EMF news, articles and information:
 | 11/22/2016 - People who pass off concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as belonging in the "tin foil hat" category of paranoia might want to take a closer look at some of the evidence of harm caused by EMF exposure.
While it's true that some EMFs are naturally emitted by the sun and even the earth, the...
 | 8/24/2016 - What would your life be like if you didn't have a microwave oven? While your microwave certainly saves you time, is it slowly destroying your health? Not only do microwaves attract the most unhealthy, nutrient-depleted foods, but they also expose families to electromagnetic radiation that permeates...
 | 4/25/2016 - In recent years there have been increasing reports that "smart meters" – the digitized electric meters that are designed to send usage figures to power companies wirelessly – are causing a range of health issues among a growing portion of the population where such devices are in use.
 | 7/3/2015 - The health danger of 'electrical pollution' is grossly misunderstood by Western medicine. But, for those suffering with the ill effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposure – this is no laughing matter. If you're suffering with chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, autoimmune disorders...
 | 6/24/2015 - EMFs are very difficult to avoid in the modern world. Aside from living on a power-free island, they are going to find us, and we need to do our best to negate the harmful consequences. However, there are some places that are much worse than others that contribute the most to our EMF load due to the...
 | 4/28/2015 - Thousands of California residents were left without power recently after their so-called "smart" meters exploded due to an unexpected power surge. According to CBS Sacramento, more than 5,000 homes in the Stockton area were left with blackened, charred, and completely destroyed smart meters after a...
 | 3/30/2015 6:00:12 PM - According to the site stopsmartmeters.org, thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a 'smart' meter was installed. The ongoing research results and evidence of the health hazards of wireless technology is growing right...
 | 7/18/2014 - Some people are nervous when it comes to air travel, and for good reason. The publicity of events like American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 that crashed into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center complex, US Airways Flight 1549 that crashed into the Hudson River...
 | 1/29/2014 - The French National Assembly has adopted a bill to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technologies - cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi etc. This bill will mean the following:
• A ban on Wi-Fi in all childcare facilities for children under the age of 3.
• Cell...
 | 8/10/2013 - Nearly 8 million people worldwide die from cancer on an annual basis. Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death, killing almost 17 million people in 2011; both of these statistics are spiraling out of control. Now three top scientists, Dr. Panagopoulos of the University of Athens , Associate...
 | 7/11/2013 - Two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight, and about one-quarter to one-third of adults are obese. Fact. Poor diet and a lack of exercise are at fault, the experts say. But what if the cause of this epidemic was something even more insidious? What if that which is considered the lifeblood of our...
 | 1/14/2013 - The average person usually doesn't realize they are jeopardizing their health by innocently clicking away on the computer or talking on a cordless phone. Linked with cancer, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, miscarriage and a host of other devastating diseases, electromagnetic fields...
 | 1/8/2013 - A shocking new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health from wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation) and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has substantially increased since 2007. Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are...
 | 5/17/2012 - Stray voltage, also known as stray electricity, ground current or neutral-to-earth voltage, is generally defined as a current that arises both from the distribution systems of the electrical utilities, e.g., underground wires, power lines, and from the electrical systems of consumers. These currents...
 | 11/18/2011 - Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are emitted by all electronic devices. This means that EMFs are in your home, in your office, and even outside! Unfortunately, few people are aware of the dangers of overexposure to EMFs and even fewer know how to prevent it. EMF filters are a great way to keep your...
 | 11/16/2011 - The debate surrounding the relative dangers of electromagnetic radiation has raged on for years. As technology has become more and more advanced, and more electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are created, the fact that electromagnetic radiation can be harmful cannot be ignored. Wireless routers, one of...
 | 11/7/2011 - Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are areas of energy that form around all electrical appliances and devices. Your body is sensitive to electricity (some if its functions actually rely upon electric current), so it is understandable how you can be affected by the EMFs radiated by cells phones, microwaves,...
| 8/23/2011 - Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are made of energy that is created by electronic and magnetic devices, such as cell phones, microwaves, refrigerators, power lines, and other common appliances and gadgets. The EMF is especially strong when these devices are plugged into the wall, allowing an increased...
| 7/31/2010 - In recent years, many of us have grown increasingly aware of the possible dangers posed by Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) [1]. As electrical and wireless applications continue to become more ubiquitous in society, so our exposure to EMFs continues to climb. Although low levels of natural electromagnetic...
| 6/29/2010 - There has been a fair amount of buzz on the Internet speculating whether or not the emergence of electric vehicles (hybrids, battery electrics, etc.) will lead to a rash of sickness and death from electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These concerns are largely unfounded based on simple examination of the...
 | 6/10/2010 - Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who are extra sensitive to electrical devices that emit "dirty" electricity.
Type-3 diabetics actually...
| 1/6/2009 - How concerned should we be about electromagnetic fields (EMFs)? In general, EMFs are probably not the most dangerous or troublesome source of harm people may consider in their daily lives. There are many more blatant sources of harm to one's health. However, it is important to realize that EMFs are...
 | 5/26/2008 - I first bought a Gauss meter a couple years ago because I was concerned about my electric blanket. When I got the meter home and tested the blanket with the sensor just touching the surface of the blanket, as your skin would, it gave a very high reading. Fortunately, I found a "99.98% EMF Cut" electric...
 | 4/22/2008 - Electricity has become an integral part of our lives, with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) all around us. Electricity certainly makes our lives easier in many ways. Is it possible that electricity is also making our lives shorter?
Most experts agree that some limited exposure to EMFs is not a threat....
 | 4/2/2008 - In September 2007, the EU's European Environment Agency (EEA)1 and the country of Germany2 both issued warnings to their citizens advising them to avoid the use of WiFi and cell phones until further long term studies are conducted, citing fears that the ubiquitous use of wireless...
| See all 51 EMF feature articles.Concept-related articles:Technology:Cell phones:Microwave:Electronics:Cell phone:WiFi:Sleep:Computers:Exercise:Radiation:Health:Children:EMFs:Brain:Risk:Environment:
Concepts related to EMF
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
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