Articles by David Hestrin:Improve your diet - Fruit can be a complete breakfast(NaturalNews) It is commonly known that fresh organic fruits are healthy and delicious, but most people are not even eating 3 servings a day. People know that they are good for them, but how much should they really eat? Many experts in health and nutrition...
Run Faster without Fast Food as Fuel(NaturalNews) For being a 16 time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps may be the greatest athlete of all time who eats the worst diet of all time. His infamous eating takes it to the extreme by consuming more than 10,000 calories a day mostly from junk...
Look at Medicine and its Cross-Eyed View of Nearsightedness(NaturalNews) People prescribed glasses for myopia (near-sightedness) find their error of refraction to increase by an average of -.25 diopters per year. Glasses do not cure myopia but rather treat symptoms of dis-ease.
What is the cause of myopia?
Robert Moss and the Healing Power of Dreams, Part I(NaturalNews) Robert Moss is the pioneer of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of shamanism and modern dreamwork. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the author of Conscious Dreaming and most recently:...
Windows to the Soul: An Interview with Iridologist Susan Laing(NaturalNews) Susan Laing is a Naturopathic Iridologist and is based in Leeds, England UK. She also specializes in Raw Food and runs workshops. Susan is also training to become an Ashtanga Yoga teacher.
David Hestrin: What is an iridologist?
Natural Vision Improvement with Greg Marsh CNVT Part III(NaturalNews) Greg Marsh teaches Natural Vision Improvement to people worldwide, including the Bates Method. Greg came across the Bates Method when he was extremely nearsighted in his 20's. He learned that poor eyesight is a well-established part of...
Natural Vision Improvement with Greg Marsh CNVT, Part II(NaturalNews) Greg Marsh teaches Natural Vision Improvement to people worldwide, including the Bates Method. Greg came across the Bates Method when he was extremely nearsighted in his 20's. He learned that poor eyesight is a well-established part of...
Natural Vision Improvement with Greg Marsh CNVT, Part I(NaturalNews) Greg Marsh teaches Natural Vision Improvement to people worldwide, including the Bates Method. Greg came across the Bates Method when he was extremely nearsighted in his 20's. He learned that poor eyesight is a well-established part of...
Interview with Troy Casey: The Certified Health Nut(NaturalNews) Troy Casey is currently a field correspondent for Discoveryʼs Planet Green Network and a full time Dad. Through the popular internet medium YouTube, Troy is well known as "The Certified Health Nut" producing hundreds of thousands of...
Learning and Living Organic Lifestyle with WWOOF(NaturalNews) Since 1971, people are living and learning sustainable lifestyles thanks in part to WWOOF - World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. Founded by Sue Croppard, WWOOF was created with the goal of giving city dwellers a weekend opportunity...
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