DEA news, articles and information:
 | 11/28/2016 - The cannabis plant's medicinal value is virtually unmatched by any modern medicine – even scientific evidence has shown us that. And yet, for some reason, the DEA continues to ignore the mountains of evidence that medical marijuana can, and does, help millions of people across the United States.
 | 10/18/2016 - The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is now free to ban all access to a plant known as kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) that for centuries has served as a natural remedy for pain, and that's helped countless opiate addicts overcome withdrawal symptoms. The federal government claims that kratom serves no legitimate...
 | 10/11/2016 - Humans have been using medical cannabis to treat a vast array of ailments for thousands of years. Physicians in the United States used it as far back as the 1800s, at which time they were allowed to operate independently, free from government regulation. At that time, cannabis was one of their most...
 | 10/8/2016 - Bolivia, one of the world's three coca-growing countries (along with Peru and Colombia), found a way to end its bloody drug wars – by legalizing coca and kicking out the DEA.
Although the strategy runs counter to that of the U.S. (which continues to pursue its largely useless eradication and...
 | 10/6/2016 - Scores of scientists and consumers of an herbal remedy used to produce mild, opioid-like painkilling effects, are incensed that the Obama administration is set to add it to a list of Schedule I drugs that are considered by the government to be the most dangerous.
As reported by the Seattle Times,...
 | 10/1/2016 - The scientific and medical communities have known for years that there are many problems associated with the abuse of prescription opioid medications. The federal government itself is also well aware of the problem.
So why would a federal agency, especially the one agency in charge of medication...
 | 9/7/2016 - The DEA recently announced plans for banning yet another medicinal herb. Kratom is a herbal supplement that's grown in popularity over the last few years here in the United States. People who take kratom for therapeutic purposes say it provides natural, gentle relief for a variety of ailments. Capsules...
 | 9/6/2016 - For decades, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), of the herb cannabis sativa, has been at the top of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) hit list. This targeted plant and its natural properties continue to be classified as a schedule one drug on the DEA's senseless drug scheduling system. Cannabis is listed alongside...
 | 8/15/2016 - Obama's war on humanity just took another great leap toward totalitarian despotism with last week's DEA decision to deny petitions seeking to reclassify medical marijuana as a non-schedule I drug. This decision means that any person possessing natural CBD (cannabidiol) compounds derived from hemp leaves,...
 | 8/5/2016 - In a gross display of wasted taxpayer dollars, dozens of Massachusetts National Guard personnel, operating under a grant from the DEA, alongside Massachusetts State Police, descended into the backyard of an 81-year-old cancer patient in a raid last week — to protect society from the dangers of...
 | 7/27/2016 - Former Federal Judge Nancy Gertner was appointed to the federal bench by Bill Clinton in 1994. She presided over trials for 17 years. And Sunday, she stood before a crowd at The Aspen Ideas Festival to denounce most punishments that she imposed.
(Article by , republished from
 | 7/1/2016 - The medicinal value of cannabis cannot be ignored. This healing plant has successfully been used for treatment of pain, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, and even cancer.
Despite its long history of medicinal use throughout the world, cannabis has...
 | 6/15/2016 - It might have been launched with the best of intentions during the Reagan administration, but the so-called "war on drugs" has been used more times as justification for violating Americans' constitutional rights than it is possible to count.
And the government still persists in utilizing anti-drug...
 | 5/20/2016 - In a long overdue move, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has finally granted approval for clinical trials researching the therapeutic value of marijuana on veterans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The DEA's decision will potentially benefit hundreds of thousands...
 | 5/7/2016 - Unknowingly lathering up in cancer-causing chemicals, consumers often have no clue that their cosmetic products are full of cellular disrupters. With no warning labels for potentially harmful ingredients, cosmetic products are consumed en masse, as consumers openly trust the companies manufacturing...
 | 4/27/2016 - The Obama Administration and Congress continue to send conflicting messages about the cultivation and recreational use of marijuana. While such use of the drug remains against federal law, the government has been expending taxpayer dollars to wipe out entire crops.
As reported by The Washington Post,...
 | 11/18/2015 - During the second Democrat presidential debate, frontrunner Hillary Clinton made an astonishing – and wholly inaccurate – claim about guns and gun violence.
"Since we last debated in Las Vegas, nearly 3,000 people have been killed by guns. Two hundred children have been killed. This is...
 | 9/11/2015 - Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that the function of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is to reduce the manufacture, sale and trafficking of illegal drugs. However, one South American nation has thrown a huge wrench into that supposition.
The government of Bolivia recently booted...
 | 8/30/2015 - The Affordable Care Act that isn't affordable and has raised health insurance rates and the cost of healthcare.
The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, designed to improve food labeling but which actually bans states from enacting their own GMO labeling requirements, thus keeping food labels inaccurate.
 | 2/25/2015 1:37:49 PM - You can now add the Federal Communications Commission to the list of "lawless" government agencies.
Last week, the FCC will vote on new rules that its majority Democrat members have crafted in secret and have yet to let anyone outside of the five-member commission see that will essentially transform...
 | 2/18/2015 - American citizens are being monitored more closely than ever, according to a recent report by The Wall Street Journal. In the latest chapter regarding the government's systematic assault on our right to privacy, it has been revealed that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been secretly tracking...
 | 2/4/2015 - Americans were recently reminded once again that it is an exercise in futility to trust the federal government to uphold the Constitution and do its duty when it comes to proper execution of the nation's laws.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), for more than a decade -- a period of time...
 | 9/11/2014 - On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced plans to expand a government take-back program of prescription drugs in an attempt to tackle America's growing dependency on Big Pharma's best-selling products.
The new policy authorizes the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to allow hospitals,...
 | 9/3/2014 - A massive joint study (no pun intended) by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City was conducted to determine the impact on reducing prescription opioid deaths in states...
 | 7/24/2014 - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has taken a new leap toward tyranny with a major federal lawsuit filed against parcel courier FedEx, bringing outrageous charges of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and drug trafficking. The lawsuit, which seeks hundreds of millions of dollars in...
 | 7/20/2014 - More than likely concerned about its growing irrelevance now that cannabis prohibition is finally coming to an end nationwide, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has decided to launch an official investigation into the alleged prescription drug abuse culture of the National Football League (NFL).
 | 6/3/2014 - For several weeks, medical marijuana advocate groups encouraged medical cannabis proponents to cheer on their federal congressional representatives to vote "yes" on restricting the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) from raiding state-approved cannabis dispensaries. Their efforts were rewarded by the House...
 | 6/1/2014 - The federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which every year destroys the lives of thousands of Americans who exercise their God-given right to use and/or grow a natural plant (cannabis), is the subject of a new lawsuit. Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner James Comer is suing the DEA for refusing to release...
 | 5/25/2014 - A federal court in Louisville, Kentucky, heard oral arguments May 23 from lawyers and officials with the state Department of Agriculture in a case which seeks to force the U.S. Department of Justice to release imported hemp seeds.
U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II considered a motion for a restraining...
 | 5/20/2014 10:51:27 PM - Allowing full-spectrum hemp agriculture would be a boon for mankind and mother Earth. Hemp is one of the easiest plants to cultivate, requiring little or no fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. And beyond the growing awareness and use of marijuana's medical miracles, hemp plants offer a wide range...
 | 10/12/2013 - Known as the world's most horrifying drug, Krokodil has arrived in America, with official reports coming from the Banner Poison Control Center in Arizona. Rumors and hospital reports are spreading of Krokodil presence in other major U.S. cities as well.
Popular in Russia for the past decade, Krokodil...
 | 8/24/2013 - Last November, shortly after voters in Colorado and Washington State approved measures legalizing marijuana use in their states, President Barack Obama - who has admitted to smoking pot in the past - signaled that the federal government did not have much interest in pursuing the matter, despite the...
 | 8/7/2013 - Tens of millions of Americans were outraged recently after news broke that the National Security Agency, under provisions of the Patriot Act, has been tracking their private electronic communications, all in the name of combating terrorism.
Now comes news that the Drug Enforcement Agency, which is...
 | 5/5/2013 - There are several reasons why the medical cartel is too big to fail: the enormous amount of money at stake; its aim to control populations.
In this article, I want to examine a related reason.
Suppose it was discovered that thousands of bridges around the US were in imminent danger of collapsing?...
 | 4/3/2013 - Thirty years ago, Nancy Reagan launched her version of the war on drugs: "just say no."
She campaigned on that slogan all over America.
She was lampooned as an idiot.
Now, some researchers estimate that 60% of the Mexican economy would crash if the drug business disappeared there. We have US...
| 1/2/2013 - I have to begin this article with a bow in the direction of a remarkable site, SSRI stories. There you will find a huge assembly of media articles documenting the death and destruction wrought by psychiatric drugs. In particular, read the index:
It previews the...
 | 7/27/2012 - This is the transcript of an interview with health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord. See the original video on
Health Ranger: Welcome, everyone. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger with NaturalNews talking about food freedom today, and we have a very special guest: a health freedom...
 | 6/21/2012 - Not that it happens often, but when police and federal agents screw up, they sure seem to do it right.
The agency could be held liable for a botched raid during the early morning hour in 2007, when agents burst into a mobile home in Seely, Calif., guns drawn, after mixing up a suspected drug dealer's...
 | 4/16/2012 - If you happen to need even more evidence that President Obama has gutted his campaign promises and betrayed not only the left but also African Americans who enthusiastically supported his election, he has just gone public with his support for the continued war on drugs. Keeping marijuana criminalized,...
 | 4/12/2012 - Just a few months after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raided two CVS pharmacies in central Florida for ordering excessive amounts of painkiller drugs, including oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin), the agency is now pursuing half a dozen Walgreens pharmacies in the Sunshine...
 | 3/26/2012 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 12/7/2011 - Imagine for a moment you are appearing in court for money laundering. What do you think your chances are of being acquitted if you admitted you laundered cash, but said you did so only because you were conducting research into how the system of selling drugs actually worked? If you said slim-to-none,...
 | 10/25/2011 - The state of California agreed on a referendum in 1996 to legalize medical marijuana in their state. A referendum is a citizen generated ballot that is then put to popular vote. So a majority of California's voting citizens agreed that openly selling marijuana for medical purposes is okay.
 | 7/25/2011 - The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has finally acknowledged a nine-year-old petition filed by The Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis to reclassify marijuana as a schedule III, IV, or V drug, rather than its current, and more-serious, schedule I classification.
The acknowledgment, however, was...
 | 6/23/2011 - The FDA has released nine new graphic warning labels that will be required on U.S. cigarettes, offering grotesque visual images designed to dissuade smokers from purchasing cigarettes. At first glance, this might seem like a clever and effective strategy for reducing deaths from smoking cigarettes....
 | 6/9/2011 - Coca leaves have been chewed and consumed as tea for thousands of years in the high Andes. They are rich in many essential nutrients; they ease respiratory and digestive distress and are a natural stimulant and painkiller. Indigenous tradition and scientific studies have both confirmed that in their...
 | 2/24/2011 - Have no illusions about the true nature of the so-called "War on Drugs" and the actions of the DEA. The War on Drugs has always been about protecting the profits of the drug companies which have a long and well-documented history of copying street drugs, repackaging them as "medications" and selling...
 | 12/21/2010 - In arguing for S.501, the "Food Safety Modernization Act," there are all sorts of attorneys, legislators and internet commentators who keep claiming, "The government won't try to control the food production of small farms." They say, "Your backyard garden is safe" and that the feds won't come knocking...
| 11/25/2010 - U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officials recently announced a temporary ban on a popular new marijuana substitute known as "K2" or "Spice", that contains various natural herbs and a synthetic spray coating that makes the blend have a marijuana-like effect on the body. According to officials, the...
 | 11/20/2010 - Proponents of Senate Bill 510 -- the Food Safety and Modernization Act -- keep trying to claim that we need the FDA to protect us from tainted eggs, lettuce, onions and spinach. On the surface, it seems like a reasonable argument: No one should ever die from unsafe food in America, right?
But to...
 | 11/10/2008 - A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all...
 | 1/25/2007 - In California, where marijuana has been legal for medical use since the Compassionate Use Act was passed into law in 1996, Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided 11 dispensaries of medical marijuana, seizing a large cache of marijuana and marijuana-based products, raising concerns over state’s...
 | 8/15/2005 - Drugs are bad. Drugs destroy peoples' lives. Didn't you know that marijuana turns regular everyday people into zombie pot smokers? That's why we have a war on drugs in America: to protect our children from potheads.
Drugs are bad. Especially marijuana. I learned this the other day when I visited...
 | 6/6/2005 - How about some truth for a change about the Food Supplements Directive in the European Union? The proponents of this directive say that it's about protecting patients from all these dangerous vitamins, minerals, supplements, plant extracts and antioxidants that are so dangerous for people. They say,...
| See all 115 DEA feature articles.Concept-related articles:Nutrition:Hemp:Canada:The DEA:Hemp products:Consumers:Farmers:Hemp seeds:Hemp oil:Seeds:Food:Drugs:Cotton:Natural:Products:Oil:
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