Johnson & Johnson news, articles and information:
 | 11/2/2016 - Once again, a St. Louis jury has ruled that Johnson & Johnson damaged women's health by engaging in a decades-long coverup about the potential risks of talcum powder ("baby powder") as a feminine hygiene product. On October 27, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $70.1 million to Deborah Giannecchini...
 | 4/22/2016 - The former head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, used the federal agency to run a massive conspiracy of racketeering and fraud in order to generate millions of dollars in drug company profits for her husband's hedge fund firm, alleges a damning lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the...
 | 4/12/2016 - Johnson & Johnson is being sued by more than 1,000 women who developed ovarian cancer after using the company's Baby Powder product. The lawsuit is based on the assertion that the company knew their product was associated with an increased cancer risk but deliberately withheld that information from...
 | 5/18/2015 - The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld a lower court's judgment that pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson should be required to pay $50 million to a girl who suffered a rare but devastating side effect from Children's Motrin when she was seven years old. The judgment took more than a decade...
 | 3/17/2015 - In May of 2009, a consumer noticed black specks in the bottom of a bottle of Infants' Tylenol, which were found to be nickel and chromium particles.
McNeil Consumer Healthcare, of Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, pled guilty to charges of selling contaminated medicines...
 | 11/1/2014 - Viruses continue to mutate at increasing speeds as modern medicine fails to keep up with pathogens evolving stealthily in nature. It's even possible that modern medicine is to blame for the acceleration of virus mutation. Antiviral drugs typically attack one form of a virus. The virus quickly learns...
 | 11/6/2013 - In what's considered one of the country's largest health care fraud settlements and one of the largest whistleblower payouts in U.S. history, Johnson & Johnson will pay $2.2 billion to settle charges involving the company's role in marketing three prescription drugs for unapproved uses. As the saying...
 | 10/19/2013 - Plastic particles linked to Motrin Infants' Drops Original Berry Flavor's active ingredient - ibuprofen - have caused Johnson & Johnson (McNeil Consumer Health Division) to voluntarily issue a recall.
In a press release issued on September 6, 2013, the healthcare giant told retailers to remove three...
 | 4/16/2012 - The chickens are coming home to roost for drug giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J), as a jury in Arkansas has found the company guilty of fraudulently marketing and selling the antipsychotic drug Risperdal. But this time, the penalty for J&J's crimes is a whopping $1.2 billion which, to date, collectively...
| 11/9/2010 - Only months after a massive recall of over-the-counter drugs due to quality control issues, Johnson & Johnson subsidiary McNeil has been cited by the FDA for similar problems at another factory.
The Lancaster, Pa., factory, which makes the gas and heartburn drugs Imodium, Mylanta and Pepcid, received...
| 9/21/2010 - Johnson & Johnson has taken a huge hit this year with its massive recall of over-the-counter children's cough medicine and Tylenol products. But new information gathered through a Congressional investigation has revealed that the company knew about problems with its Motrin pain reliever product as well,...
| 9/6/2010 - Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is the subject of a California lawsuit alleging that the company colluded with pharmaceutical consultant Omnicare to push its drugs on nursing home residents. Among the charges are allegations that J&J violated federal Medicaid laws with its schemes to maximize profits.
| 7/28/2010 - As if the children's Tylenol scandal is not enough, Johnson & Johnson is now facing additional criminal charges over another drug scandal involving the epilepsy drug Topamax. Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical LLC and Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, both divisions of Johnson & Johnson, recently pleaded...
| 3/24/2010 - The U.S. Justice Department has announced that it is investigating pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson for paying kickbacks to pharmacy benefits manager Omnicare.
Pharmacy benefits managers are supposed to negotiate on behalf of health plans and their customers to secure lower prices from drug...
 | 1/21/2010 - Drug maker Johnson & Johnson paid tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks to nursing home pharmacies in order to boost the sale of its drugs, says a Justice Department lawsuit.
The payments were often disguised as grants or "educational funding," says the lawsuit, and they were directed to Omnicare,...
Concept-related articles:Doctors:Health:Drugs:Risk:Products:Risks:Drug:Prescription:Sell:The FDA:Merck:FDA:Medications:Side effects:Medication:Food:
Concepts related to Johnson & Johnson
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