO labeling bill, which critics say was largely constructed by the GMO industry itself, and is likely to undermine existing labeling legislation at the state level, has just passed the Senate and is also expected to pass in the House of Representatives.
The bill will require food...
 | 6/29/2016 - IMPORTANT UPDATE: Whole Foods was just caught blatantly LYING about everything covered in this article. CEO Walter Robb has been captured on video admitting total support for Monsanto-engineered GMO fake labeling law that kills Vermont GMO labeling bill. Whole Foods takes to social media to LIE to everyone,...
 | 6/27/2016 - While UK citizens were revolting en masse against bureaucratic rule in Europe, another cabal of prostituted lawmakers were busy plotting against American food consumers. According to this announcement from the United States Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, committee leaders have reached...
 | 4/18/2016 - It has been noted that, before a new idea or concept can be fully accepted and integrated into society, the oldest generation must first die off. That's why it is perhaps not too surprising that the two oldest members of the United States Senate are among the most rabid foes of marijuana legalization.
 | 3/18/2016 - The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states' rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into...
 | 3/16/2016 - The DARK Act was defeated in the U.S. Senate today, achieving a massive victory for consumers and also for the Environmental Working Group, which helped organize large-scale opposition to the bill.
The DARK Act would have outlawed state-level GMO labeling laws nationwide, condemning American food...
 | 3/3/2016 2:17:39 PM - A piece of legislation that would prohibit states from enacting GMO-labeling laws, as well as make it difficult for companies wishing to voluntarily label GMOs, is expected to hit the Senate floor for a vote today. The Senate vote has been dreaded by the Right to Know movement ever since it passed the...
 | 8/12/2015 - A rider attached to a federal funding bill for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would make it mandatory for sellers of genetically-modified (GMO) salmon to label the product as such in the interest of transparency and consumer confidence.
With overwhelming...
 | 7/30/2015 9:16:36 AM - The Senate is set to vote on a cybersecurity measure that critics say will dwarf previous efforts by government to gather electronic information on all Americans without first obtaining a court-issued warrant as required by the Fourth Amendment.
What's more, the legislation – officially called...
 | 6/17/2015 - Federal employees are supposedly empowered to report wrongdoing to supervisors or even their member of Congress. It is called the "Whistleblower Protection Program" and it is administered by the Department of Labor through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
"OSHA's whistleblower...
 | 6/3/2015 - Well, that was short-lived.
The Senate on Tuesday passed a measure that reaffirms previous legislation the Bush and Obama Administrations used to justify tasking the National Security Agency with conducting massive, and early on warrantless, electronic surveillance on Americans. Controversial provisions...
 | 5/16/2015 - The Golden State just inched one step closer towards full medical tyranny after the State Senate, heavily influenced by Merck prostitute Senator Richard Pan, overwhelmingly voted in favor of passing Senate Bill 277 to eliminate personal belief exemptions for vaccines.
The San Jose Mercury News reports...
 | 4/23/2015 - Knowing that they would likely be unable to pass their new Orwellian mandates for childhood vaccinations the procedural way, California legislators who support forced jabs without informed consent or exemption options resorted to overt rigging and fraud in order to get Senate Bill 277 rushed through...
 | 4/23/2015 - A measure to ban parental choice over the vaccination of children in the state of California survived a key vote in the Senate on April 22 and will now advance to the full chamber for consideration.
As reported by The Sacramento Bee, the measure was passed on a second vote by a committee that, just...
 | 4/22/2015 - After California's vaccine mandate bill SB277 was halted last week with an outcry of public outrage against it, the pro-vaccine mafia machine went to work. Democratic Sens. Ben Allen of Santa Monica and Richard Pan of Sacramento helped pursue a vote rigging agenda to replace seats on the committee with...
 | 11/26/2014 - With the stroke of a pen, President Obama has now set America on the path toward open rebellion and revolt. By declaring that he alone has the right to dictate immigration policy without the legislative approval of Congress, he has committed yet another lawless act in a long series of illegal schemes...
 | 11/5/2014 - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz earned a massive round of applause in Texas last night, declaring "The era of Obama lawlessness is over!" Across the nation, America defiantly rejected the failed policies of an administration that offered words without substance. Obama was strong on rhetoric and strong in making...
 | 4/24/2014 - The Vermont Senate has given decisive approval to a measure that would require the labeling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, meaning the state could become the first one in the country to enact such a law.
"We are saying people have a right to know what's in their food," said...
 | 12/19/2013 - Political science is not medical science, obviously, and it may seem odd to have physicians running for Congress. But because of the disaster that is Obamacare, some doctors are hanging up their stethoscopes in exchange for your vote.
In all, eleven doctors are running as Republicans for the U.S....
 | 9/4/2013 - The "progressive-minded" folks in the mainstream media (which is just about every reporter, columnist and editor in the MSM) would like to claim credit for lots of good things that have happened in America, including some of the most seismic, important and historic legislation of the past half-century....
 | 5/7/2013 - A new measure that has been passed out of a Texas Senate committee and is set to be debated by the full chamber would allow residents of the state to opt-out of having to use an automated electric meter.
The measure, SB241, would also require "a study on the health effects of advanced meters," according...
 | 4/18/2013 - As details surrounding the Obama administration's efforts to impose new gun control restrictions finally begin to emerge, it is becoming more clear that the White House, along with its allies in Congress, are reaching further into the Second Amendment their attempt to render it moot.
In some sort...
 | 2/9/2013 - A bill that would have amended the New Mexico Food Act and Commercial Feed Law to require that all food intended for human or animal consumption that contains genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be properly labeled has officially been killed. As reported by the New Mexico Telegram (NMT), Senate Bill...
 | 6/22/2012 1:18:03 PM - An amendment to the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012 (S. 3240), also known as the 2012 Farm Bill, that would have "permitted" individual states to require that food, beverages, and other edible products containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled, has been struck down....
 | 5/25/2012 - Here's some news for those who still somehow believe the political left in Washington cares about the People. After U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment that would have ended armed FDA raids on raw milk farmers ( and legalized...
 | 5/24/2012 6:54:18 PM - A sneaky, eleventh-hour attempt by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to essentially shut down the supplement industry alongside an amendment pertaining to prescription drug user fees has failed. In a vote of 77-20, the U.S. Senate voted to table Amendment No. 2127, which would have created "duplicative,...
 | 4/26/2012 - Every five years the Farm Bill is reviewed by Congress to decide how government funding should be allocated to different aspects of agriculture. Depending on what source you explore, there are mixed signals emanating from the Senate's 2012 Farm Bill proposal.
According to the Environmental Working...
 | 12/2/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 12/1/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 4/18/2011 - A new bill to be presented before the Nevada Senate Committee on Commerce, Labor & Energy, on Friday, April 15, is even worse than the recent SB 31 bill that almost passed unamended in North Carolina ( If passed, SB 412 will establish...
 | 12/20/2010 - The infamous S.510 "food food safety bill" was passed by the US Senate last night in a sneaky, last minute voice vote. All Senators voted for it, Republicans and Democrats alike. Not a single U.S. Senator -- not even Coburn -- objected to its passage.
With this vote, the US Senate now sends the bill...
 | 12/1/2010 - The Food Safety Modernization Act looks like it's headed to become law. It's being hailed as a "breakthrough" achievement in food safety, and it would hand vast new powers and funding to the FDA so that it can clean up the food supply and protect all Americans from food-borne pathogens.
There's just...
 | 11/30/2010 - The new Food Tyranny Act -- called the "Food Safety Modernization Act" in the U.S. Senate -- has been passed by the senate today. It would give the FDA vast new powers to criminalize and imprison farmers and food producers while doing absolutely nothing to address to real root of the food contamination...
| 11/29/2010 - Slammed by a barrage of phone calls and emails today that the mainstream media isn't even reporting, the U.S. Senate today has decided to postpone their vote on S.510 -- the Food Safety Modernization Act -- until Tuesday morning.
Internet reports that S.510 has already passed are incorrect. The final...
 | 11/20/2010 - If there's one thing to give thanks for this year, it's the fact that the Senate floor vote on the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" has been delayed until after the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. This gives all of us -- the commonsense opponents of S.510 who don't want the FDA having authority...
 | 11/20/2010 - Proponents of Senate Bill 510 -- the Food Safety and Modernization Act -- keep trying to claim that we need the FDA to protect us from tainted eggs, lettuce, onions and spinach. On the surface, it seems like a reasonable argument: No one should ever die from unsafe food in America, right?
But to...
 | 11/18/2010 - At 10:30 today, the U.S. Senate picks up its debate on the issue of S.510, the "Food Safety and Modernization Act" which is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. It would grant the FDA new, tyrannical powers that could be used to criminalize backyard gardening, outlaw saving seeds, imprison people who...
 | 11/18/2010 - U.S. Senate Bill S 510 is now on the Senate floor where a vote is expected shortly. Yesterday, the Motion to Invoke Cloture passed on a vote of 74-25 (see how they voted, below), sending the bill forward for a final vote perhaps as early as today.
US Senate offices are experiencing a huge backlash...
 | 11/16/2010 - Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called "the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America." It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public's right to grow, trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate...
 | 9/23/2010 - Beware of Senate bill 3767, the so-called Food Safety Accountability Act. This dangerous legislation, if passed, would criminalize nutritional supplement manufacturers who tell the truth about their products or link to published scientific studies describing the biological benefits of their products....
| 9/8/2010 - After giving the appearance that it would (thankfully) disappear, the dreaded FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act (S 510)1 has gone on to the full calendar of the United States Senate and will likely be debated on the Senate floor this year or early next. The bill is being touted as a "safety...
 | 2/23/2010 - GlaxoSmithKline, maker of the diabetes drug Avandia, knew the drug was linked to tens of thousands of heart attacks but went out of its way to hide this information from the public, says a 334-page report just released by the Senate Finance Committee. (
| 6/12/2009 - There's no other word to describe it: The U.S. Senate's tobacco control bill is pathetic. It bans candy cigarettes and fruit-flavored cigarettes, but doesn't even require cigarette companies to disclose the ingredients they use until nearly a year-and-a-half later. The bill bans the use of the word...
| 2/3/2009 - The Senate has approved legislation to provide health insurance to 11 million low-income children. For the first time ever, this bill will spend federal money to insure children and pregnant women who are legal immigrants. The House approved this legislation on January 14 and President Obama will most...
 | 2/20/2008 - Consumer Protection efforts to ban Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde as an artificial sweetener in Hawaii have run into curious tactics by lobbyists compounded by indifference and inertia on the part of the key legislators. The House Bill was "deferred" on the last day it could be properly heard and voted...
 | 11/30/2007 - As we reported yesterday, the U.S. Senate is about to vote on a bill that would criminalize the "planned use of force" to promote a political, religious or social belief. While we strongly disagree with the passage of the law, one curious effect is that it would clearly qualify Maryland's Attorney General...
 | 11/28/2007 - The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration,...
 | 5/9/2007 - The U.S. Senate passed the FDA "drug safety" bill today (S.1082) with a 93-1 vote. A key amendment that would have called for genuine drug safety protections for consumers -- the Grassley amendment 1039 -- was defeated by a single vote (47 to 46). The new law deepens financial ties between Big Pharma...
 | 5/8/2007 - After enduring numerous amendments, debates and public scrutiny, Senate bill S.1082 is headed for a likely vote on Wednesday, May 9th. The bill at one point contained an approved amendment that would have ended Big Pharma's monopoly over drug prices in the United States and saved consumers and businesses...
 | 5/4/2007 - We have good news to report on the Senate bill S.1082 that we've been covering all week. The grassroots efforts of citizens and advocates in the health freedom movement are making a huge impact on this legislative effort. We've already managed to delay the voting on the bill from early this week to...
 | 4/19/2007 - On Monday, April 30th, the Senate is expected to vote on the FDA Evilization Act of 2007 (oops, I mean the "Revitalization Act"). This is a bill that has some good points (such as banning advertising on new drugs until they're on the market for two years) but also contains some extremely dangerous provisions...
 | 1/29/2007 - Both Republican and Democratic senators announced earlier this week that they would support legislation aimed at stopping settlements between brand-name drug firms and generic drug makers that delay the release of less expensive generic medicines.
If passed, the bill -- introduced by Sens. Patrick...
 | 1/19/2006 - The following is the full text of a speech given by Al Gore at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., Monday, January 16, 2006. We feature it here due to its importance in explaining exactly why recent actions by President Bush are a grave threat to freedom. Bush's actions can only be described as a "war...
| See all 115 Senate feature articles.Concept-related articles:Spam:CAN-SPAM:Terrorists:E-mail:Useless:Laws:Bush Administration:Prescription drugs:Canada:Drugs from Canada:FDA:Prescription drug:Employees:Consumers:United States:Maryland:
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