Table of Contents:
1. The HPV Vaccine Hoax 2. The Trail of Evidence 3. The Text of the Petition 4. Do HPV Vaccines Increase the Risk of Precancerous Lesions? 5. Interrogating Young Virgins 6. The Four Quadrants of Garsadil Vaccinations 7. Research Shows Gardasil to be Useless 8. The Conclusion: HPV Vaccinations a Medical Hoax 9. Sources Cited
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Sources Cited
HiFi DNA Tech files lawsuit against FDA
Reclassification Petition - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Detection Device (K063649 )
FDA Approves Expanded Use of HPV Test
VRBPAC Background Document, Gardasilâ„¢ HPV Quadrivalent Vaccine, May 18, 2006 VRBPAC Meeting
Effect of Human Papillomavirus 16/18 L1 Viruslike Particle Vaccine Among Young Women With Preexisting Infection Journal of the American Medical Association, August, 2007
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