Mexico news, articles and information:
 | 7/21/2016 - A giant oilfield located in the Indian reservation territories of Northwest New Mexico caused a major environmental disaster recently, after 36 oil and gas storage tanks caught fire, setting off a chain reaction of explosions that temporarily shut down a major highway and forced at least 55 residents...
 | 7/7/2016 - Over the course of his presidency, Barrack Obama transformed from a politician who spoke of the need to wean the country from its dangerous dependence on oil to one who boasted of how much he had done to boost domestic oil drilling.
Now documents obtained via a lawsuit reveal how the administration...
 | 4/5/2016 - In one state, at least, it is no longer permissible to force parents at gunpoint to allow their children to be given dangerous psychotropic drugs.
As reported by The New American (TNA), a new law in New Mexico to protect kids from coercive psychiatric screening and medication was approved last year...
 | 2/1/2016 - A young mother from Farmington, New Mexico, was left heartbroken after her newborn came back from the hospital missing a toe. A nurse at the University of New Mexico (UNM) Hospital accidentally chopped off the infant's pinky toe when removing an IV.
Mother Erica Hogue gave birth to twins via emergency...
 | 1/9/2016 - In June 2013, a spoiled teen with millionaire parents was given special privileges after he killed four people driving drunk in his mom's pickup truck. Instead of facing real consequences, the teen was given sympathy and told he had "affluenza" – a made-up condition that basically says the teen...
 | 1/6/2016 - The global economy may be about ready to take a massive hit if a series of imminent crises converge in just the right – or actually just the wrong – way.
As reported by, global debt has been steadily rising for years, and as that has happened, conditions for a debt avalanche...
 | 12/8/2015 - It's no wonder fewer and fewer Americans trust the Obama administration to protect them from emerging terrorism threats – especially when you hear about things like this.
In recent days, as first reported by the New York Daily News, airline and airport security officials at JFK International...
 | 10/16/2015 - More often than not, when the subject turns to U.S. immigration policy, the debates can be really passionate.
On the one hand, Americans know and understand that our country was founded as a "nation of immigrants," and continues to be a destination for most of the world's "downtrodden" who are looking...
 | 8/4/2015 - Celebrity business magnate turned Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, refuses to apologize for remarks he made recently regarding illegal immigration, a concept that's not only become widely accepted in recent years, but highly encouraged and applauded by the U.S. government...
 | 7/23/2015 - Plant medicine has been and always will be mankind's superior companion in the art and science of healing.
Modern medicine's antibiotics are now failing mankind, giving rise to drug-resistant superbugs that have the potential to ravage weakened immune systems, taking the lives of patients.
 | 5/15/2015 - At least two children are dead and several dozen others are in critical condition after terrorists wielding weapons of mass destruction violently assaulted the young innocents living in the Mexican state of Chiapas, according to reports.
No, it wasn't dirty bombs planted by jihadists or airplanes...
 | 5/11/2015 - Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled U.S. media to censor the stories about the deadly side effects of vaccines, the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to strike has killed two babies in La Pimienta, Mexico and sent 37 more to the hospital with serious reactions...
 | 1/17/2015 - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) is asking a federal appeals court in New Orleans to vacate an order that forces the agency to rule on whether federal regulations are necessary to curb the flow of pollutants - mostly from agricultural run-off - into the Mississippi River.
The pollutants,...
 | 1/16/2015 - Mexico is desperately trying to avoid a bioterrorism takeover by Big GMO, which is insistent upon ushering in genetically modified (GM) maize to replace the dozens of native corn varieties already grown throughout the country. The Mexican Chapter of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal has issued an urgent...
 | 8/20/2014 - A Mexican judge in a federal district court in Yucatan state has recently overturned a permit issued to Monsanto, the America-based multinational mega-ag giant corporation that has long been the leading developer and supplier of genetically modified (GM) crops.
Devon G. Pena, writing for Environmental...
 | 7/20/2014 - Dozens of native maize varieties are threatened with extinction in Mexico as Big Biotech moves to replace them with commercialized genetically modified (GM) corn. A coalition of Mexican farmers is fighting tooth and nail to stop this aggressive takeover, but the stakes are high to preserve the 59 indigenous...
 | 7/5/2014 - Very few Americans who don't live near it have ever heard of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a federal nuclear waste repository approximately 26 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico, but some experts are saying that something very serious happened there recently -- something that could affect...
 | 7/3/2014 - A group of veterans and other concerned Americans are calling on all Americans to join them at the U.S.-Mexico border south of San Diego on July 5 to demand the release of a U.S. Marine who has been held in a Mexican jail since March.
The event, dubbed "Cinco de Julio" or "July 5th" in Spanish, was...
 | 6/27/2014 - Say what you will about former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential contender Sarah Palin: When it comes to making a point, she is clever, biting and usually spot-on.
Her take on the current lawlessness taking place on the U.S. Southwest border, in which tens of thousands of illegal immigrants...
 | 3/20/2014 - Back in February 2014, alarms sounded off at the Nuclear Waste Isolation Pilot Plant outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico. The radiation detection alarms signaled that higher-than-normal airborne radiation was present and could be making its way outside into the environment through the facility's ventilation...
 | 3/4/2014 - Federal regulators are scrambling to minimize the public relations impact of a recent radiation leak that occurred at an underground nuclear waste facility in southeastern New Mexico, where 13 workers reportedly tested positive for radiation exposure. According to reports, the discovery came after the...
 | 2/21/2014 - Swimming majestically in the open seas, with eyes wide on both sides of its face, the bluefin tuna gazes into... a curtain of crude oil.
When the 2010 BP oil spill contaminated the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, beautiful wild fish like the bluefin tuna were forced to face new challenges for survival....
 | 10/25/2013 - Just days before a recent March Against Monsanto protest that took place globally on October 12, Mexico, the geographical birthplace of modern-day corn, instituted a regulatory ban on all plantings of genetically modified (GM) varieties of this staple food crop. A victory for food freedom and agricultural...
 | 10/17/2013 - Irony of ironies. In the late 1930s, former prohibition bureaucrat Henry J. Anslinger took over the newly formed Bureau of Narcotics in Washington, DC, to create the case against cannabis and hemp.
Only he constantly and zealously used the Mexican slang term "marijuana" for his fear mongering lies...
 | 8/6/2013 9:12:54 AM - Climate change is taking a toll on grasslands across the West. Almost 87% of the region is in a drought.
Nevada is removing wild horses and stocks of cattle from federal rangelands, Wyoming is seeding clouds as part of a long-term "weather modification program," Dust Bowl conditions have been reported...
 | 6/1/2013 - FOX News: "Illegal immigrant mother of seven given food stamps, meds, housing, and Social Security -- for 20 years."
Bob and Sally Craft have written a book. Overnight, it's leaped to the top of the New York Times best-seller list: The Key to Wealth: Swimming Lessons.
In 2012, Bob and Sally, who...
 | 5/13/2013 - In a recent speech in Mexico City, US President Barack Obama, gave Mexico his take on the escalating gun violence, lying straight to the crowd's face:
"We understand that the root cause of violence that's been happening here in Mexico for which so many Mexicans have suffered is the demand for illegal...
 | 5/8/2013 - Barack Obama can't seem to make an appearance on the international stage without blaming America for all of the host nation's troubles. The latest example of this disgraceful behavior comes as part of a grotesquely ironic and hypocritical display in Mexico, where the president shamelessly pinned Mexican...
 | 4/6/2013 - The country of Mexico has been a de facto narco-state for years, as competing drug cartels bought off the police, judges, local officials and journalists they could, killed those they could not, and battled each other for turf. Throughout it all, the collateral damage has been heavy; in the past decade...
 | 12/6/2012 - As the U.S. trade deficit continues to soar, the one thing America has been successful at exporting is its fast food industry, and with it, all of the health problems it causes.
When Mexico signed on to become a participant in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the early 1990s, the...
 | 12/4/2012 - If agri-giant Monsanto gets its way, the company will destroy all genetic diversity in Mexico's corn crops by replacing it with genetically modified (GM) corn.
Outgoing Mexican President Felipe Calderon is considering approval of a proposal by Monsanto, along with fellow agribusiness behemoths DuPont...
| 1/24/2012 1:29:05 AM - The 2011 Global Commission on Drug Policies in Geneva, Switzerland was motivated, according to its website, by successful Latin American conferences convened with national leaders concerned about the impact on democracy in Latin America from drug use, trafficking, and gang or cartel violence.
| 7/1/2011 - Threats of radioactive disaster from what is shaping up to be the largest wildfire in the state's history are escalating, as heavy winds and plenty of dry brush have fueled flames to within 50 feet of New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), home of the first atomic bomb.
Crews claim there...
| 2/11/2011 - Mexican officials seem to have more common sense than American officials, with their continued denouncement of Monsanto's genetically-modified (GM) corn. Mexico has kept in effect a moratorium on Monsanto's GM corn since 2005, citing a lack of safety studies and evidence showing the "Frankencorn" is...
| 9/19/2010 - The Mexican government is moving forward with plans to ban all junk foods from public school by the start of the coming school year, officials have announced.
"The kids are going to complain, of course," said education minister Alonso Lujambio. "We are going to start a profound cultural change."
| 7/3/2010 - As CNN is now reporting, the U.S. government has issued a new rule that would make it a felony crime for any journalist, reporter, blogger or photographer to approach any oil cleanup operation, equipment or vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Anyone caught is subject to arrest, a $40,000 fine and prosecution...
 | 6/19/2010 - What's clear about the BP oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is that the independent journalists are doing a better job of asking the really tough questions than the mainstream media. Sure, CNN, Fox and others are bringing some attention to the matter, and they've done some solid reporting on it,...
 | 5/1/2010 - Oil is a dirty business. It's not just the politics of oil, which are dirty enough by themselves -- it's also the environmental toll of the substance. Even when used correctly, its chemical byproducts cause air pollution and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But the real mess comes when things...
| 2/19/2010 - As the debate over health care reform remains stalled in Congress, many U.S. residents are taking matters into their own hands by simply driving to Mexico for affordable care and prescriptions.
"I'm very lucky to live near enough to Mexico to get good healthcare at a reasonable price," said retired...
| 8/14/2009 - Homeopathy had an amazingly high cure rate in the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in the USA. Just recently, during the 2009 Mexican Flu outbreak, a small group of Mexico City homeopathic doctors have revealed that homeopathy is up to the task again. This is good news considering that many over the counter...
| 4/27/2009 - Perhaps due to the genetic makeup of the fast-spreading H1N1 strain of influenza -- which includes genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu and human flu spanning three continents -- there is considerable speculation that the origins of this virus are man-made.
It's not an unreasonable question...
| 4/24/2009 - A virulent new strain combining elements of swine flu, human flu and avian flu has leapfrogged past containment measures and is now circulating "in the wild" in Mexico, California and Texas. Up to 60 deaths may have already occurred from the new viral strain called H1N1. Over 1,000 people may have been...
 | 8/2/2008 - That giant sucking sound so colorfully described by Ross Perot is heard again this season as companies large and small relocate, close their operations or negotiate for lower wages. While the usual suspect, Mexico, continues to drain employment from workers in the U.S. and Canada, competition to attract...
 | 5/11/2008 - Americans are catching on to the North American Union scheme and voicing their opposition. The right wing grassroots organization, American Policy Center (APC), has just concluded a survey of one million American households. The survey, titled "Do Americans Support a North American Union" asked a series...
 | 4/19/2008 - An internal memo from Canada's Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade ministry, obtained by World Net News under the Access to Information Act, documents the agenda at the most recent secret summit meeting of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) in Montebello, Quebec, held on August 20-21, 2007....
 | 1/30/2007 - A new bill proposed by an Albuquerque, N.M. senator -- if passed -- will ban foods with aspartame from being on sale in the state by July.
Aspartame is a chemically created sweetener that has replaced sugar and corn syrup on a widespread level for many products, including diet soda.
The bill is...
| 7/17/2006 - Accidental overdose deaths in New Mexico caused by prescription drugs increased at a higher rate than those caused by illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine, according to a new study covering a 10-year period.
Opioid pain relievers — such as codeine, Demerol and morphine — accounted for the majority...
 | 11/20/2005 - New Mexico may become the first state in the nation to enact an official statewide ban on the artificial sweetener aspartame, if a group of determined activists has its way. Activists there are fighting hard to ban the sale of any and all products containing the chemical sweetener, and they achieved...
| See all 92 Mexico feature articles.Concept-related articles:Drug companies:The FDA:Pharmaceutical companies:FDA:The elderly:Elderly:Companies:WHO:Car:Drug:Avoid:Factories:Free:Hospitals:Health care:Hospital:
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