Table of Contents:
1. Welcome! 2. Nutritional Supplements 3. Natural Personal Care 4. Natural Protein 5. Super Foods 6. Healthy Home 7. Natural Healing Remedies 8. Oral Health 9. Healing Oils 10. Detoxification 11. CDs, DVDs and on-line courses 12. Water Filters 13. Saunas 14. Nutritious Foods
View more Special Reports by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:
Nutrition Can Save America! This eye-opening report explains how and why America can be saved from collapse by unleashing the healing power of nutrition.
The Five Best Anti-Viral Products to Beat Influenza, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS: The best free report you'll find on the 'net, complete with trusted, independent anti-viral product recommendations.
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Breast Cancer Deception reveals the shocking truth about the breast cancer industry's scheme to profit from disease and censor natural cures.
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The Amazon Herb Company: An Independent Review brings you the latest news about the fast-growing Amazon Herb Company and its remarkable success in healing people and the planet at the same time.
The pH Nutrition Guide to Acid / Alkaline Balance by Jack Challem. Reveals secrets to "alkalizing" your body chemistry to prevent disease and accelerate healing.
Pet Food Ingredients Revealed! Learn the shocking truth about all 570 ingredients commonly used in pet food today. (Warning: This report tells the truth that pet food manufacturers absolutely do not want consumers to know...)
Medicine From Fish: How to heal degenerative disease with a unique medicinal protein.
The Healing Power of Water: The missing "dehydration link" to chronic disease (and how to reverse it with water!) |
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Super Foods
Boku Super Food® By Boku ® International,LLC | http://www.Bokusuperfood.com
Winner of Mike Adams' “Editor’s Choice” Award, BOKU is the most potent natural Super food formula in the world. With over 40 certified organic and kosher ingredients, BOKU is a Broad Spectrum Super food formula that is not only good for you, but tastes great. 100% USDA Certified Organic, Kosher, Gluten, Soy Free, Non GMO, Doctor Formulated, and Vegan. No super food can match Boku’s nutritional profile and delicious flavor. BOKU Super food is pure whole food organic nutrition and one of the best things you can do for your body.
Ingredients: All USDA certified organic and kosher: Young Barley Grass Juice, Nopal Cactus, Spirulina, Nettle Leaf, Kelp, Chlorella [Cracked Cell Wall], Broccoli Juice, Spinach Juice, Kale Juice, Cabbage Juice, Parsley Juice, Klamath Lake Blue-Green Algae. Fresh-Pressed, Maca Root Juice, BõKU™ Super Táke™ Blend(14 functional mushrooms): Reishi, Cordyceps, Maitáke, Chaga, Mesima, O Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, Shitáke, Blazei, Poria, Suehirotáke, Hiratáke, Agarikon, True Tinder Polypore; Goji Berry Juice, Hawthorne Berry, Cacao, Fine Vanilla Bean, Strawberry Juice, BõKU™ Super Enzymes™: Amylase, Protease [3 different potencies], Bromelain, Cellulase Lipase, Alpha-galactosidase, Papain, Lucuma Fruit, Sweet Mesquite Pod, Sprouted Flax, L. Sporogenes (true non-dairy probiotics), Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt
Price: $59.95
Discount Price: $29.95 with enrollment in Preferred Customer Discount Club
Guarantee: 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee Offer Expiration: No Expiration
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Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica Powder 5lbs and 16oz By Nutrex Hawaii | http://www.nutrex-hawaii.com
Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica is the most nutrient-rich SuperFood in the world. Spirulina has been extensively researched for many years and has been shown to support eye, brain and cardiovascular health, and to boost immunity and energy levels. In fact, Spirulina is such a health giving food that the world’s largest circulation publication, AARP Magazine (the American Association of Retired People) ranked Spirulina as the #1 food to add years to your life! Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica powder can be mixed in smoothies or added to food. One teaspoon of Hawaiian Spirulina per day has the equivalent level of antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory activity as 5 servings of fruits & vegetables. Give your health a boost each day with Hawaiian Spirulina, now available at 30% off for Natural News readers. Just enter coupon code MIKEA
Ingredients: 100% pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica
Price: 5lbs - $176.99, 16oz - $49.99
Discount Price: 5lbs - $123.89, 16oz - $34.99
Guarantee: 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee Offer Expiration: 1/31/2010
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Pure Synergy in powder form, 12.5 ounces By Blissful Foods | http://www.blissfulfoods.com
We are offering NaturalNews.com readers 10% off Pure Synergy powder (12.5 ounces). To use this discount, enter the coupon code “naturalnews” at checkout.
Ingredients: Fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window™ dried: Pure Spirulina Crystals™*, Pure Klamath Crystals™*, Pure Chlorella™, Dunaliella*, Kelp*, Wakame*, Kombu*, Bladderwrack*, Dulse*, wildcrafted Dumontiaceae (Cryptosyphonia woodii). Fresh freeze-dried enzymatically active Sprouts of Millet*, Quinoa*, Broccoli*; Apple Fruit*; fresh freeze-dried Blueberry*, Raspberry*; Green Papaya Fruit*; natural plant Enzymes (Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease). Reishi*, Shiitake*, Maitake*, Agaricus*, Cordyceps*. Standardized 7:1 herbal extract+: Astragalus Root*, Eleuthero Root*, Lycium (Wolfberry) Fruit*, Tang-Kuei Root*, Schizandra chinensis Fruit*, Atractylodes macrocephala Root, Fo-Ti Root, Paeonia lactiflora Root, Rehmannia Root, Codonopsis Root, Licorice Root*, Jujube Fruit, Poria, Ginger Rhizome, Tangerine Peel, Polygala Root, Ligusticum wallichii Root. Fresh freeze-dried or CO2-dried: juice concentrates of Wheat Grass*, Barley Grass*, Oat Grass*, Alfalfa Grass*; Parsley Leaf*, Spinach Leaf*, Kale Leaf*, Collard Leaf*. Rosemary Leaf*, Clove Bud*, Sage Leaf*, natural Vitamin E (Sunflower). Fresh freeze-dried: Nettle Leaf*, Red Clover Flower*, Burdock Root*, Yellow Dock Root*, Skullcap Flower* and Leaf*, Dandelion Leaf*, Ginkgo Leaf*. Rosa canina Fruit (Rose Hips)*.
Price: $55
Discount Price: $49.50
Guarantee: Replacement/ return available on damaged/ defective items. Non-damaged/ defective unopen items may be returned with a $5 restocking fee. Must be returned within 30 days. No other returns/ refunds accepted. Offer Expiration: 2/15/2010
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