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Big Pharma documentary: History of chemicals, poison, disease, power and kids on amphetamines
02/04/2017 // Ethan Huff // 17.6K Views

Have you ever wondered how "Big Pharma" attained the power it now has over our system of medicine? Or why our food, water and air – our most precious resources – are all now polluted by deadly chemicals that are completely unnecessary for our existence and that never should have been approved for use in the first place?

A new documentary film by Era of Wisdom entitled, Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players, takes a closer look at these and other pertinent issues, divulging the little-known history of the chemical industry, and how we came to be a nation saturated in poisons that are destroying both our earth and our bodies. (RELATED: Read more news about the crimes and corruption of Big Pharma at DrugCartels.news)

This free documentary available for viewing on YouTube uncovers many truths that you'll never hear about in the mainstream media that affect every area of your life, from the things you eat to the personal care products you put on your body and even the sprays you apply to your lawn. Written and directed by Cassius Kamarampi and narrated by Josh Mur, Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players pinpoints all the major players in this system of disease and death, and highlights how they fit into the bigger puzzle of corruption that dominates our modern system of living.

There was once a time when everyday people used natural folk remedies to minimize pain and cope with disease, and yet today thousands of young children are being prescribed legal methamphetamines to treat "behavioral problems." How did we fall so far from where we began, and is it possible to ever return? Understanding how we got here in the first place is an important first step, and this is a big part of what Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players aims to achieve.


The film "documents the full history of allopathic medicine, the hidden history of what we call 'big pharma,' and how the world generally came to be the way it is today," the film's producers explain. "It examines the history of chemicals, poison in particular, disease, power, and psychopathy."

You can watch the film in its entirety for free here.


Support Era of Wisdom by watching and sharing the film, and by making donations

It's not every day that a film like this with so much useful information comes along, especially for free. Era of Wisdom simply wants to get this information out to as many people as possible for the benefit of humanity, and is only accepting donations as payment from those who want to support this important work. Donations can be made here.

You can also access the full transcript for the film, including sources, images and video credits, for free, here.

Much of what you've likely been told, or perhaps believe due to consensus, about the nature of medicine is sure to be upset by what you'll learn from this important film. The entire foundation of allopathic medicine is built upon a lie, and one that's had utterly detrimental effects on humanity and our precious planet. This is the type of information that needs to be spread far and wide in order to wake more people up and set humanity on a different course towards a much brighter future.

Our bodies aren't in dire need of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and chemicals to stay alive, as much of the world has been falsely led to believe. They require steady nutrition and holistic life support, which simply can't be found at your local pharmacy. Learn the truth by watching this important documentary and sharing it with your family and friends.

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