Facebook news, articles and information:
 | 11/29/2016 - Are you hooked on social media or use it to promote your business or cause, but are sick and tired of the Left-wing tyrannical censorship of either your posts or those of real news organizations that Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and others have arbitrarily deemed "fake?"
Never fear. There are...
 | 11/18/2016 - During the election, Americans who were simply looking for information got screwed by the media. The propaganda was so thick and the fake polls were so numerous that people were reeling in shock when Hillary Clinton actually ended up losing the election. Heck, I was stunned myself, and I had even written...
 | 11/17/2016 - There's an outstanding article by the Senior Editor of The Daily Caller that you need to read. It explains why the mentally insane left, having lost the election and lost all the arguments, is now trying to childishly label all news sources "fake" if they don't promote delusional leftist propaganda.
 | 11/11/2016 - A single Californian mom with six children is facing a possible jail sentence for selling homemade food on a Facebook community food group.
Several years ago, Stockton resident Mariza Ruelas joined a Facebook food and recipe trading group called 209 Food Spot. There, Ruelas and other cooking enthusiasts...
 | 9/7/2016 - Last year California became the first state in the U.S. to remove the religious exemption for childhood vaccines, in spite of overwhelming opposition from parents, doctors, and other community leaders.
Now, California Assemblyman Travis Allen has introduced legislation that would require the California...
 | 8/25/2016 - Natural News has now confirmed that Facebook is deliberately blocking article posts that contain the phrase "m-nd-t-ry v-cc-n-t--ns." We obviously cannot even include the complete words here, or this story will also be blocked by FB.
Recently, when we attempted to share stories on FB that contained...
 | 8/16/2016 - After a three-year battle, John Piears lost his 41-year-old wife Beata to ovarian cancer in October 2015. In her memory, he launched the "Dying for a Cure" campaign against profiteering drug companies.
To promote the campaign and encourage users to sign his petition, the father-of-two from West Horsley...
 | 7/18/2016 - Pamela Geller is an explosive figure who is not daunted by the "politically correct." In particular, when it comes to discussing the reality of violent Islamic extremism – her bailiwick – she is not only vocal, but relentless.
Only, Facebook can't seem to handle the truths that she and...
 | 6/7/2016 - Facebook recently admitted in a letter to John Thune, chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, that news curators hired by the company had the power to decide which stories to highlight in the Trending Topics section of the site.
The company said that some of those contractors could have used their...
 | 5/26/2016 - Talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh and others refer to the world's biggest social media site as "Fakebook," and there's a reason for that: Much of what users see is manufactured to fit certain narratives, while keeping the truth about certain other subjects and issues out of the picture.
In recent days...
 | 5/15/2016 - The old maxim "There is no such thing as a free lunch" has taken on a whole new level of meaning in the internet age, particularly when applied to so-called "free" services like Facebook and Wikipedia.
Both of these digital era giants would like the public to believe that they are providing free...
 | 5/2/2016 - If you're looking for a truthful and unbiased place to find information, Facebook has shown once again that it is not the place to turn to. A recent report by The Hill states that Facebook could "downplay stories and posts related to Trump in its New[s] Feed, potentially putting a damper on his campaign,"...
 | 3/14/2016 - Love or hate social media, there is no doubt that it has become one of – if not the – most powerful ways to communicate and share opinions.
But questions are being asked as to whether those responsible for running of ocial media organizations, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, are...
 | 2/6/2016 - Panic over the potential side-effects caused by the polio vaccine continue to mount in various parts of the world, with the latest drama unfolding in India, after authorities arrested an 18-year-old man accused of spreading false rumors regarding the polio vaccine.
Parvez Ahmad Sheikh, a student...
 | 12/18/2015 - The big tech companies that have cornered the search and media markets now want to corner the market on permissible speech – that is, speech their CEOs and founders decide is acceptable – while working to ban that which they have dubbed objectionable. What's ironic is that the companies...
 | 12/14/2015 3:44:01 PM - Many (if not most) Facebook users have been known to regret having posted something at one point or another, but few have ever imagined the type of repercussions that a Thailand man now faces: up to 32 years in jail for merely clicking the "Like" button.
As crazy as it sounds, it's true. Thanakorn...
 | 12/2/2015 - As questions continue to surface about Facebook's alleged role in aiding illegal government surveillance programs that track and monitor citizens, people are growing restless for a viable social media alternative that respects both personal privacy and the rule of law. And we just might get that from...
 | 12/2/2015 - With so much outsized attention on racialist minority groups like "Black Lives Matter," whose followers have been demanding special privileges on college campuses and in communities throughout the country, it was only a matter of time before such movements met with resistance.
In recent days a group...
 | 11/11/2015 - You know those Facebook friends whose lives seems to be nothing but one joyful, adventurous set of experiences after another? They travel, post about thrilling career moments, upload pics of their smiling selves several times a day, and even laugh off spilling coffee on their expensive new carpet.
 | 11/9/2015 - With their phones in hand, they bow their heads, eyes narrowing in on their pocket screens. No awareness of the now, they wander like intoxicated drivers, veering to the left and the right. Scrolling through their Facebook feed, they try to ignite some kind of spark to keep their dying souls alive in...
 | 10/24/2015 - To the speech police at Facebook, the world's largest social media web site, even the words of a lifelong advocate of peace are too much to bear.
Earlier this month Facebook officials announced changes to rules they said were necessary to combat efforts at promoting terrorism and hate speech. Agence...
 | 9/30/2015 12:17:38 PM - UPDATE: Natural News has now heard from Tim Donnelly and we are expecting an update from Tim very soon; the title of this article has been changed to reflect this. The following article was written before we heard from Donnelly. What follows is the original article:
Sometime during the evening of...
 | 8/27/2015 - Academics and scientists researching privacy on the Internet have found it difficult to actually define the parameters of their research and, specifically, what exactly constitutes "privacy" and "privacy violations."
As this this study notes, for example, the study of online privacy is a popular...
 | 8/4/2015 - It's no secret that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has an affinity for illegal aliens. He's donated millions to fund their college education (but not so much to fund the education of poor Americans), and has actively lobbied Congress to allow more legal immigration so he and his tech-industry...
 | 7/8/2015 - It is hard to imagine a time since the turbulent 1960s when America has seemed so near the breaking point. Examples of our collective anguish are everywhere, and there is fear rising in some quarters of society that if we don't get a handle on our collective anxieties, fears and loathing, our divisions...
 | 6/27/2015 - If you're one of the millions of people who have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, there are now even more reasons for hating the immensely successful social media giant.
You probably know that Facebook collects and stores your personal data and preferences to form a profile that it uses to...
 | 6/20/2015 - In recent days, there has been much discussion about passed legislation called the USA Freedom Act, a law that reportedly curbs some of the government's power to task the National Security Agency to collect massive amounts of data on American citizens.
At this point, the law is still new and policy...
 | 6/11/2015 - In what many critics are calling a "Faustian bargain," nine major media outlets (including the likes of The New York Times, National Geographic, The Guardian and NBC News) have agreed to partner with Facebook in providing content for the social media giant's new scheme called "Instant Articles".
 | 5/31/2015 - A privacy watchdog organization from Belgium has accused Facebook of "trampling" on European privacy laws because the social media giant tracks users online without their consent.
The Privacy Protection Commission (PPC), which is currently working with French, Spanish, German, and Dutch counterparts,...
 | 5/20/2015 - A second-grade teacher in Smithville, Ohio, was fired from his job in December because he wrote on his Facebook page that he was against dairy farming.
According to local affiliate Fox8, Keith Allison is a vegan and animal rights advocate who often openly posts his views regarding those issues to...
 | 5/12/2015 - Texas entrepreneur and U.S. Army veteran Jeremy Alcede has been imprisoned for 35 days (and counting) over his refusal to turn over his Facebook account password as part of a business bankruptcy court order. Federal bankruptcy Judge Jeff Bohm of the Southern District of Texas ordered Alcede thrown in...
 | 5/1/2015 - Over the last several days, Facebook has been beta testing a "kill switch" that caused articles from online publishers to be blocked from social sharing. Complaints poured in to Natural News and other independent publishers such as Western Journalism, which wrote an article entitled Multiple Reports:...
 | 4/28/2015 - If you're one of the more than 1.3 billion people who use Facebook on a regular basis, you've probably experienced occasions when you decided against posting something before you hit "Enter" and assumed that whatever it was that you had typed would be permanently deleted.
This is not actually the...
 | 4/27/2015 - The "inclusive" social media giant Facebook is once again caught in controversy, this time with company censors denying a Native American woman access when she tried to register using her traditional name.
As reported by Britain's Daily Mail, Brenna Happy Cloud of Salem, Oregon, has accused Facebook...
 | 4/17/2015 - In the modern, text-heavy vernacular, consider it an "OMG" moment.
Facebook is at it again, using its advertisement targeting software to commit one of the most heinous acts of callousness you could think of. More on that in a moment.
First, some background. According to Mike Kreiger at the Liberty...
 | 4/11/2015 - In its bid to become the provider - and tracker - of all things to all humans, Facebook has announced that it is entering the peer-to-peer money transferal market.
The initiative is meant to rival PayPay, and it revolves around Facebook's Messenger app. According to the Financial Times, the Silcon...
 | 4/7/2015 - In yet another astonishing example of the expanding insanity of the judicial activism sweeping across America, a federal bankruptcy judge in the Southern District of Texas has ordered an individual to commit his own identity theft on Facebook and violate the Facebook terms of service he has agreed to,...
 | 4/1/2015 11:39:15 AM - Just because you don't use Facebook doesn't mean the social media giant isn't secretly tracking your every move online. A shocking new investigative report out of Europe has revealed that even non-users of the mostly Waste-of-Time-Book are having tracking cookies quietly placed on their computers and...
 | 4/1/2015 10:58:52 AM - A U.S. military exercise involving hundreds of special operations forces including Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets that is set to kick off in a number of states around the country and focus on the South and Southwest is prompting a number of patriot organizations to man up and launch what they describe...
 | 3/26/2015 6:03:02 PM - If you're a Facebook user, the European Commission is warning that you're being spied on.
Recently, a member of the EU warned European citizens that they ought to close their Facebook accounts if they have any intentions of keeping their personal information away from the prying eyes of U.S. intelligence...
 | 2/25/2015 - Now that Oprah has discontinued her much beloved book club, billionaire owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has stepped in with an attempt to fulfill the void for people who enjoy basing their reading on what famous people suggest. The program entitled "A Year in Books," suggests a new book every two...
 | 1/16/2015 - The reach of social media into people's personal lives is becoming unsettlingly invasive, with a recent study outlining how a new Facebook tool is capable of tracking users' emotional states in real time based on their messages and status updates.
Researchers from Spain have developed a program known...
 | 12/8/2014 - A Wisconsin man who has filed suit in federal court has claimed that Village of Arena police introduced irrelevant racial undertones in an investigation of him, resulting in an unfair arrest.
As reported by Courthouse News, the recently filed complaint names the village as well as police officer...
 | 12/2/2014 - When a Facebook user updates their status, comments on a post, or sends a message, they are creating open content that can be leveraged by advertisers, analyzed by researchers, or scrutinized by law enforcement. Nothing on Facebook is private, no matter how a person sets their "privacy settings." When...
 | 11/18/2014 11:32:06 AM - Healthcare workers at Hope Assisted Living & Memory Care Center in Dacula, Georgia, whose identities have not been made known as of this writing, have informed Health Impact News that on November 7, 2014, five residents of the center received flu vaccinations, only to die one week later.(1)
 | 10/30/2014 - Increasingly, Facebook is being accused of censoring material that users post on the world's largest social media website, prompting outrage and confusion from many who see hypocrisy in the site's rules.
In one recent instance, as reported by InfoWars.com, multiple users of the site have complained...
 | 9/27/2014 - Social media giant Facebook was started as a way for people to interact in positive ways, but apparently that doesn't include allowing a concerned father to make emotional appeals on behalf of his ailing infant son.
According to various news reports, the North Carolina father's appeal on Facebook...
 | 9/26/2014 - Social media giant Facebook may be the largest, wealthiest website on the face of the planet, but that doesn't mean it's a place where you should be. That is increasingly the case as the site becomes more intrusive on your privacy, more cold-hearted in its policies and harder on your wallet.
 | 8/18/2014 - Share this alert with everyone you know in alternative media, natural health, honest journalism and truth-seeking: The era of "mainstream social media" (i.e. Facebook, etc.) as a trusted social media hub is coming to a close. As everyone has noticed by now, Facebook selectively censors posts based on...
 | 7/9/2014 - British officials are looking into charges that Facebook treated scores of users like lab rats during an experiment that probed their emotions.
According to The Epoch Times, the British Information Commissioner's Office has said it will seek to learn more about the conditions surrounding a two-year-old...
 | 7/8/2014 - The digital age has not been kind to privacy, as both government and private-sector institutions and corporations have used electronic social media communications and interactions for self-interested purposes, and without our permission.
Social media giant Facebook is in hot water again for this...
 | 7/7/2014 - The internet erupted in protest last week over the revelation that Facebook ran a psychological experiment on 700,000 users designed to see just how easily information could be used to manipulate their emotions. "Facebook's ill-advised psychological experiment is alarming because it suggests that the...
 | 5/5/2014 11:49:11 AM - The stakes have been raised in the fight for food sovereignty with the recent announcement of a nationwide boycott against Monsanto stock. This Friday, May 9, Food Democracy Now!, in conjunction with Natural News, the Cornucopia Institute and many others, is holding a National Day of Action at Fidelity...
 | 3/20/2014 - Is it possible that the world's No. 1 social media site could be contributing to another unhealthy condition? Yes, say researchers, who note that young women, especially, who spend a great deal of time on Facebook are more likely to be concerned about body image and, as such, are at risk for eating...
 | 2/14/2014 - 2014 exists in an era when technology allows us to instantaneously access vast amounts of information; however, this advancement has apparently caused our intellect to dwindle, resulting in a population of people unable to think analytically.
A recent study conducted by Dr. lyad Rahwan, an honorary...
 | 2/10/2014 - If you're a woman who wants to have a natural childbirth at home - and then document the wonderful moments on your favorite social media site with comments and photos - you might want to think twice. You could be in violation of anti-pornography policies.
That's right - or it is in the world according...
 | 2/8/2014 - If you thought that the politicians who get caught "sinning" were a dime a dozen, wait until Facebook transcribes everyone's phone calls; heck, the next super pac advertisement you see may just include most of the Tea Party doing their "thing" on social media, not knowing what was on the horizon. The...
 | 7/3/2013 - Are online social media sites like Facebook, Google+ and others as addictive as some drugs like meth? Yes, say an increasing number of social observers and experts. Their advice? Step away from the computer and do it now, while you still can.
Don't get us wrong; we here at NaturalNews understand...
 | 7/2/2013 - If you're one of those who held out hope that social media sites like Facebook actually adhered to their own privacy policies, I'm sorry to say that you've been duped. Badly.
Reports that surfaced June 23 indicated that some sort of "bug" inadvertently revealed personal information on some six million...
 | 6/11/2013 - Social media giant Facebook is the target of a new human rights campaign trying to rid the site of highly-offensive, gender-based hate speech, according to new reports. The Everyday Sexism Project (ESP), Women, Action & the Media (WAM!), and several other activist groups have officially launched "#FBRape,"...
 | 6/9/2013 - Breaking news -- this is one of the biggest stories of our lifetime -- it is critical for all internet users to read and understand this. The Guardian has just released a new slide today from its collection of 41 PRISM slides detailing the top secret NSA spy program that has, for years, granted the...
 | 6/8/2013 - What do Google, AOL, Skype, Facebook, Apple, Hotmail and Yahoo all have in common? They have all been caught turning over private user data to the government's spy agency, the NSA. All these companies routinely turn over the emails, voice calls, text chats, photos, files and even logins and passwords...
 | 6/7/2013 - In a week that has already been rocked by one explosive government spy scandal involving the NSA scooping up phone call data and geographic locations of Verizon customers, another scandalous discovery has just erupted that's sure to "wake up" millions of Americans who have been living in denial.
 | 5/28/2013 - Due to Facebook's outrageous campaign of censorship against anyone attempting to post comments or photos about autism, GMOs, vaccines or the Second Amendment, Natural News has made an executive decision to ditch Facebook for its comment system.
Effective immediately, we are dropping the Facebook...
 | 5/28/2013 - When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news. Drudge Report linked to our Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for sharing a photo Facebook absurdly called "abusive."
 | 5/26/2013 - In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today's global March Against Monsanto.
The picture shows two children...
 | 2/18/2013 - I became aware of the block and censorship a few days ago, soon after I wrote and published the article: "Ruthless State of the Union: current crime boss speaks."
That article was about Obama, and it was also about every president as far back as Nixon. It mainly...
 | 2/18/2013 - A social media marketing experiment recently launched by food giant General Mills went down in flames less than one day after it was created following a groundswell of opposition to the company's hidden use of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). According to Activist Post, a Facebook "app" created...
 | 2/9/2013 - Facebook caught on fast and furious to become the premier social networking platform in the world. In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg, depicted in the movie "The Social Network" as a brash Harvard sophomore who cared not about others' thoughts and/or feelings, started a social networking interface called Facemash.
 | 2/1/2013 - People who regularly engage in the unrealistic and egomaniacal world of social media behemoth Facebook could be making themselves sick, at least mentally. A comprehensive report on the long-term health effects of using Facebook has found that many of the site's users, and particularly those that use...
 | 1/24/2013 - Among certain people, the use of Facebook may lead to inflated self-esteem, poor self-control, and risky or even self-destructive behavior, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, Columbia Business School and published in the Journal of Consumer Research.
 | 12/28/2012 - They are convenient, relatively easy to use, and help millions of people around the world stay connected with family and friends, at least digitally. But social media portals like Facebook and Twitter are increasingly being exposed as what appear to be bait-and-switch spying networks funded, and potentially...
 | 12/27/2012 - The reports are absolutely true. Facebook suspended the Natural News account earlier today after we posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:
"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."...
 | 12/19/2012 - Social media site Facebook has decided to turn the First Amendment on its head, which is remarkable for no less a reason than because its creator has made a fortune on the concept of free, open and unedited speech.
According to reports, Facebook has begun suspending the accounts of users who throw...
 | 11/29/2012 - Two separate studies have emerged pointing to the conclusion that for all its popularity, Facebook is actually making people unhappy.
The first study, conducted by researchers from New Zealand's University of Canterbury, sought to determine how people felt about the various activities that they spent...
 | 10/21/2012 - There is a great need among many mothers for breast milk for their newborn babies, and one of the ways this need is being met is through Facebook groups dedicated to buying, selling, or simply trading breast milk. Though the practice is receiving considerable scorn from the medical establishment, many...
 | 10/8/2012 - Are you one of the tens of millions of Facebook users who don't think you can live without it? If you value your privacy in a high-tech society in which 24/7 surveillance is a virtual reality - especially online - you might want to reassess just how important the site really is to you.
 | 8/23/2012 - The thought police are hard at work in America, crushing anyone who expresses ideas of liberty and freedom. The latest case involves U.S. veteran Brandon Raub, who posted text on Facebook saying, among other things, that 9/11 was an inside job, that the country is being run by an evil cabal of insiders,...
 | 8/5/2012 - When Facebook announced earlier this year it would hold an initial public offering of stock, some early analyses of the social media giant speculated its value could reach as high as $100 billion.
In early May, the company set its share prices in the $28-35 range and announced it planned to offer...
 | 6/23/2012 - Have you ever been "tagged" by someone - a friend, a co-worker, or perhaps someone you don't really know that well but who may be a friend of a friend - on Facebook? You may want to rethink that whole concept, thanks to a little purchase the social media giant made recently.
Facebook has purchased...
 | 6/15/2012 - Online "trolling," a practice that often involves individuals or even government entities hiding behind the veil of online anonymity for the purpose of harassing, intimidating, bullying and/or threatening others, could become a whole lot more difficult. British news source, The Guardian, reports that...
 | 3/9/2012 - If you are a student athlete attending the University of North Carolina (UNC) or an employee at the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (MDPS), you may have already experienced a privacy invasion into your social networking life. According to a recent msnbc.com report, employers...
 | 3/1/2012 - As early as the late 1970s, there have been privacy concerns in the so-called "information age." And why not? At every stage since the widespread acceptance and use of the computer, and especially the Internet, someone has been trying to invade your privacy.
The latest infringement comes from Facebook,...
 | 12/22/2011 - If you use Facebook and think your personal information is private and secure, think again. Back in January, the social media empire unveiled a new "Sponsored Stories" function that attaches user photos to the goods and services they "Like" in order to market such products to friends and acquaintances....
 | 9/28/2011 - The social media empire Facebook has unveiled some new "features" on its platform in recent days that many allege are a total and compete privacy-breaching nightmare. But one hidden feature, discovered by Nik Cubrilovic, an Australian entrepreneur and writer, that few people are aware of is the fact...
 | 9/2/2011 - A secret campaign to take out groups and organizations that oppose the policies and agendas of the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) and the US government has been outed, thanks to an archive of private emails obtained by Think Progress. According to reports, USCC hired HBGary, Federal and several other...
 | 5/28/2011 - "Conspiracy" has numerous definitions. Simply put, it's an agreement between two or more persons to engage in evil, unlawful, treacherous, or subversive acts for their personal gain. The words "conspiracy theory" carry heavy connotative weight and they're often applied when a business or governmental...
 | 5/12/2011 - In a lot of respects the digital age has been a boon to mankind, in terms of boosting productivity and the introduction of amazing new technology that has made life easier and much more enjoyable. But so much capability has also come with a price, and in the case of top social networking site Facebook,...
| 3/12/2011 - Mothers who have a difficult time producing breast milk for their babies -- or those who produce more than they need and want to share it with other mothers -- can now make a connection through Facebook, thanks to the group "Eats On Feets." The group, which states that it is "a network of online regional...
 | 2/15/2011 - The Organic Consumers Association needs 435 volunteers, who will each create an OCA Truth-in-Labeling Chapter for each U.S. Congressional District and to coordinate a drive to gather 2300 petition signatures on our Truth-in-Labeling petition in order to strengthen our national network and to mobilize...
| 11/21/2010 - The social networking site Facebook is causing a new wave of physical and mental health problems, say researchers from Italy. According to their analysis, scientists say that Facebook has become "a new source of psychological stress" that is capable of inducing asthma attacks, particularly in those...
 | 8/26/2010 - When broadcast television was first invented in the first half of the 20th century, it was quickly heralded as a technological breakthrough that would inspire, educate and uplift human civilization. Educational programs and useful knowledge could be cheaply and efficiently broadcast to people everywhere,...
| 7/25/2010 - Popular social networking site Facebook is apparently good for a lot more than just chatting with friends and posting pictures. A recent Fox News article explains that many people in desperate need of transplant organs are finding quick matches through their connections on Facebook.
As far-fetched...
 | 11/13/2009 - When you publish a hard-hitting story containing links to lots of little-known documents, you never know what kind of bizarre blow-back you'll receive. The latest episode of reactive strangeness occurred following our publication of the story about SIGA Technologies and the conflicts of interest found...
| 2/20/2009 - The immensely popular Facebook.com has banned NoStimulus.com, a site that offers an anti-stimulus pack petition. The website allows citizens to let their protests be heard by sending their outcries to their respective representatives, and it ran an ad to let Facebook users know about it. Facebook let...
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The Honest Food Guide is
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HealingFoodReference.com offers
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