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It’s time to end fake news, dismantle the corporate media fakers and reveal the TRUTH to all Americans
07/07/2017 // Ethan Huff // 15.3K Views

The circus act that is the mainstream media these days has created total disillusionment among many in the United States. No longer can Americans trust their favorite news outlets to tell them the truth because of the widespread purveyance of fake news. And many in the "alternative" media are now declaring that this must come to an end – and as quickly as possible – if there is to be any chance at preserving even a shred of journalistic credibility in today's news climate.

Leading the charge to stamp out fake news once and for all is Project Veritas head James O'Keefe, who recently released undercover video footage depicting a CNN producer openly admitting that the Atlanta-based network publishes and airs fake news. Pretty much everything that CNN put forth as news over the past year concerning Russian interference in the 2016 election, for instance, was completely false – a fact that was essentially proven when three CNN employees suddenly decided to "quit" their jobs.

CNN and others have been endlessly repeating the now-debunked claim that President Trump was somehow involved with Russian efforts to turn American voters against Hillary Clinton. The failed Democratic presidential candidate has continually alleged that she lost not because people didn't like her, and thus didn't vote for her, but rather that Russian agents somehow mind-controlled enough people to vote for Donald Trump.

It's a wild conspiracy theory that's completely without merit, of course. It even sounds crazy without having any evidence whatsoever to the contrary. But the fact remains that there's no evidence to support it, and yet CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and countless other news outlets picked up the story and ran with it, to their own demise.


"I think this is the year that we end fake news," O'Keefe told Raheen Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart London, during a recent airing of Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius X.M. radio.

Trump's aggressive stand against fake news is a 'great thing' for civilization, says O'Keefe

Knowing what we already know about the fabrications that have surfaced concerning the Russia conspiracy theory, it's clear that the mainstream media has utterly failed to perform due diligence in fact-checking what it publishes. But O'Keefe says there's a whole lot more where that came from, and that his group plans to release even more damning information in the coming days.

"All these media companies will be exposed one by one," he added about the intolerable prevalence of fake news.

Concerning President Trump's willingness to take a public stand against this fake news, O'Keefe added the following about its impact:

"He is forcing the media to report on things that otherwise they would not report on. This is going to expose the propaganda apparatus for what it is, and that's a great thing for the rest of civilization."

The Times voluntarily retracted its own fake news story this past week after it was no longer possible to publicly defend it without becoming the laughingstock of the world. The paper reluctantly admitted in an article footnote that its claim of "17 intelligence agencies" that had supposedly confirmed Russian hacking of last year's election – a completely made-up conspiracy theory concocted by none other than Hillary Clinton herself – was, indeed, false.

The Associated Press (AP) issued its own retraction as well, admitting that it had published fake news about the "17 intelligence agencies" on at least four separate occasions – including on April 6, June 2, June 26, and June 19. However, the AP still insinuated that the information it published about alleged Russian ties to election tampering may have been valid because the Director of National Intelligence "represents all U.S. intelligence agencies."

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