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American Cancer Society website literally suggests recipes that CAUSE cancer while the rest of us are fighting to prevent and cure it
08/02/2017 // S.D. Wells // 23.8K Views

The number one fuel that creates cancer cells and causes them to spread throughout the human body is food that contains chemicals. Processed sugar, insecticides, herbicides, nitrates in meat, hormones in meat and dairy, artificial sweeteners and genetically modified "anything" just begins the laundry list of American foods that are manufactured, dosed and processed with carcinogenic, cell-mutating chemicals that cause the uncontrolled multiplication of deadly cells in the human body. Consuming these non-natural concoctions is literally a "recipe for disaster," and the very organizations that claim they're searching "for the cure" are recommending we eat more chemicals, even while we are battling cancer. If that's not the most insidious scheme on planet earth, then we all better wake up fast and smell the toxic coffee that's brewing right under our noses.

Recipes for disaster as recommended by the American Cancer-Causing Society – the infamous "ACS"

Did you know that nearly 30 percent of all ACS money goes directly into the deep pockets of the CEOs, their administrators and their managers? Yes, causing cancer is big business, so the American Cancer Society (ACS) has set up over 3,000 offices across our pesticide-laden country, where cryptic scam organizations sponsor their "Relay For Life" and the "Great American Smoke-out." Are you donating your hard earned money to the filthy rich CEO of ACS, John Seffrin, who snagged a cool $2.2 million salary from the "charity" back in 2010?

Plus, back in 1995, the Arizona chapter of ACS was exposed for using 95 percent of its donations for paying salaries and “overhead” costs. The ACS goes out of its way to attack reports about toxins in foods that lead to human cell mutation and suffocation. It's time we all ask ourselves, are we supporting the war against cancer or the war FOR cancer?


Instead of simply promoting cancer-causing foods, the ACS promotes them for Americans to consume DURING their cancer treatment

The following recipes are summarized directly from the ACS main website, where the title reads, "Recipes to try during cancer treatment." If you're having trouble swallowing, the ACS suggests that you should suck down some conventional liquid dairy products that contain pathogens, pus, blood, feces, artificial hormones and genetically modified organisms.

Here's the first recipe for health disaster for a "high-protein shake" that increases risk of cancer. Take 3/4 cup of non-organic whole or low-fat milk (either choice is toxic) and mix it with one cup of sherbert (that contains pesticide-laden, diabetes- and cancer-causing HFCS–high fructose corn syrup). Then add some vanilla extract. Mix it all in your blender and voilà – you just helped your cancer cells mutate, multiply uncontrollably, and spread throughout your body. Thanks ACS!

But wait, there's more. Want a "tangy protein smoothie" that causes cancer while you're trying to fight off cancer? It's simple. Here's all you have to do, according to the confounded ACS recipe: Go to just about any typical grocery store or Walmart in America and buy some cheap, heavily-processed, toxic dairy products. You're going to need ? cup of conventional, hormone-laden cottage cheese or plain yogurt, ½ cup of high fructose corn syrup-loaded vanilla ice cream, ¼ cup of prepared fruit-flavored gelatin (remember gelatin comes from diseased animals' reduced hides, muscles and connective tissues), and a ¼ cup low-fat milk. Notice that nowhere does the ACS recommend organic products that are chemical free. Here's an inside look at the cancer-causing ingredients and pathogens found in conventional dairy products.


Now, here comes the ACS' "classic instant breakfast milk shake," loaded with cancer-causing sugars. It's a "protein- and calorie-packed favorite" – seriously folks, you can't make this stuff up. Again, we remind you that the ACS is recommending that you drink this while fighting cancer with chemical-based cancer treatments. The milk shake ingredients includes ½ a cup of low-fat milk or fortified milk, and an entire cup of vanilla ice cream, and on top of that inflammation- and mucus-enhancing nightmare, the ACS suggests that you add some chocolate or strawberry syrup. The syrup, since they don't recommend organic, will be loaded with HFCS -- and sugar feeds cancer -- period!

And lastly, let's take a close look at the ACS' recommended recipe for "chicken and white bean soup." Start off with one rotisserie chicken breast section or 3 cups chopped white chicken meat (both of which will contain antibiotics and hormones). Then add one tablespoon of canola oil (that's genetically modified and contains pesticide residuals), add 6 cups of reduced-sodium chicken broth (many of these mixtures contain monosodium glutamate – MSG). Don't forget to sauté some conventional, pesticide-laden vegetables and chuck it all in a crock pot. Finally, season with irradiated, iodized salt and pepper.

Per TruthWiki entry:

Critics right and left have questioned ACS’s apparent “conflicts of interest” since they have so many ties to chemical industries and those industry donations that come streaming in on a consistent basis. This is not in the public’s interest that this business takes place and is labeled “non-profit” and declares a hundred-year-war on something that just keeps getting worse and more common – cancer. One in three Americans get cancer in their life and about fifty percent of those survive.

To top it off, ACS continues to support mammograms, which have been called into question time and time again for their safety and efficacy, with cases and research warning us, dating back into the 1970s. False readings are also a common nightmare for the patients of this chronic care industry that rakes in billions every year – and that being the “war on cancer” that’s waged on the wrong front. The true war on cancer is won by consuming organic food, non-fluoridated water and pursuing natural remedies that work holistically to heal, prevent disease and cell disorder, and keep chemicals and known carcinogens out of the body.

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